I'm even shorter than i thought i was.

and i already been to endocrinologist and she told me i was fine.
murder her.
Especially "She" lmao, telling 5'2 teens they're perfectly fine and denying them legal access to proper treatment,
but then swiping left on 6'1 men on Tinder, is this a dream?
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murder her.
Especially "She" lmao, telling 5'2 teens they're perfectly fine and denying them legal access to proper treatment,
but then swiping left on 6'1 men on Tinder, is this a dream?
for real son
fucking ravage that bitch
i wish i could give this kid 20 cm of my height just to see him have a normal life
  • So Sad
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murder her.
Especially "She" lmao, telling 5'2 teens they're perfectly fine and denying them legal access to proper treatment,
but then swiping left on 6'1 men on Tinder, is this a dream?

I have the papers, my hormones are fine.

I should've HGHmaxx when i had the chance. :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
To be honest, in that places they always take you a few cms, usually 2 or 3 from your real height.
  • Woah
Reactions: Roping Subhuman
I feel you OP - life fucking sucks as a manlet. I know because I'm a manlet too.
Locationmaxing and moving to the Philippines is your only choice tbh. There you will feel average. It's the only country where you won't be mogged - you'll be just another dwarf in a sea of dwarves.
How tall?
See my username bro. :feelswhy:
So Sorry Op, maybe rest in peace
  • +1
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Locationmaxing and moving to the Philippines is your only choice tbh. There you will feel average. It's the only country where you won't be mogged - you'll be just another dwarf in a sea of dwarves.

'Just move to another part of the world bro'

Again that isn't really realistic option. (neither do i want to move to some foreign country, especially the one like Philippines_

See my username bro. :feelswhy:

Six foot? in what country is that short?

Are you Dutch?
Roping Subhuman


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Of course it wouldn't be a thread without Ritalincunt spamming avis.
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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Same but with face dude. I cant take it.
After reading this post i cant take you seriously anymore
  • Ugh..
Reactions: SayNoToRotting
I just came back from Georgia and the average hight is definitely lower than the UK and other Euro places..
I felt like a tall Chad when I stood on the metro. I was nearly always in the top 10% of tall guys in the carriage.

I noticed there are a few Chads but when they are Chad.. they are REALLY Chad.. Tall as fuck, huge jaws very good looking and well dressed
It's almost as if their good looks have given them the money to be able to afford nice designer clothes.

I saw a LOT of manlets. And ugly manlets at that.. and guess what? Loads of them had cute girlfriends with them.
  • +1
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I just came back from Georgia and the average hight is definitely lower than the UK and other Euro places..
I felt like a tall Chad when I stood on the metro. I was nearly always in the top 10% of tall guys in the carriage.

I noticed there are a few Chads but when they are Chad.. they are REALLY Chad.. Tall as fuck, huge jaws very good looking and well dressed
It's almost as if their good looks have given them the money to be able to afford nice designer clothes.

I saw a LOT of manlets. And ugly manlets at that.. and guess what? Loads of them had cute girlfriends with them.
Countries like Georgia are pretty insular though. Even if you mog most of the men there you'll still struggle to find a gf.
Countries like Georgia are pretty insular though. Even if you mog most of the men there you'll still struggle to find a gf.
i cant imagine what living in such shithole feels like
truly painful indeed
Countries like Georgia are pretty insular though. Even if you mog most of the men there you'll still struggle to find a gf.

Correct.. i made numerous threads on here in the last couple of weeks crying about being friendzoned and how difficult it is to get romantic with those girls..
How old is op?
How do you stack up in other anthropomorphic departments OP?
After reading this post i cant take you seriously anymore

T.high inhib larper.

You should indeed

I never parrot other peoples opinions. i always make my own conclusions.

I just came back from Georgia and the average hight is definitely lower than the UK and other Euro places..
I felt like a tall Chad when I stood on the metro. I was nearly always in the top 10% of tall guys in the carriage.

I noticed there are a few Chads but when they are Chad.. they are REALLY Chad.. Tall as fuck, huge jaws very good looking and well dressed
It's almost as if their good looks have given them the money to be able to afford nice designer clothes.

I saw a LOT of manlets. And ugly manlets at that.. and guess what? Loads of them had cute girlfriends with them.

Yeah and even those Manlets HeightMog me.

I'm short even by Georgia's standards JFL.
i cant imagine what living in such shithole feels like
truly painful indeed

I can't imagine living in cucked shithole like Germany either.

So the feeling is mutual.
How old is op?

Op is 18.

How do you stack up in other anthropomorphic departments OP?

What do you mean by anthropomorphic departments? elab a bit.
for the avg human a nightmare consists of demons, monsters, torture etc
for the average psl aspie a nightmare is waking up many inches shorter than their actual hight.
  • Hmm...
  • So Sad
Reactions: Justttt and Roping Subhuman
for the avg human a nightmare consists of demons, monsters, torture etc
for the average psl aspie a nightmare is waking up many inches shorter than their actual hight.

How does this have anything to do with this thread?
How does this have anything to do with this thread?
you must be genuinely autistic. autistic people miss nuance. my comment was related to your thread title and the rest of the thread.
"[Rage] I'm even shorter than i thought i was" "158cm! and not 160cm"
  • WTF
  • +1
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you must be genuinely autistic. autistic people miss nuance. my comment was related to your thread title and the rest of the thread.
"[Rage] I'm even shorter than i thought i was" "158cm! and not 160cm"

Because you moron i'm already short as it is and i didn't want to know i was even shorter.

