Is high IQ a halo?

Assuming you have a minimum looks level:

If she's low iq herself and prefer having stupid fun in life then yes; if she's high iq and have interest in deep thinking / meaningful conversations then no.

The problem is that most attractive girls are low iq and prefer a low inhib funny guy over an intelligent, over thinking guy.
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High IQ = high inhib, non NT, and usually white or Asian
Be a nerd or not, it's over if u are high iq
It's over if you're pretentiously high iq... If you're so skilled that you can make things "go right" for you, then girls will like that and so will you... and that's realistically high IQ...

If you're a plastic high IQ WOW virgin then yeah you're fucked.

teens with IQs ranging from 75 to 90 had the lowest probability of virginity (the authors note this is also the same IQ range where propensity towards crime peaks).

Depending on the specific age and gender, an adolescent with an IQ of 100 was 1.5 to 5 times more likely to have had intercourse than a teen with a score of 120 or 130. Each additional point of IQ increased the odds of virginity by 2.7% for males and 1.7% for females. But higher IQ had a similar relationship across the entire range of romantic/sexual interactions, decreasing the odds that teens had ever kissed or even held hands with a member of the opposite sex at each age.

James watsson that discovered DNA:
If I had been married earlier in life, I wouldn't have seen the double helix. I would have been taking care of the kids on Saturday. On the other hand, I was lonely a lot of the time.

Not only do intelligent people have a delayed onset of sexual behavior, Half Sigma found that they also have a lower number of premarital sex partners throughout adulthood (18-39).

Half Sigma also showed that the smartest men in the GSS (approx. IQ >120) were also more likely to visit a prostitute.
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teens with IQs ranging from 75 to 90 had the lowest probability of virginity (the authors note this is also the same IQ range where propensity towards crime peaks).

Depending on the specific age and gender, an adolescent with an IQ of 100 was 1.5 to 5 times more likely to have had intercourse than a teen with a score of 120 or 130. Each additional point of IQ increased the odds of virginity by 2.7% for males and 1.7% for females. But higher IQ had a similar relationship across the entire range of romantic/sexual interactions, decreasing the odds that teens had ever kissed or even held hands with a member of the opposite sex at each age.

James watsson that discovered DNA:

Not only do intelligent people have a delayed onset of sexual behavior, Half Sigma found that they also have a lower number of premarital sex partners throughout adulthood (18-39).

Half Sigma also showed that the smartest men in the GSS (approx. IQ >120) were also more likely to visit a prostitute.
high iq = worse looking?
Yall really trying to argue that being dumber is better? GL in this life.
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Yall really trying to argue that being dumber is better? GL in this life.
ye i think its retarded too. money is power, you get easy money for being smart
ye i think its retarded too. money is power, you get easy money for being smart
Cope, wageslaving is death. Typical high IQ person goes to university and gets some decent job making like 60k/year after taxes at best. Forever stuck in wageslave life, never enough to really be rich.

Low IQ = ideal. I would trade 40IQ any day for nothing in return. It has brought me nothing but pain and misery to be high IQ.

Stuck in a fucking STEM uni with 95% virgins and autists, no girls, no parties and no prospects of status or wealth.

it's over.
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No actually, higher iq is correlated with being better looking cause high IQ = good genes = better looking on average
but then why are smarter people later in sex like the guy commented?
Cope, wageslaving is death. Typical high IQ person goes to university and gets some decent job making like 60k/year after taxes at best. Forever stuck in wageslave life, never enough to really be rich.

Low IQ = ideal. I would trade 30IQ any day for nothing in return. It has brought me nothing but pain and misery.
you retard what kind of fucking money can you make by being low IQ? drugs?
you retard what kind of fucking money can you make by being low IQ? drugs?
business, fraud, stock investments, or just normal wageslave life like high IQ people would, barely making less money than them after taxes.

Tax-rates are 60% in the netherlands. Having a job will never make you rich.
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business, fraud, stock investments, or just normal wageslave life like high IQ people would, barely making less money after taxes.

