Important Phenomenon about Users/Ascensions/Ratings

Deleted member 2486

Deleted member 2486

Jul 18, 2019
I'm gonna present 2 psychological tricks. They use these psychological tricks in media, politics, general advertisement, everywhere. These psychological effects are present here, they affect looksmaxxing methods, user ratings, blackpill ideologies etc. Everything that is.. visual basically

1. Illusory truth effect : when you keep seeing false things over and over repeated for long enough time, you'll believe it, even if your instincts initially told you other wise and you didn't believe it. wikipedia link

Example 1.

How this takes effect on PSL forums: Lets take an user that starts spamming his pictures over and over every day and keeps telling he fucks women.

- "I fuck mad bitches bro, i mog prime chico, delon. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

At first, you'll laugh at him. Think he's a troll. To be fair you think well "he looks above average for a white guy and low inhib enough, so he can likely get girls, but he's making a fool of himself"

months pass by....

he keeps uplaoding his autistic threads, pictures every single day, telling you how handsome he is, how much girls worship him

and then you'll actually see some form of cult forming around him. you'll observe people repeating these things that he was telling about himself. you will see people telling he's 7 psl or 6,5 psl. you will see people telling he's legit chad. you will see these users defending their little idol to death. their minds have been hijacked, @Arceus300 has them on a leash.

Example 2.

"I'm a super model, billionaire, esports super star, also a kick-boxing champion, 8 inch dick, 24 inch bideltoid without gymcelling btw. I also like to draw in my free time, they showcase my paintings in the Louvre. I also have more sex appeal than most models and fuck different 7-8 psl instagram models every day. All completely effortless. Looks theory doesn't matter, you just need to be confident guys and you're all a bunch of aspies

So at first your first intuition is that he's a pretty handsome dude and is full of himself, but he's likely overexaggerating and has likely something to compensate for, for trying to impress a forum filled with sex deprived lonely dudes. So what's his deal? Was he an incel growing up and trying to redeem himself? Is he mentally ill?

It doesn't really matter. He posts enough Tinder threads, he posts enough frauded selfies, photoshopped selfies in perfect lightning. He writes about enough crazy stories and experiences, whether they're true, partially true or completely false, are utterly irrelevant. As time passes, as you keep seeing his face over and over you'll soon enough believe that, he is, indeed the ultimate giga chad. People write threads about him 24/7, he's in everyone's mind, he's Jesus Christ of PSL. Nobody SMV mogs Chris. If Chris DMs Margot Robbie, then Margot Robbie is knocking on the door the day after. Face down, ass up? she asks.

2. Mere-exposure effect wikipedia link

This is similar to the first one, but different in the sense that this is directly related to attraction and familiarity.

When you see someone's face over and over, over time you'll look past his/her flaws and see him/her in different light than your first impression.

This is why you develop oneitis with average looking girls,
This is why you'll start overrating users once they've posted their face enough times.
This is why you'll believe certain people "ascended" upon looksmaxxing, even though they didn't. (You don't take their flaws into account as much as you did the first time you've seen them, because you got used to them after seeing the face over and over, thus you'll more so judge him by how much they improved compared to his previous state, instead of where they truly stand and what kind of first impression they have on strangers)

Lets say, someone below-average posts his face.


You're gonna see people shit on him. You're gonna see people telling him it's over and don't even bother. Then once he keeps making threads over and over, you're gonna see people making softer. The Mere-Exposure effect is already taking place. What was first "over", now is "not that bad".

He's a familiar face now. You've seen him in hundreds of threads. You've seen him in youtube videos. Suddenly you consider him average instead of below average. He's just another average dude that can make it. He's truly not that bad as you initially thought.

Then, the magi happens.


