Iran mogs

there is no arian here, thousands of years of rape and wars turned us into shitskins.
Well, you guys were the OG aryans at least.
Modern day Iranians are not Persians, you‘re not related to the ancient Persians
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I don’t like Iranians but they’re giga high iq and always had a history of having big empires, they’re the biggest threat to the joos and the west despite being shias, I’m saying this as a Sunni my self
no country in the middle east is a real threat to any major player in this world
thats the truth
Your ancestors must have been foreign sex slaves in Iran! Arya refers to Iran. Therefore, Aryans (people from Arya) are Iranians.
indo iranians are not aryans. indo aryan group diverged from that area three thousand years back
Your ancestors must have been foreign sex slaves in Iran! Arya refers to Iran. Therefore, Aryans (people from Arya) are Iranians.
Japheth's line in iran are the aryans but the elamites and by extension IVC are another group of iranians (for the regional name sake) that are of Semitic stock.
Japheth's line in iran are the aryans but the elamites and by extension IVC are another group of iranians (for the regional name sake) that are of Semitic stock.
Are you saying ancient Iranian farmers were Semitic? 🤔
indo iranians are not aryans. indo aryan group diverged from that area three thousand years back
Indo-Aryans are just a linguistic group to my knowledge. Aryan and Iranian are interchangeable terms, so Indo-Iranian and Indo-Aryan has the same meaning (this is just semantics, I’m not arguing genetics here).
Are you saying ancient Iranian farmers were Semitic? 🤔
well the aryans migrated and mixed in with them, its highly likely if u want to give the early iranians prior to aryans or proto indo europeans a classification race-wise.
well the aryans migrated and mixed in with them, its highly likely if u want to give the early iranians prior to aryans or proto indo europeans a classification race-wise.
I don’t know much about genetics, truthfully. By the way, you’re Dravidian, right? Instead of Indo-Aryan? Or a mixture?
I don’t know much about genetics, truthfully. By the way, you’re Dravidian, right? Instead of Indo-Aryan? Or a mixture?
dravidian but when trying to look deeper into what is the makeup its difficult to really understand because its believed the dravids were a mix of early iranians (prior to indo aryans) and local indegenous peoples which resulted in IVC, but my line specifically is more dravidian + levantine admixture from early MENA traders or the joos
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dravidian but when trying to look deeper into what is the makeup its difficult to really understand because its believed the dravids were a mix of early iranians (prior to indo aryans) and local indegenous peoples which resulted in IVC, but my line specifically is more dravidian + levantine admixture from early MENA traders or the joos
I have heard of the Dravidian theory regarding IVC, but I take anything about IVC with a grain of salt. It’s nothing like Ancient Egypt where we have proof of everything. It’s all just theories so I don’t think any of them holds weight. I like the mystery behind IVC. The fact it will be never uncovered is beyond cool to me. Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt.. they’re interesting for sure, but I think IVC takes the cake, due to the mysterious aspect of it all. And right, I remember you talking about Jewish ancestry now as well as being circumcised.
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Indo-Aryans are just a linguistic group to my knowledge. Aryan and Iranian are interchangeable terms, so Indo-Iranian and Indo-Aryan has the same meaning (this is just semantics, I’m not arguing genetics here).
Indo aryan is also racial. The breeding crucible for the aryans and iranians seperated around 3000 years ago. In anthropologyy the one that went to iran to create the sassanid later on and all that was indo iranian and the one that went south east towards the hindu kush was indo aryans although the former also called themselves aryan linguistically speaking. the mitanni people in anatolia were also mixed with the indo aryans and hurrite speaking indigenous people probably on their way toward nw india
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Indo aryan is also racial. The breeding crucible for the aryans and iranians seperated around 9000 years ago. In anthropologyy the one that went to iran to create the cimmerians was indo iranian and the one that went south east towards the hindu kush was indo aryans although the former also called themselves aryan linguistically speaking. the mitanni people in anatolia were also mixed with the indo aryans and hurrite speaking indigenous people probably on their way toward nw india
😐 Cummerians? Or did you mean Sumerians?
