Is allah/god the devil?

If strict islam was aplicated, we both know life would be unlivable.
No more snowbunnies for muslim in west to slay.
No more porn to enjoy because it’s haram.
If you ever use your free thinking you’ll be heavily abused and/or killed.
Multiples and beautiful wives will be only avalaible for the wealthiest of us, most will settle for uglys or a single one.
Think before talking.
Wtf is strict Islam? The Sharia and it's interpretation and application to all four orthodox schools of thoughts outlaws all that shit and human lived more prosperous and productive without that shit.
I proved you wrong, instead of taking it as an insult, be a smart person and try to grow from it, you don’t have to trust me do your own researches.
You are not alone, any gen z with an iq above 100 has chose to distance itself from islam and no longer believe in it. View attachment 2101603 Join r/exmuslim on reddit we are more there than on the islam subreddit kek
i might just have saved your life from a life of servitude and sexual frustration for a non existent being.

@TRUE_CEL @StepbroMo
JFL at Turkish Gen Z - They were incredibly secularised to begin with and worship the West. Their gods are nationalism, Atatürk and doner kebab. Disgrace to their ancestors who literally built Islamic civilization.
Ye i’m a retard but i fuck prime pussy, and i f i chose to stay muslim i would be sexually frustrated virgin untill now.

So who is the retard?
LMAO 'I left Islam to fuck white american pussy' nigga you ain't fucking shit. Pretty soon you will find out these whores don't care about your lack of religion but lack of melanin.

Inceldom is a secular western problem JFL.
Wtf is strict Islam? The Sharia and it's interpretation and application to all four orthodox schools of thoughts outlaws all that shit and human lived more prosperous and productive without that shit.

JFL at Turkish Gen Z - They were incredibly secularised to begin with and worship the West. Their gods are nationalism, Atatürk and doner kebab. Disgrace to their ancestors who literally built Islamic civilization.
Truthfull to the quran,
Music is haram, (it’s litterally writed in the book) peinture is haram, a woman not dressed like a ninja is haram, education for women is haram, murder against christian jewish is encouraged, slavery is encouraged, no sex for you untill mariage. And a global feeling of insecurity and paranoia everywhere.

Why the fuck do you think muslims are flying muslim countries? They are just fucking unlivable shitholeS,

That’s not true, turcs ancestors weren’t muslim they had plenty of religions and culture completely different from Islam.
They got raided and britally exterminated by the islamist envahissor, they got enslaved then forcefully converted to Islam.
If a turc is truthfull to his ancetors he should hate and spit on Islam.
LMAO 'I left Islam to fuck white american pussy' nigga you ain't fucking shit. Pretty soon you will find out these whores don't care about your lack of religion but lack of melanin.

Inceldom is a secular western problem JFL.
Cope harder all of them are my plates justhoping to be dicked down by me, with one muslim girl in it i met and fucked from tinder.
What the point of this religion, if it can’t even keep your women chaste?
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Truthfull to the quran,
Music is haram, (it’s litterally writed in the book)
No it's isn't. Many orthodox do say it is but it's a ikhtilahf issue even salafis like yuf al qardawi didn't completely say it's haram.

Yes 99% of music in the West is haram if that's your point JFL
peinture is haram, a woman not dressed like a ninja is haram, education for women is haram, murder against christian jewish is encouraged, slavery is encouraged, no sex for you untill mariage. And a global feeling of insecurity and paranoia everywhere.

Why the fuck do you think muslims are flying muslim countries? They are just fucking unlivable shitholeS,

That’s not true, turcs ancestors weren’t muslim they had plenty of religions and culture completely different from Islam.
They were tengrist before. They were one of the earliest races to convert after the Battle of Talas in mid 700s otherwise they would've been sinoised.

Keep coping. Turkish culture and history is very much Islamic and they defended Islam and converted many disbelievers to Islam.
They got raided and britally exterminated by the islamist envahissor, they got enslaved then forcefully converted to Islam.
If a turc is truthfull to his ancetors he should hate and spit on Islam.
Lmao they sided with Arabs, had very little culture themselves. They literally defeated Arabs and militarily made them their bitches for thousands of years since the Abbasids days all the way til the Ottoman empire until those back stabbing Arabs sided with the British.
View attachment 2101641Cope harder all of them are my plates justhoping to be dicked down by me, with one muslim girl in it i met and fucked from tinder.
What the point of this religion, if it can’t even keep your women chaste?
Haha nigga left Islam to fuck LTBs are you FailedNormieManlet ?