Tax-rates are 60% in the netherlands. Having a job will never make you rich.
i dont understand this retarded logic

you think just because your low IQ you wont wageslave? everyone fucking wageslaves expect if your making money on the streets or if you are coming from a rich family
i dont understand this retarded logic

you think just because your low IQ you wont wageslave? everyone fucking wageslaves expect if your making money on the streets or if you are coming from a rich family
Difference between high IQ and low IQ wageslave in the netherlands is like 500-1500dollars/month of net income. It's a joke.

as a low IQ you are more likely to take risks that might make you rich.
Difference between high IQ and low IQ wageslave in the netherlands is like 500-1500dollars/month of net income. It's a joke.

as a low IQ you are more likely to take risks that might make you rich.
if there really is that little of a difference you shouldnt have chosen STEM
if there really is that little of a difference you shouldnt have chosen STEM
Other degrees arent more valuable. My mate did med school and will be an anesthesiologist. He doesnt get better pay than that either.
everyone here is low iq tbh. I am the highest iq member. i tested 175+ on a test in school.
  • JFL
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Other degrees arent more valuable. My mate did med school and will be an anesthesiologist. He doesnt get better pay than that either.
ok then what fucking options do you have? if you wanna make money, get on cocaine and start selling drugs. you sitting here crying because ur high IQ is retarded
I have one now, but I didn't get her because of my IQ, I got her because I lucked out via statusmaxxing. Don't get me wrong, I love her with all my heart and soul, but this world is truly a joke.
brutal fucking blackpill
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foids cant have a high iq, they may score it but they are still idiots. they are incapable of higher level thought.
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Didn't read your full post so don't flame me if I reply out of context, but imo high IQ is definitely not a failo; nowhere close... But flexing high IQ is not advantageous.
Didn't read your full post so don't flame me if I reply out of context, but imo high IQ is definitely not a failo; nowhere close... But flexing high IQ is not advantageous.
It sure is an advantage, you're right , in every area of life but the dating market where it doesnt increase your smv or maybe lowers it (girls not liking nerdy guys)
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everyone here is low iq tbh. I am the highest iq member. i tested 175+ on a test in school.

neurotypical with above average/high iq and a slight dark triad personality is a godsend... you figure out what makes her tick with ur high iq and then ur DT abilities allow you to act in a way in which the end justifies the means. Can confirm anecdotally. Just make sure u stay congruent and keep the DT traits at bay b/c foids be real good at sensing stuff...
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@Seth Walsh

*You would definitely rather have an above-average IQ than a lower than average IQ. IQ is the biggest determinant for success. It's not a perfect measure by any means but a high IQ combined with a good work ethic and an ability to network (some social skills) is likely to lead to at least a somewhat respectable white-collar job. If you look at the looks theory and the trifecta of pillars (LMS), both status and money are indirectly related to your career and your career path is heavily correlated with your IQ.

However, beyond a certain point, there are diminishing returns to higher IQ unless you plan on working in a field that requires a high level of cognitive ability and abstract thinking. For example, a lot of jobs in investment banking only need spreadsheet monkeys dealing in simple arithmetic. In this case, there are no benefits to having an IQ beyond 120. On the other hand, if you have someone working in a hedge fund that deals in mathematical modelling there is no ceiling on diminishing returns for IQ. You could make the argument that a very high IQ (2+ SDs above the norm) over-analyses situations that would make them less suitable for high-paying managerial positions. In my opinion though, for the highest paying jobs in engineering, finance and academia it would be advantageous to have an IQ over 130.

The point I'm making here is that high IQ can be a detriment combined with lower social skills and motivation but for the most part it definitely helps. Someone should make a thread dedicated to prefrontal cortex-maxxing for discipline. Also, practising Machiavellian behaviour to circumnavigate work politics and get promoted more often.

*I don't believe in the idea of sapiosexuals beyond a very small niche of girls. Women don't care about your IQ unless it is accompanied by money and status.

*Having a higher than average IQ is a halo in every walk of life. You can learn skills quicker than the average person if you have a high IQ. This translates to everything from practical work to theory. It is also a bottleneck to have a low IQ for studying STEM. There is a reason you see people in STEM making meaningful contributions in social sciences but not the other way around. It's because most people studying social sciences are too stupid to study STEM. Me included and I acknowledge it...

*I see people making the argument of people with lower than average IQ with higher than average fertility rates and having more sexual partners in their lifetime. Quality over quantity boyos. I think the UK is a good example. Take a walk around Canary Wharf and you will see the Henry Cavill tier Gigachads walking around in their fancy suits. These guys undoubtedly have higher than average IQ because they needed to have attended a high pedigree university or Ivy league college to get the job in the first place. Compare that to your average council state where some people are looking like they have come straight out of Chernobyl. Would you rather smash a handful of high-class Stacies in your lifetime? Or 100 below-average looking single mothers? The majority of people with lower IQ are banging the latter while high-status individuals are much more selective.

