Incels analysed by liberal professor.



Jul 26, 2024
Most of this is water to you guys, but I was doing some reading and found this in Richard Seymour's book disaster Nationalism chap 2.

Heere is a short bit ( cant copy and paste the whole thing but Ive linked the PDF. section starts on pg 85. for those who dont have tiktok brain the read is abt 5 minutes. ) Its intersting to see how normies look at incels.

LMk if u guys can access.

Easily the most masochistic of the cuck fantasies, more nihilistic than
patriotic, is the ideology of the male who is 'involuntarily celibate: the
incel. The world they inhabit is homo economicw meets Planet of the
Apes: a sexual market in which women are overtly described as
'commodities: and a brutal sexual caste system dominated by the
silverbacks with high 'sexual market value' (a term that first appeared
in pickup artist literature).
The incel's fated misery is to be born with low 'sexual market
value: to be unfuckable to the women they both hate and desire. They
are victims of a higher caste of 'Chads: 'Staceys' and 'Tyrones: but
more deeply of evolution, which has primed women for 'hypergamy':
mating with men of a higher social and sexual status. As the self-help
guru Jordan Peterson puts it, 'women .mate across and up dominance
hierarchies, men mate across and down: As a result, just 10 per cent of
the (straight) men have 80 per cent of the (straight) sex. If disaster
nationalists try to make capitalism sexy again by introducing a new
combination of prohibition and license, the incels effectively reduce
sex to capitalism. '"

This bizarre story, which seems to couple neoliberal ideology
with the most reductive claims of evolutionary psychology. is eerily
similar to the no less speculative evolutionary tale that appears in
Freud's Totem and Taboo. Attempting to explain the origins of guilt in
modem civilization, Freud claimed that in the remote past there had
to have been a primordial father who had limitless and lawless access
to all women. Civilization, he claimed based on some speculative
anthropology, was founded when the sons allied and killed the father,
establishing a fair division of women among them. Thus, a kind of
patriarchal rule of law was formed, but at the price of neurotic guilt
In the incel version of the story, feminist struggle has brought on the
collapse of this order and restored the anarchic dominance of the
primordial fathers. This might suggest that there should be a tension
between Chad nationalists and incels which opponents could exploit
- and indeed there is - but for the inccls 'Chad' is an aspirational
figure. while women arc the evil parasites running a 'feminist gynoc
racy: For the inccls and their MRA brethren, feminism is nothing
other than a 'sexual strategy' enabling hypergamous female mating
What is arresting about this dystopian fantasy is how it binds the
incels to their misery. We are all incels some of the time. None of us
gets more than an approximation of the sexual pleasure we want But
for those captured by incel ideology, it is not merely a matter of the
dissatisfaction that is built into sexual relations, spells of loneliness
and occasional feelings of ugliness and inadequacy. The dysphoria is
total. Since sex is a market governed by zero-sum competition, since
women arc 'commodities: since one man's satisfaction is another
man's deprivation and since biology is destiny, a growing number of
bamboozled young men are destined to be sexually dissatisfied. Worse
than that, by naturalising zero-sum competition, incel ideology also
naturalises the concomitantly sadistic culture of winners and losers,
making sexual failure a more invidious experience. What political
opponents sec as an expression of'privilege' and'entitlement' is expe
rienced as a fatal deficit in the incel's being.• s
There is, of course, entitlement on incel forums. But the en
mcnt comes after the sting of inadequacy and the gut-chum ,.'.
helpless rage, as a spurious ideological cure. In reality, the ideology
does everything to compound the suffering. Incels thus assert that
they arc entitled to rape women: the women 'deserve to [be I raped'
because they are'the scum of the earth'. lncels should support 'the
legalisation of rape'. Children, too, should not be spared: support
for paedophilia is a routine feature of the incel message boards. If
the main superego injunction in modern society is to'enjoy: in this
case to have sex as frequently as possible, with as few limits as
possible, inceldom embraces the injunction with a passion. But
even their cathartic gyrations about women only compound the
suicidal self-loathing, since incels still need and desire the women
they despise. In a message board thread entitled 'Irish hag-whore
chokes on dog cum and dies: an incel muses: 'Women would rather
fuck dogs than me:•'
SEX 87
The fantasy of limitless sexual enjoyment is also a fantasy of being
violated. Consider the phenomenon of Andrew Tate fandom. Tate
calls himself a libertarian. He despises what he calls 'the Matrix: a
regio dissimilitudinus, a simulacral reality produced by the 'powers
that be' which emasculates virile Western males. Tm not a rapist: he
once explained, having asserted that he moved to Romania because it
would be easier to get away with rape.'But I like the idea of just being
able to do what I want. I like being free: To his extremely suasiblc
male fans, this was no more than his due:'He's •Top G• - he can rape
whoever he wants: As if to say, 'he can rape me if he wants: Tate's
fantasy 'libertarian' Miinnerbund does not attempt to stabilise the
political boundary between those who may or may not defile. those
who may or may not be defiled. It is a fantasy of the sovereign free
dom of the one who defiles, simply because he wills it, because he can,
because he is 'Top G: Any attempt to actualise this would leave even
the would-be rapist at the mercy of mere contingency, since today's
'Top G' could easily be tomorrow's victim. It is the anomic freedom
fantasy of the lone wolf, the freedom of social collapse. 1.1 There is a
fateful ambiguity between wanting to be him and wanting to be his
The incel fantasia of limitless enjoyment would have few converts
if its picture of reality didn't resonate with some aspects of real life.
For example, the idea of 20 per cent of men'having' So per cent of the
sex is an exaggeration but not entirely fanciful. Tue General Social
Survey suggests that for both men and women in the United States, it
is more like 20 per cent'having' between 50 and 60 per cent of the sex.
Tue picture of rising sexlessness also gets some support from the same
source, which finds that the number of people, especially younger
people, having no sex at all has risen 28 per cent for men and 8 per
cent for women, especially since 2008 - although that data is contested
by other sources such as the National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey and the National Survey of Family Growth.••
What is missing in this story, however, is that celibacy among •
young adults is increasingly voluntary. W hat is collapsing is not grati
fication but desire. Not only is sexual activity falling, but so is interest"
Last edited:
  • +1
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Nigga just doxxed himself 💀
  • JFL
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  • +1
  • JFL
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  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: finnished, h111, Wexilarious and 1 other person
Most of this is water to you guys, but I was doing some reading and found this in Richard Seymour's book disaster Nationalism chap 2.

