Ireland potentially has the highest number of HTNs per capita

Nah I wouldn’t say so a chadlite is about top 2% and I wouldn’t say that kid is 1 in 50 face but I agree his appeal is exceptionally high
Nar blud your insane :lul::lul::lul::lul: there’s a reason why everybody’s laughing at you bruh. Your mad your standards too high
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I remember a thread a while ago asking people how common is HTN where you live and many people were saying rarer than 1/20 and I was being genuine when I said 1/6 - 1/8 which was on of the lowest rarity answers iirc.

@Asbestos can also attest to this as he said to me that in Ireland there's a huge pool of HTNs, more than anywhere he's been but he doesn't often see anything above it.
He also has no reason to be biased since he is not ethnically Irish but grew up there.

He also stated that he got approached regularly by foids in Ireland on nights out but that hasn't been the case for him while clubbing in other countries so far.
I also used to get approached on nights out in Ireland semi regularly but I haven't been approached on my nights out in other countries from what I can remember.

Now you may be asking, if HTNs are so common in Ireland, how are you getting approached more in Ireland as a HTN than anywhere else if you aren't LESS rare in Ireland than anywhere else
There are a number of factors which go into this

If we say HTN is the threshold for most foids to have attraction off the bat, then if the number of HTNs in the 18-22 population is 1/7 and in a nightclub it's 1/4, that means that foids are seeing loads of guys that meet their attraction threshold in one venue (who they consider within their league) so approaching them isn't some massively daunting task, it's just the same as speaking to any other random guy in the club.
Whereas in a country if only 1/10 guys in a club are HTN then and there are almost as many Chadlites as there are HTNs by chance, then it may feel like a daunting task of approaching a rare and attractive guy who mogs the foid which just stops them from approaching altogether.

Relating to Irish Foids
1. Nearly every Irish foid attends teenage discos in their youth. At this age foids are just as keen if not more keen than males to get attention from the opposite sex so it is normal for foids to approach males as much as males approach foids, this builds up a patten in their brain so that by the time they get to 18+ venues and are under the influence of alcohol they are still capable of making the first move albeit not as much as when they were younger and went out of their way to approach with their friends.

2. I think it is in the DNA of Irishcels to become talkative around strangers when they're drunk and it doesn't even cross their mind as being something that's socially unusual. I would never put myself out there with regards talking to strangers while growing up but as soon as I got a taste for alcohol I would approach any person in my vicinity and have a convo with them. I had to go to a venue full of urban clients before I realized this wasn't the universal norm.

3. A very homogeneous society until recently means the people are very comfortable around each other so don't feel like there's any threat/danger to approaching a man you dont know as it's seen as unlikely that he wont take it well, whereas approaching a mogger of another nationality would be less predictable.
With that being said I think Irish foids would still approach guys who they interpret as different nationalities because I once had a foid approach me and be surprised when I told her where she was from and she said "I was expecting you to be Brazilian" because 90% of the staff there were. I'm sure Brazilian bouncers were getting approached by Irish foids loads.
But it is still the homogenous factor of the society that allows Irish to be super friendly to the initial foreigners who came here as it's almost like a badge of honour when drunk to make some outsider feel welcome.
If everyone felt unsafe everywhere they went in public due to the influence of different nationalities, then people would be less likely to give their time to approaching and getting to know foreigners (happening now)

4. Irish foids are generally non-submissive by nature, not as bad as English foids because Irish foids would be told to fuck off by their men so they are less combative than English foids generally but more combative than most euros. The fact that Irish foids aren't trying to larp as traditional like slavic foids means they can mentally cross the boundary of being the one who initiates the approach, whereas while Nordic foids will agree that women should approach men in principle they're less likely to do it (imo)

