Imagine being an black Muslim

The quotes from 1 Peter and from Ephesians that I cited are literally in the New Testament, can you learn your Holy Book properly before you reply to my comments?

Just because you can't find a verse that literally says "Catch the slave like this, tie him up like this and sell him like this" doesn't mean Christianity doesn't condone or accept slavery in both the Old and New Testament, these are literally the verses that put blacks in chains for hundreds of years because if you allow slavery in your religion then you give people the excuse to abuse this shit and teach it to dumbass followers

But of course black Christians will make up a million copes to try and convince themselves that the God of the Bible is on their side it actually makes me cringe

Here's another quote of the Bible, FROM THE NEW TESTAMENT, that approves slavery, this one makes me laugh the hardest

Colossians 3:22-24
"Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

Literally it says spend your whole life being a slave because God will reward you for being a good bitch and not fighting back against your master JFL

aka the denominations that 90% of blacks follow

So basically by having different depictions of Jesus the different denominations are basically going against each other, jfl this is the theistic religious nonsense that lead to hundreds of years of wars just cus one nigga was Protestant and the other was Catholic

I’m aware the other 2 were in the New Testament you idiot I was just referencing the other verses you used. Anyways as I said the bible doesn’t condone slavery it simply acknowledges the hardness of man’s hearts and attempts to fix man’s folly slowly in a Thereuputic manner until slavery is abolished and this happened in the Roman empire they abolished it thanks to this so thank you for proving Christ is KING

What’s the issue with having they’d represented as any race? Jesus is god, he became man.

If we are an icon of god (his image) then what’s the issue if reflecting the Iron in multiple races. It unironically destroys your racism problem because it proves my point that it’s for every people as Matthew 28 says “baptise the world in the name of father son and holy spirit

Also it’s not my problem that most blacks are Protestant evangelical nutjobs that’s their choice. Many are also Roman Catholic like a large % esp those in ex French territories. My Orthodox Church had many blacks. Blacks make up 20% of my church and we also have Palestinians as they are also Orthodox.

Colossians 3:22-24 - The Context:

The verse in question says:

• “Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3:22-24, NIV).

This verse is part of a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the early Christian community in Colossae. Paul is offering guidance to various groups within the household, including wives, husbands, children, fathers, and slaves. It’s important to understand that Paul is not endorsing or promoting the institution of slavery. Rather, he is instructing slaves to behave honorably and as Christians in their given circumstances.

In this context:

• Paul’s Focus: Paul is urging slaves to honor God through their work, irrespective of their social position. He emphasizes that God sees their work and will reward them, not their earthly masters.

• Revolutionary Counter-Cultural Teaching: Paul’s teachings about equality before God laid the groundwork for the eventual Christian abolition of slavery. For example, he emphasizes that in Christ, there is no longer “slave nor free” (Galatians 3:28), signaling a higher moral vision that transcends the institution of slavery.
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I’m aware the other 2 were in the New Testament you idiot I was just referencing the other verses you used. Anyways as I said the bible doesn’t condone slavery it simply acknowledges the hardness of man’s hearts and attempts to fix man’s folly slowly in a Thereuputic manner until slavery is abolished and this happened in the Roman empire they abolished it thanks to this so thank you for proving Christ is KING
So the Romans abolishing slavery was the end of Christians enslaving people? Didn't know lol

The Bible literally gives instructions for slaves on how to follow their master multiple times jfl and these instructions have been used multiple times by Christians for thousands of years after the Bible was published for them to justify slavery. Any normal religion that came from a moral God would forbid it outright, of course Christians eventually did abolish slavery but it took them a long fuckin time and they had to adapt to the new moral conscious of the 19th Century, because they realised that the pure Biblical way of doing things was wrong 😂

a book like the Bible is supposed to be timeless and give instructions for all humanity on how to behave until the end of time not just instructions on how ppl should behave in the desert 2000 years ago
What’s the issue with having they’d represented as any race? Jesus is god, he became man.
Praying to white Jesus has literally been used as a tool from Europeans in their colonies to mentally enslave Africans and Caribbeans and Hispanic people into thinking that whites are better looking and morally superior, aka closer to Jesus

If we are an icon of god (his image) then what’s the issue if reflecting the Iron in multiple races. It unironically destroys your racism problem because it proves my point that it’s for every people as Matthew 28 says “baptise the world in the name of father son and holy spirit
if you don't understand what is wrong with blacks praying to white Jesus then I beg you read a history book and look into how much suffering it has caused the black race cus you chat so much shit and know nothing
Also it’s not my problem that most blacks are Protestant evangelical nutjobs that’s their choice. Many are also Roman Catholic like a large % esp those in ex French territories. My Orthodox Church had many blacks. Blacks make up 20% of my church and we also have Palestinians as they are also Orthodox.
Yall are part of the same religion don't act like ur so far apart from them lol all u christcucks are nutjobs
Colossians 3:22-24 - The Context:

The verse in question says:

• “Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3:22-24, NIV).

