In 4 months I took an insecure chubby girl and made her into a cute anorexic girl


Deleted member 11126

Dec 4, 2020
As long as a girl isn't over 180 pounds you can always coerce and pressure them into the image you want. Chubby insecure girls are far easier to control. And even when they lose the weight you can still keep them insecure if you play your cards right

Hope this serves you guys for inspiration. #EATING DISORDER GRINDSET
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Mirin darktriadmaxxing behavior :feelshah:
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As long as a girl isn't over 180 pounds you can always coerce and pressure them into the image you want. Chubby insecure girls are far easier to control. And even when they lose the weight you can still keep them insecure if you play your cards right

Hope this serves you guys for inspiration. #EATING DISORDER GRINDSET
Yep I enjoy bullying and getting QT chubby women so I can bully them into becoming dependent on me :feelsgah: you can even cheat on such women and they won’t care

They are the best kind of foids. A shame I’m too lazy for that shit
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Mirin darktriadmaxxing behavior :feelshah:
I wanna help you get a gf man! Idk how ugly you are but probably not over for you...

Yep I enjoy bullying and getting QT chubby women so I can bully them into becoming dependent on me :feelsgah: you can even cheat on such women and they won’t care

They are the best kind of foids. A shame I’m too lazy for that shit
Yeah women are so stupid they literally don't know how to lose weight I had to teach this bitch about fasting and intermittent fasting she thought being on a low fat diet would make her lose weight lol
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I wanna help you get a gf man! Idk how ugly you are but probably not over for you...
You know jsanza29? I look like a slightly better looking version than him:

It's over. :ogre:
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 11126
I wanna help you get a gf man! Idk how ugly you are but probably not over for you...

Yeah women are so stupid they literally don't know how to lose weight I had to teach this bitch about fasting and intermittent fasting she thought being on a low fat diet would make her lose weight lol
Unfortunately idiots think fat is what makes people fat when in reality it’s Carbs that makes people fat as that triggers Insulin and lowers insulin resistance over time leading your body to go into storage mode. I say this whilst being a fat fuck myself but I know how to lose weight it’s just a bit of a hassle to actually do it
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You know jsanza29? I look like a slightly better looking version than him:

It's over. :ogre:

He's pretty bad but if he's 6 foot and can grow a beard he would fit in with the sexpats in SEA. Like he would be a 4/10 white man which in SEA translates to 7/10. But yeah if your close to him I hate to say it but if you live in Western Europe or the Anglosphere you may need to move otherwise you will always struggle to get the crumbs of the crumbs. Thats my honest opinion but I would have to see your face first there may be one surgery in specific that can ascend you. But in Latin America or SEA you can still be golden.

Unfortunately idiots think fat is what makes people fat when in reality it’s Carbs that makes people fat as that triggers Insulin and lowers insulin resistance over time leading your body to go into storage mode. I say this whilst being a fat fuck myself but I know how to lose weight it’s just a bit of a hassle to actually do it
You can eat carbs you just gotta burn them off doing shit or fast every once in a while.
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He's pretty bad but if he's 6 foot and can grow a beard he would fit in with the sexpats in SEA. Like he would be a 4/10 white man which in SEA translates to 7/10. But yeah if your close to him I hate to say it but if you live in Western Europe or the Anglosphere you may need to move otherwise you will always struggle to get the crumbs of the crumbs. Thats my honest opinion but I would have to see your face first there may be one surgery in specific that can ascend you. But in Latin America or SEA you can still be golden.