Heere is a short bit ( cant copy and paste the whole thing but Ive linked the PDF. section starts on pg 85. for those who dont have tiktok brain the read is abt 5 minutes. ) Its intersting to see how normies look at incels. Link: file:///C:/Users/Tobias%20Winthrop/Downloads/Richard%20Seymour%20Disaster%20Nationalism%20chapter%203.pdf

LMk if u guys can access.

Easily the most masochistic of the cuck fantasies, more nihilistic than
patriotic, is the ideology of the male who is 'involuntarily celibate: the
incel. The world they inhabit is homo economicw meets Planet of the
Apes: a sexual market in which women are overtly described as
'commodities: and a brutal sexual caste system dominated by the
silverbacks with high 'sexual market value' (a term that first appeared
in pickup artist literature).
The incel's fated misery is to be born with low 'sexual market
value: to be unfuckable to the women they both hate and desire. They
are victims of a higher caste of 'Chads: 'Staceys' and 'Tyrones: but
more deeply of evolution, which has primed women for 'hypergamy':
mating with men of a higher social and sexual status. As the self-help
guru Jordan Peterson puts it, 'women .mate across and up dominance
hierarchies, men mate across and down: As a result, just 10 per cent of
the (straight) men have 80 per cent of the (straight) sex. If disaster
nationalists try to make capitalism sexy again by introducing a new
combination of prohibition and license, the incels effectively reduce
sex to capitalism. '"
Why would you link your c drive.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: finnished, SecularIslamist, h111 and 2 others
  • +1
Reactions: finnished and JeanneDArcAlter
Are you retarded?
Captain America Lol GIF by mtv
  • JFL
Reactions: finnished and TuniaLTN
It sounds like a newspaper article, empty content and an exercise in style. What are the causes of the incel phenomenon, who cares, right?
  • +1
Reactions: narcomogs
@OldRooster did the exact same thing posting the file path expecting others to be able to access it
  • JFL
Reactions: apocalypse, finnished, Sociobiology and 3 others
Most of this is water to you guys, but I was doing some reading and found this in Richard Seymour's book disaster Nationalism chap 2.

Heere is a short bit ( cant copy and paste the whole thing but Ive linked the PDF. section starts on pg 85. for those who dont have tiktok brain the read is abt 5 minutes. ) Its intersting to see how normies look at incels.

LMk if u guys can access.

Easily the most masochistic of the cuck fantasies, more nihilistic than
patriotic, is the ideology of the male who is 'involuntarily celibate: the
incel. The world they inhabit is homo economicw meets Planet of the
Apes: a sexual market in which women are overtly described as
'commodities: and a brutal sexual caste system dominated by the
silverbacks with high 'sexual market value' (a term that first appeared
in pickup artist literature).
The incel's fated misery is to be born with low 'sexual market
value: to be unfuckable to the women they both hate and desire. They
are victims of a higher caste of 'Chads: 'Staceys' and 'Tyrones: but
more deeply of evolution, which has primed women for 'hypergamy':
mating with men of a higher social and sexual status. As the self-help
guru Jordan Peterson puts it, 'women .mate across and up dominance
hierarchies, men mate across and down: As a result, just 10 per cent of
the (straight) men have 80 per cent of the (straight) sex. If disaster
nationalists try to make capitalism sexy again by introducing a new
combination of prohibition and license, the incels effectively reduce
sex to capitalism. '"