5. I've also posted a theory before that the countries known as being most slutty are simply a product of Irish foid genes. America is probably the most slutty and I put this down to the huge influence of Irish foid DNA among other things, while Ireland really has to be the best place to slay in europe considering the slay count I racked up there that would not be possible anywhere else imo. This sluttiness would lead to foids having no problem with approaching in search of being slayed.
Irish foids will just molest a guy walking past them who they consider hot whereas at events in NL I stood next to legit Chads at times and foids just walk past them without even batting an eye or changing their expression. It's almost as if they feel they lose if the express any lust whereas Irish foids scream about their lust from the rooftops

Back to potential reasons for the high rates of HTN in Ireland
In some countries it can feel like a MTN and a Chadlite are different species whereas in Ireland there's almost a smooth/gradual transition from highMTN all the way up to Chadlite.
It's like you take the same archetype but just apply an attractiveness gradient to the geezer
Most Irish guys who are HTN are based largely on harmony and good facial features like eye area etc rather than due to bone.
However the Chadlites also follow the same formula but are just HTNs with better ratios and often better forward growth, as opposed to them having significantly stronger jaws, it will often just be better chin and maxilla projection or more aesthetic chin and eye area.
Irish HTNs and Chadlites are nearly always clean shaven chaps leaning more towards the female gaze

I put this down to the fact that Irishcels are lacking in 3dimensional bone development meaning less skull width, they can still look good with less bone mass in the same way that foids tend to look better than males despite less bone mass due to their features having more averaged ratios.
Irish males benefit from this to an extent harmony wise so long as they aren't way below par and fucked due to lack of bone (which can be common)
Something I noticed is that the lack of skull width of Irishcels can actually make their forward growth look more impressive by comparison when they are dogmaxxed. Whereas if you compare to some other euro group like the Finns, the Finns are less likely to be lacking in skull width and 3dimensional bone growth so they dont have as many failos or trucels, but they also tend to look a bit more plain because of this because their forward growth is less exaggerated as result.

Irish Chads tend to be Rugby players who are tall and well built with a Chadlite face as opposed to having just Chad face alone which is more probable in the English gene pool although England does have 10x the population of Ireland.

As I mentioned, the META Irish pheno is sported by a clean shaven, haircut maxxed geezer who is relying quite a bit out youthfulness halo since he doesn't have what it takes to transition into a full blown mogger after the age of 25.
This pheno does tend to look quite young (and slightly underdeveloped) and when I was abroad recently in a place where my pheno is uncommon I was being guessed as far younger than my age and I believe these guesses are younger than I would receive in Ireland today.

A Welsh youtuber who made a video on Irish schools rugby noted that a massive amount of the players all had the same pheno (the meta pheno) and referred to them as the "Garry Ringrose Faces" because that was the player in the senior team who bore most resemblance to that pheno

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So Ireland has a high number of HTNs per capita however the amount of pure Chads are very low.
The amount of Chadlites is significant enough that they can mog the market and they have top level appeal coz they aren't relying on some uncanny massive jaw to push them into Chadlite territory.

I was in an area full of young people and uni students recently and there are enough solid HTNs to humble me after I spend some time posting here from my room reckoning I'm a top mogger, but I can also see I am clear enough from the 50th percentile guy to notably stand out
The great thing about this market is that foids will be familiar with my pheno so I'll have appeal to them but I also have an edge on the hoards of either HTNs due to heightmogging them.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, height inflation is way overblown.
Uni students are way taller and more competent looking than low class urban populations full of manlet twinks, but even still the uni students I seen over two days consisted of barely any guys taller than 6'2.
When I was in college 10 years ago I seen guys my height fairly regularly, zoomers are shrinking if anything but I'll draw more conclusions as I re-immerse myself around students.

Despite my constant complaints about the dating market getting harder I'm actually getting hot matches on tinder now
Given how much my standards have increased over time this is a definite improvement in quality as a result of my post surgery NT pics
Many of these hot matches unfortunately came via expanding my radius giga wide while in the countryside but I also got a few hot matches while in a city recently so once I am back there permenantly I'll see if I can convert any to slays

dnr but my teacher is Irish and has a Josh mcgregor sized chin, tall skull, David gandy eyes and Elias de loot zygos.
he’s a chad
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