You can eat carbs you just gotta burn them off doing shit or fast every once in a while.
Yeah I agree, I never said don’t eat carbs but it’s about timing, intermittent fasting works because your not spiking insulin meaning your body spends most of its time using energy instead of storing. If you snack on carb throughout the day your body will be stuck in storage mode
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He's pretty bad but if he's 6 foot and can grow a beard he would fit in with the sexpats in SEA. Like he would be a 4/10 white man which in SEA translates to 7/10. But yeah if your close to him I hate to say it but if you live in Western Europe or the Anglosphere you may need to move otherwise you will always struggle to get the crumbs of the crumbs. Thats my honest opinion but I would have to see your face first there may be one surgery in specific that can ascend you. But in Latin America or SEA you can still be golden.
He's 6'3 and that didn't help him at all cause of his ogre-like face. He's a 3/10 at most. I didn't attract women in Latin America (Even escorts charged me extra and didn't want me to touch them JFL :feelswhy:). I might have to try SouthEast Asia next, but I'm broke and can't sustain a job cause of my autism and schizophrenia. :ogre:
  • Hmm...
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He's 6'3 and that didn't help him at all cause of his ogre-like face. He's a 3/10 at most. I didn't attract women in Latin America (Even escorts charged me extra and didn't want me to touch them JFL :feelswhy:). I might have to try SouthEast Asia next, but I'm broke and can't sustain a job cause of my autism and schizophrenia. :ogre:
Over. Are you really a schitzo? just be tall and white bro how hard is it Ethnic women will fuck an hideous white guy whose talll for money I refuse to belive you tbh you must be curry
Over. Are you really a schitzo? just be tall and white bro how hard is it Ethnic women will fuck an hideous white guy whose talll for money I refuse to belive you tbh you must be curry
Yeah, I am diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder requiring support AKA Asperger Syndrome and Schizophrenia for my vivid visual and auditory hallucinations (Not gonna take the meds cause that will make me bloatmax and I can't have that). Being tall and white does you no favors in the West, unfortunately.
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Yeah I agree, I never said don’t eat carbs but it’s about timing, intermittent fasting works because your not spiking insulin meaning your body spends most of its time using energy instead of storing. If you snack on carb throughout the day your body will be stuck in storage mode
Yeah my only issue with eating one meal a day is that it makes me so tired. I eat one prep meal after work thats like 1,500 calories meat rice veggies ect and I pass out after eating it. Like I'm either too tired to do anything for one hour after or I fall asleep.

Fuark Mirin. I would love to groom an anorexic JB 😍
I've gotten 2 jb girls now that I think of it I've never dated a girl older then 18,

He's 6'3 and that didn't help him at all cause of his ogre-like face. He's a 3/10 at most. I didn't attract women in Latin America (Even escorts charged me extra and didn't want me to touch them JFL :feelswhy:). I might have to try SouthEast Asia next, but I'm broke and can't sustain a job cause of my autism and schizophrenia. :ogre:
Can you grow a beard? if your issues are mainly the lower part of your jaw that can help. Also even a 60 year old men get sex in SEA you can do it literally JBW will save you.
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Can you grow a beard? if your issues are mainly the lower part of your jaw that can help. Also even a 60 year old men get sex in SEA you can do it literally JBW will save you.
I'll pm you pics but they'll censor out my eyes
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I'll pm you pics but they'll censor out my eyes
Thanks man btw even the guy in the youtube video if he grew a beard could get laid in SEA.
We all know ure khhhv subhuman

Yeah, I am diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder requiring support AKA Asperger Syndrome and Schizophrenia for my vivid visual and auditory hallucinations (Not gonna take the meds cause that will make me bloatmax and I can't have that). Being tall and white does you no favors in the West, unfortunately.
I dunno man talll and white does big favours man I disagree. I’m also Diagnosed aspie (over 4 me) but if I were tall I’d prob be Chadlite level slaying but cos I’m a 5’11 manlet I can’t slay because my brain doesn’t make up for my physical deformity (being a manlet)
I dunno man talll and white does big favours man I disagree. I’m also Diagnosed aspie (over 4 me) but if I were tall I’d prob be Chadlite level slaying but cos I’m a 5’11 manlet I can’t slay because my brain doesn’t make up for my physical deformity (being a manlet)
Same height as you and still feel average in most areas. :feelswah:
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Same height as you and still feel average in most areas. :feelswah:
5’11 is avg and that means manlet as anything not tall is manlet to women. Anything that isn’t chad is ugly to women make no mistake to women your either chad or subhuman

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