Importance of the Wnt/B-catenin signaling pathway and the CXXC5 gene for growth plate senesence, chondrocyte profileration, and overall bone growth

It can be extremely important for brain development in females as it aids in the process of "feminizing" the structure. I've not seen any study showing aromatase deficient men have inferior cognitive development compared to non-deficients. If you start to see signs of getting "slow" or something while on AI you will obviously notice it though, bodybuilders stay on multiple drugs and AI for years and don't see permanent changes.

The most important things for the brain is animal fat and omega-3 either way.
I definitely feel more retarded memory wise, but a common side effect of AI is brain fog, so I don’t know how to distinguish the two
  • Hmm...
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Also JFL, I remember asking those same questions to people when I first joined, wish I had the opportunity to have started so young too. You're on the right path bhai.
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Also JFL, I remember asking those same questions to people when I first joined, wish I had the opportunity to have started so young too. You're on the right path bhai.
I’m 15, so idk if that’s that young honestly. But thanks bhaii, high iq honestly.
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  • Woah
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I definitely feel more retarded memory wise, but a common side effect of AI is brain fog, so I don’t know how to distinguish the two
It goes away after a while, don't stress about it. Remember there are trans retards taking puberty blockers at your age and they're """"fine"""".
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>No significant differences between the letrozole- and placebo-treated boys in development of cognitive performance were found in any of the tests during the follow-up period.

Yeah it's mostly just fear mongering. "Don't inhibit female hormones goy they're healthy for you".
  • +1
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>No significant differences between the letrozole- and placebo-treated boys in development of cognitive performance were found in any of the tests during the follow-up period.

Yeah it's mostly just fear mongering. "Don't inhibit female hormones goy they're healthy for you".
Life fuel
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Bro just wear lifts and elevator shoes the amnesia route and keep blasting hgh. You’re going to do all this shit and still remain short because of shit cortisol. You’re never going to be 183 unless you get LL which isn’t worth it when there’s lifts saying this as a fellow manlet on hgh. Like imagine you do all this shit and you never grow even an inch ?
Last edited:
Bump for the nerds
Disclaimer: This is purely experimental and hypothetical only, so don't come crying to me when you retardedly start blasting these substances with no research and get testicular cancer

There are hundreds to even thousands of different pathways that contribute to height directly or indirectly, but most of them aren't worth looking into as optimizing them would barely give any height growth. We should be looking into what are the most important signaling pathways that contribute the most to height or longitudinal bone growth.

After the growth hormone signaling pathway, it seems the Wnt/B-catenin signaling pathway is the second most important pathway in regulating chondrocyte profileration within the growth plate, which can significantly impact bone growth and height

Basically what the Wnt/B-catenin signaling pathway does is coordinate and control chondrocyte profileration and differentation

Studies have demonstrated that Wnt signaling pathway plays an important role in cartilage development and homeostasis by regulating the growth, differentiation, and proliferation of chondrocytes

Specifically, the canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway plays a significant role in regulating chondrocyte phenotype, maturation, and function during the cartilage development process, which is crucial for cartilage defining cartilage boundaries and endochondral ossification

Genetic defects impacting the Wnt/B-catening signaling pathway can lead to some serious skeletal disorders and impaired bone growth

CXXC5 impact on the Wnt/B-Catenin signaling pathway

CXXC finger protein 5 (CXXC5) is a negative regulator of the Wnt/B-Catenin signaling pathway. As you progress further in puberty, CXXC5 expresison also progressively increases, and studies have shown that CXXC5 contributes to growth plate senesence at puberty, so we want to inhibit the CXXC5 gene. Inhibiting this gene can also lead to activation of the Wnt/B-Catenin pathway

"Collectively, our findings reveal an important role for CXXC5 as a suppressor of longitudinal bone growth involving growth plate activity."

"In summary, CXXC5, a protein induced with pubertal progression in the growth plate chondrocytes, is characterized as a key factor mediating termination of longitudinal bone growth by promoting growth plate senescence."

