I'm not made for dating no matter how much I looksmax

Dude just deal with it, such is life for men.

Women don't love men. They can't. The sooner you understand this, the better. It doesn't matter if you're subhuman or Chad, that's an universal truth. You suck it up, and move on. Start appreciating women for what they actually can do to you (like, fuck you really good jfl).

We are men, we have to understand we cannot afford to be ''emotional'' about things. Leave the coping and the delusion for women, we accept things and we do something about it, even if it is adapting your views or actions to maneuver your way in a new situation.

I wish I was low inhib asf and could do it
But I just can't approach a girl unless I'm borderline blacked out while drinking or high asf on coke ( in clubs) + single life seems to be so much better imo , dating seems to be soo much of stress when I think about it as a sub chad.
People here overestimate these things, ''being NT'' or whatever. It's just life experience, practice and so on. But I get it, it was something that was constantly in my mind when I was the age of most guys here as well.

When I was 18 I was genuinely socially inept. Like, it'd take me a ritual at home to even go to a bakery and having to talk to the cashier and I'd be sweating. It's all gone now, of course.

But in this meantime, I basically went through a lot of adversity that forced me to do things that I wasn't comfortable with and I just had to do it anyways. With the constant practice and pushing through the hard times, that's how you get to a point where you're more comfortable in your skin to deal with certain situations.

It's like, ofc you can't approach girls. You're never done it. You're scared, you don't know what to do. This is normal, but the only way to learn is going out there, doing it, sucking at it, feeling like shit and not quitting until your good.
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There are some things in life which sooner or later one has to realise and for me that is that God didn't made me to be in a loving relationship with a girl not coz I'm ugly (6'4 ltn) but just that the idea of a girl "loving" me sounds unreal in today's world
Like you literally gotta be top notch in every aspect to not get cheated on and you still can
. Getting a virgin gf is winning a lottery today.
Can't imagine putting up so much time, efforts and emotions only to get cheated upon. Constantly being top notch and put up time
Dating isn't for me
How ugly you are post pic on dm
Are you non nt? Its very difficult to cant find girl with that height
I can find girls
The issue isn't looks entirely
Yes ig I'm non nt but more so I'm very high inhib when sober
Literally cannot approach a girl unless I'm very drunk or high on coke.
Are you non nt? Its very difficult to cant find girl with that height
Also I'm degenerate asf tbh
I do so many drugs , fucked so many escorts I don't think I deserve a good girl anymore.
Seeing myself it's shameful to ask for a virgin girl
Also I'm degenerate asf tbh
I do so many drugs , fucked so many escorts I don't think I deserve a good girl anymore.
Seeing myself it's shameful to ask for a virgin girl
Trying to find virgin girl is waste of time in 2024
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