India is unironically a great country to live in you are rich

Jason Voorhees

Jason Voorhees

May 15, 2020
90% of India is a shithole but the rest of 10% is extremely developed. The upper class areas in Mumbai and Delhi literally look like New York from the 2000s but that is reserved for the rich. India is a very good country to live in if you are rich because of low taxes, corruption, luxury real estate and corporate economic zones.

You'll literally live life like a king with living standards just as good as the west but India is absolutely terrible for the middle class and the lower classes which is an important distinction compared to first world countries and the reason why indians move abroad.

In developed countries even the middle and poor are given ample opportunities to improve their lives. Most people are still stuck in the rut but you are given a chance of improving your life if you work hard or/and talented but in third world countries like India it's 99% of the time over unless you are privileged. Third world countries are a graveyard of talents, wasted potential and unfulfilled dreams.
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  • JFL
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@Beastimmung @Chadeep @Willmogulater
can we have some pics of hyper developed rich zones
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90% of India is a shithole but the rest of 10% is extremely developed. The upper class areas in Mumbai and Delhi literally look like New York from the 2000s but that is reserved for the rich. India is a very good country to live in if you are rich because of low taxes, corruption, luxury real estate and corporate economic zones.

You'll literally live life like a king with living standards just as good as the west but India is absolutely terrible for people like the middle class and the lower classes which is what's important here and the reason why indians move abroad. In developed countries even the middle and poor are given ample opportunities to improve their lives. Most people are still stuck in the rut but you are still given a chance at life if you work hard or are talented but in third world countries like India it's 90% of the time over unless you are privileged. Third world countries are a graveyard of talents and unfulfilled dreams.
saar we are making it to mumbai with this one
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90% of India is a shithole but the rest of 10% is extremely developed. The upper class areas in Mumbai and Delhi literally look like New York from the 2000s but that is reserved for the rich. India is a very good country to live in if you are rich because of low taxes, corruption, luxury real estate and corporate economic zones.

You'll literally live life like a king with living standards just as good as the west but India is absolutely terrible for people like the middle class and the lower classes which is what's important here and the reason why indians move abroad. In developed countries even the middle and poor are given ample opportunities to improve their lives. Most people are still stuck in the rut but you are still given a chance at life if you work hard or are talented but in third world countries like India it's 90% of the time over unless you are privileged. Third world countries are a graveyard of talents and unfulfilled dreams.
I'd rather live in Illinois' O-Block than in India tbh @Manletmachine
  • JFL
Reactions: mrriceguyreturn, Manletmachine and Beastimmung
India is Good for Politicians , Good for people with Ancestral Property, Scammers and Thug Babus. If you're a Hardworking guy who earns legally taxes fuck you up big time.
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Reactions: horizontallytall, greycel and Jason Voorhees
Are the upper class areas gated communities?

If not how do they keep the peasants out?
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep and Jason Voorhees
can we have some pics of hyper developed rich zones
There are a few neighborhoods like this in Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Chennai too. @Copeful actually has been to place like this in Hyderabad and told me it looked exactly like the US but they are ofc reserved for the ultra rich.


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Reactions: TechnoBoss, Copeful and rand anon
That's just like anywhere else in the world then

Except in India you still have to deal with shitskins
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  • JFL
Reactions: hypernormie, WeiWei, mrriceguyreturn and 2 others
90% of India is a shithole but the rest of 10% is extremely developed. The upper class areas in Mumbai and Delhi literally look like New York from the 2000s but that is reserved for the rich. India is a very good country to live in if you are rich because of low taxes, corruption, luxury real estate and corporate economic zones.

You'll literally live life like a king with living standards just as good as the west but India is absolutely terrible for the middle class and the lower classes which is an important distinction compared to first world countries and the reason why indians move abroad.