*I am convinced the massive looks differential in the UK is a relic of the class system but IQ is also strongly correlated with class. From my layman's understanding, there is a panoply of genes responsible for IQ so it is random to some degree but still definitely heritable.

IQ is another component of the whole package. To achieve maximum money and status you need efficiency, discipline, organisational skills and Machiavellian behaviour. It is all essential for climbing the corporate ladder and ultimately getting access to higher quality women.
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  • +1
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Cope, wageslaving is death. Typical high IQ person goes to university and gets some decent job making like 60k/year after taxes at best. Forever stuck in wageslave life, never enough to really be rich.

Low IQ = ideal. I would trade 40IQ any day for nothing in return. It has brought me nothing but pain and misery to be high IQ.

Stuck in a fucking STEM uni with 95% virgins and autists, no girls, no parties and no prospects of status or wealth.

it's over.

Then you fucked up. I'm STEM, making more than my parents as an intern, while I party with business majors and art kids. Yea STEM courses have shit gender ratios and everyone in them are betas but that doesn't solely dictate your life. It's on you to put yourself out there and make friends.
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If your high tier normie or above, it 100% will halo you as a result of better jobs, money, etc. as long as you’re not socially retarded jfl
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Stop mental masturbating, high IQ is not a halo, it just help in your life.

It is all about look, as long as you're not retarded, foids won't care.

Jfl if you didnt get it by empirical observations.
Foids fuck tall good looking nt darktriad man. Being high IQ won't change foids choice
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Above-average IQ is a halo

>99th percentile IQ is a failo
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Apart from careermaxxing and lifemaxxing it means nothing.
Being high IQ CAN help in looksmaxxing goals but that’s it
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foids cant have a high iq, they may score it but they are still idiots. they are incapable of higher level thought.
This is so fucking true

My current foid is very very high IQ, good at making money, good at networking, but can not process deep or controversial thoughts

All foids are NPCs they have a ceiling on thoughts, no matter how High IQ they may seem
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This is so fucking true

My current foid is very very high IQ, good at making money, good at networking, but can not process deep or controversial thoughts

All foids are NPCs they have a ceiling on thoughts, no matter how High IQ they may seem
Their mating strategy is based on security and waiting for the best gene giver.

They won't challenge ideas, structures or big works. They just replicate what they learn to do and they struggle to create their own routine, thinkings, philosophy.

Expecting them to think like us is bluepill.
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just lol at Op
High IQ is a halo only if you are PSL 6 at least. Otherwise, it's just cope :feelstastyman:
IQ 146 (tested when I was 15, I honestly feel like it's bullshit)
no such thing as, sapiosexual it's a giga-cope

I would go as far as saying that it's a negative for foids and general life
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No, in highschool they paid for IQ tests for select classmates, which I was one of them, it was the Stanford-Binet test, I had the highest score with a 156IQ (This was when I was 16 for context), I was Incel and jobless till I was 23, and was kicked out of a prestigious university I got in via a scholarship.

IQ is not valued at all nowadays. We live in a mix of 1984 and Idiocracy.

I truly believe my life has been ruined and stolen by the Jews. I will rise up though, I did the math and they owe me at least $300,000, however considering if my full potential was utilized I could have completely altered the human race via a eugenics program to make not just the white race, but every race male + female reach its full potential within a few generations, AND I should have had kids and been married when I was 18, what they owe me is truly astronomical. My youth was stolen from me.

Honestly i'd just stop all my master plans (which are 100% within the confines of the law) if they gave me 500k, i'd just focus on family life or something.

That is the most low IQ thing I ever heard. Looks and intelligence doesnt correlate

and I do think that it exists, but only with males, I am very attracted to IQ as well, a foid saying smart and also racist shit
can make my T go high asf and my attraction to her go insane
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  • JFL
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If you can use your IQ to be quick on your feet and good at banter than yes it can be attractive. If you use it to memorize all 1000 pokemon than its not attractive.
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Being intelligent is the most important thing you could ever have but it's not a halo, it doesn't do you any favours socially, actually, it harms your social life, the more intelligent you are the fewer friends you have and so on, sapiosexuality is only a real thing among those who have a really high IQ because they are tired of dealing with dumb people, so it won't work with the vast majority of females
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