I'm this procedures away from being GigaChad

statistics arent cope for any other different purpose than looksmaxing or BP stuff. its just you're here trying to find edge over the competition and your actual competition isnt well represented in those statistics tbh
idk what you're trying to say bro but i dont know if you ever go outside, its like you think females here are average 6'' and we are the tallest country in the world so idk where you live but if you say females you see are easily 6'' your females must be the tallest in the world. females here are like 5''7 on average, if you leave your basement and see for yourself.
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Jfl getting LL at 6'2. Wear insoles you braindead retard
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Move somewhere like England or France where the women aren't all giants lmao.
All my exes have been between 5"1 and 5"7, at 6"1 its perfectly fine for me.

Although I have a friend who has a gf with Dutch ancestry thats atleast 5"10, hes 6"2 so its fine for him in that regard

idk what you're trying to say bro but i dont know if you ever go outside, its like you think females here are average 6'' and we are the tallest country in the world so idk where you live but if you say females you see are easily 6'' your females must be the tallest in the world. females here are like 5''7 on average, if you leave your basement and see for yourself.

I live in Hungary which's like central-eastern part of EU (not quite balkan, but close) and most 18-22 girls here are pretty much all over 170cm and a decent amount of them are around 180cm. I guess 6ft is overshooting it, but I would say 5'9-5'10" is average for 18-22 girls here.

And yes I leave my basement, I attend uni of 20k people, gym every day, have a small social circle i go out with sometimes. All HQNP girls from rich families are over 170-175 from my experience. I have bird-eye's view over all people due to my height so can make better estimations than average
I live in Hungary which's like central-eastern part of EU (not quite balkan, but close) and most 18-22 girls here are pretty much all over 170cm and a decent amount of them are around 180cm. I guess 6ft is overshooting it, but I would say 5'9-5'10" is average for 18-22 girls here.

And yes I leave my basement, I attend uni of 20k people, gym every day, have a small social circle i go out with sometimes. All HQNP girls from rich families are over 170-175 from my experience. I have bird-eye's view over all people due to my height so can make better estimations than average
okay then you have the tallest females on the planet.
okay then you have the tallest females on the planet.
man why are you ignoring the part about competition. yes i do not disagree if we count ALL females, old people, people in poverty, poor areas etc etc. the average is much lower. all im saying is the girls YOU want to get with arent accurately represented in height statistics. im not denying statistic, im just saying statistics arent good use to determine if your height is "sufficient" enough from blackpill/looksmaxing purposes.

also, im not arguing 6'2" is a bad height. its a good height, i just wouldnt consider it tall. its good enough so you're taller than huge majorioty of girls, but it's not enough to for it being a height-halo on its own. its rather a non-variable for elimination criteria of not being short
you know what, all those females I see daily living here in the Netherlands actually are all 6'2 minimum. I am indeed coping, youre right. All the proven statistics are all cope. I get heightmogged by 7'' guys here, average proven male height in netherlands is cope, it's not actually true.

Tis pure kanker he

Fun fact, I know some guy who is legit 7'0" and he is PSL 6-7 with a good frame. Nordic looks. God isn't real
So improve your face then. Are you truly maxxed out?

Love that you say you are 6'2.5

Now I know you aren't lying.

I'm not maxed out at all
But I am afraid that being maxed out would not save me

I don't gymcel, I never had surgeries, I've never whitened my teeth, I've never done skincare, I eat whatever I want and sleep whenever I want and I am too lazy to take supplements and nootropics

I don't believe that putting in effort is worth it anymore because who cares about being sub chad? Probably cope so I can be lazy, but think about this: how can I work hard if there's no good reason for it?
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Tis pure kanker he

Fun fact, I know some guy who is legit 7'0" and he is PSL 6-7 with a good frame. Nordic looks. God isn't real

I'm not maxed out at all
But I am afraid that being maxed out would not save me

I don't gymcel, I never had surgeries, I've never whitened my teeth, I've never done skincare, I eat whatever I want and sleep whenever I want and I am too lazy to take supplements and nootropics

I don't believe that putting in effort is worth it anymore because who cares about being sub chad? Probably cope so I can be lazy, but think about this: how can I work hard if there's no good reason for it?
bro dat was sarcasme he haha
maar is die guy serieus 7''? de khaaanker..
bro dat was sarcasme he haha
maar is die guy serieus 7''? de khaaanker..

