I'm an idiot even after cerebrolysin + Semax



Aug 17, 2018
I tried so many nootropics I could have done surgeries or at least a nice trip.
I've been tested many times since I was a kid, I always had bad grades and problems at doing simple stuff requested.
I dont have ADHD, I just have OCD and borderline IQ unfortunately.

My language/writing skills are good but everything else is really bad.
I always had huge problems in math, geometry, I dont have dycalculia ( already tested in 2016).

I have problems with learning :
- I cant learn anything even after long periods of time, results are always ridicolous compared to normal people.
Even basic jobs like banqueting waiter were too much for me, I couldnt remember the mise en place, people who requested sonething exc

- no memory retention

- I have 0 visual memory, I forgot roads I do everyday and I dont have sense of direction. I forget where I park my car exc

- im basically seen as a kid even if Im.29.

Im already doing CBT and Im on zoloft.
Zoloft didnt make me dumber at all btw

Now Im doing :
- dual n back ( 30 minutes a day )
- meditation
- hiit ( 1 or 2 times a week )
- good diet and sleep
- lions mane
- red light therapy on my scalp/head exc

Is there anything else I can do?

Literally I want to rope there isnt a single solution
  • +1
Reactions: Nims, Deleted member 5815 and wollet2
get plenty of sunlight, eliminate inflammatory dietary triggers (ZERO tolerance framework), focus on seafood, shellfish, red meat, pasture eggs, bone broth & gelatin, dairy if tolerated. Stop eating vegetables or gluten

replenish thiamine (megadose) and all the other b vitamins then supplement with magnesium 400mg elemental daily minimum
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero and Mr.Proper
It's impossible to increase IQ using these methods, just like how it's impossible to grow your height doing stretches.

How do you maximize your potential?
Exercise, Good Nutrition, Intellectual stimulation, etc.

Although I think you have some anxiety problems and possibly low self-esteem, as there are a lot of low IQ people that are happy.

I think you should continue your therapy until your problems are resolved.
I tried so many nootropics I could have done surgeries or at least a nice trip.
I've been tested many times since I was a kid, I always had bad grades and problems at doing simple stuff requested.
I dont have ADHD, I just have OCD and borderline IQ unfortunately.

My language/writing skills are good but everything else is really bad.
I always had huge problems in math, geometry, I dont have dycalculia ( already tested in 2016).

I have problems with learning :
- I cant learn anything even after long periods of time, results are always ridicolous compared to normal people.
Even basic jobs like banqueting waiter were too much for me, I couldnt remember the mise en place, people who requested sonething exc

- no memory retention

- I have 0 visual memory, I forgot roads I do everyday and I dont have sense of direction. I forget where I park my car exc

- im basically seen as a kid even if Im.29.

Im already doing CBT and Im on zoloft.
Zoloft didnt make me dumber at all btw

Now Im doing :
- dual n back ( 30 minutes a day )
- meditation
- hiit ( 1 or 2 times a week )
- good diet and sleep
- lions mane
- red light therapy on my scalp/head exc

Is there anything else I can do?

Literally I want to rope there isnt a single solution
Go carnivore if that doesnt help COPE
- im basically seen as a kid even if Im.29.
because you look like one, why do you even care about "intellect"
nothing except looks matters
What was your dose, the frequency of that dose, and for how long did you keep taking it?
  • +1
Reactions: Erik-Jón
because you look like one, why do you even care about "intellect"
nothing except looks matters
No BrO DeMoNS In mY HeaD mEaN NOTHING to mE!
No BrO DeMoNS In mY HeaD mEaN NOTHING to mE!
the only "demon" in my head is that I'm worthless because I'm not a chad - and its not really a demon but just reality
Have you tested for sleep apnea? Might be well hidden. Also, iron levels, thyroid hormones, sex hormones, vitamin d, hsCRP.
  • +1
Reactions: MSEinvestigator and Deleted member 5815

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