Is a 750 caloric deficit too much?



Dec 25, 2019
Trying to leanmaxx and I'm currently at a 750 caloric deficit. Will I lose too much muscle at this deficit? If there are 3500 calories in a pound I'd assume that at this deficit I'd lose 1.5 pounds a week which would put me closer to my weight goal, but I'm starting to think that it might make me lose muscle.
How much of a deficit should I be to lose fat?
I would start at 1.5k calories a day. Losing fat too fast can lead to loose skin. But the calculator should tell you.
I would start at 1.5k calories a day. Losing fat too fast can lead to loose skin. But the calculator should tell you.
It says I need 2900 calories to mantain.
i just run psmf

deficit doesnt really matter, the steeper the deficit the more protein you will need to compensate
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yes idiot unless you are obese
Trying to leanmaxx and I'm currently at a 750 caloric deficit. Will I lose too much muscle at this deficit? If there are 3500 calories in a pound I'd assume that at this deficit I'd lose 1.5 pounds a week which would put me closer to my weight goal, but I'm starting to think that it might make me lose muscle.
Yes this is too much. You'll likely gain the weight back since your weight loss plan is so drastic.
Trying to leanmaxx and I'm currently at a 750 caloric deficit. Will I lose too much muscle at this deficit? If there are 3500 calories in a pound I'd assume that at this deficit I'd lose 1.5 pounds a week which would put me closer to my weight goal, but I'm starting to think that it might make me lose muscle.
Eat maintenance -500 calories, 2 grams of protein per kg of body weight daily, lift and do cardio. It's that simple
If its sustainable to you. Doesnt matters what you do For one week. 2 months matter
not too bad, i was on a 950 calorie deficit for like 2 months dropping from 163 to 142 it’s easy do it
If you’re low T yes. Personally I think it’s too little.
Depends on a lot of factors but as ur worried about muscle loss id not go over 600 maximum deficit imo, like eat maintanance without considering the calories from daily exercising
Trying to leanmaxx and I'm currently at a 750 caloric deficit. Will I lose too much muscle at this deficit? If there are 3500 calories in a pound I'd assume that at this deficit I'd lose 1.5 pounds a week which would put me closer to my weight goal, but I'm starting to think that it might make me lose muscle.
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No you can go up to 1 percent of bodyweight lost per week with minimal muscle loss is what Layne Norton and some other fitness youtubers say. Which for most people will be around 1k defecit a day. I have done before and not noticed any muscle loss, and got stronger while cutting. Make sure protein is higher than normal

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