Is it just me or height usually only matters online?

Deleted member 7901

Deleted member 7901

punch yourself 10000 times, remember wolf's law
Jun 20, 2020
I noticed that females only talk about height online, and care about it primarily in locations like Tinder
IRL I see all kind of sub 5'9 manlets who have a good face that get attention from females

also in male friend groups, its unironically the personality and face+voice that matters the most
one of the most respected people I know is like a legit 5'6 (maybe shorter) with a masculine face who is in a social circle with a bunch of 6'1+ athletic orges
since he knows how to talk well and is actually a very good fighter
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Cope usually BUT I saw 2 females make fun of this 6’6” nerdy skinny white guy with glasses for being super tall And awkward.
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(Nice profile picture btw)
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Cope usually BUT I saw 2 females make fun of this 6’6” nerdy skinny white guy with glasses for being super tall And awkward.
That kinda makes sense, if ur tall they expect u to be confident.
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Cope usually BUT I saw 2 females make fun of this 6’6” nerdy skinny white guy with glasses for being super tall And awkward.
I have 1 kid in my school who's like 6'7 and his frame looks so fucking comic, he looks like a slenderman,
Idk if its my way of coping with his height but I wanted to laugh
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idk from my expirience height is important for respect in men's social circles
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height is overrated irl because most tall people have a shit frame and most short ppl have a decent to above average frame. If you're tall and have a good frame or body then your height will halo you
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There's no coping when 6'9" Chad walks by and heightmogs me to the shadow realm
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height is overrated irl because most tall people have a shit frame and most short ppl have a decent to above average frame. If you're tall and have a good frame or body then your height will halo you
yea maybe its that, this 5'6 guy has a very good frame and looks like he's jacked
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Bitches have no filter online, so they say what they want

Heightpill is still very legit, but tweets and tiktoks make it seem worse than it is tbh
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also I noticed that short people mog with forward growth and jaw mog
I have never seen IRL someone with good bones who is not a manlet
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Height is cope man just look good. See tom cruise etc. Who cares about height irl😇
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idk from my expirience height is important for respect in men's social circles
the opposite imo
height only matters on male-female relationships
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Height is cope man just look good. See tom cruise etc. Who cares about height irl😇
nah, being tall is still a good halo but not that big of a deal, Tom cruise got made fun of his height
the opposite imo
height only matters on male-female relationships
as I look at it

height - matters with females, but not as much as we think, and less with males but still does
looking high T - very important with males and a bit with females, and more with older women then younger
Good bones, facial features, eye color etc... - matter mostly with females, and matters a lot, not so much with males
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I noticed that females only talk about height online, and care about it primarily in locations like Tinder
IRL I see all kind of sub 5'9 manlets who have a good face that get attention from females

also in male friend groups, its unironically the personality and face+voice that matters the most
one of the most respected person I know is like a legit 5'6 (maybe shorter) with a masculine face who is in a social circle with a bunch of 6'1+ athletic orges
since he knows how to talk well and is actually a very good fighter
Height matters irl if you're very very short, like same height as most of the girls you know type short
the reason it matters online is because girls have NO IDEA what the various heights look like in real life, they legitimately have NO clue
when a girl hears 5'9" she immediately pictures a 5'6" heightfrauder that she knows irl. Same reason that every 5'9" guy you know is 6' lmao

face is absolutely KING, face is the ONLY thing that TRULY matters, it's the one thing that can transcend all other barriers (within reason obviously, if you look like a male model but you're 4'11" it's obviously over)
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It's similar to buying something online. When you have it held in a basket, you're like ..''is this really that great? do I really need this?'' because you can't physically see it, you completely underwhelm what is in-front of you and only bite the bullet with extravagant discount, because it's online after all... you can shop anywhere.

Now in person, that exact same item you need it's a much easier buy, it's right in front of your vision, you like it, you can see it and you want it, you feel no need to go else-where, because what's the point in that? You like it and it's there, you want it and you'll take it.