In developed countries even the middle and poor are given ample opportunities to improve their lives. Most people are still stuck in the rut but you are given a chance at life and improving your life if you work hard or/ans talented but in third world countries like India it's 90% of the time over unless you are privileged. Third world countries are a graveyard of talent and unfulfilled dreams.
daily reminder to escape to europe soon or you will die
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  • JFL
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Tbh and in india the overpopulation = easy access to servants too
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Reactions: Chadeep and Jason Voorhees
90% of India is a shithole but the rest of 10% is extremely developed. The upper class areas in Mumbai and Delhi literally look like New York from the 2000s but that is reserved for the rich. India is a very good country to live in if you are rich because of low taxes, corruption, luxury real estate and corporate economic zones.

You'll literally live life like a king with living standards just as good as the west but India is absolutely terrible for the middle class and the lower classes which is an important distinction compared to first world countries and the reason why indians move abroad.

In developed countries even the middle and poor are given ample opportunities to improve their lives. Most people are still stuck in the rut but you are given a chance of improving your life if you work hard or/and talented but in third world countries like India it's 99% of the time over unless you are privileged. Third world countries are a graveyard of talents, wasted potential and unfulfilled dreams.

@Sub5Cel can confirm
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees
Cope. If you define rich as being some $200,000 a year wagie, sure.

If I made my current pay in India instead of NYC, it’d be living good.

Actual rich people will still prefer to live outside of India. Air quality is horrendous there and even the rich can’t escape that.

If you’re netting $1M a year you can live in NYC and have a great lifestyle.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Jason Voorhees
Cope. If you define rich as being some $200,000 a year wagie, sure.

If I made my current pay in India instead of NYC, it’d be living good.

Actual rich people will still prefer to live outside of India. Air quality is horrendous there and even the rich can’t escape that.

If you’re netting $1M a year you can live in NYC and have a great lifestyle.
It's beneficial for both because your money has more power in india. In india you can bribe the cops, get admission in top unis, buy huge plots of land in the city center, Start up a company for cheap etc etc. It's free real estate for a businessman since it has a large population of educated English speakers.
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  • JFL
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It's beneficial for both because your money has more power in india. In india you can bribe the cops, get admission in top unis, buy huge plots of land in the city center, Start up a company for cheap etc etc. It's free real estate for a businessman since it has a large population of educated English speakers.

You can have all of that and live in the UAE or Thailand

Plenty of corrupt countries that are more developed than India and better off for businessmen to move to.

UAE has 0% tax, corruption, and you can hire servants for everything. It’s like India without all the downsides.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Jason Voorhees
There are a few neighborhoods like this in Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Chennai too. @Copeful actually has been to place like this in Hyderabad and told me it looked exactly like the US but they are ofc reserved for the ultra rich.

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View attachment 3034735
a lot of my cousins live in those gated communities, wasn’t that impressed when I visited tbh. If it’s the apartment building complex type it just feels so fucking cramped, and the lot sizes for the single family home types are so small and all the houses are cookie cutter. Not rly comparable to, say, gated communities in like Beverly Hills
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees and onion_salad
isn't it like that for most of the world

even in Central African Republic if you are rich as shit and buddies with the dictators there then you'll be ascended
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Reactions: incel194012940 and Jason Voorhees
“3rd world countries are good if your are rich”

No shit nigger
  • +1
Reactions: Jason Voorhees
Good post but the whiteys won't agree. Hopefully they can avoid the druggies on the street while they go out for groceries :feelshah:

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Reactions: Jason Voorhees and USERΝAME
  • +1
Reactions: Jason Voorhees
Good post but the whiteys won't agree. Hopefully they can avoid the druggies on the street while they go out for groceries :feelshah:

View attachment 3034833
Realistically homeless tents are a small minority if you compare them to the rate of poverty in the third world.
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees
Coulda sworn you posted this exact thread before or at least posted this elsewhere.
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees
My best friend went to India by himself for a holiday for 2 weeks. He got mugged on day 1. They took absolutely everything he had on him, not just his money but even the designer shoes he was wearing and his passport. He had to go to the embassy or some shit to save his ass.

I asked him when I next saw him why he was back from his holiday early and didn't believe his story at first
  • JFL
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How many rupees would this cost

Did u get yet?

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