Is it just me or height usually only matters online?

Every other feature becomes cope when face comes to play, besidess extremely short height but even then you can nichemax with that and go for womanlets and slay there instead seems like. Even chadlet has a market jfl
very short girls are notoriously MORE focused on taller men than average height and tall girls
but everything else, yes
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very short girls are notoriously MORE focused on taller men than average height and tall girls
but everything else, yes
I feel like they may, but a chadlet is still taller than them so they may overlook that for his face. that's how I see it, as long as you are taller than them, with good face. Average height women like 5'4 5'5 may still be shit to chadlet at 5'5 5'4
it's kind of true, guys will get laid a lot if they are charming and have a good face, even if they're short, absolutely.

but let's not forget what the average happily married guy looks like these days, or what a big group of high-status lawyers/businessmen/whatever looks like, they're all tall as hell.

women will fuck, but will also be shy about staying forever with a short guy. likewise a short guy will rarely make it all the way to the top in hierarchies where lots of people need to approve of you. it's bullshit (especially if you're short, lmao) but that's how it looks like me.
For sure height matters extremely in competitive male activities. Height and voice. No one takes a short or high pitch male as seriously in the business world.
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I feel like they may, but a chadlet is still taller than them so they may overlook that for his face. that's how I see it, as long as you are taller than them, with good face. Average height women like 5'4 5'5 may still be shit to chadlet at 5'5 5'4
usually how it plays out is they go on about "idk he usually wouldn't be my type but something about his personality (read: face) just made me like him :)" but they would definitely prefer him to be taller, but unlike what this website thinks, most guys are realistic and know they can't LTR a perfect 6'4" chad, so a manlet chad is still hitting the jackpot for them, especially when taking how ugly the average guy is into question.

but very short girls tend to almost fetishize their shortness in a lot of cases, and they end up looking for the tallest nba types they can find
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very short girls are notoriously MORE focused on taller men than average height and tall girls
but everything else, yes
Taller girls still go for tall guys but height difference isn't very ridiculous. If a tall 5'11 girl wants a 6'4 same would be preferred by 5'1 midget not to mention many men refuse to date tall girls.
Taller girls still go for tall guys but height difference isn't very ridiculous. If a tall 5'11 girl wants a 6'4 same would be preferred by 5'1 midget not to mention many men refuse to date tall girls.
depending on how tall they are, they tend to loosen up their requirements in ways that very short girls don't tend to
I'd say from what I've seen and heard, it goes like this very short girls > average girls > tall girls in terms of being height focused
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depending on how tall they are, they tend to loosen up their requirements in ways that very short girls don't tend to
I'd say from what I've seen and heard, it goes like this very short girls > average girls > tall girls in terms of being height focused
This might be true the shorter the girl is the taller the guy she wants because of her inferior shit genetics saw many tiktoks by midget girls talking how they don't want their son to end up short so if they breed with a 6'5 dude he would atleast be 6 feet. They Unironically know how shit short men do in dating market.
  • JFL
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This might be true the shorter the girl is the taller the guy she wants because of her inferior shit genetics saw many tiktoks by midget girls talking how they don't want their son to end up short so if they breed with a 6'5 dude he would atleast be 6 feet. They Unironically know how shit short men do in dating market.
I maintain that all normies are inherently blackpilled even if they won't openly admit it, either to others or to themselves
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This might be true the shorter the girl is the taller the guy she wants because of her inferior shit genetics saw many tiktoks by midget girls talking how they don't want their son to end up short so if they breed with a 6'5 dude he would atleast be 6 feet. They Unironically know how shit short men do in dating market.
Yet that theory has been proven wrong countless times womanlets end up creating subhuman children at 5'4 case and point all the desperate white fags that go to sea with 6'2 height and get 5'0 pinoy girls and then create 5'4 happas which will be incels for the rest of their life.

Height is random as fuck as well, I'm 5'10 not even done growing, my dad is 5'4-5'5 and mom is 5'0, my older brother is 5'7-5'8, my younger brother may end up even taller than me possibly.
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depending on how tall they are, they tend to loosen up their requirements in ways that very short girls don't tend to
I'd say from what I've seen and heard, it goes like this very short girls > average girls > tall girls in terms of being height focused
5’7 to 5’8 girls care the least about height in my experience.
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5’7 to 5’8 girls care the least about height in my experience.
Every woman cares about height but generally they want you to be taller than them at least. If they are picky they want you to be same height or they can pass on slightly smaller a cm or so with heels.
Shhhhh you weren't supposed to tell them this. Dammit why can't you do your part in the psyop for once? :lul:
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Good faces are just more valuable than height. That’s literally what people think of when they think about you. I’ll forever mention my 5’4 Tyrone childhood friend. Women fall in love with face. Height is like a form of betabuxing, if you’re average faced.
Can you show a picture of him?
Coping Too strong.gif
I noticed that females only talk about height online, and care about it primarily in locations like Tinder
IRL I see all kind of sub 5'9 manlets who have a good face that get attention from females