This bizarre story, which seems to couple neoliberal ideology
with the most reductive claims of evolutionary psychology. is eerily
similar to the no less speculative evolutionary tale that appears in
Freud's Totem and Taboo. Attempting to explain the origins of guilt in
modem civilization, Freud claimed that in the remote past there had
to have been a primordial father who had limitless and lawless access
to all women. Civilization, he claimed based on some speculative
anthropology, was founded when the sons allied and killed the father,
establishing a fair division of women among them. Thus, a kind of
patriarchal rule of law was formed, but at the price of neurotic guilt
In the incel version of the story, feminist struggle has brought on the
collapse of this order and restored the anarchic dominance of the
primordial fathers. This might suggest that there should be a tension
between Chad nationalists and incels which opponents could exploit
- and indeed there is - but for the inccls 'Chad' is an aspirational
figure. while women arc the evil parasites running a 'feminist gynoc
racy: For the inccls and their MRA brethren, feminism is nothing
other than a 'sexual strategy' enabling hypergamous female mating
What is arresting about this dystopian fantasy is how it binds the
incels to their misery. We are all incels some of the time. None of us
gets more than an approximation of the sexual pleasure we want But
for those captured by incel ideology, it is not merely a matter of the
dissatisfaction that is built into sexual relations, spells of loneliness
and occasional feelings of ugliness and inadequacy. The dysphoria is
total. Since sex is a market governed by zero-sum competition, since
women arc 'commodities: since one man's satisfaction is another
man's deprivation and since biology is destiny, a growing number of
bamboozled young men are destined to be sexually dissatisfied. Worse
than that, by naturalising zero-sum competition, incel ideology also
naturalises the concomitantly sadistic culture of winners and losers,
making sexual failure a more invidious experience. What political
opponents sec as an expression of'privilege' and'entitlement' is expe
rienced as a fatal deficit in the incel's being.• s
There is, of course, entitlement on incel forums. But the en
mcnt comes after the sting of inadequacy and the gut-chum ,.'.
helpless rage, as a spurious ideological cure. In reality, the ideology
does everything to compound the suffering. Incels thus assert that
they arc entitled to rape women: the women 'deserve to [be I raped'
because they are'the scum of the earth'. lncels should support 'the
legalisation of rape'. Children, too, should not be spared: support
for paedophilia is a routine feature of the incel message boards. If
the main superego injunction in modern society is to'enjoy: in this
case to have sex as frequently as possible, with as few limits as
possible, inceldom embraces the injunction with a passion. But
even their cathartic gyrations about women only compound the
suicidal self-loathing, since incels still need and desire the women
they despise. In a message board thread entitled 'Irish hag-whore
chokes on dog cum and dies: an incel muses: 'Women would rather
fuck dogs than me:•'
SEX 87
The fantasy of limitless sexual enjoyment is also a fantasy of being
violated. Consider the phenomenon of Andrew Tate fandom. Tate
calls himself a libertarian. He despises what he calls 'the Matrix: a
regio dissimilitudinus, a simulacral reality produced by the 'powers
that be' which emasculates virile Western males. Tm not a rapist: he
once explained, having asserted that he moved to Romania because it
would be easier to get away with rape.'But I like the idea of just being
able to do what I want. I like being free: To his extremely suasiblc
male fans, this was no more than his due:'He's •Top G• - he can rape
whoever he wants: As if to say, 'he can rape me if he wants: Tate's
fantasy 'libertarian' Miinnerbund does not attempt to stabilise the
political boundary between those who may or may not defile. those
who may or may not be defiled. It is a fantasy of the sovereign free
dom of the one who defiles, simply because he wills it, because he can,
because he is 'Top G: Any attempt to actualise this would leave even
the would-be rapist at the mercy of mere contingency, since today's
'Top G' could easily be tomorrow's victim. It is the anomic freedom
fantasy of the lone wolf, the freedom of social collapse. 1.1 There is a
fateful ambiguity between wanting to be him and wanting to be his
The incel fantasia of limitless enjoyment would have few converts
if its picture of reality didn't resonate with some aspects of real life.
For example, the idea of 20 per cent of men'having' So per cent of the
sex is an exaggeration but not entirely fanciful. Tue General Social
Survey suggests that for both men and women in the United States, it
is more like 20 per cent'having' between 50 and 60 per cent of the sex.
Tue picture of rising sexlessness also gets some support from the same
source, which finds that the number of people, especially younger
people, having no sex at all has risen 28 per cent for men and 8 per
cent for women, especially since 2008 - although that data is contested
by other sources such as the National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey and the National Survey of Family Growth.••
What is missing in this story, however, is that celibacy among •
young adults is increasingly voluntary. W hat is collapsing is not grati
fication but desire. Not only is sexual activity falling, but so is interest"
yeah I had my name in there I could care less.
@OldRooster did the exact same thing posting the file path expecting others to be able to access it
I just copy and pasted what I thought was valuble.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 126558, JeanneDArcAlter and h111
Bro tobias you gotta take an iq test asap
  • JFL
Reactions: finnished
  • JFL
Reactions: finnished and deadstock
on everyones soul we are NOT reading that 💔💔
He was sounding like this :feelswah: , so I couldn't continue reading
He was sounding like this :feelswah: , so I couldn't continue reading
yeah. its a tough read, but is intersting to see how hyperliberal academia looks at incels.
sorry to hear that but u can lose weight.
im lying im actually thin asf and planning to get more thin until i can fit in my size 28 hedi dior jeans

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