Improve under eye support?

Deleted member 39

Deleted member 39

The Inferior
Aug 11, 2018
IMG 20190218 195311
What surgery or procedure would you recommend to me to improve my under eye support?
Also tell me if I should get a rhinoplasty before getting the procedure for under eye support done.
Apart from that, what can I do to improve my gonions and set my jaw apart from my neck?
Thanks for answering.
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Modified lefort 3 maybe. Btw i love surgery advice threads like a this.
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Modified lefort 3 maybe. Btw i love surgery advice threads like a this.
Lefort 3 is too extreme even for my taste tbh. I was thinking about orbital rim implants. What do you think about them?
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Lefort 3 is too extreme even for my taste tbh. I was thinking about orbital rim implants. What do you think about them?
I have seen zero good before after with orbital rim implants tbh. There is probably some non surgical ways to reduce under eye bags but there is no permanent solution to them besides lf3 cuz bones(more like lack of them) causes them.
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I have seen zero good before after with orbital rim implants tbh. There is probably some non surgical ways to reduce under eye bags but there is no permanent solution to them besides lf3 cuz bones(more like lack of them) causes them.
Images 5
this is a big improvement in my opinion but I haven't read a lot about orbital rim implants either. How risky are they really?
If you have a limited budget I'd suggest you start first with your skin
Laser resurfacing is nice
20190218 111035

Do you have frontal pics
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You don't need rhino
If you have a limited budget I'd suggest you start first with your skin
Laser resurfacing is nice
View attachment 21719

Do you have frontal pics
Obviously I will start with my skin. I have taken Accutane for 9 months now and I have to take it for 9 more months. After the treatment I have to wait 6 months until I can get a scar treatment. I'll get multiple sessions of Derma pen therapy.
You don't need rhino
Yes I do lol
Obviously I will start with my skin. I have taken Accutane for 9 months now and I have to take it for 9 more months. After the treatment I have to wait 6 months until I can get a scar treatment. I'll get multiple sessions of Derma pen therapy.

Yes I do lol
Post frontal pics
Not to ruin your dream, but no sane doctor will perform Le Fort III on you, because you are not clearly disfigured.

And those that will you should stay away from. This is a neurological surgery as pulling midface out that much along with orbitals creates empty space in your brain and can cause neurological / brain issues. That is why it is done in different sections than normal Le Forts. It is extremely complicated and risky surgery with high degree of side effects and potential brain damage.

Why not just get MSE+Facemask and do it all without surgery? Seems like a no brainer to me.
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Orbital implants probably won't help you that much, it's your maxilla that's causing your problems; ideally, the triangle I drew should be a bit wider, like on this random stock image model I found.

Your side profile isn't that important, though, unless you plan on going through life not looking at anyone you talk to.

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He needs maxilla pulled outward, but I don't see how that is a Le Fort solution. Do this OP:

Le Fort is outdated and only needed for extremely disfigured syndrome patients.

Depending on procedures and height of OP he is not far from Chadlite potential. Maybe even Chad. Just need to skinmax, RTT and fix maxilla.
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He needs maxilla pulled outward, but I don't see how that is a Le Fort solution. Do this OP:

Le Fort is outdated and only needed for extremely disfigured syndrome patients.

Depending on procedures and height of OP he is not far from Chadlite potential. Maybe even Chad. Just need to skinmax, RTT and fix maxilla.
This is very interesting

Don’t listen to anyone here telling you to get extreme le fort surgery. The risk is too high relative to how much you’d benefit from it.

Your nose isn’t amazing, depending on your front profile rhinoplasty would be beneficial. If you got good front profile then that slight hump could be fixed with filler

Fix your skin.

Get some cheek bone filler and undereye fat injections.

Don’t listen to anyone here telling you to get extreme le fort surgery. The risk is too high relative to how much you’d benefit from it.

Your nose isn’t amazing, depending on your front profile rhinoplasty would be beneficial. If you got good front profile then that slight hump could be fixed with filler

Fix your skin.

Get some cheek bone filler and undereye fat injections.
No sane doctor would perform aa Le Fort on that guy anyway. They would just forward him to fillers. Besides why the fuck do Le Fort when there is MSE+Facemask. Literally why?

Le Fort III or even II is not a "yolo surgery". Only car crash victims and retarded looking fish faces get those done with a team of doctors of neurological wing of the facility. It is not a game like chin wing, sliding genio or manibular advancement. When you saw off the midface and move it forward you are creating empty space in your skull. This can fuck up your brain tremendously and you can become a vegetable.

On the other hand if you slowly advance via Facemask and MSE - what the fuck are you risking exactly? Some time spent, maybe some bite issues and social stigma for wearing a facemask, but it will be cheaper and less extreme down the line + more control over procedure. With Le Fort you just saw it open, pull out and saw it back. With facemask you control over long period of time.
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He needs maxilla pulled outward, but I don't see how that is a Le Fort solution. Do this OP:

Le Fort is outdated and only needed for extremely disfigured syndrome patients.

Depending on procedures and height of OP he is not far from Chadlite potential. Maybe even Chad. Just need to skinmax, RTT and fix maxilla.
What is RTT and how should I fix my maxilla? I thought my maxilla was fine to be honest.
Edit: I guess you're talking about palate expanders? I already had this done

Don’t listen to anyone here telling you to get extreme le fort surgery. The risk is too high relative to how much you’d benefit from it.

Your nose isn’t amazing, depending on your front profile rhinoplasty would be beneficial. If you got good front profile then that slight hump could be fixed with filler

Fix your skin.

