Iran Has Resisted The Zionist New World Over For Over 40 Years

what , you live in iran?
Not everyone but a big portion are. The Zionist brainwashing tactics are crazy powerful.
for real? are iranian women allowed to be hypergamous and all? do they have the right to vote? are they allowed to go outside? do iranian guys simp for the pussy? if so then unfortunately iran is already doomed. because your country will follow the path of european countries.

foids will vote in degeneracy, the will protest for women rights, abortion, LGBTQ, rigged divorce laws etc. and all of that will happen slowly but before you notice, it's already too late. everything that happened in europe and america in the 60s and onwards will happen in iran too.
foids will get rid of sharia law (!!), birth rates will plummet while degeneracy rises. foids will get rid of gender segregation to have influence everywhere and soften society up. i haven't even looked it up but I bet there were protests today in some iranian city in favor of the "international women's day". by women and probably a few wannabe intellectual cucks participated as well.

females are the greatest allies of the kike. slippery slope ..
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  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: Albeacho and ToursOverBoyo2020
The US and Israel treat iran and other muslim nations in the middle east like theyre not even human. It doesnt ever seem to occur to them that they could just leave people alone, that maybe not everyone wants their country to be like america. Not every country needs to have mcdonalds on every block and women wearing bikinis everywhere
  • +1
Reactions: Albeacho, curryslayerordeath, johncruz12345 and 1 other person
The US and Israel treat iran and other muslim nations in the middle east like theyre not even human. It doesnt ever seem to occur to them that they could just leave people alone, that maybe not everyone wants their country to be like america. Not every country needs to have mcdonalds on every block and women wearing bikinis everywhere
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Reactions: Albeacho and SkinjobCatastrophe
Israel cant be destroyed without the complete anihillation of the united burguers of america
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  • JFL
Reactions: Albeacho, ToursOverBoyo2020, SkinjobCatastrophe and 1 other person
You seem to be really aware even though your American. Most Americans are ignorant about the jews.
Jfl. I used to believe the American propaganda as well. They literally are probably one of the worst countries, but have the audacity to virtue signal about "human rights" and "authoritarian government."

They literally otherthrow foreign governments for oil, and have killed millions of arabs. And they have the audacity to call Arabs "terrorists"

Its the only country to have a military bases in every continent. Let me ask who are the war mongerers?
  • +1
Reactions: Albeacho, curryslayerordeath and ToursOverBoyo2020
Jfl. I used to believe the American propaganda as well. They literally are probably one of the worst countries, but have the audacity to virtue signal about "human rights" and "authoritarian government."

They literally otherthrow foreign governments for Zionists, and have killed millions of arabs. And they have the audacity to call Arabs "terrorists"

Its the only country to have a military bases in every continent. Let me ask who are the war mongerers?
  • +1
Reactions: Albeacho
what , you live in iran?
for real? are iranian women allowed to be hypergamous and all? do they have the right to vote? are they allowed to go outside? do iranian guys simp for the pussy? if so then unfortunately iran is already doomed. because your country will follow the path of european countries.
Fuck this is unfortunately true except the hypergamy part. Hypergamy is not as strong as western countries yet but it could become worst in the future. Yes they are allowed to vote and simps exist everwhere. They are also allowed to go outside jfl.
foids will vote in degeneracy, the will protest for women rights, abortion, LGBTQ, rigged divorce laws etc. and all of that will happen slowly but before you notice, it's already too late. everything that happened in europe and america in the 60s and onwards will happen in iran too.
foids will get rid of sharia law (!!), birth rates will plummet while degeneracy rises. foids will get rid of gender segregation to have influence everywhere and soften society up. i haven't even looked it up but I bet there were protests today in some iranian city in favor of the "international women's day". by women and probably a few wannabe intellectual cucks participated as well.

females are the greatest allies of the kike. slippery slope ..
But the thing is the that The Iran is a Islamic republic. Any protests about these degenerate stuff are instantly deemed as BS. Most of the time people in these protests get arrested :lul:. Anyway foids aren't gonna gain power anytime soon and hopefully they never will but thanks to feminisms degeneracy is on the rise.
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Rusia China iran and turkey will defeat the globohomo agenda
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  • JFL
Reactions: Albeacho, johncruz12345 and ToursOverBoyo2020

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