Ik weet maar ik kom zovaak mensen die bijna kop groter zijn dan mij tegen en ik ben 190 cm

Btw hij ziet eruit alsof hij van een nazi propaganda poster komt dus dat is lekker eerlijk, Hitlers droom komt waar
  • +1
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man why are you ignoring the part about competition. yes i do not disagree if we count ALL females, old people, people in poverty, poor areas etc etc. the average is much lower. all im saying is the girls YOU want to get with arent accurately represented in height statistics. im not denying statistic, im just saying statistics arent good use to determine if your height is "sufficient" enough from blackpill/looksmaxing purposes.

also, im not arguing 6'2" is a bad height. its a good height, i just wouldnt consider it tall. its good enough so you're taller than huge majorioty of girls, but it's not enough to for it being a height-halo on its own. its rather a non-variable for elimination criteria of not being short
solid point. however the females i come across from my age range are on average like 5''7, 5'6, whatever
3. Growing full beard with 10% minox once DHT is lowered to point where I maintain hair and am able to grow new beard hair.

DHT increases body and facial hair.
  • +1
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going from 6'2 to 6'4 with LL is low iq. not worth it
You will do all this stuff and still be a be a normie, high tier at most. You guys are delusional to think surgery can make you a Chad. This is the primary reason people mock us and write articles in the New Yorker about it, which by the way I have seen several plastic surgeons I follow already quote that in their IG story, including Eppley himself. They will happily take all your own money on some fruitless desire to become Chad. Also, no one spends 5 years researching a procedure JFL. At the end of a day it's still a huge risk no matter how many cherry picked photos you have seen of the doctor's very best results.

It's over for you boyo if you can't already slay at 6'2. JFL even some underground doctor in Turkmeninstein of questionable moral ethics wouldn't perform LL on someone that tall.

Legit unfortunately. If you dont have harmony it's over.

The people who benefit from surgery the most are those that habe harmony but have a simple easily fixed flaw holding them back like a slightly weak/recessed chin.
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Minoxidil works more than adequately for beard growth even a women could grow one using it.
Minoxidil works more than adequately for beard growth even a women could grow one using it.
Didn't work for me first time, because my DHT was NUKED to 8th level of hell. But now I'm reducing anti androgen use and hopefully still maintaining hair and will try minox on cheeks again when I get my DHT blood work back.
Depends on what Eu nation tbh, Netherlands yeah probably but England, Ireland, France, Germany, Denmark etc 6+ is perfectly fine since the averages in these nations is like 5 ft 9- 10
im 186cm I went to netherlands and Im heightmogging most of "chads" here I have giant head tho so they look like children next to me.
Also author wtf? you will wait 5 years while you can do all of the necessary stuff now? all of the wasted oppurtunities dafuk If I had money I would do everything in the lowest time frame possible
im 186cm I went to netherlands and Im heightmogging most of "chads" here I have giant head tho so they look like children next to me.
Also author wtf? you will wait 5 years while you can do all of the necessary stuff now? all of the wasted oppurtunities dafuk If I had money I would do everything in the lowest time frame possible
Im 185.5 , i never have a problem with my height, Sure it would be nice to be gigachad height level but honestly, above 6 ft youre taller than 95% of foids so whats the point? its fine i dont get it, but if people want to try to get taller its best to just let them get on with it honestly.

Most dutch people ive met have been taller than me tbh, not by much or around the same height
Im 185.5 , i never have a problem with my height, Sure it would be nice to be gigachad height level but honestly, above 6 ft youre taller than 95% of foids so whats the point? its fine i dont get it, but if people want to try to get taller its best to just let them get on with it honestly.

Most dutch people ive met have been taller than me tbh, not by much or around the same height
foids use 12cm heels so yea, use lifts and dont care you can get 3inches from that If youre normal posture, adding some volume with the hair also helps
im 186cm I went to netherlands and Im heightmogging most of "chads" here I have giant head tho so they look like children next to me.
Also author wtf? you will wait 5 years while you can do all of the necessary stuff now? all of the wasted oppurtunities dafuk If I had money I would do everything in the lowest time frame possible
Better waste time instead of not researching enough and making a big mistake that will ruin the rest of your life.
Better waste time instead of not researching enough and making a big mistake that will ruin the rest of your life.
what stuff of what you posted isnt legit? Everything seems legit, was done before and people are paying top dollar for that shit. hairtransplant is safe, if you have cash use fillers that dissolve in body after 1 year, just check for allergies surgeries are only as dangerous as medical coma, if youre in a good shape its usually fine, easier to do them while leaner

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