You could've got way above your looksmatch like everyone else if you arrange marriage maxxed.
Haha nigga left Islam to fuck LTBs are you FailedNormieManlet ?

You could've got way above your looksmatch like everyone else if you arrange marriage maxxed.
I don’t, i only fuck htb+ or girls with gold bodies.

I can have as much sex as i want, meanwhile if I was in a islamic country i would be forced to hide and brutally whiped and stonned if I had consensual sex with an adult woman outside of marriage. And imagine how worse the treatment of the foid would be. Meanwhile muslim are so sexualy frustrated that they fuck goats or litterally their toddler cousins🫣
I don’t, i only fuck htb+ or girls with gold bodies.
Send me proof. The only ones who can is Saludoon. Judging by your shitskinned avatar you get MTBs at best after 1000s of swipes.

They don't like you. They never will. You can call yourself ex Muslim as much as you want, you will always be associated with it for the rest of your life.

  • JFL
Reactions: Manu le coq
Send me proof. The only ones who can is Saludoon. Judging by your shitskinned avatar you get MTBs at best after 1000s of swipes.

They don't like you. They never will. You can call yourself ex Muslim as much as you want, you will always be associated with it for the rest of your life.

View attachment 2101663
I’m gymmaxxed with 8.7/10 body hood american bbc maxxed. And i’m htn
How hard is it for you to believe it don’t apeal to decently attractive women?
I’m gymmaxxed with 8.7/10 body hood american bbc maxxed. And i’m htn
How hard is it for you to believe it don’t apeal to decently attractive women?
Not gonna believe any of that shit unless you post a photo via PM with verification.
Not gonna believe any of that shit unless you post a photo via PM with verification.
whatever i don't really care if you don't belive me, i just care about exposing Islam
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist
whatever i don't really care if you don't belive me, i just care about exposing Islam
They wish to extinguish Allah's light with their mouths, but Allah will ˹certainly˺ perfect His light, even to the dismay of the disbelievers.
They wish to extinguish Allah's light with their mouths, but Allah will ˹certainly˺ perfect His light, even to the dismay of the disbelievers.
reply to me genuinely please.
I gave a lot of counter evidence toward Islam to prove why it just a scam and a religion,
did you seriously read everything i said, got trough all my arguments and proofs. watched the video I shared.

And not single fraction of a second, didn't it go trough your mind that "hey this apostate asshole did said sometihng interssting here, maybe i should think it trough more"
reply to me genuinely please.
I gave a lot of counter evidence toward Islam to prove why it just a scam and a religion,
did you seriously read everything i said, got trough all my arguments and proofs. watched the video I shared.

And not single fraction of a second, didn't it go trough your mind that "hey this apostate asshole did said sometihng interssting here, maybe i should think it trough more"
Why would I respond to low IQ. I've got bigger fish to fry. People like Patricia Crone, Bernard Lewis and other orientalists are enemies of Islam not shit posters on the internet like you who say "omg Mohamed was a pedo, Muslims think Music is haram, Islam is so bad hahahaha"
So you’re telling me, you’re listenning to
An analphabete man dead a thousand years ago, from middle age who made shit up without anything to back up his claims, allowing him to access to power money respect and women, thanks to a book filled with theorically untrue stuff, and of course no one outside of him ever saw the god or the ghosts he was talking about.
All the bullshit from the book, like the sperm being produced in bones, the stars being smaller than the sun and the moon, the different layers of the sky, which is not possible. And of course matematical errors in the book. How the hell can GOD be fucking wrong? How? He is omnicient, yet mohamet god made mistakes in the only fucking proof of his existence.

ANd most of the stuff he created was just copy pasted from the bible and torah so LOOOOOOL.
So if someone is right it’s the jews, since they were here first.