This verse is part of a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the early Christian community in Colossae. Paul is offering guidance to various groups within the household, including wives, husbands, children, fathers, and slaves. It’s important to understand that Paul is not endorsing or promoting the institution of slavery. Rather, he is instructing slaves to behave honorably and as Christians in their given circumstances.

In this context:

• Paul’s Focus: Paul is urging slaves to honor God through their work, irrespective of their social position. He emphasizes that God sees their work and will reward them, not their earthly masters.

• Revolutionary Counter-Cultural Teaching: Paul’s teachings about equality before God laid the groundwork for the eventual Christian abolition of slavery. For example, he emphasizes that in Christ, there is no longer “slave nor free” (Galatians 3:28), signaling a higher moral vision that transcends the institution of slavery.
You got this explanation from a random Bible thumping Christian website, probably made by a white American who wants to not feel guilty about his ancestors using these verses to enslave blacks loooool u are one confused puppy

The explanation is inconsistent as fuck, how is a verse that starts with "Slaves, obey your earthly masters" not endorsing slavery, why? Cus God will reward you in the afterlife for being a good slave? OK. But you still had to be a slave your whole life so that doesn't fix your problem, it just gives you hope of justice after you die and not the justice you deserve on this earth

If I was a slave in Jamaica or the American South and I was indoctrinated with this nonsense it would inspire me to be an obedient slave for my entire life and not get rude whilst I'm being whipped and beaten daily cus ill go to heaven after all my suffering cus God loves me jfl

No wonder whites used this religion lol these verses are golden, easy to manipulate blacks with this shit and they are still manipulated by it in 2025, why are ppl in my race such fuckin sheep lol
So the Romans abolishing slavery was the end of Christians enslaving people? Didn't know lol

The Bible literally gives instructions for slaves on how to follow their master multiple times jfl and these instructions have been used multiple times by Christians for thousands of years after the Bible was published for them to justify slavery. Any normal religion that came from a moral God would forbid it outright, of course Christians eventually did abolish slavery but it took them a long fuckin time and they had to adapt to the new moral conscious of the 19th Century, because they realised that the pure Biblical way of doing things was wrong 😂

a book like the Bible is supposed to be timeless and give instructions for all humanity on how to behave until the end of time not just instructions on how ppl should behave in the desert 2000 years ago

Praying to white Jesus has literally been used as a tool from Europeans in their colonies to mentally enslave Africans and Caribbeans and Hispanic people into thinking that whites are better looking and morally superior, aka closer to Jesus

if you don't understand what is wrong with blacks praying to white Jesus then I beg you read a history book and look into how much suffering it has caused the black race cus you chat so much shit and know nothing

Yall are part of the same religion don't act like ur so far apart from them lol all u christcucks are nutjobs

You got this explanation from a random Bible thumping Christian website, probably made by a white American who wants to not feel guilty about his ancestors using these verses to enslave blacks loooool u are one confused puppy

The explanation is inconsistent as fuck, how is a verse that starts with "Slaves, obey your earthly masters" not endorsing slavery, why? Cus God will reward you in the afterlife for being a good slave? OK. But you still had to be a slave your whole life so that doesn't fix your problem, it just gives you hope of justice after you die and not the justice you deserve on this earth

If I was a slave in Jamaica or the American South and I was indoctrinated with this nonsense it would inspire me to be an obedient slave for my entire life and not get rude whilst I'm being whipped and beaten daily cus ill go to heaven after all my suffering cus God loves me jfl

No wonder whites used this religion lol these verses are golden, easy to manipulate blacks with this shit and they are still manipulated by it in 2025, why are ppl in my race such fuckin sheep lol
Brother why are you so hurt

I already addressed those verses and showed you the Bible doesn’t condone slavery, god allows it in the OT due to the hardened hearts of the isrelaites the same way he allows them to have a king despite god not wanting them to have one

Christian’s did stop slavery. Europeans only enslaved blacks because they were fueled by money and power that’s why they had to cope and say “we aren’t human” to justify it.

