Inceldom in japan and south korea


Deleted member 31604

Jun 29, 2023
Most important cause of inceldom in the modern time is woman participation in labour market and male statues in starting relationship becoming less and less important.
But why inceldom is more fucked in japan and South korea?
Both of these country are similar in terms of female workforce participation to west.
Recent ILO LFP 2 768x542

As you can see there isn't meaningful difference between Japan and Korea and western countries.
So why inceldom is more fucked in these two countries?
The answer is blackpilled culture+subhuman population.
When we look at west and who gets idolized as attractive we are gonna see poeple like Michael b jordanfor blacks and Ryan gosling for whites.

They are both htn for their race and nothing special about them.
There isn't big difference between avg person and these celebrities.
But when we look at south korean and Japanese culture there is a unrealistic expectation about who can pass as attractive.
For south Koreans it's kpop artist who have undergone a lot of plastic surgery.
Top 10 most handsome kpop male idols
Istockphoto 1350690621 612x612

As you can see the difference is very big between an avg korean male and a kpop idol.
And as for japanese beauty standards they are completely delusional.
They idiolize a very idealistic version of western beauty. You can see it in anime and their games. A lot of them have characters who have blonde hair and blue eyes and finding a blue eyed person in sub sahara africa is easier than finding one in japan.
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Jesus the expectation vs reality in japan is so big that I don't understand how do they function as a society.
(Sorry for bad English)
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dnrd incel essay
Not gonna read an essay written by a self proclaimed autist
dont listen to the haters, op! I read!

(I in fact, dnr)
Nice post but you are wrong op

My posts on Inceldom in Japan make a much better
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 31604
most retarded take possible, people in those countries are too high inhib man, this is what happens when your culture revolves around studying 24/7 and 0 social interactions
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