When it comes to online dating, girls will fake angles, girls will do this and that.. and they'll also want the best. Perfect hair on a guy, perfect body and great height 6 foot +. Every guy adds on 2 inches, they don't know this.. If you say 5 foot 9, they expect 5 foot 7, because all 5 foot 7 guys add 2 inches. They are worried they are taller than you, that embarrasses some girls, so 6 foot+ means ''he's taller than me'' so they just roll with it.

Now meeting you in person, as long as you're taller, respectable and attractive to them, they are going to want you depending on how you act and how confident/good looking you are to them.
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it's kind of true, guys will get laid a lot if they are charming and have a good face, even if they're short, absolutely.

but let's not forget what the average happily married guy looks like these days, or what a big group of high-status lawyers/businessmen/whatever looks like, they're all tall as hell.

women will fuck, but will also be shy about staying forever with a short guy. likewise a short guy will rarely make it all the way to the top in hierarchies where lots of people need to approve of you. it's bullshit (especially if you're short, lmao) but that's how it looks like me.
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it's kind of true, guys will get laid a lot if they are charming and have a good face, even if they're short, absolutely.

but let's not forget what the average happily married guy looks like these days, or what a big group of high-status lawyers/businessmen/whatever looks like, they're all tall as hell.

women will fuck, but will also be shy about staying forever with a short guy. likewise a short guy will rarely make it all the way to the top in hierarchies where lots of people need to approve of you. it's bullshit (especially if you're short, lmao) but that's how it looks like me.
average happily married guy is the same as the average guy in general, so not tall
high status businessmen, yes they're likely to be taller, but an average height chad can still do extremely well in that world, because face is king and always will be.

also who tf wants to ltr for non manipulation reasons? you're basically saying manlet chad has the ideal lifestyle, slaying without girls trying to lock him down lmao
height is overrated, I'm taller than 99% of men I see daily, yet I get mogged every second since I'm uglier than them.
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Yes I have seen that, especially on Omegle or Tinder. After 5'10", face is the only thing that matters. Height is overrated.
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honestly think it does matter more online

5'8 or 5'9 just looks shitty in your tinder profile but irl it can be pulled off just fine in a lot of cases imo
I noticed that females only talk about height online, and care about it primarily in locations like Tinder
IRL I see all kind of sub 5'9 manlets who have a good face that get attention from females

also in male friend groups, its unironically the personality and face+voice that matters the most
one of the most respected people I know is like a legit 5'6 (maybe shorter) with a masculine face who is in a social circle with a bunch of 6'1+ athletic orges
since he knows how to talk well and is actually a very good fighter

Massive cope. Height matters even more in person because you can actually see it, and if someone +185cm is standing next to someone who is only 170, trust me, the taller dude is gonna mog you if it comes down only to looks: You simply cannot win.

since he knows how to talk well and is actually a very good fighter
Every manlet on the planet thinks they're Tom Cruise, and every baldcel thinks they're Bruce Willis or Jason Statham. Massive cope.
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Height matters irl if you're very very short, like same height as most of the girls you know type short

You seem to be setting benchmarks that unreasonably exclude what most people consider to be short in order to give yourself hope, i.e anything below 5'10--if your height begins in 5 and ends in a single digit, you are short.

face is absolutely KING, face is the ONLY thing that TRULY matters, it's the one thing that can transcend all other barriers (within reason obviously, if you look like a male model but you're 4'11" it's obviously over

People who aren't just trying to make thenselves feel better (as well as those who know how satistical averages work) would realistically say you are short if you are below 5'10, and extremely short if below 5'8 (anything below 5'5 is comically short, i.e butt of jokes)
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height is overrated irl because most tall people have a shit frame and most short ppl have a decent to above average frame. If you're tall and have a good frame or body then your height will halo you
but when i was wage slaving the amount of tall men (not woman) being in high positions
was exactly as the black pill said
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You seem to be setting benchmarks that unreasonably exclude what most people consider to be short in order to give yourself hope, i.e anything below 5'10--if your height begins in 5 and ends in a single digit, you are short.

