IQmaxing: Does anyone know how to IQ max?



Aug 11, 2018
Vitamins/ supplements/ techniques etc?

Also is having a high IQ a mandatory necessity for STEM/AFEMB maxing?
Train pattern recognition
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you don't need "high iq"

you just need knowledge
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  • JFL
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Meh an average iq NTmaxxed guy would thrive better in an engineering sales position but nerdcucks are extremely bitter and will be passive aggressive towards you if you dont know the ins and outs of the stem shit, who cares about them though jfl

ON the real you should avoid fields where all your classmates are low T sexless cucks since they'll drag you to mentalcelling unless you are a chad and have a parallel sexually successful social circle to balance things out
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Noopept, didn't try it tho
Active Recall - Technique
Thanks for all these suggestions.
Currently there's no publicly known way to increase ones intelligence but many studies have shown that your brain works slower when not getting enough oxygen, and exhaling through the nose has been linked to short term memory. So basically don't be a mouth breather and don't have short breath, try breathing deep. Another study that I've read showed that the iq of the group that did meditation breathing exercises reduced at a slower rate over the years vs the group that didn't do them.
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another one with such a stupid question?! you can only prevent degredation of the brain. you should be eating high fat animal food, its the only thing that could maintain IQ for a long time i think. its the reason why vegetarians/vegans lose their mind and actually develop brain disfunctions, like not being able to speak correctly anymore. this is because a large part of your brain is made of cholesterol
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  • JFL
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer, Deleted member 9344, crisprmaxx and 1 other person
another one with such a stupid question?! you can only prevent degredation of the brain. you should be eating high fat animal food, its the only thing that could maintain IQ for a long time i think. its the reason why vegetarians/vegans lose their mind and actually develop brain disfunctions, like not being able to speak correctly anymore. this is because a large part of your brain is made of cholesterol
pretty much this, also recognizing social queues, general knowledge in regards to virtually any topic and overall pop culture comprehension > arbitrary meme iq points
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another one with such a stupid question?! you can only prevent degredation of the brain. you should be eating high fat animal food, its the only thing that could maintain IQ for a long time i think. its the reason why vegetarians/vegans lose their mind and actually develop brain disfunctions, like not being able to speak correctly anymore. this is because a large part of your brain is made of cholesterol

Not a stupid question but thanks for the advice.
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iq = mental performance age/actual age x 100 so we can deduce that there's some increase in intelligence as you get older, dunno if your iq (this ratio) can be increased, but i think that theoretically u would need to gain positively disproportional increase in pure intelligence to boost it, im average iq so the possibility of increasing it would be a huge lifeuel. Remember we re just made of materia, which can be manipulated, so there's a big chance that it is possible contrary to what elitist narciess say, to get disproportional optimal gains in intelligence u have to exercise so ur blood can flow through ur veins easily, get enough sleep (it affects hypocampus cortex area), and get enough nutrition (we are made of food, as well as our brain) especially iodine. Those things might be a cope, but im pretty sure that they highly affect cognitive functions, eg feral kids r retarded bc of the tough enviornment.
Get yourself some Iodine and sulfur supplements. Also get on nofap. When your creative energy isn't being wasted, you can transmute it to greater purposes.

You can also use Patrick Flannigan's neurophone.

Amazon product ASIN B008GOKGXI
It's pricey but I'll let you know my experience with it as I bought one recently. I'm going to use it 5 hours per day during my 3 days off of work and 1-2 hours during the days I work for 3 months.

This guy had good results with it.
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You can only increase iq by 7-10 points if it isn’t genetic through effort worth it though tbh
Vitamins/ supplements/ techniques etc?

Also is having a high IQ a mandatory necessity for STEM/AFEMB maxing?

you should read classics and take advanced math and accumulate knowledge that way. IQ is just logic and pattern recognition pretty much and people usually use it Incorrectly to talk about someone who had a lot of knowledge as that is how most perceive intelligence imo. IQ is essentially the ability to learn and understand complexity
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  • JFL
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I've never liked the "everyone would be doing it" response.

99% of people can be healthy if they ate the right foods and exercised. But look at how many people are unhealthy, unfit, obese.
99% of people could all be rich and develop skills in their hobbies or interest and make money off of them, but do they? No
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110% impossible to increase iq. men with 160+ iq have tried and failed for 100 years.
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Fair enough. But there’s actually no way to increase IQ that we know of.

