"In this city, EVEN THE GAY ASIAN MEN are hooked up with WMs": ricecels lambast San Francisco



Jul 1, 2023
Listen, it's been like this in San Francisco since the 1960's. THE SIXTIES.
Try to imagine living in an environment where, when you visit an Asian restaurant, 80% of the couples there are WMAF. The AF waitress treats you like shit. Try to imagine going to a WMAF wedding that you had to go to, and seeing nearly ALL the AF's at the wedding in the arms of their white boyfriends. When you walk down the street, the AF's openly sneer and smirk at you. You would imagine the AF's would feel weird. But, no, they have no shame. NO. SHAME.
Try to imagine working in SF, and you WM co-workers feel the need to tell you how many AF's they've dated in the past month. And don't forget the African-American male co-workers who also have you tell you how many AF's they've dated in the past month. Try to imagine having a beer with your WM friend and he asks you, "Hey man, how come Asian girls don't like hanging out with you guys". He's not being smart-ass, he's asking a sincere question. Now imagine that happening over the course of a lifetime with different friends.
Try to imagine being with a white female in public (whether it's a girlfriend or just a friend) and having AF's stare DAGGERS at her and you. Try to imagine living across the street from a day care center, and nearly every time you see an AF pick up her child, the child is unmistakably hapa. Try to imagine being a student in San Francisco State University, and in every fucking class, there's two or three AF's who are saving an empty seat next to them for their WM boyfriends. Try to imagine during Prom week throughout the city, seeing carloads of WMAF high school students going to the Prom. In this city, even the gay Asian men are hooked up with WM's.
But what hurts most of all, is when I'm at a public venue, whether it's bar, restaurant, movie theater, etc, seeing all the AM's sitting by themselves, or in small groups of AM's being quiet. That's what hurts. I don't even go to public venues in SF any more. I head out to the suburbs. I still see WMAF's in adjacent towns, but at least I'm not overwhelmed by them. I refuse to go to weddings these days. I simply cannot stand to see all the WMAF couples in the weddings, and see the groups of AM's standing by themselves.
Everything I've written about are things I've personally witnessed and experienced. I'm not making this shit up. I haven't even scratched the fucking surface. I recently had a drink with a friend, an African-American woman. We were talking about the WMAF phenomena. It was surprising how much she understood and how much of the diaspora she herself saw in her company. She said all the young AF's in her company are hooked up with WM's. Anyways, she told me, "I feel sorry for you. You guys are the new n*****s". There was nothing I could find to say, because that pretty much summed up the Asian male experience in San Francisco.
Another poster said that WM's don't have to hire hookers anymore. I think there's an element of truth to that. WM's don't need to hire hookers when they can get an AF for free.

  • JFL
Reactions: Lmao and Xangsane
SF is a asian bubble city

most asian there grew up in public school with asian social circle

too many brah find comfort in thinking WMAF is ruling the place but its mainly AMAF
SF is a asian bubble city

most asian there grew up in public school with asian social circle

too many brah find comfort in thinking WMAF is ruling the place but its mainly AMAF
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 31155 and traveler
When you walk down the street, the AF's openly sneer and smirk at you.
lmao they even try to do this to me as chang

although not really, they’re coping or fantasizing about me alphaing their man

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