Europeans when they went to the USA were appalled to find out slavery was a thing and that’s what began the end of it there.

In the Carib it was protesters and slave revolts that led to it to end :feelsautistic:

But the main reason why whites had to admit it was wrong was due to the principle of the “Imatseo Dei” aka “made in the image of God”

Slavery is a human issue and my post here wasn’t saying “Muslims had slaves” my post was saying “Your theology supports slavery buying selling and kidnapping people for slaves”

The bible doesn’t condone such actions the closest you’ll get is Paul telling the Christina slaves to not arouse suspicion by their masters and do what they tell because you forget something and you should know this if you were a black Anglican but it’s that Paul and the apostles thought Jesus would come back in their lifetime so they assumed if the slaves waited a bit they’d be free. But thanks to the bible anyways slavery was outlawed

You also conflate chattel slavery to the Roman form which was NOTHING alike ancient slavery is closer to serfdom + indentured servitude even in Africa our slavery was like this as well.

The bible isn’t the Quran it doesn’t make claims like “this is a book that has to be followed in every verse for all time”

The New Testament is our current covenant, the new one stipulates slavery is wrong. End of discussion even as early as Exodus in the OT it says ANYBODY WHO KIDNAPPS ANOTHER IS TO BE PUT TO DEATH.

Galatians 3:28: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Exodus 21:16: “Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death

Isaiah 58:6: “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?”

1 Corinthians 7:21-23: “Were you a slave when you were called? Don’t let it trouble you—although if you can gain your freedom, do so. For the one who was a slave when called to faith in the Lord is the Lord’s freed person; similarly, the one who was free when called is Christ’s slave.”

Exodus 22:21: “Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt.”

As I said the Bible simply reacts to the time period it’s in and tries to soften the hearts of the people to gradually give it up like a therapist. And as I said it WORKED. Acknowledging that slavery is a part of the ancient world doesn’t == condoning, however attempting to ease the suffering of the save and gradually end the practice shows where the truth of the gospel lies. Many of the verses I used were OT btw :lul::lul::lul:

I do, I think it’s retarded that western chrsitjan sects such as Protestants and Romans Catholics use Aryan Jesus icons and images makes me laugh but they are retards.

Blacks in particular are stupid as a pile of rocks. Ethiopians have thousands of icons they could use instead of the typical European Jesus but Africans and LATAMs wanna use Western European Jesus depictions WELL THATS NOBODYS FAULT BUT THEIR OWN. Personally I have Ethiopian Jesus icons at home :Comfy::Comfy::Comfy::Comfy: so like you I agree on this point I was saying I don’t mind whites having their Jesus looking like them and us having ours but if western denominations as I said want to venerate white Jesus who am I to stop them nobody told them Jesus was white or they those are the only icons when Ethiopians exist :lul::lul: with their BLACK JESUS AND MARY.

IMG 1901
IMG 1902

If Africans don’t wanna access the African icons they have at their disposal that’s not Christianity’s fault that’s the fault of Africans being ignorant of their own history

We are the same religion technically but we differ on so many theological positions that it’s not fair to just got “same shit” like no we really have different epistemic criterion’s and systems, we differ in theology somewhat and our philosophy is drastically different
In this thread I agure with @XtrovertNTnormalfag and you get to see in our argument that we DIFFER A LOT in our beliefs and yet both of us are Christian he’s Roman Catholic I’m Eastern Orthodox and yet our differences are so big that we have massive things to throw at one another as if we are diff religions.

White never used the real bible to keep blacks as slaves they removed the verses I LISTED esp exodus escaping Egypt to keep blacks as slaves they literally created false corrupted bibles called “slave bibles” so once again your attack on Christianity fails because the fact they had to remove pages and chapters from the Bible proves that the Bible supports freedom for all humans if it did not, like Islam. Then they’d not have to remove any page now would they

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being a black christian is just as cucked
being a black christian is just as cucked
No it’s not you retard.

Our book doesn’t say anything bad about blacks

The 2nd Christian country was black before anywhere in Europe.

Read a fucking book before you chat shit you retard

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