Iodine and sulfur supplements can get rid of brain fog and decalcify your pineal gland which can lead to an increase in IQ. Maybe nothing substantial but its better than nothing.

People on nofap report better memory, easier times learning math and sciences, things in general just come easier and natural. So that could also be a way.

Blackoutcel also mentioned adderall, but I dont know if it raises IQ. I do know however that it makes you very productive and focused.
  • JFL
Reactions: crisprmaxx
If you are interested in increasing iq devote your life into it because you’d get a Nobel prize out of it.
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That’s simply not the case. It might help you perform to your capacity, but that capacity doesn’t change
Adderall improves your memory, learning speed and brain capacity. Your brain potential on adderall is increased
Okay. But to a very limited extent. You’ll never turn an average intelligence person into a theoretical physicist.
Obviously but adderall can increase your IQ by maybe 5 points.
IQ is at least 80-85% heritable, the remainder is development, current health choices, etc. You can only reach your potential. So be generally healthy but don't expect Jimmy Neutron intelligence. Expect to be mildly more proficient with tasks for which you're already well suited.

There is a reason that the autistic sounding nerd who makes shitty health decisions is often more intelligent than the Tyrone "lifemaxxer". You can fraud intelligence in areas like language, etc. just like you can fraud looks, but like looks, the naturally superior will still mog you.
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Reactions: BigBoy
another one with such a stupid question?! you can only prevent degredation of the brain. you should be eating high fat animal food, its the only thing that could maintain IQ for a long time i think. its the reason why vegetarians/vegans lose their mind and actually develop brain disfunctions, like not being able to speak correctly anymore. this is because a large part of your brain is made of cholesterol
Hmmm interesting, source?
Vyvanse or concerta in high doses helps if you can't focus at school.

If you just have a low IQ, then there's nothing you can do. Always ask yourself, are you lazy or are you stupid? If you're stupid, you have to go in the trades if you want to make a decent living, so you would go in construction instead of going to college. If you're just lazy, it can easily be fixed by forcing yourself to be productive, just ask yourself how bad you want this and then keep forcing yourself to be productive until you are. Also, always remember that there is nothing worse than being high IQ but being too lazy to work hard, because you will end up with low IQ people and they may even be your boss, and while it can happen in a high paying STEM job also, it's less likely to happen because people who never went to college or dropped out of high school are more likely to be low IQ.
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Another study that I've read showed that the iq of the group that did meditation breathing exercises reduced at a slower rate over the years vs the group that didn't do them.
What do you mean? people get dumber when they get older?
Vitamins/ supplements/ techniques etc?

Also is having a high IQ a mandatory necessity for STEM/AFEMB maxing?
Nootropics for neurogenesis and plasticity look that up and dual n back is said to increase fluid intelligence, there are many things you can do to improve memory.
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Hey bro. I just found a supplement that could help out alot.

Good reviews across the board. You dont need a high IQ to be succesful or creative. You just need something that will enhance your creativity and keep you focused. Its an expensive product, $68 for the first bottle and $140 for every bottle after, and you have to subscribe to get it for $68 initially.

I just ordered it with the fastest shipping and it rounded up to about $89. I'll let you know how it goes. I've seen nothing but great reviews for it.
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Vitamins/ supplements/ techniques etc?

Also is having a high IQ a mandatory necessity for STEM/AFEMB maxing?

The only aspect of IQ which I know can be improved is short term memory. Look into memory palaces for an intro into the topic. I also think logic can be improved but I don't really have any non-anecdotal evidence.

You don't need a high IQ for STEM but it makes things much easier, below a certain threshold I personally wouldn't advice it.
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
Nootropics for neurogenesis and plasticity look that up and dual n back is said to increase fluid intelligence, there are many things you can do to improve memory.

Do you have any recommendations. Most of the evidence I've seen shows very little to no improvement in fluid intelligence.
Do you have any recommendations. Most of the evidence I've seen shows very little to no improvement in fluid intelligence.

It’s a stupid question. There’s no way to increase your intelligence. If there was, everyone would be doing it.
what logic is that??
there are ways to train your muscles and not everyone does that.
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Yeah I suppose the logic was faulty. But it's true, you can't really increase your intelligence. Just your knowledge.

