I'm settling for a filipina

im not puting you down, it's just the truth, you cannot call yourself attractive if you dont have a girlfriend or they dont fawn over you, ethnic tax doesnt matter if youre a chad like you described, chads are their own ethnicity
Only blacks and whites are desired in the west.go watch inceltv.

And again,not into white women from a physical standpoint above east Asians or meds or latinas
I don't want a western woman I want a nea or latina.I don't find white women particularly ideal.

Neither in looks or values.
Latina women are more conniving and have higher standards than white women. You’re best bet honestly is to have a good paying job like an engineer and betabux a SEA. Latinas will definitely be cheating on you
Latina women are more conniving and have higher standards than white women. You’re best bet honestly is to have a good paying job like an engineer and betabux a SEA. Latinas will definitely be cheating on you
That's so false

It depends on the particular region,social class and ethnicity

Getting a Amerindian from Oaxaca is different than getting some fresa whore from medellin,btw Romanian women have simped over me.i look like them.
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That's so false

It depends on the particular region,social class and ethnicity

Getting an Amerindian from Oaxaca is different than getting some fresa whore from medellin,btw Romanian women have simped over me.i look like them.
I’m Latino, I have first hand experience. You’re looking for a women that’s predictable and loyal you’re better off settling for a Vietnamese women that speaks in broken English
I’m Latino, I have first hand experience. You’re looking for a women that’s predictable and loyal you’re better off settling for a Vietnamese women that speaks in broken English
Latino is a broad term.besides most above average girls for latinas I matches with looked like garbage next to my Slavic and brahmin and Arab matches.
Latino is a broad term.besides most above average girls for latinas I matches with looked like garbage next to my Slavic and brahmin and Arab matches.
IMG 1091
Irl I look more mulatto/racially ambiguous than you and mostly only pull snow bunnies
America ?

Black guys are low psl but high SMV in the west

(No joke the black skipped me entirely)
U sort of have the Dwayne Johnson pheno now that I'm looking at ur pics again. But at first glance I'd guess some kind of exotic balkan
America ?

Black guys are low psl but high SMV in the west
Yeah. SMV is everything right now in the west

You know you could Richie Akiva-maxx if you had money
Yeah. SMV is everything right now in the west

You know you could Richie Akiva-maxx if you had money
My SMV is in the gutter,If I had looked mulatto like my sister does id be popular among foids
Because my dream girl is Chinese,Mongolian,pale tibetan or Korean but they're not interested in men unless they have money they have a huge golddigger culture
I thought it was mostly south Korean women that were gold diggers?

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