I have heard of the Dravidian theory regarding IVC, but I take anything about IVC with a grain of salt. It’s nothing like Ancient Egypt where we have proof of everything. It’s all just theories so I don’t think any of them holds weight. I like the mystery behind IVC. The fact it will be never uncovered is beyond cool to me. Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt.. they’re interesting for sure, but I think IVC takes the cake, due to the mysterious aspect of it all. And right, I remember you talking about Jewish ancestry now as well as being circumcised.
IVC was most likely a mix of various peoples you had some aryans of japhethites who peacefully migrated, chilled there for a while and it stood strong for a long time till eventually barbarian raids from a similar uncivilized people ended it, a lot of the inhabitants went south into India, others mixed with the invaders and created the next stages of Indian civilization, hence why the divide occurred, the more Dravidian elements were bred out in the north and likewise the aryan in the south from the initial aryans that migrated but occasionally you will find people born with similar features causes its in the gene pools in both north and south
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IVC was most likely a mix of various peoples you had some aryans of japhethites who peacefully migrated, chilled there for a while and it stood strong for a long time till eventually barbarian raids from a similar uncivilized people ended it, a lot of the inhabitants went south into India, others mixed with the invaders and created the next stages of Indian civilization, hence why the divide occurred, the more Dravidian elements were bred out in the north and likewise the aryan in the south from the initial aryans that migrated but occasionally you will find people born with similar features causes its in the gene pools in both north and south
That’s just one theory regarding IVC’s demise. There’s also the changing climate theory, for instance. Then there’s also the migration theory where they moved eastwards. Point is, there’s a bunch of theories regarding IVC’s demise but if I were forced to pick one, I’d go with the changing climate theory. Ultimately, however, we don’t know anything about IVC, so to speak in a convincing tone when it comes to IVC is not logical because, like I said, it’s shrouded in mystery. Theories don’t mean much to me.
I don’t like Iranians but they’re giga high iq and always had a history of having big empires, they’re the biggest threat to the joos and the west despite being shias, I’m saying this as a Sunni my self
sunni nigga
That’s just one theory regarding IVC’s demise. There’s also the changing climate theory, for instance. Then there’s also the migration theory where they moved eastwards. Point is, there’s a bunch of theories regarding IVC’s demise but if I were forced to pick one, I’d go with the changing climate theory. Ultimately, however, we don’t know anything about IVC, so to speak in a convincing tone when it comes to IVC is not logical because, like I said, it’s shrouded in mystery. Theories don’t mean much to me.
Generally historians will blame invasions on climate change but this does not remove the fact if was the invasions from another group of people that caused its demise, many civilizations throughout history were conquered after a certain period of time from barbarians as the barbarian only has of win once really, while the defender of the civilization needs to win every time .
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Generally historians will blame invasions on climate change but this does not remove the fact if was the invasions from another group of people that caused its demise, many civilizations throughout history were conquered after a certain period of time from barbarians as the barbarian only has of win once really, while the defender of the civilization needs to win every time .
If there’s written accounts for it, then sure it can be used as facts. But there’s no proof for anything other than the disappearance of a civilization when it comes to IVC. Propagandists like to find a way to make IVC about themselves but that’s just fantasies at play here. For instance, you have Bharati nationalists trying to make it revolve around Vedics, although Vedics came around 1500 B.C., whereas the IVC was much older than that. I’m sure there’s more examples.
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dravidian but when trying to look deeper into what is the makeup its difficult to really understand because its believed the dravids were a mix of early iranians (prior to indo aryans) and local indegenous peoples which resulted in IVC, but my line specifically is more dravidian + levantine admixture from early MENA traders or the joos
howd you get the levantine admixture
howd you get the levantine admixture
It’s marginal some of the Syriac Christian’s especially the kanaya go up to 10%, don’t know how much I have but it’s believed it came from a various groups that arrived in Kerala some being traders or migrants. They were able to keep their genetic marker by practicing endogamy, nasranis not as much but it’s still in the gene pool resulting in a handful of really middle eastern features in some people, others looking more Dravidian. Really depends on how the genes play out.
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The architecture is similar to The Line in Saudi Arabia

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