The people whose mind is already hijacked by this psychological phenomenon will overrate him by how much he improved vs. where he stands. You're gonna see people calling him high tier normie, chadlite, 6 psl. These people no longer see the NCT, death tier mouth area, bad lower third, hairline, collagen etc

- these things not only has an effect on users, but looksmaxxing methods, aka if someone posts enough about steroids, sarms etc. you're gonna be subconsciously peer pressured into it and by seeing all those compounds, they sort of become "familiar" and not seem as dangerous and make it likelier for you to actually inject shit

- if someone posts enough mewing studies, theories, great work articles you'll be inclined to believe mewing is not complete utter garbage and has to have some scientific base behind it

- if someone posts "gymcelling is bad, all about face" enough you'll be inclined to believe gymcelling is indeed coping, when its proven to have numerous health benefits and will likely always somewhat improve your looks, whether directly through your physique or the health benefits associated with improved circulation, skin, metabolism, sleep etc.

- if someone posts enough videos, pictures about fitness influencers who have top 0,001% insertions, proportions, test levels, muscle androgen receptor density and metabolism, you're more inclined to believe that gymcelling on your below average manlet framecel physique with shitty insertions will make you look better, when in reality at best it doesnt do anything, at worst it makes u seem coping manlet bloatcel

etc. you get the point, its all about how you portay things. you can portray everything in good and bad lightning and if you see certain things enough times, your mind will be tricked into believing it.

If you want to ascend, you need to more skeptical with everything. Every method, every product they recommend, every compound, every vitamin etc.

nothing, and everything works at the same time, it all comes down to the person at the end of the day, there is no 1 1 size fits all in looksmaxxing techniques. if you aren't high IQ to figure out what things helps you ascend and can't take proper judgement of the feedback you get, chances you'll never make it.

People will believe what fits their own narrative, their own problems and will project it onto others to seek familiarity and reassurance in their inner lack of confidence.

Obligatory tags, users featured in order: @Arceus300. @Dark1e, @FatmanO
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Reactions: Mainstream, Fiqh, TheBrownOne and 97 others
Read it because you roasted fatman
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  • JFL
Reactions: rooman, Deleted member 10679, Patrick Baitman and 26 others
Great thread
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Reactions: Titbot, Deleted member 2745 and Deleted member 2486
what's your IQ ? you'r a genius
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 71172 and TheBrownOne
rip @FatmanO this nigga never gets a break
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  • So Sad
Reactions: rooman, Deleted member 10679, Patrick Baitman and 32 others
CocaineCowboy highest iq in this forum tbh
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I will read later
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Reactions: Deleted member 2486
Look at that forward growth.

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Reactions: rooman, ugly nebula, Deleted member 2227 and 9 others
I find it hard to believe he posted a picture of himself sitting on a toilet here
He posted himself completely naked head to toe, in video, on this forum
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Reactions: rooman, diggbicc, Zygos4Life and 12 others
  • JFL
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Reactions: rooman, Deleted member 10679, sandcelmuttcel and 4 others
Amazing thread
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Reactions: Titbot and Deleted member 2486
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 15309, Zygos4Life, DidntRead and 4 others
Every user could conclude this when they are selfaware. You cant be blackpilled without being self aware

Good job OP, now more users can focus on this phenomenon to use it for their own benefit
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Reactions: Yerico7, RAITEIII, BigBoy and 3 others
kinda cope:

someone use arceus pics to catfish girls and it worked. Now... idk if that was fake, but i remember the experiment.

fatman actually ascended, even tho he is not a chadlite at all, but sure height and "new" face gave him hopes.

then, what should make me trust that your "this works, this doesn't work" isn't a part of the trick?
For my experience, i can tell that mewing gave me a better shape for my jaw (or so it seems in some pics), probably my genetics from the start? good for me, but i saw lil' improvement since i started
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Reactions: Deleted member 2581
Very legit thread. This is why I am sometimes skeptical on rating users I’ve known for a bit. I don’t want to overinflate their rating.
  • +1
Reactions: Titbot and Deleted member 2486
kinda cope:

someone use arceus pics to catfish girls and it worked. Now... idk if that was fake, but i remember the experiment.

