Is height really correlated with income?



biggest rotter on the internet
Aug 5, 2023
I think the income/class component of height is only true for certain groups. Like Hispanics, Curries, Rice & Sands tend to genuinely have that correlation of height by income. Poorer men of these groups tend to be turbo manlets/manlets which higher class tend to genuinely be taller.

I feel like this doesn’t exist for blacks & whites. The amount of suburban urkelcel blacks I’ve seen with good upbringing and high income is def far too common. Then I see these 6’4 340 pound negro ogres from apartment complexes & literal poverty that are size mogging everybody in the street.

Like look at LEBRON

Lebron grew up near homeless poverty level for most of his life and ended up a 6’8 turbo athletic fucker. The same applies to many NBA stars. Now look at his son Bronny. Legit only 6’1 while living in total wealth as the son of a multi millionaire.

Whites have the same thing. A lot of short whites grow up in decent suburban environments while u can find trailer park trash that are again 6’4 and 300 pounds. So it seems height & income is cope.

@NotAMogger remind me to post this on .is

opinions? @Azonin @Zoom759 @saint @0S4MA @Growth Plate @murdah @WhoTookVendetta @nword49 @wishIwasSalludon @Willmogulater @JohnDoe
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its overrated for every inch it's like 1percent increase in income or smth. barley noticeable
its overrated for every inch it's like 1percent increase in income or smth. barley noticeable
Nah I think it’s just dependent on what race you belong to.

If you’re Hispanic, Sand, Rice or Curry changes are you’re below 5’7/5’8 if you’re low income.

If your black or white income is not correlated to your height. You could probably find a 6’5 poor nigger on welfare in Atlanta and a 6’4 trailer park trash hick in rural Alabama
It's not cope. SInce height is correlated to social dominance, you're more likely to end up in higher position due to being a tallfag and therefore end up with a higher salary than your manlet counterpart. Obviously, IQ and having connections is more important though.
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It's not cope. SInce height is correlated to social dominance, you're more likely to end up in higher position due to being a tallfag and therefore end up with a higher salary than your manlet counterpart. Obviously, IQ and having connections is more important though.
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Nah I think it’s just dependent on what race you belong to.

If you’re Hispanic, Sand, Rice or Curry changes are you’re below 5’7/5’8 if you’re low income.

If your black or white income is not correlated to your height. You could probably find a 6’5 poor nigger on welfare in Atlanta and a 6’4 trailer park trash hick in rural Alabama
1% is a lot in income
if you make 50k a year its 500 extra an inch or 10 a week. if your like 10 inches above the average it starts to add up but even then its not life-changing money
Its cope, most SWE, Bankers, Docters Ive seen or know arent above 5'11
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Because IQ is still more important. Being tall and good-looking is just the cherry on top. Also chinks, pajeets, and inbreds in the West were preselected for their IQs, which is why there isn't a correlation between height and income with them.
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Because IQ is still more important. Being tall and good-looking is just the cherry on top. Also chinks, pajeets, and inbreds in the West were preselected for their IQs, which is why there isn't a correlation between height and income with them.
No I’m saying there is a correlation of height and income with them lol. I’m saying there isn’t a correlation of height and income with blacks + white.
How is there a correlation with them? I don't see this.
I see it all the time. asians in whiter areas are taller than the poorer Asians in the city JFL. Same with curries.

It’s blacks and whites who could be short in really rich areas and then in really impoverished areas be pretty tall
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rhe reason why it affects 3rd worlders more (indians asians hispanics) is because they’re parents immigrate from countries with shit food and diet and so when they come to america and get more money they have access to better diet.

whites and blacks have been here for almost 500 years so it doesn’t affect them as much. that’s why height has platued in developed countries and generations are not getting taller because our diet is the same from since the 80s. only 3rd world countries are getting taller
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I think the income/class component of height is only true for certain groups. Like Hispanics, Curries, Rice & Sands tend to genuinely have that correlation of height by income. Poorer men of these groups tend to be turbo manlets/manlets which higher class tend to genuinely be taller.

I feel like this doesn’t exist for blacks & whites. The amount of suburban urkelcel blacks I’ve seen with good upbringing and high income is def far too common. Then I see these 6’4 340 pound negro ogres from apartment complexes & literal poverty that are size mogging everybody in the street.

Like look at LEBRON

Lebron grew up near homeless poverty level for most of his life and ended up a 6’8 turbo athletic fucker. The same applies to many NBA stars. Now look at his son Bronny. Legit only 6’1 while living in total wealth as the son of a multi millionaire.

Whites have the same thing. A lot of short whites grow up in decent suburban environments while u can find trailer park trash that are again 6’4 and 300 pounds. So it seems height & income is cope.

