I'm sad, so sad and gonna hermit max i guess it's better than beeing sad.

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Life is about hapiness and i love you all.
Sep 3, 2019
So, for the purpose of some science understanding of faces and attraction, i did an experiment with some people of the opposite gender, that i didn't knew before.
It was not me, but another dude, and some others phenotype experiments.
The thing is that, during my experiment, beeing super sensitive is a curse.
For the first time in my life, i was completely and totally in the same mood than somebody else, but this was not my former purpose - which was to be do looks experiments solely for scientifical purpose.
Exactly the same, due to super sensitivity : i can't enumerate all the things but sadness about the world, of its alienation, will to live closer to the nature, importance of voice and way of doing, speaking, writting, same issues with impatience, same issues with the will of helping the others and support their hardship and suffer for them despite them do it for themselves, kindness, no critism never, same metaphysical positions...

And i can't help myself, but due to my super sensitivity, beeing attracted to such a beeing that i never met in my life.
I didn't ever cared about looks that much, i just wanted to be loved 100/100 and this needed i always knew somebody as super sensitive as me to feel me without asking me, somehow even stronger than with telepathy, because we are totally similar and have strong ability to feel each others.
This is my dream and what i'm aiming for a LTR, and never found somebody so similar.

But, this wasn't me, this was my experiment, so i didn't knew what to do, her voice was perfect for her personnality too and she loved so much mine too.
I then high inhibit that i was, thought about quitting everything and just leave the good moment as they were and never reveal me.
But i couldn't, she was using my feels to ask me to call and talk, and at that time i couldn't go back anymore and not tell the truth.
Just before that, i've showed her, for my lookism purpose, dozens of males models, and GL dudes, and among them was myself.
I asked her to rate them and to tell my closeness to them - like which people of my family or friends they were.
She found my older pics decently attractive, more than a good amount of the GL dudes that i showed and even some top MM.
And she was so sensitive that at the first glance, she thought AMONG ALL, the pic was me younger, ie the GL dude i used which wasn't me.
Then we talked how much it would have been perfect if we met before, in HS, and were together, and she said that i was even gl younger and may be even too much for her due to me beeing popular at that time - this time it was me, my pics.

Long story short, i then tell her that only these pics were me, not my experiment. That it was not my former purpose to fall in love with a personality so close to mine, and that i was sorry. She tried to keep my calm and reassure me despite knowing that, she was so perfect... Imagine...
But she told me, i hate very strongely lies, and i've attached your personnality with this robot made gl dude - not even really existing actually but has all objective traits of GL. And dueto that, this can't be possible, this is like modelling totally again my feelings and it's impossible.
Now i feel sick inside, i'm so sad, so sad, i'm not attracted to thot, to hoes, to non perfect personality, kindness, and this will probably never happens again.
I did the worst deed ever, i don't desserve anything, i'm a wrongdoer, i'm sad, and i'll just hermit maxx, that's all i can do and deserve.

@RAITEIII @stuckneworleans @Dope @TRUE_CEL @Brandon10
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Sad shit, man.
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how long did the experiment go? did u know her in real life or only online?
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how long did the experiment go? did u know her in real life or only online?
she wanted to meet me a lot and strongely, but this was during the quarantine, so we couldn't. And i tried to end it as fast as possible to not have so strong feelings that this will means even more sadness.
I'm tired bro, i don't know, i guess it's because i was not chad, but still, she didn't lied to me before i reveal it everything and said i was gl and exactly what you said that my personnality = my looks EXACTLY, so may be she has very strong principles.
@Aesthetic @Usum
and sorry for my broken to hell english skills.
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she wanted to meet me a lot and strongely, but this was during the quarantine, so we couldn't. And i tried to end it as fast as possible to not have so strong feelings that this will means even more sadness.
I'm tired bro, i don't know, i guess it's because i was not chad, but still, she didn't lied to me before i reveal it everything and said i was gl and exactly what you said that my personnality = my looks EXACTLY, so may be she has very strong principles.
you dumb fuk all women are the same in their nature, she probably had good parents growing up and seemed decent to you because of that but she's an opportunistic whore all the same :rage: :rage: :rage: men love idealistic, women love opportunistic
find a girl from a good traditional parents home but you will never get true love, it doesn't exist
you can find thousands of girls with exactly 100% the same personality, looks and voice etc as her
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you dumb fuk all women are the same in their nature, she probably had good parents growing up and seemed decent to you because of that but she's an opportunistic whore all the same :rage: :rage: :rage: men love idealistic, women love opportunistic
find a girl from a good traditional parents home but you will never get true love, it doesn't exist
you can find thousands of girls with exactly 100% the same personality, looks and voice etc as her
Please blackpill me or i swear i'll hermit max
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You're good looking. Just do what I said in PM and you can slay.
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Please blackpill me or i swear i'll hermit max
just become as high value man as possible (all girls, pious or not want the same: looks, money, status) and visit your hometown maybe your relatives and look for good pious girl younger than u from good parents