fatman actually ascended, even tho he is not a chadlite at all, but sure height and "new" face gave him hopes.

then, what should make me trust that your "this works, this doesn't work" isn't a part of the trick?
For my experience, i can tell that mewing gave me a better shape for my jaw (or so it seems in some pics), probably my genetics from the start? good for me, but i saw lil' improvement since i started
I love how you just proved my points jfl
  • JFL
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Reactions: TheMewingBBC, BigBoy and Deleted member 2846
I didn't understand but arsceus isn't PSL 8 it's mostly a meme like @Titbot. Nobody here is perfect but we all have a sense of humour
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Reactions: Deleted member 2227
I didn't understand but arsceus isn't PSL 8 it's mostly a meme like @Titbot. Nobody here is perfect but we all have a sense of humour
arcerus himself was memeing a lot of times,but there were a considerable amount of users legit worshipping him and thinking hes chadlite/chad

this dude

  • JFL
Reactions: Dogs and Vitruvian
The good news is that none of this matters IRL, and the real slayers slay
I wanted include a part in the thread regarding surgeries, but i've sort of covered it in my surgery thread

you will see people overrating ascensions from surgery, ESPECIALLY if they're planning surgeries themselves

just imagine, you're sitting at your computer waiting for your surgery, you see someone else get their surgery and you the see result

How could you see the result being bad? Your brain will literally block your judgement from it.

Because you want your surgery to suceed so bad and believe in your own ascension

I've this exact thing happen over and over so many times with surgerycels ratings and "psl ascensions"
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  • JFL
Reactions: rooman, Titbot, BigBoy and 6 others
Brutal fatman roast

Quality thread. One has to be susceptible though to fall in the first place. One has to be impressionable, a follower in life.
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Reactions: Deleted member 2486
damn we share so many same opinions

i never understood why people overhyped @Arceus300 but i guess now it makes sense
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2486 and Deleted member 1560
damn we share so many same opinions

i never understood why people overhyped @Arceus300 but i guess now it makes sense
What does he do?
You said people overhyped him and you didn’t know why.
yea it made no sense, in my eyes he looked about average yet people esteemed him all the time, back then
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Reactions: Deleted member 2486
bro theres plenty pics of him in this thread rn

look at example 1
Lol, he looks pretty average. I’ve never seen/heard of him until this point.
High IQ thread
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Reactions: Deleted member 2486
Congratulations you just admitted the importance of personality, or online attitude in this case, on perceived facial attractiveness.
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  • JFL
Reactions: BigBoy, 6'4 looksmaxxxer, Deleted member 1862 and 2 others
I've always said this and called autists that they have "Delusional disorder" for rating themselves and other autists way higher

There was this dude on lookism that posted his pictures and asked for ratings. He was at most a 4/10, and as people first said that he's like 3PSL he kept calling "no I'm at least a 7/10". After some time people started giving him higher rates and it was only me and a few other posters telling him how dog shit he looks vs 90% of people calling him average/above average.
  • +1
Reactions: Yerico7, BigBoy, 6'4 looksmaxxxer and 1 other person
read this thread. I did not
:lul: the same thing happened to nibba :lul:
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Reactions: BigBoy, Deleted member 1862, Deleted member 39 and 1 other person
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: Deleted member 1862 and Deleted member 2745
Wasn’t he like openly racist and misogynistic?
Bunch of people here are like that.
He's the only one that I know of who was narcy enough, and stupid enough to publish his face, Facebook and ig so freely
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  • JFL
Reactions: BigBoy, Deleted member 1862, Deleted member 2810 and 1 other person
Bunch of people here are like that.
He's the only one that I know of who was narcy enough, and stupid enough to publish his face, Facebook and ig so freely
Yeah I don’t understand why people post their faces here hahaha :feelshaha:
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  • JFL
Reactions: BigBoy, Deleted member 1551 and Deleted member 2745

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