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The disgruntled old fart pleaded "bhai" after being confronted... Only to be sent flying through the air by a ferocious kick!
guy who attacked him is a idiot even more so for recording it, what if the guy fell and hit hes head and died. Now your in prison for assult and battery and manslaughter now your in prison for 25-35 years.
It’s all about how this was relative to other countries he visited, where people were respectful and didn’t put their hands on him let alone maul his hair
Jfl at swarming, this is not simply “swarming”.
The people in the vid were predominantly of Arabic/Nafri/Pakistani origin. That was noted by many comments and fans of his, when they were comparing the experience in the stream with white Norweigans/ people from other white countries (with white populations), and the ones specifically in the vid
I really don't understand what point you're trying to make. What do a bunch of teenage ethnic kids in Sweden/Scandinavia swarming some e-celeb have to do with me or anything really? yes they're swarming him, they aren't physically attacking him or robbing him, clearly just fanboys of him regardless of them acting differently to the natives or fanboys from other countries. It's completely irrelevant discussing teenagers and some random e-celeb. Okay they were arab/nafri/paki, so what? Are norwegian natives well behaved when swarming ishowspeed? maybe? i don't follow or care enough for such trivial matters. It's a non-issue and i don't see why you are so focused on such a thing.

You can’t force them to disband it, and neither should you
But equally you can’t go to a different country and try to enforce it
@Jason Voorhees have you got the vid/thread to the Muslim dude who was telling the white girl (I think in France), to cover her hair, and she was walking as he was following her shouting
These low IQ ethnics cross the line when they go to a different country, and try to expect others to adopt their thinking
Whereas it should be the reverse. They are the new people coming into the country. They must bow their head down and adopt the country’s atmosphere and sociocultural values
The natives and the environment they have created takes priority
You can personally believe in living a life one way, you can’t force others to
Nobody is trying to enforce it, we aren't forcing or even telling white women to wear hijab, we know that's for muslim women and that we aren't in a muslim country. Do we want shariah law in this country? as a muslim we obviously do but aren't trying to force it, we would ideally want everyone to convert to Islam and that would naturally result in shariah law - in reality even if most of the population was Muslim, it's highly unlikely shariah law would be implemented and i don't think most muslims living here would have an issue, we are mostly fine just the way things are, we practice our religion in peace and don't bother anyone else but will defend ourselves against enemies. Again this is not an issue, i'm pretty sure you're christian and you clearly don't know the history behind Christianity or Islam and what was done to spread the word of God. It's foolish to now sit there and say we aren't allowed to spread the word of God, like who are you to say such a thing? as long as everything is done legally in the country you reside, we will do whatever we want regardless of the opinion of those who don't even reside in the same country as us.

I haven't seen the video so i won't comment on it but my point stands, anecdotal evidence and random videos found on the internet do not provide any strength to your claims. For one, Forced conversion is not allowed in Islam, and no Muslim here is forcing any one person to convert/revert, to say that boy in the video is being forced to convert is completely false and an absurd statement with no proof whatsoever behind any of it. Asking another user for some random video just shows me you have nothing behind the claims you are making, nothing of substance or anything really.

They are crossing some imaginary live you believe in? The kids in that video were very likely born in the UK just like i was, you start off by calling them low IQ which is just an insult and has nothing to do with what you are saying and then you proceed to say they need to bow down and just follow what the natives are doing, this is ridiculous. This is a free country, everyone is free to worship and follow whatever religion they want to. Nobody needs to bow and follow a religion or sociocultural values like you say, as long as you are not breaking the law, you are not required to do any of it and can do whatever you want as long as it is in the boundaries of the law. You can think this is right but nobody else does, certainly no ethnic does as most if not all ethnics follow their own culture/traditions, even those born in the UK like i was. We aren't going to follow English traditions/culture and we don't have to just because it offends some people. To do so would be completely cucked and have no autonomy.