It has also been shown that estrogen, the main hormone contributing to growth plate closure induces CXXc5 expression, while also decreasing chondrocyte profileration.
In this study, we found that CXXC5 expression progressively increased in the resting, proliferative, and hypertrophic chondrocytes undergoing growth plate senescence. We also found that estrogen, a sex hormone that is elevated during the pubertal period, induced CXXC5 expression followed by decrement of β-catenin in chondrocytes.

Inhibiting this gene enhanced chondrocyte profileration and differentation
Furthermore, Cxxc5−/− mice displayed enhanced chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation in the late pubertal growth plate as well as longer tibiae at adulthood

Cxxc5-/- means the CXXC5 gene has been inhibited btw

Now although there are many other negative regulators of the Wnt/B-catenin signaling pathway, it seems the CXXC5 gene has the most detrimental effect. So, we will focus on this for now.
In summary, CXXC5, a protein induced with pubertal progression in the growth plate chondrocytes, is characterized as a key factor mediating termination of longitudinal bone growth by promoting growth plate senescence

Inhibition of the GSK-3B gene, which destablizies B-catenine, also resulted in tibial elongation through activaiton of Wnt/B-catenin signaling
In addition, treatment with an inhibitor of glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β), a serine/threonine kinase that destabilizes β-catenin resulted in tibial elongation in the ex vivo culture system

My theory on how to optimize the Wnt/B-catenin signaling pathway:
This is where the substance, KY-19382 comes into play. If you are a true heightmaxxer then you have probably heard of this drug atleast once during your research. It was originally used by some redditors as a potential cure to hair loss, but our goal is longitudinal bone growth so I will not talk about all the other potential positive effects of KY besides potential increased height

KY-19382 activates WNT/B-catening signaling via inhibition of CXXC5 and GSK-3B activity.

Through this action, studies show KY-19382 has shown drastic increase in chondrocyte profileration and differentation, which induced increased longitudinal bone growth while also delaying growth plate senesence

We further demonstrated that KY19382 markedly enhanced proliferation and differentiation of chondrocytes and induced longitudinal tibiae growth in adolescent mice by delaying growth plate senescence

KY-19382 effects on chondrocytes and growth plate height:

"The total growth plate height, monitored by COL2A1 immunostaining, was significantly increased by KY19382 treatment. This effect was confirmed by increased numbers of both proliferative and hypertrophic chondrocytes per column,"

"nuclear β-catenin was dramatically increased in the growth plate chondrocytes by KY19382 treatment"

"These functional and structural changes demonstrate the ability of KY19382 in delaying growth plate senescence."

"These results demonstrate that KY19382 promotes chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation via specific activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway."

TL;DR: Ideal optimization of the Wnt/B-catenin has some crazy potential for heightmaxxing, it is the second most important pathway after the growth hormone signaling pathway for height in my opinio.

KY-19382 also achieves increased chondrocyte profileration and delayed growth plate senesence through different methods and pathways then HGH and AI, so just imagine pairing up KY-19382 with HGH and AI:aheago::aheago::aheago::aheago: we could actually keep grow until fucking age 25 if we find a way to properly optimize this pathway. (sadly the only studies of ky-19382 affecting growth plates were done on rats)

Ky-19382 side effects aren't revealed yet, but according to redditors who used it for hair loss they reported 0 sides. It is also expensive as shit, dosage is around 0.1 mg/kg per bw every single day. But some people were able to get a way cheaper source. And you need to larp your way on being a researcher and shit... but i already found my way around it (not allowed to leak jfl so dont ask)

I already have a source for ky-19382 at a semi-reasonable price. Problem is im still trying to figure out how to mix the powder into an injectable solution.

Anyways my bad for the poor formatating and text, I made this whole thing in a rush out of boredom. But still, an interesting topic.