People who aren't just trying to make thenselves feel better (as well as those who know how satistical averages work) would realistically say you are short if you are below 5'10, and extremely short if below 5'8 (anything below 5'5 is comically short, i.e butt of jokes)
You’re coping for your ugly face
Everyone knows an ugly tall incel
Nobody knows a chad short incel, chad short non-slayer, sure.

5’8” and up and you will be absolutely fine with a good face
5’7” and below is where it gets progressively harder to be okay and the level your face needs to be at increases until it gets to a point where your face won’t save you.

girls only think you’re short if you’re NOTICEABLY below average height, meaning below 5’8” or so. Your proportions matter as well, you’re delusional if you think the average girl cares about facts or statistics, she only cares about what her perception of you is. Meaning if you look short to her and your face is ugly she will consider you short, even if you go “well but actually I’m the exact average height!” And the reverse is true as well.

realistically the only time a 5’9” guy is getting called short is if he’s an athlete or he’s talking to a 5’10” woman, though. Most guys are in the 5’9” range in America, average is not one dead set number it’s the range that most guys fall in
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but when i was wage slaving the amount of tall men (not woman) being in high positions
was exactly as the black pill said
height is subconscious (dominance)
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thanks for the thread, now I feel less bad about being a 5'8 manlet
You’re coping for your ugly face
Everyone knows an ugly tall incel
Nobody knows a chad short incel, chad short non-slayer, sure.

Jfl, Seems like I struck a nerve! That is always a sign I'm on the right side of the argument.

5’8” and up and you will be absolutely fine with a good face
5’7” and below is where it gets progressively harder to be okay and the level your face needs to be at increases until it gets to a point where your face won’t save you.

Lemme guess: you're 5'8 (i.e, manlet height)?

girls only think you’re short if you’re NOTICEABLY below average height, meaning below 5’8” or so.

Unless you are Bolivian or North Korean, anything below 5'10 is going to be noticeably, irritatingly short (the average height in Western Europe is now 1.84m, over 6 feet). Also, this doesn't take into account the elderly who skew the statistics, but in your age group (18-34 I'm presuming) you are a bona fide manlet.

if you look short to her and your face is ugly she will consider you short, even if you go “well but actually I’m the exact average height!” And the reverse is true as well.

How ironic from the guy screaming that 5'8 isn't funsize.

realistically the only time a 5’9” guy is getting called short is if he’s an athlete or he’s talking to a 5’10” woman, though.

Most guys are in the 5’9” range in America, average is not one dead set number it’s the range that most guys fall in

This number includes Cambodian immigrants, elderly people who were much shorter, etc.

I would estimate average height among American zoomers is probably closer to 5'11 or even 6'0, like in Europe. Anything below 5'10 will be considered short in the future (generously assuming it isn't all ready).

You are short, which is fine. Bruce Willis, Jason Statham and the Rock are all short too!
thanks for the thread, now I feel less bad about being a 5'8 manlet

If the intent of the thread was to change your feels, then well done to OP.

Realz don't care about your feelings however, and you are now slightly worsr off than before because you are now deluded into thinking height doesn't matter, when it is literally the single most important attribute that matters to women of all ages, classes, races and cultural groups.
yea maybe its that, this 5'6 guy has a very good frame and looks like he's jacked

The 5'6 will just be laughed at for being an overcompensating turbo manlet with an aggressive Napoleon complex. Look at Joe Rogan: Guy is jacked as fuck and yet still people say he looks like Alex Jone's little boy lol
The 5'6 will just be laughed at for being an overcompensating turbo manlet with an aggressive Napoleon complex. Look at Joe Rogan: Guy is jacked as fuck and yet still people say he looks like Alex Jone's little boy lol
Its because his face looks like a bloated potato. No handsome guy will be laughed at at 5'6.