Who says the natives and their environment take priority? In the eyes of the law, everyone is equal, therefore everyone is allowed to follow their own religion, culture and traditions, there is no issue here. Nobody is forcing anyone, you're just making things up at this point and have zero proof behind this forced idea you're talking about.
It’s coercion
You really think that a kid is able to make such a massive life decision. In fact quite possible the largest life decision sitting on a desk surrounded by 10 ethnics who are likely all Muslim, in his school clothes

I’m sorry but even the Imams will take this as coercion/ unfit, as the child isn’t mature or of age to weigh all the pros and cons and come to a mature decision about such a huge part of his life, and the resulting responsibilities he will have to undertake
No it's not, he's not being forced or coerced, you have no proof and are just assuming things. You have a bias because the boy used to Christian and so are you, in reality there's nothing wrong going on there, if the boy wants to convert, he is free to do so. If tomorrow he wants to convert to judaism or hinduism, guess what? he is free to do so. It's a free country and you cannot claim anyone from your religion converting to another is being forced/coerced to do so, that is total cope. Again you're making a mountain out of a molehill, he's a kid surrounded by other kids, are some of the kids around him ethnic? maybe but what does that matter? So in one hand he's a kid who is too young to know that he's making a big decision but on the other hand the other same age kids around him are old enough to coerce/force him? you can't have it both ways. He's a child, he'll grow up and decide himself what path he really wants to take, who are you say it's coercion and wrong? you have no right to make such statements, the boy can live his own life amongst his peers and make his own choices, it is not for us to interfere. Such a non-argument about nothing basically, coercion/forced, literally what are you talking about? nonsense.
But you started the idea of comparing ethnics. We weren’t comparing all races, we were talking about which ethnicity has been more of a nuisance. And it’s by far been Arabs/pakistanis. If you have to randomly pick between a random Pakistani and a random Indian living in the UK to be alone with your female family members, the statistics show you’re far more likely to be safer if it is an Indian.
Then amongst the Indians, the Sikhs are incredibly safe, compared to the Hindus

But the difference is all of the other religions have dropped this way of thinking when conforming to the sociopolitical environment of modern day. Your requirement is that the girl has to have hit puberty. So it’s sufficient for a 13 year old to have sexual relations and procreate
It is seen as legal according to what you believe in. That’s the end line

Inbreeding is the highest in Pakistan
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And Muslim countries

With over 61.2% being second cousins or closer. That’s over half of the marriages by 10%!
Compared to India of 7.5%
I really don’t know what to say. I’m so incredibly surprised at that statistic
Post proof that arabs/pakistanis have been the biggest nuisance like you claim otherwise these are just your opinions and clearly false. What statistics are you referring to in this made up scenario that you have conjured up? huh? go ahead and post them and then tell me how they relate to the ridiculous imaginary situation you are talking about. Everything you are claiming is your opinion because you have no proof because there is nothing to back up such false claims. You don't even live in the UK and are so confident in what you claim when i know it's simply not true. You must not make such claims if you cannot prove them and i know you can't prove them because they're simply not true.

I do not care what other religions do or think, i have said already what Islam is about and it does not permit us to do anything illegal in the foreign country we reside in, as long as it's legal then we are allowed to do whatever we want and in whatever way we want if that is what our religion preaches. This ties into your situation with a 13 year old girl, the age of consent here is not 13 which means it is not permissible to do such a thing. Historically it's a completely different thing, and in modern times most muslims are not even marrying in their late teens so again a non-issue. If you want more clarification on this specific scenario, you can ask @MaghrebGator he is more well-versed with the specifics and has more knowledge than me on such rulings in Islam.

You replied to my statement about all other abrahamic and non-abrahamic religions allowing child marriage and other things while you chose to specifically single out Islam and your response is posting a graph/statistic that has nothing to do with what we were talking about? You post opinions and pass them off as facts, waste of time replying to this, if you want to have a proper discussion then post proof behind any claims you make otherwise it's your opinion and you have the right to your opinion but don't openly pass it off as facts.

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