Tagging heightmaxxers/educated members:
@org3cel.RR @The Homelander @Cyrus @enchanted_elixir @Corpuscula

Anyways if i do end up hopping on ky-19382, ill create a log on it and if it actually worked or not
Bro we know
Their is 10s of threads about that
Post something new for once
nigga stop yapping and hop on ky19382 already
  • JFL
Reactions: MyDreamIsToBe183CM
fym no bro hurry up and get yo ass on ky :feelswhy: i need to know if it works
Well, there's no saying for sure if ky-19382 will have the same effects on humans as it does on rats.

Maybe a study of KY treatment done on monkeys will be a little better

I've been researching in hair loss forums who took ky-19382 for their hair, some say they get mixed results.

Also I don't know how I'm going to make ky-19382 powder in an injectable solution, apparently you can just straight up put the ky-19382 powder in capsules or sum shit and just take it.

I have like three KY sources jfl
Well, there's no saying for sure if ky-19382 will have the same effects on humans as it does on rats.

Maybe a study of KY treatment done on monkeys will be a little better

I've been researching in hair loss forums who took ky-19382 for their hair, some say they get mixed results.

Also I don't know how I'm going to make ky-19382 powder in an injectable solution, apparently you can just straight up put the ky-19382 powder in capsules or sum shit and just take it.

I have like three KY sources jfl
bro youre probably like a monkey anyway it will be the same just try it out bro trust me
  • JFL
Reactions: MyDreamIsToBe183CM
bro u wont even gimmie the source how will i try it
I would try it but its still expensive as shit
1200$ for 40 days.......

But these hair loss niggers bought it for way cheaper, it was like 1-2$ per mg of KY-19382 powder, which is like fucking 1500$ for a whole gram, that would last me around 166 days

Ky-19382 is also way fucking cheaper if you do a group buy, which is what hair loss niggas did. Maybe we can conduct some type of .org KY group buy and experiment on our selves
I might just use PTD BDM, which is basically a peptide form of ky-19382 @Corpuscula
Disclaimer: This is purely experimental and hypothetical only, so don't come crying to me when you retardedly start blasting these substances with no research and get testicular cancer

There are hundreds to even thousands of different pathways that contribute to height directly or indirectly, but most of them aren't worth looking into as optimizing them would barely give any height growth. We should be looking into what are the most important signaling pathways that contribute the most to height or longitudinal bone growth.

After the growth hormone signaling pathway, it seems the Wnt/B-catenin signaling pathway is the second most important pathway in regulating chondrocyte profileration within the growth plate, which can significantly impact bone growth and height

Basically what the Wnt/B-catenin signaling pathway does is coordinate and control chondrocyte profileration and differentation

Studies have demonstrated that Wnt signaling pathway plays an important role in cartilage development and homeostasis by regulating the growth, differentiation, and proliferation of chondrocytes

Specifically, the canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway plays a significant role in regulating chondrocyte phenotype, maturation, and function during the cartilage development process, which is crucial for cartilage defining cartilage boundaries and endochondral ossification

Genetic defects impacting the Wnt/B-catening signaling pathway can lead to some serious skeletal disorders and impaired bone growth

CXXC5 impact on the Wnt/B-Catenin signaling pathway

CXXC finger protein 5 (CXXC5) is a negative regulator of the Wnt/B-Catenin signaling pathway. As you progress further in puberty, CXXC5 expresison also progressively increases, and studies have shown that CXXC5 contributes to growth plate senesence at puberty, so we want to inhibit the CXXC5 gene. Inhibiting this gene can also lead to activation of the Wnt/B-Catenin pathway

"Collectively, our findings reveal an important role for CXXC5 as a suppressor of longitudinal bone growth involving growth plate activity."

"In summary, CXXC5, a protein induced with pubertal progression in the growth plate chondrocytes, is characterized as a key factor mediating termination of longitudinal bone growth by promoting growth plate senescence."