Always funny when people use JR as an example for a short good looking guy.

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This number includes Cambodian immigrants, elderly people who were much shorter, etc.

I would estimate average height among American zoomers is probably closer to 5'11 or even 6'0, like in Europe. Anything below 5'10 will be considered short in the future (generously assuming it isn't all ready).
that isn’t true, when they measure average height it’s always for young native men of that country
A legit 5’11 guy will do worse by writing his height online than if it were a real life situation
Its because his face looks like a bloated potato. No handsome guy will be laughed at at 5'6.


View attachment 1095785

Maximum cope


Zacefronmanlettrashtowomenbig3httpwwwimdbcomnamenm1374980boardnest253218105big3 0d3faa


When you are short, your height becomes your defining characteristic that will rule the rest of your life (as well as your children, in the unlikely event you have any--genetic blackpill is most brutal)
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that isn’t true, when they measure average height it’s always for young native men of that country

So Algonquins and Seneca Indians? This sounds like BS cope
So Algonquins and Seneca Indians? This sounds like BS cope
why would they measure foreigners when calculating a country’s average height lmao? makes no sense

young white men are 5’9-5’11 on average, depending on country and ethnicity. Apart from Netherlands and Dinaric alps
Maximum cope

View attachment 1095796

View attachment 1095797

View attachment 1095798

When you are short, your height becomes your defining characteristic that will rule the rest of your life (as well as your children, in the unlikely event you have any--genetic blackpill is most brutal)
You showed a few girls that doesn't like him, yet you didn't show comments from the millions of girls that has a crush on him?

There is some truth to what u are saying, but you are thinking from a dualistic paradigm, and the world is much more complex than that.
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Jfl, Seems like I struck a nerve! That is always a sign I'm on the right side of the argument.

Lemme guess: you're 5'8 (i.e, manlet height)?

Unless you are Bolivian or North Korean, anything below 5'10 is going to be noticeably, irritatingly short (the average height in Western Europe is now 1.84m, over 6 feet). Also, this doesn't take into account the elderly who skew the statistics, but in your age group (18-34 I'm presuming) you are a bona fide manlet.

How ironic from the guy screaming that 5'8 isn't funsize.

This number includes Cambodian immigrants, elderly people who were much shorter, etc.

I would estimate average height among American zoomers is probably closer to 5'11 or even 6'0, like in Europe. Anything below 5'10 will be considered short in the future (generously assuming it isn't all ready).

You are short, which is fine. Bruce Willis, Jason Statham and the Rock are all short too!
:lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
I’m dead average height
You’re constantly in every post about manletism it seems, so I’m guessing you’re projecting manletism on me

i will let you in on a secret, the reason you are unsuccessful with girls is because of your FACE, it has absolutely nothing to do with your height 5’8” and up. “Struck a nerve” why? Cause i can tell you’re ugly just from your copes? No nerves struck my guy, just being honest with you and destroying your copes.

you can go out and get LL right now, you will STILL be incel, i promise you that. Height is like dick size, it only matters if you’re not good looking (before you sperg out, within reason. Can’t be a midget, can’t have microdick)

>zoomers are taller
EVERY manlet constantly claims that and time and time and time again it’s been proven to be nonsense manlet cope
Here’s what happens, you hyperventilate about your height, you go outside, you ignore every zoomer you see and only notice ones that are tall, you come back and write your “it’s over for me omfg omfg zoomers are getting taller fuck fuck fuck” hysterical post and then next week you do it all over again. It’s a cope, stop coping at me, it’s ridiculous.

