Incelphobia should be classified as hate speech



6'1 , sub5
Mar 5, 2024
Incels are one of the most opressed groups of people, why can negroids and jews and trannies claim that they are opressed when we are the most opressed people since time has started . We should make it so that saying something bad about incels gets you the same sentence as when you do hate speech against other "opressed" races or others , jfl all foids would get arrested :lul:
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Reactions: RAJ GHRANDHICK🗿, gigell and Darkeningstar
Incels are one of the most opressed groups of people, why can negroids and jews and trannies claim that they are opressed when we are the most opressed people since time has started . We should make it so that saying something bad about incels gets you the same sentence as when you do hate speech against other "opressed" races or others , jfl all foids would get arrested :lul:
Incels are one of the most opressed groups of people, why can negroids and jews and trannies claim that they are opressed when we are the most opressed people since time has started . We should make it so that saying something bad about incels gets you the same sentence as when you do hate speech against other "opressed" races or others , jfl all foids would get arrested :lul:
water is wet
Incels are one of the most opressed groups of people, why can negroids and jews and trannies claim that they are opressed when we are the most opressed people since time has started . We should make it so that saying something bad about incels gets you the same sentence as when you do hate speech against other "opressed" races or others , jfl all foids would get arrested :lul:
Bump @gigell gtfih
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Reactions: gigell
Who hurt you?
Incels should be Leftist. But Leftist People Hate Incels the most.
Incels are one of the most opressed groups of people, why can negroids and jews and trannies claim that they are opressed when we are the most opressed people since time has started . We should make it so that saying something bad about incels gets you the same sentence as when you do hate speech against other "opressed" races or others , jfl all foids would get arrested :lul:
These things are why it never occurred to me to write on reddit autism
Probably because it's common for incels to call women whores, blacks niggers and so on.
YH we do that cause society has been cruel to us
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Imretarded?
YH we do that cause society has been cruel to us
You're part of society and you've been cruel to others. Only way to stop it is to be like Jesus, innit
Yeah but we have to leave soyciety all together this place is fucked up
Incels should be Leftist. But Leftist People Hate Incels the most.
Both parties do.

The Right Wing feels that men should get married and start families young and become wageslaves to support their families and be considered industrious.

Incels don't live up to those standards which means that the Right Wing looks down on them and doesn't view them as "real men."

Incels are more accepted by the Alt Right than they are by the regular Right Wing. And, even then, Richard Spencer threw them under the bus recently.

All the women should be removed from positions of power and be replaced by men. This should happen in politics and in the business sector.
You're part of society and you've been cruel to others. Only way to stop it is to be like Jesus, innit
i have been cruel to others but less cruel than those disgusting foids
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Imretarded?
All the women should be removed from positions of power and be replaced by men. This should happen in politics and in the business sector.
only way we succeed
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Normies need to realize most incels are either ethnic or neurodivergent, then they won't be allowed to bully us
Incels are one of the most opressed groups of people, why can negroids and jews and trannies claim that they are opressed when we are the most opressed people since time has started . We should make it so that saying something bad about incels gets you the same sentence as when you do hate speech against other "opressed" races or others , jfl all foids would get arrested :lul:
Ehh....right now the incels are considered hateful, they are like terrorists or something, so the general consensus it that it's ok to bash them.
Ehh....right now the incels are considered hateful, they are like terrorists or something, so the general consensus it that it's ok to bash them.
most incels are just lonely ass niggas like me
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