How is worrying about sever Manletism psl autistic trait?
  • WTF
Reactions: sub6manletnozygos
I am currently 1,83 with no shoes and my ID says 180.
When I asked how could the lady take me 3 cm from my height she said: I'm compensating for the shoes. Like, lady wtf
In cm it may not be a big deal, but that in ft, that literally goes from 6ft to 5'11ft
Because you moron i'm already short as it is and i didn't want to know i was even shorter.

How is worrying about sever Manletism psl autistic trait?
jfl my shitpost wasnt premised on you not being short. it was premised on you realizing that you are shorter than you originally realized which is exactly what you said.
also jfl at guarding the parameters of thread relevance like an aspie. the entire forum is pretty much unproductive parotting of psl autism.
Also concerns of manletism is a psl autistic trait jfl. there are many comments about manlets EVERYDAY here. if you were a normie you would still be coping that personality, confident, showers and fashion actually matter instead of making threads about height.
jfl my shitpost wasnt premised on you not being short. it was premised on you realizing that you are shorter than you originally realized which is exactly what you said.
also jfl at guarding the parameters of thread relevance like an aspie. the entire forum is pretty much unproductive parotting of psl autism.
Also concerns of manletism is a psl autistic trait jfl. there are many comments about manlets EVERYDAY here. if you were a normie you would still be coping that personality, confident, showers and fashion actually matter instead of making threads about height.

>Concerns of Manletism is a psl autistic trait

LOL please don't tell me you're serious, Normie Manlets complain about height all the time (but mostly among themselves/ or on the internet anonymously) because nobody cares about when Men suffer.

You really have no idea what you're talking about.
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>Concerns of Manletism is a psl autistic trait

LOL please don't tell me you're not serious, Normie Manlets complain about height all the time (but mostly among themselves/ or on the internet anonymously) because nobody cares about when Men suffer.

You really have no idea what you're talking about.
they do this but then they cope by thinking that personality, confidence, showers, fashion matter more. they never give full weight to the impact of manletism.

Look at how you framed your thread. '[Rage] I'm even shorter than i thought i was'. you understand the importance of height. in response to your thread people tell you its over.

a normie manlet wouldnt say this. they would write. 'hi guys im 5'5. ive been an open relationship with my gf for 10 years and recently she has been spending more time with her other bfs. she hasnt give me a bj for 3 years. could it be my height?' in response to the thread people cope and say just personality and confidencemaxx bro. take a shower bro. height doesnt matter

The normie manlet then never makes another thread on his height and goes back to moneymaxxing and statusmaxxing and betabux. You on the other hand, like many pslers, will likely make many more height threads and post many more manlet jokes on this forum. normie manlets cope and their manlet concerns become a mere lingering feeling in the back of their mind compared to the psler whose concerns of manletism becomes a perpetual heavy haze of depression.
  • +1
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they do this but then they cope by thinking that personality, confidence, showers, fashion matter more. they never give full weight to the impact of manletism.

Look at how you framed your thread. '[Rage] I'm even shorter than i thought i was'. you understand the importance of height. in response to your thread people tell you its over.

a normie manlet wouldnt say this. they would write. 'hi guys im 5'5. ive been an open relationship with my gf for 10 years and recently she has been spending more time with her other bfs. she hasnt give me a bj for 3 years. could it be my height?' in response to the thread people cope and say just personality and confidencemaxx bro. take a shower bro. height doesnt matter

The normie manlet then never makes another thread on his height and goes back to moneymaxxing and statusmaxxing and betabux. You on the other hand, like many pslers, will make many more height threads and post many more manlet jokes on this forum. normie manlets cope and their manlet concerns becomes a mere lingering feeling in the back of their mind. For the psler concerns of manletism becomes a perpetual heavy haze of depression.

I see, it seems i misunderstood you then. you are indeed correct in that, Normies are delusional Morons.

But 'hi guys im 5'5. ive been an open relationship with my gf for 10 years' just cracked me up lol. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Is the average Normie really that much of a cuck?
  • +1
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I see, it seems i misunderstood you then. you are indeed correct in that, Normies are delusional Morons.

But 'hi guys im 5'5. ive been an open relationship with my gf for 10 years' just cracked me up lol. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Is the average Normie really that much of a cuck?
they live in blissful ignorance. maybe not quite blissful but they cope a lot better pslers aspies. they have some sex. they have some friends, hobbies, status and money. they go to parties and develop an almost impermeable positive outlook, until they reach 40-50 and suffer a mid life crises. pslers ironically seem to start their life crises much early in their 20s. The psler desperately copes with osteotomies, LL surgery and fillers jfl while the 40-50 mid life crises normie boomer copes with fast cars, gambling and strippers.
the best course of action is probably staying on blackpill forums for a bit but then promptly leaving it before it drags you down, Practicing some sort of Orwellian double-think might be useful where looks are simultaneously everything while not being everything - knowing that money, status, confidence, personality and showers also matter a bit as well. i think this related to
everything matters theory which seemed to be the final realization on lookism.net before it died.
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  • +1
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You did nothing to deserve this son
Bideltoid, hand breadth, skull size etc.

My shoulders are wide, but i don't know how wide exactly. my hand breadth, idk but i have big hands. skull size, i have skullMog most people
you should join incels.is to meet fellow manletcels

there's nothing to gain from staying in a Chadlite filled forum, they wont understand
you should join incels.is to meet fellow manletcels

there's nothing to gain from staying in a Chadlite filled forum, they wont understand

They don't let me in JFL.

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