Instead of listening statistical evidences, millions of different intelligent scientists who came to the same conclusions with solid as steel proofs trough the thousands of year of human history. The billions of years of evolution which are more plausible

The only reason people are still muslim is because you are forced to go to hell if you don’t obey. It just so happen that an all powerfull being is so susceptible that a mere mortal opinion is enough to torture him for eternity.
You do what you do, but just by reading the fucking book yourself or using common sense, you wouldn’t let yourself limit your pleasure in life, for an afterlife which don’t exist.
like I said, I question my beliefs alot and other Muslims also get mad at me for this, which is incorrect on their part in Islam. they should actually give me answers and stuff

but I struggle to understand the idea that we came from absolutely nothing
it just doesn't make sense to me
like I said, I question my beliefs alot and other Muslims also get mad at me for this, which is incorrect on their part in Islam. they should actually give me answers and stuff

but I struggle to understand the idea that we came from absolutely nothing
it just doesn't make sense to me
We didn’t came from nothing, we came from a coincidence which happpen 1/10^999999999999

Since the universe is gigantesque, it had to happen someway.
Btw if mohamet was right, why do we find no evidences of his theories in the wild? No evidences of adam and eve, no evidence of whatever he is talking abt in the book,
But Why do scientist find everyday bones proving evolution, millions of proofs in astronomy, geology, going in their direction instead of all being created all at once in allah garden.

religion is made for low iq people unable to think for themselves, and with critical thinking, that’s why they shutdown everyone trying to think outside of the box.
It’s litterally so easy to see trough that bullshit, i find out it was all made up when i was barely 9yo and i was a hardcore muslim before that, doing my prayers everyday, forcing my sisters to wear the hijab, correctibg my father’s mistakes about it, and I wanted to become an Imam. Yet i find out at my young age.

Jfl at you if you have less critical thinking and a lower iq than me at 9yo.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 16515
I believe god is real tbh, it’s not too much of an effort, so I’ll just keep following it in case I get into heaven, that would be vibes.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Manu le coq
I believe god is real tbh, it’s not too much of an effort, so I’ll just keep following it in case I get into heaven, that would be vibes.
Yet your religion heavily reduce your hapiness in this life.
We didn’t came from nothing, we came from a coincidence which happpen 1/10^999999999999

Since the universe is gigantesque, it had to happen someway.
Btw if mohamet was right, why do we find no evidences of his theories in the wild? No evidences of adam and eve, no evidence of whatever he is talking abt in the book,
But Why do scientist find everyday bones proving evolution, millions of proofs in astronomy, geology, going in their direction instead of all being created all at once in allah garden.

religion is made for low iq people unable to think for themselves, and with critical thinking, that’s why they shutdown everyone trying to think outside of the box.
It’s litterally so easy to see trough that bullshit, i find out it was all made up when i was barely 9yo and i was a hardcore muslim before that, doing my prayers everyday, forcing my sisters to wear the hijab, correctibg my father’s mistakes about it, and I wanted to become an Imam. Yet i find out at my young age.

Jfl at you if you have less critical thinking and a lower iq than me at 9yo.
like I said, I plan to research religion and atheist beliefs thoroughly from an unbiased perspective before making such decisions
Why an all powerfull, all good supreme entity, would feel the need for us mere human to worship him everyday of our lives? i mean he don’t need it, that feel like some sort of sin to me, pure narcissism, nothing godly.

Why Islam is forced upon people? ItAnd if you ever question it, or don’t brlieve in the book, the punition is death. Why a godly peaceful being give such cruel indications?

If Allah is all mighty, why would he let us suffer so much daily, why so many people suffering if he can stop it instantly? Why would he let the ouigour die and being opressed in China?
I’m a selfish person, yet if i was god i wouldn’t hesitate a micro second to make the world an utopia for everyone.

Why is it acceptable for people to spend all of eternity in hell, even if they were good person just because they didn’t choose the right religion?
And anyways if god is almighty and created us, and decide who we are at birth and the decision we make trough our life, why would he be legitimate to torture us for eternity for things out of our god damn control?😡

My conclusion is that either god from the muslim and christian either don’t exist, or is an which is not god, but a more powerfull being than us, just like we are a more powerfull being to dogs and cat, they see us as we see god. We can’t understand him, he is just like a kid enjoying torturing ants 🐜 for fun. In their heads they try to understand why this happen, and try to give a meaning to it and understand why, but they can’t.

this being take pleasure in our suffering and enjoy the confusion, numerous deaths his existence or the question of his existence causes. There is no heaven, all what is awaiting is more pain in the afterlife.

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