but you will NEVER achieve that idealistic love you are looking for. it's only in fiction. women CANT love the same way like u do, they would drop you ON SIGHT if they have chance with higher value man EXCEPT when u took her virginity and she is pairbonded to u, but even then its not for sure.
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just become as high value man as possible (all girls, pious or not want the same: looks, money, status) and visit your hometown maybe your relatives and look for good pious girl younger than u from good parents

but you will NEVER achieve that idealistic love you are looking for. it's only in fiction. women CANT love the same way like u do, they would drop you ON SIGHT if they have chance with higher value man EXCEPT when u took her virginity and she is pairbonded to u, but even then its not for sure.
So much materialism. I wish i was asexual, seriously.
But you are totally right.Totally right, i hate my super sensitivity
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Sad shit, man.
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Most of them.
I know, this time, this was your thought, but written in an analogy with @BrettyBoy to feel like it was not from you, but i'm super sensitive, i know it was your current thought.
You'r actually totally sane and here people mostly don't know it.
Be happy, i hope, we all want it.
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Most of them.
all women have the same fucked whore opportunistic nature but some seem more decent because of upbringing imo, i disagree with @BrettyBoy here
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you need a virgin bro
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I don't understand how you even found this site. With your looks you could have easily gotten jb virgin gf in high school and married her, or at least LTRd.
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I don't understand how you even found this site. With your looks you could have easily gotten jb virgin gf in high school and married her, or at least LTRd.
relcel and education...
And, i wasn't even a bit attracted to female before beeing abused sentimentally wise by somebody that i tried to help due to my super sensitivity - once you are you always try to help those in need or that fake it but you don't know.This was this year, and then i discovered looks and here.
She was sociopathic on purpose, and when i knew i was totally broken inside, and it creates in compensation attraction to female, before i didn't even gave a shit to them, even when i was cold approached younger i was super high inhibit and rejected all.
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relcel and education...
And, i wasn't even a bit attracted to female before beeing abused sentimentally wise by somebody that i tried to help due to my super sensitivity - once you are you always try to help those in need or that fake it but you don't know.This was this year, and then i discovered looks and here.
She was sociopathic on purpose, and when i knew i was totally broken inside, and it creates in compensation attraction to female, before i didn't even gave a shit to them, even when i was cold approached younger i was super high inhibit and rejected all.
i was hyper sensitive like u until I was 15/16 when I realized how degenerate and fucked up women are and how retarded the world is, i became more stoic when I studied the blackpill and understood how it all relates in the world, idk why u staid bluepilled and naive
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i was hyper sensitive like u until I was 15/16 when I realized how degenerate and fucked up women are and how retarded the world is, i became more stoic when I studied the blackpill and understood how it all relates in the world, idk why u staid bluepilled and naive
because i guess that my "revelation" was later than yours, you did it at 15-16, i did it now.
It's hard to swallow.
I'll become more stohic, i'll know that love don't exist despite me wanting it the most, i know it's all about dust to dust, and won't cope.
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Just be a robot theory, this is what we are meant to.
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I need to reread this jfl but for how long did you talk to her as "the experiment"?
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I need to reread this jfl but for how long did you talk to her as "the experiment"?
more or less 3 days, i couldn't continue for my own wholesomeness. But it was the best thing i experimented, all the girls that used to be a bit or more or not into me younger were cope compared to this behaviour, but i guess i'm just an idealistic cunt and need to robotmax
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all women have the same fucked whore opportunistic nature but some seem more decent because of upbringing imo, i disagree with @BrettyBoy here
I know, this time, this was your thought, but written in an analogy with @BrettyBoy to feel like it was not from you, but i'm super sensitive, i know it was your current thought.
You'r actually totally sane and here people mostly don't know it.
Be happy, i hope, we all want it.
Most women really are whores though. Facts don’t care about feelings.
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Tis the destiny of ethniks
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more or less 3 days, i couldn't continue for my own wholesomeness. But it was the best thing i experimented, all the girls that used to be a bit or more or not into me younger were cope compared to this behaviour, but i guess i'm just an idealistic cunt and need to robotmax
Your younger pics and your experiment shared certain resemblance?

How would u rate that foid?
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reply me
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dn rd but chuck mcgill maxing isn't very legit
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Streege no! :(
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Your younger pics and your experiment shared certain resemblance?