You can improve your working memory. Which is one of the aspects tested in an IQ test

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Iodine and sulfur supplements can get rid of brain fog and decalcify your pineal gland which can lead to an increase in IQ. Maybe nothing substantial but its better than nothing.

People on nofap report better memory, easier times learning math and sciences, things in general just come easier and natural. So that could also be a way.

Blackoutcel also mentioned adderall, but I dont know if it raises IQ. I do know however that it makes you very productive and focused.
It’s very hard to dose iodine tho, if you dose too much you could get exactly the opposite of what you want
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Do some verbal and non verbal reasoning question books to get the logic down, and then work on observation a fuck ton. What separates above average from geniuses is the ability to observe. "Pattern recognition" is literally just observation + the logic (and the logic is easy to obtain).

Oh ya and take nootropics and other stuff that promotes neurogenesis. Take t too for clear mind
Do some verbal and n...

That's a misconception, iq is not necessarily correlated with logic, it's simply your ability to absorb information, memorize it and manipulate it in your head. A person who has way more information about a given topic can reach a more logical conclusion than the the person that has very little information. Think about it like this, let's say there's a puzzle and you have to guess what it depicts, if someone can have more pieces of the puzzle, even if he doesn't have the ability to put them together correctly he could basically figure out the answer by just looking at the individual pieces , you can think of "logic" as the ability to put the pieces together but it's not always necessary to come to a correct conclusion. Some studies have even shown that logic is even negatively correlated with iq after a certain deviation. There are many nobel laureates who believed in very stupid stuff.
Be me
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That's a misconception, iq is not necessarily correlated with logic, it's simply your ability to absorb information, memorize it and manipulate it in your head. A person who has way more information about a given topic can reach a more logical conclusion than the the person that has very little information. Think about it like this, let's say there's a puzzle and you have to guess what it depicts, if someone can have more pieces of the puzzle, even if he doesn't have the ability to put them together correctly he could basically figure out the answer by just looking at the individual pieces , you can think of "logic" as the ability to put the pieces together but it's not always necessary to come to a correct conclusion. Some studies have even shown that logic is even negatively correlated with iq after a certain deviation. There are many nobel laureates who believed in very stupid stuff.
I'm talking about iq test logic, a lot of people are unfamiliar on how to go about it. But yes, absorbing or observing information is the biggest part.
High IQ makes you suicidal, you only need experience (=knowledge) and some luck
Learn more stuff? Train yourself to become more calm and focused. Of course anyone can get more intelligent. Not many people are fucking retarded.

Start by this: Consistently,

Do: Everything good
Don't Do: Everything that's bad

Look at decisions from a third person POV and don't let your ego make you make choices where the risk is greater than the reward.

Literally EVERYONE who became more successful ON THEIR OWN TERMS, have gotten smarter along the way. (Not talking about puppets like Lil Pump who were set up for expedient success and then fell off).

Also.... YOU NEED Experiences. You need patience, resilience and unwavering perseverance.

Wanna hear the most brutal blackpill ever?

Some Tik Tok Chad is ACTUALLY smarter than you. Sure, their appearance and the fact society wants to involve themselves with them gives them the upper-hand. But they are actually smarter too.

Inb4: Cope they only make $xxxK per month because they're GL. No, they're just at the top.

I don't think people realize how many tik-tok faggots and tik-tok sluts are complete failures because either they have no unique appeal &or they're more retarded than those at the top.

And everyone here?....

IQ is not something to ever talk about; it's so fucking abstract. Of course it's possible to become more learned but even asking the question "how do I increase IQ" is fucking idiotic...
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Vitamins/ supplements/ techniques etc?

Also is having a high IQ a mandatory necessity for STEM/AFEMB maxing?
Read books !
It’s all about KNOWLEDGE !
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High IQ makes you suicidal, you only need experience (=knowledge) and some luck
Yeah especially when you make yourself conscious about the facade and try to play it out to no avail.... plus, anyone with low-mid IQ can spot an IQ coper... Which is pretty much anyone who brags about how smart they are unless they're LITERALLY CHANGING THE WORLD and doing unimaginable things consistently. Even then, bragging about it is a bad trait.

Also fair play for talking about experience, you're right on the money. But even if you're lucky enough to get experiences others don't get, you can still fail, and you still do, that's why there's only a limited amount of truly successful "influencers & entertainers", despite the large pool.
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