Is being aggressive in school worth it?

you probably get bullied in mumbais middleschool
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Ive got ”dark triad looks” (positive eyebrow and canthal tilt, long eyebrows, dark hair, strong jaw, good eyelashes, light skin with dark coloured hair Etc.) should I just be an aggressive dickhead and act mysterious or some shit? Or will I just be seen as a douchebag. I mean, I’ve got the strength to back it since I’m one of the strongest in my year.

for reference I look kinda like this guy. But with a different eye area.
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IMG 8277
I dont disagree with fighting to defend yourself but 99% of time you dont know who your dealing with just based of there looks. An historical example was with gengis khan when he sent diplomats over to a guy. guy messed with diplomats by cutting off their hair. Guess what happendo his empire? he loses and his minsters get boiling silver poured in there eyes and a slaugter occurs. Dont mess with people you dont know.
Nigga ain’t no one in high school Finna put boiling silver in nobody’s eye.
I dont disagree with fighting to defend yourself but 99% of time you dont know who your dealing with just based of there looks. An historical example was with gengis khan when he sent diplomats over to a guy. guy messed with diplomats by cutting off their hair. Guess what happendo his empire? he loses and his minsters get boiling silver poured in there eyes and a slaugter occurs. Dont mess with people you dont know.
Genghis Han and Mongols never existed, was cover up by USSR to defend national pride since all russians are Tartarian rape babies. Mongols never left their steppes, you can't go through mountains on horseback jfl. Read up on Tartarian Empire and old cartography from that time.
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I’m in high school nigga, I know pretty much everyone there and what they’re capable of.
No,you really dont. You know what they appear to be capable of. They can easily hide their abilties and talents in order to fool the genral high school population. Just like I act dumb or boring in class in order to conceal my high grades or thinking patterns. Social masking exist for a reason and you should use it for your benfit.
Genghis Han and Mongols never existed, was cover up by USSR to defend national pride since all russians are Tartarian rape babies. Mongols never left their steppes, you can't go through caucaus mountains on horseback jfl. Read up on Tartarian Empire and old cartography from that time.
Genghis Han and Mongols never existed, was cover up by USSR to defend national pride since all russians are Tartarian rape babies. Mongols never left their steppes, you can't go through caucaus mountains on horseback jfl. Read up on Tartarian Empire and old cartography from that time.
Ive got ”dark triad looks” (positive eyebrow and canthal tilt, long eyebrows, dark hair, strong jaw, good eyelashes, light skin with dark coloured hair Etc.) should I just be an aggressive dickhead and act mysterious or some shit? Or will I just be seen as a douchebag. I mean, I’ve got the strength to back it since I’m one of the strongest in my year.

for reference I look kinda like this guy. But with a different eye area.
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yes, rape your teacher
I’m one of the strongest in my year and in the rugby team. Pretty much everyone is weaker than me. I’ve also been doing boxing for a bit now.
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Ive got ”dark triad looks” (positive eyebrow and canthal tilt, long eyebrows, dark hair, strong jaw, good eyelashes, light skin with dark coloured hair Etc.) should I just be an aggressive dickhead and act mysterious or some shit? Or will I just be seen as a douchebag. I mean, I’ve got the strength to back it since I’m one of the strongest in my year.

for reference I look kinda like this guy. But with a different eye area.
View attachment 2563807
are u gay? be urself and do ur homework

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