if you’re an inch above or below average height, you are not tall and you are not short, it’s when it’s actually noticeable that you become short. I know you go out there in your platform shoes and try to stretch your spine as much as you can because you think every 0.25” matters and is noticeable, but calm down, it’s not
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:lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
I’m dead average height
You’re constantly in every post about manletism it seems, so I’m guessing you’re projecting manletism on me

i will let you in on a secret, the reason you are unsuccessful with girls is because of your FACE, it has absolutely nothing to do with your height 5’8” and up. “Struck a nerve” why? Cause i can tell you’re ugly just from your copes? No nerves struck my guy, just being honest with you and destroying your copes.

you can go out and get LL right now, you will STILL be incel, i promise you that. Height is like dick size, it only matters if you’re not good looking (before you sperg out, within reason. Can’t be a midget, can’t have microdick)

>zoomers are taller
EVERY manlet constantly claims that and time and time and time again it’s been proven to be nonsense manlet cope
Here’s what happens, you hyperventilate about your height, you go outside, you ignore every zoomer you see and only notice ones that are tall, you come back and write your “it’s over for me omfg omfg zoomers are getting taller fuck fuck fuck” hysterical post and then next week you do it all over again. It’s a cope, stop coping at me, it’s ridiculous.

if you’re an inch above or below average height, you are not tall and you are not short, it’s when it’s actually noticeable that you become short. I know you go out there in your platform shoes and try to stretch your spine as much as you can because you think every 0.25” matters and is noticeable, but calm down, it’s not

That's an awful lot to write to tell me that you're short
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It’s definitely not just you, if you’re too tall you’re going to look awkward especially with no muscle mass and if too short then you’re going to get height mogged by taller girls, ideally 5’10-6’2 would be enough for most girls to say you’re tall but you could get away with being 5’9, besides height ain’t doing jack shit for someone that’s like 2 or 3.5 psl at best
height matters more irl but for other reasons like respect etc.
Taller men get paid more on average
Jfl, Seems like I struck a nerve! That is always a sign I'm on the right side of the argument.

Lemme guess: you're 5'8 (i.e, manlet height)?

Unless you are Bolivian or North Korean, anything below 5'10 is going to be noticeably, irritatingly short (the average height in Western Europe is now 1.84m, over 6 feet). Also, this doesn't take into account the elderly who skew the statistics, but in your age group (18-34 I'm presuming) you are a bona fide manlet.

How ironic from the guy screaming that 5'8 isn't funsize.

This number includes Cambodian immigrants, elderly people who were much shorter, etc.

I would estimate average height among American zoomers is probably closer to 5'11 or even 6'0, like in Europe. Anything below 5'10 will be considered short in the future (generously assuming it isn't all ready).

You are short, which is fine. Bruce Willis, Jason Statham and the Rock are all short too!

first of all do you understand how an average height is calculated?

now find me one reliable source that says American zoomers are 5’11 or 6 foot on average.

they are 5’10 rounded up according to reliable data

so 5’9.5 (I’m referring to white American men only fyi)
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  • JFL
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That's an awful lot to write to tell me that you're short
I see what you're going for but unfortunately it's never gonna work out for you

looking through your history it looks like all your posts are about bald men, short men, and japanese women
that's all I'll say about that

also jfl you're the most obvious self hating manlet I've ever seen in my entire life
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I can tell you’ve never been to clubs
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Good faces are just more valuable than height. That’s literally what people think of when they think about you. I’ll forever mention my 5’4 Tyrone childhood friend. Women fall in love with face. Height is like a form of betabuxing, if you’re average faced.
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  • JFL
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6'4 with big frame is ideal for Chad you can date Gigastacies who can be upto 5'11 or 6ft even.
Good faces are just more valuable than height. That’s literally what people think of when they think about you. I’ll forever mention my 5’4 Tyrone childhood friend. Women fall in love with face. Height is like a form of betabuxing, if you’re average faced.
Every other feature becomes cope when face comes to play, besidess extremely short height but even then you can nichemax with that and go for womanlets and slay there instead seems like. Even chadlet has a market jfl

Face has something very primal about it, sure you could do dick game and fuck size queens on tinder but face is ultimate mog status for women.
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