@NotAMogger remind me to post this on .is

opinions? @Azonin @Zoom759 @saint @0S4MA @Growth Plate @murdah @WhoTookVendetta @nword49 @wishIwasSalludon @Willmogulater @JohnDoe
I havent looked into this stuff but the moment someone says height correlates with success, thats only true for groups like whites like you said, though im an outlier because im 6'4 but piss piss piss broke
I havent looked into this stuff but the moment someone says height correlates with success, thats only true for groups like whites like you said, though im an outlier because im 6'4 but piss piss piss broke
but everyday I try to change it
its overrated for every inch it's like 1percent increase in income or smth. barley noticeable
have you even read those studies? who even cares about something like that?

why does someone care how much more money one makes for every inch of height

if they dont even correlate in the first place

white people on average make 3x more than black people (depending on euro ethnicity like polish or german) yet they are only taller by an inch or not a whole inch than blacks in usa, let alone look at africa bigger dicks yet less money
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Disagree, office managers, doctors, and leaders are thought of as tall white dudes. I remember last year in one of my management classes the prof asked to describe traits when u think of leader and a foid said tall

Keep in mind she was white at a predominantly white school. maybe less for african americans but at least for whites. But even then masculinity is a big part of african american preception, I would imagine its important for them to be tall. Also tag me in height stuff btw i know more abt height than anyone here
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Disagree, office managers, doctors, and leaders are thought of as tall white dudes. I remember last year in one of my management classes the prof asked to describe traits when u think of leader and a foid said tall

Keep in mind she was white at a predominantly white school. maybe less for african americans but at least for whites. But even then masculinity is a big part of african american preception, I would imagine its important for them to be tall. Also tag me in height stuff btw i know more abt height than anyone here
I would agree that all else equal, being more well-off is better for height potential for yourself (when you are young) and your kids potentially

but the fact that income doesn't exactly positively correlate with height kind of suggests most well-off people are perhaps bad decision makers, I'd seriously doubt that most people who are well-off happen to have shit genes for height, since lack of positive correlation has been consistent
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I havent looked into this stuff but the moment someone says height correlates with success, thats only true for groups like whites like you said, though im an outlier because im 6'4 but piss piss piss broke
No I’m saying the opposite. It’s whites and blacks who don’t have income success correlated with whites. I’m saying it’s really mainly sands, Asians, Hispanics & curries that do
Disagree, office managers, doctors, and leaders are thought of as tall white dudes. I remember last year in one of my management classes the prof asked to describe traits when u think of leader and a foid said tall

Keep in mind she was white at a predominantly white school. maybe less for african americans but at least for whites. But even then masculinity is a big part of african american preception, I would imagine its important for them to be tall. Also tag me in height stuff btw i know more abt height than anyone here
Refer to what I said above.

I think people are misreading what I said


No I’m saying the opposite. It’s whites and blacks who don’t have income success correlated with whites. I’m saying it’s really mainly sands, Asians, Hispanics & curries that do

Refer to what I said above.

I think people are misreading what I said


Its quite complex, all else equal its better to have more money, if there is lack of correlation between money and height in a population its either 1) a significant portion of those that have it are bad decision makers with it or 2) a significant portion doesnt have the genetics for it and i think it's 1) because data has consistently existed against 2.

I think 1) is what explains variation in correlation between different populations
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I would have to read the studies more but people generally punch down and kiss butt upwards. When people see someone who is short/ugly they are more apt to discriminate, mock etc. simply because they feel comfortable putting down someone who they feel is under them. When they meet someone attractive & tall, they are apt to kiss their butt and praise them because they aren't bold enough to disagree with someone that they feel mogs them. So if a short ugo vs a tall gl person are compared directly, by ratio the tall attractive people will be better off because they deal with slightly less adversity and more respect.
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Its quite complex, all else equal its better to have more money, if there is lack of correlation between money and height in a population its either 1) a significant portion of those that have it are bad decision makers with it or 2) a significant portion doesnt have the genetics for it and i think it's 1) because data has consistently existed against 2.

I think 1) is what explains variation in correlation between different populations
tl;dr the correlation might exist for sands and asians etc because they dont eat goyslop or act retarded when well off so they make use of it
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I would have to read the studies more but people generally punch down and kiss butt upwards. When people see someone who is short/ugly they are more apt to discriminate, mock etc. simply because they feel comfortable putting down someone who they feel is under them. When they meet someone attractive & tall they are apt to kiss their butt and praise them because they aren't bold enough to disagree with someone that they feel mogs them. So if a short ugo vs a tall gl person are compared directly, by ratio the tall attractive people will be better off because they deal with slightly less adversity and more respect.
The idea that the correlation exists because tall people have more respect by society is absurd on its face.
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The idea that the correlation exists because tall people have more respect by society is absurd on its face.
That's like saying your NW degree negatively correlates with income, no data supporting that and I seriously doubt that if there is a correlation (which isn't necessarily likely), that it is causal.
The idea that the correlation exists because tall people have more respect by society is absurd on its face.
Seems to be what I've observed in life. Many people I know when they talk to taller more attractive people, they seem to quickly take the subservient role in the conversations & interactions like they feel they need to impress and show more respect to the person and its like the inverse for less attractive, smaller people where they disparage them a little more.
The idea that the correlation exists because tall people have more respect by society is absurd on its face.
I should add one thing.