It has also been shown that estrogen, the main hormone contributing to growth plate closure induces CXXc5 expression, while also decreasing chondrocyte profileration.
In this study, we found that CXXC5 expression progressively increased in the resting, proliferative, and hypertrophic chondrocytes undergoing growth plate senescence. We also found that estrogen, a sex hormone that is elevated during the pubertal period, induced CXXC5 expression followed by decrement of β-catenin in chondrocytes.

Inhibiting this gene enhanced chondrocyte profileration and differentation
Furthermore, Cxxc5−/− mice displayed enhanced chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation in the late pubertal growth plate as well as longer tibiae at adulthood

Cxxc5-/- means the CXXC5 gene has been inhibited btw

Now although there are many other negative regulators of the Wnt/B-catenin signaling pathway, it seems the CXXC5 gene has the most detrimental effect. So, we will focus on this for now.
In summary, CXXC5, a protein induced with pubertal progression in the growth plate chondrocytes, is characterized as a key factor mediating termination of longitudinal bone growth by promoting growth plate senescence

Inhibition of the GSK-3B gene, which destablizies B-catenine, also resulted in tibial elongation through activaiton of Wnt/B-catenin signaling
In addition, treatment with an inhibitor of glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β), a serine/threonine kinase that destabilizes β-catenin resulted in tibial elongation in the ex vivo culture system

My theory on how to optimize the Wnt/B-catenin signaling pathway:
This is where the substance, KY-19382 comes into play. If you are a true heightmaxxer then you have probably heard of this drug atleast once during your research. It was originally used by some redditors as a potential cure to hair loss, but our goal is longitudinal bone growth so I will not talk about all the other potential positive effects of KY besides potential increased height

KY-19382 activates WNT/B-catening signaling via inhibition of CXXC5 and GSK-3B activity.

Through this action, studies show KY-19382 has shown drastic increase in chondrocyte profileration and differentation, which induced increased longitudinal bone growth while also delaying growth plate senesence

We further demonstrated that KY19382 markedly enhanced proliferation and differentiation of chondrocytes and induced longitudinal tibiae growth in adolescent mice by delaying growth plate senescence

KY-19382 effects on chondrocytes and growth plate height:

"The total growth plate height, monitored by COL2A1 immunostaining, was significantly increased by KY19382 treatment. This effect was confirmed by increased numbers of both proliferative and hypertrophic chondrocytes per column,"

"nuclear β-catenin was dramatically increased in the growth plate chondrocytes by KY19382 treatment"

"These functional and structural changes demonstrate the ability of KY19382 in delaying growth plate senescence."

"These results demonstrate that KY19382 promotes chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation via specific activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway."

TL;DR: Ideal optimization of the Wnt/B-catenin has some crazy potential for heightmaxxing, it is the second most important pathway after the growth hormone signaling pathway for height in my opinio.

KY-19382 also achieves increased chondrocyte profileration and delayed growth plate senesence through different methods and pathways then HGH and AI, so just imagine pairing up KY-19382 with HGH and AI:aheago::aheago::aheago::aheago: we could actually keep grow until fucking age 25 if we find a way to properly optimize this pathway. (sadly the only studies of ky-19382 affecting growth plates were done on rats)

Ky-19382 side effects aren't revealed yet, but according to redditors who used it for hair loss they reported 0 sides. It is also expensive as shit, dosage is around 0.1 mg/kg per bw every single day. But some people were able to get a way cheaper source. And you need to larp your way on being a researcher and shit... but i already found my way around it (not allowed to leak jfl so dont ask)

I already have a source for ky-19382 at a semi-reasonable price. Problem is im still trying to figure out how to mix the powder into an injectable solution.

Anyways my bad for the poor formatating and text, I made this whole thing in a rush out of boredom. But still, an interesting topic.

Tagging heightmaxxers/educated members:
@org3cel.RR @The Homelander @Cyrus @enchanted_elixir @Corpuscula

Anyways if i do end up hopping on ky-19382, ill create a log on it and if it actually worked or not
dnrd bc im 7'8
  • JFL
Reactions: MyDreamIsToBe183CM

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