Indians are good people

except for the scammers, the windows support scammers,tThe IRS scam and others . But then again, you can expect some low life people from such an enormous population .
there's good and bad people in every population, its nothing surprising lol.

i mean hitler + stalin, who combined caused millions of deaths were white, the person synonymous with the word terrorist aka Osama Bin Laden was a middle eastern as are other famous terrorist groups like isis; black people have a stereotype of being thugs and criminals etc. but i wouldnt think all whites want the genocide of other races, all middle easterns are terrorists, or all blacks are criminals.
Caste system should be banned. There shouldn't be any caste hegemony that's why there's a reservation system in India
There are only 3 castes- Chads, incels and foids

Bro don't call caste system it is instead the varnum system.

the idea promoted by nord cucks whom btw couldn't even build a civilization up until Rome times and were basically considered the niggers of Europe for their time.

They promote this essential idea of a racial hierarchy in the rig veda based of faulty interpretations of texts and basically not critically thinking.

They cite the fact that North Western Indians have more Western Eurasian in them. The cherry picked example is the kalashi people but they originally descend from Siberia no evidence of them exists of them being descendants of Alexander and they are not your average Indian their not even Indian originally so that's out.

The reason northers have more though is more to do with locations if i was from the east i would expect more mongoloid like 20 to 5 percent if i was from the south i would expect more dravdoid if i was from the north i would expect more western eurasian mainly cause of the locationing of the areas involved it's not evidence of some invasion rather that people bred more along that region but that extra western Eurasian goes back really really far from what i've seen Indians have next to nill out side blood from anything outside of our subcontinent.

They then move onto bramhins but the issue with that is the whole caste system or the varnum system as they call it aren't much different especially the southern bramhins. It's only the northern ones that make a big difference and even then they are in a region where historically their was more connections to western eurasia.

Then they go to pick cherry picked verses from rig veda but i have read those verses each and every single 1 of those verses needs to be interpreted carefully.

I will address the claim that Lord Indra had ''tawny red hair.

1 The text is talking very metaphorically you can actually see similarly imagery from the book of Revelation jesus was said to have brandished skin his hair was supposed to be white as well from his eyes was supposed to radiate a flaming fire is this real or is it metaphorical imagery ? well the latter makes more sense as indra was a war god and lighting represents wrath often.

I have also seen people trying to say this also proof of a Aryan migration theory from central Asia i see a few issues with this though and i will address them here 1 lord indra was only mentioned within the region of the sarawati river all battles he had was with neighboring tribes so the chance of outside migration makes no sense.

The other claim i keep hearing is lord Indra returning color to his people this makes sense though if you realize aryans were the ones who were seen as preserving the law and order of their society the dasas were seen as dark or immoral sometimes even demonic not all cases the conflict was more ideological than anything physical this is very important to remember cause it destroys any claim to lord indra being a light skinned indo european.

Also this points to a indigenous Aryans theory or arya we didn't even have Aryans in our texts rather arya and that simple meant noble one or he who retains law and order the iranians did and they used it as a ethnic term we didn't this is important here cause it distinguishes us from being copies.
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There’s humanity in all of us, even the biggest subhumans. Deep down there’s a person.
  • Hmm...
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How the fuck do you equate looking bad with being rude and impolite. Jfl
I always see people shitting on indians here, it's easy to hate on them because of all the propaganda making fun of them and dehumanising them. I even see other indians hating on their own race.

But, just the other day I saw this white kid playing with an indian kid. In my mind I was angry, thinking to myself "how is this superior white kid playing with this dirty brown boy?" I realised then and there that these PSL forums were messing with my mind and brainwashing me into thinking of non-whites as lesser people. The fact that I felt uneasy seeing this meant that there was something seriously wrong with me. Also, I remember a long time ago I was walking down the street when I made eye contact with this indian man who gave me a big smile, that moment stuck with me forever because in my mind because I thought there was no way indians could be polite and friendly. And here this complete stranger who I didn't even know went out of his way to brighten up my day. I know most of you guys like to banter but some of you guys have malicious intentions when it comes to the curries on this forum. So guys, please keep in mind your fellow indian brethren and remember that they, too, are human, just like you and I :feelsautistic:
Indians, blacks, asians are all cool.

We can all agree on one thing: no jews

(btw fbi this is just a joke)
  • JFL
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there's good and bad people in every population, its nothing surprising lol.

i mean hitler + stalin, who combined caused millions of deaths were white, the person synonymous with the word terrorist aka Osama Bin Laden was a middle eastern as are other famous terrorist groups like isis; black people have a stereotype of being thugs and criminals etc. but i wouldnt think all whites want the genocide of other races, all middle easterns are terrorists, or all blacks are criminals.

But are we curries bad people objectively I've looked at our history objectively.

1 we introduced the Eastern reilgions which btw were the most peaceful reilgions I've seen.

1 Hinduism teaches us about our history it shows a logical form of god. Our creation myth is fascinating.

>>Neither being (sat) nor non-being was as yet. What was concealed? And where? And in whose protection?…Who really knows? Who can declare it? Whence was it born, and whence came this creation? The devas were born later than this world's creation, so who knows from where it came into existence? None can know from where creation has arisen, and whether he has or has not produced it. He who surveys it in the highest heavens, he alone knows-or perhaps does not know." (Rig Veda 10. 129)<<

2 jainism this such a based Reilgion its much more athiestic though but its at its core the main Princaple is none violence.

3 Sikhism is a based peaceful Reilgion the texts are amazing and it's not very rigid on what you have to adhere to.

4 Buddhism my favourite 1 personally it's 1 of the few faiths people can be proud to be in.

2 people we colonized didn't get butt fucked in the ass for like 400 years nearly and their still with us to this day.

I don't think anyone can argue being with indian is better than being with china.

1 our goverment doesn't practice organ harvesting to Muslims.

2we don't spy on our citizens 24/7.

3 we let the cultures we conquered kept theirs intact.

From what I've seen we also had negro Kings.

And anything shit today in india can be faulted to the Mughal and the British both of them fucked us over really bloody bad the gall of them to call us street shitters is what amuses me
i dont think a lot of indians either way ngl. only people i truly dislike are homos and jews.
To some extent, but mostly towards other blacks from african countries, high IQ blacks, mentalcels, blacks with a lot of western influence.
That's why african Americans won't have it all their own way here.

Racism/discrimination seems to have a lot to do with feelings of superiority, and seeing other groups as rivals for the same goals/resources.

They may see whites as in another league entirely they have no chance on competing fairly with, and they they have pretty much nothing to feel superior for except getting to South Africa first
There’s no Americans trying to go to South Africa bro lol

And from what I’ve heard white South Africans say, black South Africans are racist af. Just going off what I was told
I have nothing against curries.. My family doctor is Indian he's been my doc since i was born..

I want to visit India one day i am frauding my tinder there to see if i can slay an Indian woman.
Also i like Indian food.. Vindaloo
Indians are like any other group.. some good some bad.
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There’s no Americans trying to go to South Africa bro lol

And from what I’ve heard white South Africans say, black South Africans are racist af. Just going off what I was told

Maybe we all as equally racist as each other. It's definitively not uncommon to be a victim of white racism still.

To balance this out Indian girls in school were pleasant to deal with on the few occasions I talked to them.

Whites probably have the highest percentage of nice people esp the English-speaking ones.
The colour of someones skin doesnt dictate if they are a dickhead or not. Many incels on this forum feel otherwise due to the looks theory
keep coping indian boy

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