Height will far more likely correlate with income if people are given a headstart (such as some kind of job or position), like if you lined a bunch of people up, I think what youre even more likely to find is a study that says being taler is advantageous because correlations usually factor in other factors that may cloud the correlation (such as no correlation) despite the thing in question being advantageous (such as height)

If you are in poverty, it's hard to get out and just being 6'4 is not gonna have money knocking at your door like what?
Poor People are mostly short in 3rd world country. As they are Malnourished. Sane doesn't apply to 1st World ones where they get optimal nutrition.
Seems to be what I've observed in life. Many people I know when they talk to taller more attractive people, they seem to quickly take the subservient role in the conversations & interactions like they feel they need to impress and show more respect to the person and its like the inverse for less attractive, smaller people where they disparage them a little more.
Yeah but this is the issue, we are talking about the entire population which also includes people from poverty background and just being tall alone wont jumpstart them into income, in a society where no one is homeless/in poverty youre far more likely to find a correlation because other factors such as the wealth that people already have may be too strong

in a nutshell what im saying is if you had one tall guy thats poor and one short guy thats rich, that room just by itself would present a negative correlation between height and wealth, because inequality is so prevalent i think its why the correlation in the entire population may not be so strong as in the example

but of course just cause i deny the correlation doesnt mean i deny that height is advantageous
Poor People are mostly short in 3rd world country. As they are Malnourished. Sane doesn't apply to 1st World ones where they get optimal nutrition.
And hypothetically, if a person who was poor didnt afford food for 2 days, thats essentially fasting which secretes hgh and just adds to the nuance of the idea that you need a perfectly nutritional diet for optimal height, when nutrition is just one factor
And hypothetically, if a person who was poor didnt afford food for 2 days, thats essentially fasting which secretes hgh and just adds to the nuance of the idea that you need a perfectly nutritional diet for optimal height, when nutrition is just one factor
Its quite obvious that the 3rd world is shorter due to genetic predisposition since you can just look at average heights of them even when they live in the same places as whites (it is still lower)

kind of how whites are more genetically predisposed to balding
Yeah but this is the issue, we are talking about the entire population which also includes people from poverty background and just being tall alone wont jumpstart them into income, in a society where no one is homeless/in poverty youre far more likely to find a correlation because other factors such as the wealth that people already have may be too strong

in a nutshell what im saying is if you had one tall guy thats poor and one short guy thats rich, that room just by itself would present a negative correlation between height and wealth, because inequality is so prevalent i think its why the correlation in the entire population may not be so strong as in the example

but of course just cause i deny the correlation doesnt mean i deny that height is advantageous
I think its more of relationship of the height of the person and wealth like 5 of 10 5'7 guys make 45,000 opposed to 5 of 10 6'3 guys make 65,000. There are other factors of course thought and nobody is immune to them.
I think its more of relationship of the height of the person and wealth like 5 of 10 5'7 guys make 45,000 opposed to 5 of 10 6'3 guys make 65,000. There are other factors of course thought and nobody is immune to them.
there are crazy lot of factors, people work online and no one is checking on their height, apparently some studies suggest height makes you smarter, to a point, then why would they say you get richer for every inch.

its complex yeah
Not how it works, a small correlation is something, your perception from what you see IRL dosent account for the world. Your anecdotes are useless here. I cant believe you guys dont understand basic stats
Not how it works, a small correlation is something, your perception from what you see IRL dosent account for the world. Your anecdotes are useless here. I cant believe you guys dont understand basic stats
Show the stats then? I haven’t seen any for
Blacks on height and income
Show the stats then? I haven’t seen any for
Blacks on height and income
there arent studies specifically for race, but the one for height and money shows some correlation. Participants were in America, it dosent make sense that somehow all blacks would still not be accounted for in this correlation. Youre making a biased assumption based on your views of black people and the hood
The gap would be bigger if you removed ethnics beta buxing with STEM jobs
The company I work for, the owner is about 6'7", the manager in my former location is about 6'4", the second in charge where I am now is about 6'6", this is blue collar and mostly white.

I'd say that big guys are drawn to or maybe even forced into the trades, they don't fit in at some cucky office job.
I'm tall and still get paid the same like everyone else so no
I think the income/class component of height is only true for certain groups. Like Hispanics, Curries, Rice & Sands tend to genuinely have that correlation of height by income. Poorer men of these groups tend to be turbo manlets/manlets which higher class tend to genuinely be taller.

I feel like this doesn’t exist for blacks & whites. The amount of suburban urkelcel blacks I’ve seen with good upbringing and high income is def far too common. Then I see these 6’4 340 pound negro ogres from apartment complexes & literal poverty that are size mogging everybody in the street.

Like look at LEBRON

Lebron grew up near homeless poverty level for most of his life and ended up a 6’8 turbo athletic fucker. The same applies to many NBA stars. Now look at his son Bronny. Legit only 6’1 while living in total wealth as the son of a multi millionaire.

Whites have the same thing. A lot of short whites grow up in decent suburban environments while u can find trailer park trash that are again 6’4 and 300 pounds. So it seems height & income is cope.

@NotAMogger remind me to post this on .is

opinions? @Azonin @Zoom759 @saint @0S4MA @Growth Plate @murdah @WhoTookVendetta @nword49 @wishIwasSalludon @Willmogulater @JohnDoe

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