How would u rate that foid?
i've showed her Younger and older pics of me a bit frauded - this one - she found them both pretty decent, gl.
But the younger pic she saw among all the 10 MM and very gl dude, she directly said it was the younger cel of the experiment and felt that it can only be me since i smile and have good "cute vibes", as is my "kind" personality.
And it was insane to have such sensibility, and overall prefered my old face more than all, even the models that i showed to her.
Streege no! :(
I'm sorry my bro, i'll just forget totally about females until i max everything then try to marry a pious one, i don't need feelings, love anymore, robot maxxing is all we can do, i'm a cunt to believe kindness, sensitivity exist in this world.
the rating @RAITEIII i would say anywhere between 6,5 to 7,5 IRL wise, but i was really attracted by more than her looks.
It’s just my genetics
i see
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Well I could tell this really has touched you just by reading. You have to remember you only knew her for 3 days and that you actually don't know much about her.

I unfortunately can see why someone would go away if they discover something like this because they'd think like what else would this guy hide from me? Imo only reason to stay is if they have extreme looks but we don't have them that's why we are here. I'm trying to point this out as a kinda lifefuel to remind you that she may have found you attractive regardless and it didn't have to be a 99% looks thing. Trying to put us in that position might help, it just wasn't the best start.

Again in 3 days online you can't know that much of a person and as an outsider what you did was transfer all the feelings and cravings for a special relationship that you have onto her making you think she's more special than what she really is.

I know you feel like shit but you have to go through this and just get better.

I'm assuming you won't engage again with foids that way when you're using a fake profile, do it only for the lolz and troll.

So well bud idk i understand sometimes we consider foids to be really special but they're not all the time, in fact very few times we could be right.
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Well I could tell this really has touched you just by reading. You have to remember you only knew her for 3 days and that you actually don't know much about her.

I unfortunately can see why someone would go away if they discover something like this because they'd think like what else would this guy hide from me? Imo only reason to stay is if they have extreme looks but we don't have them that's why we are here. I'm trying to point this out as a kinda lifefuel to remind you that she may have found you attractive regardless and it didn't have to be a 99% looks thing. Trying to put us in that position might help, it just wasn't the best start.

Again in 3 days online you can't know that much of a person and as an outsider what you did was transfer all the feelings and cravings for a special relationship that you have onto her making you think she's more special than what she really is.

I know you feel like shit but you have to go through this and just get better.

I'm assuming you won't engage again with foids that way when you're using a fake profile, do it only for the lolz and troll.

So well bud idk i understand sometimes we consider foids to be really special but they're not all the time, in fact very few times we could be right.
i'm very touched by your kinds words. this is exactly what she said at least for the part of the idéalisation... that i did it more than what really she is and that i'm partly wrong on this.
i really admire your kindness and ability to understand things as you do.

you can't understand how much your words were important for me in my current state.

i Guess the best way to find somebody is actually by not looking for it but rather ascending in every aspect of life.

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i'm very touched by your kinds words. this is exactly what she said at least for the part of the idéalisation... that i did it more than what really she is and that i'm partly wrong on this.
i really admire your kindness and ability to understand things as you do.

you can't understand how much your words were important for me in my current state.

i Guess the best way to find somebody is actually by not looking for it but rather ascending in every aspect of life.

Thx glad of being helpful
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She found my older pics decently attractive, more than a good amount of the GL dudes that i showed and even some top MM.
And she was so sensitive that at the first glance, she thought AMONG ALL, the pic was me younger, ie the GL dude i used which wasn't me.
Then we talked how much it would have been perfect if we met before, in HS, and were together, and she said that i was even gl younger and may be even too much for her due to me beeing popular at that time - this time it was me, my pics.

You should've stopped right at this point to prevent further emotional damage both to you and other the party.
Also further proof that you're (or at least have been in the past) GL and that I've probably evaluated you accurately.
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You should've stopped right at this point to prevent further emotional damage both to you and other the party.
I'm seriously sorry tbh to have done such a thing, you'r totally right, sadly it was not my actual purpose.
Today she talked to me even after that and is rather willing to be friends. I guess i'll just try to pay back my wrong deed and i'll be happy.
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I'm seriously sorry tbh to have done such a thing, you'r totally right, sadly it was not my actual purpose.
Today she talked to me even after that and is rather willing to be friends. I guess i'll just try to pay back my wrong deed and i'll be happy.
lol no need to apologize, I unintentionally sounded too hostile before. Certainly it's understandable to dive into this kind of stuff but It's just a bad way to quarantinemaxx. Take care bro
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Sad shit bro.

All women want to be whores at heart, the trick is finding a girl who has the self control to repress her urges.
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