Get some cheek bone filler and undereye fat injections.
Yeah definitely considering rhinoplasty. But aren't fillers annoying? An implant would be better I guess.
your side profile is not holding you back, even if it were leforts are too extreme to do them for minor aesthetic improvements
@AstroSky could mewing fix this?
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your side profile is not holding you back, even if it were leforts are too extreme to do them for minor aesthetic improvements
LOL why are you all talking about lefort
I obviously wouldn't do this surgery.
I won't do any surgery that is too extreme and risky.
I only want to fix under eye area and my gonions, not change my whole midface
@AstroSky could mewing fix this?
I don't think so. I have never been a mouth breather
No sane doctor would perform aa Le Fort on that guy anyway. They would just forward him to fillers. Besides why the fuck do Le Fort when there is MSE+Facemask. Literally why?

Le Fort III or even II is not a "yolo surgery". Only car crash victims and retarded looking fish faces get those done with a team of doctors of neurological wing of the facility. It is not a game like chin wing, sliding genio or manibular advancement. When you saw off the midface and move it forward you are creating empty space in your skull. This can fuck up your brain tremendously and you can become a vegetable.

On the other hand if you slowly advance via Facemask and MSE - what the fuck are you risking exactly? Some time spent, maybe some bite issues and social stigma for wearing a facemask, but it will be cheaper and less extreme down the line + more control over procedure. With Le Fort you just saw it open, pull out and saw it back. With facemask you control over long period of time.
does anyone unironically seek out leforts, always thought it was a meme tbh
to op, fillers can probably fix you in 5 minutes
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Tear trough and cheek filler. Cheaper and less invasive than surgery. The new stuff lasts a year. Likely you'd spend 2-3k per year. Most people spend more than that on alcohol in a year.
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What is RTT and how should I fix my maxilla? I thought my maxilla was fine to be honest.
Edit: I guess you're talking about palate expanders? I already had this done

Yeah definitely considering rhinoplasty. But aren't fillers annoying? An implant would be better I guess.
Annoying in the sense you need repeat treatments ? Yes.

There’s pros and cons to both, do your research.

I prefer fillers
Annoying in the sense you need repeat treatments ? Yes.

There’s pros and cons to both, do your research.

I prefer fillers
Yeah and even after 1 month it will already look worse than 1 month before. It gradually gets worse am I right?
Tear trough and cheek filler. Cheaper and less invasive than surgery. The new stuff lasts a year. Likely you'd spend 2-3k per year. Most people spend more than that on alcohol in a year.
Tbh 3k for fillers is ridiculous. I personally am not able to afford it. I guess I'd rather go for implants then.
Yeah and even after 1 month it will already look worse than 1 month before. It gradually gets worse am I right?

Tbh 3k for fillers is ridiculous. I personally am not able to afford it. I guess I'd rather go for implants then.
It doesn’t look worse after a month, looks the same for 9 months than dissolved over 3 months to nothing
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I think your forward growth is fine, not sure if you really need surgeries. Hard to say if your nose is bad or not when it's a still side profile pic. The biggest looksmax I see is skin, but I'm sure you knew that already. Other than that, it looks like you have some facial bloat, so find a way to fix that.
I think your forward growth is fine, not sure if you really need surgeries. Hard to say if your nose is bad or not when it's a still side profile pic. The biggest looksmax I see is skin, but I'm sure you knew that already. Other than that, it looks like you have some facial bloat, so find a way to fix that.

It’s his bones that are bloated rip
I don't think so. I have never been a mouth breather

It's not about mouthbreathing, it's about the position of your tongue and head posture.
View attachment 21716What surgery or procedure would you recommend to me to improve my under eye support?
Also tell me if I should get a rhinoplasty before getting the procedure for under eye support done.
Apart from that, what can I do to improve my gonions and set my jaw apart from my neck?
Thanks for answering.
Yes rhinoplasty + slincare will be biggest looksmaxes can´t get Voluma or Sculptra to the eyes, but Restylane and Belotero are solid options, and the latter can last up to 2 years...
He needs maxilla pulled outward, but I don't see how that is a Le Fort solution. Do this OP:

Le Fort is outdated and only needed for extremely disfigured syndrome patients.

Depending on procedures and height of OP he is not far from Chadlite potential. Maybe even Chad. Just need to skinmax, RTT and fix maxilla.
Can’t decide between this or lefort 1 plus cheekbone and orbital impants for my recessed maxilla I’m going to do mse regardless because my upper palate is extremely narrow but would face pulling really cause any significant facial changes?
Isnt his maxilla extremely forward? Looks like a dog.
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View attachment 21716What surgery or procedure would you recommend to me to improve my under eye support?
Also tell me if I should get a rhinoplasty before getting the procedure for under eye support done.
Apart from that, what can I do to improve my gonions and set my jaw apart from my neck?
Thanks for answering.
Modiefied lefort 3 would ascend you
And do rhino after
It's recessed actually.
Your maxilla is very forward: convex philtrum, no nasolabial folds, extreme forward growth.
it just looks downwards grown. How is your ramus?
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Your maxilla is very forward: convex philtrum, no nasolabial folds, extreme forward growth.
it just looks downwards grown. How is your ramus?
My maxilla is medically diagnosed recessed.
My ramus is long enough, but its angle is bad.
My maxilla is medically diagnosed recessed.
My ramus is long enough, but its angle is bad.
honestly you have no signs of a recessed maxilla, your profile resembles a dog. Recessed maxilla gives flat philtrum, paranasal hollowing, chubby cheeks. You have none of that. You just have a downwards grown maxilla. Insane forward growth with deep set eyes.
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