also in male friend groups, its unironically the personality and face+voice that matters the most
one of the most respected people I know is like a legit 5'6 (maybe shorter) with a masculine face who is in a social circle with a bunch of 6'1+ athletic orges
since he knows how to talk well and is actually a very good fighter
Height matter more offline than it does online. Since it’s effects are truly only noticeable in person.
Trust me when I say, the women here don’t treat short men seriously. Hell, the main reason my country is so tall (the Netherlands) is because the females primarily bred with taller guys and the short guys didn’t reproduce.
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Good faces are just more valuable than height. That’s literally what people think of when they think about you. I’ll forever mention my 5’4 Tyrone childhood friend. Women fall in love with face. Height is like a form of betabuxing, if you’re average faced.
Women will forgive you of so many shortcomings if you have a beautiful face. Height and frame are for mogging other men and for compensating for other shortcomings about your face. Women will forgive a dickcel because he has a beautiful face.
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first of all do you understand how an average height is calculated?

now find me one reliable source that says American zoomers are 5’11 or 6 foot on average.

they are 5’10 rounded up according to reliable data

so 5’9.5 (I’m referring to white American men only fyi)
How tall are you? Unless you're over 5'11, your opinion is just that of a shortman trying to warp everyone else's sense of perspective to appear taller.

Nice try, shortstuff
Women will forgive you of so many shortcomings if you have a beautiful face. Height and frame are for mogging other men and for compensating for other shortcomings about your face. Women will forgive a dickcel because he has a beautiful face.

I feel like a lot of you are under the delusion you have pretty faces on top of your lack of height.

I reiterate: every shortcel thinks he is Tom Cruise
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Height matter more offline than it does online. Since it’s effects are truly only noticeable in person.
Trust me when I say, the women here don’t treat short men seriously. Hell, the main reason my country is so tall (the Netherlands) is because the females primarily bred with taller guys and the short guys didn’t reproduce.
it's actually brutal to think that, so many short men ended up dying as virgins because no woman decided to breed with them or take them seriously in the netherlands. Literally eugenics JFL
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Height does matter irl. Just because females are dating average-height guys does not mean taller guys do not get a large advantage. The main reason it looks like height doesn't matter is that height perception is skewed. I know guys who are 5'9 and fraud to 6'0 so it's really not surprising that's the threshold.
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I feel like a lot of you are under the delusion you have pretty faces on top of your lack of height.

I reiterate: every shortcel thinks he is Tom Cruise
Height is one feature. Face is made up of at least 10 distinct attributes that women judge you on. I’ve seen men slay just off thick eyebrows or long eyelashes. Height is just overplayed culturally because it’s measured a lot.
How tall are you? Unless you're over 5'11, your opinion is just that of a shortman trying to warp everyone else's sense of perspective to appear taller.

Nice try, shortstuff

what does that have to do with what I said?

I’m 182cm

this idea that the average white American zoomer is 5’11 or 6 foot is cap. It’s 5’10 rounded up. Unless you can find me reliable sources that say otherwise, you’re wrong.
Height and frame are for mogging other men
Even if you're 3-4 inches taller than the next guy, are you really mogging him if his face is better?
. When you have it held in a basket, you're like ..''is this really that great? do I really need this?'' because you can't physically see it, you completely underwhelm what is in-front of you and only bite the bullet with extravagant discount, because it's online after all... you can shop anywhere.

Now in person, that exact same item you need it's a much easier buy, it's right in front of your vision, you like

height haloes face
generally yes
As someone who is average-ish height in London (5’10” barefoot, 6’ when I put on the classic boots+insoles) I absolutely feel the difference, don’t see short guys doing well at all, tall (6’2”+ ) guys really cleaning up. My two ex-girlfriends’ exes were all super tall, attractive guys, I often feel not taken all that seriously/they can’t ‘show me off’ as much to friends/family/etc.

This is despite the fact I’m white (racial privilege), lean and muscular, have a full head of hair, an above-average face (but not close to chad tier, obvs) and a really promising career

Before the insoles women would sometimes say I was the shortest they’d dated!
From what I see IRL height almost doesnt matter, I legit know a 5'4 nigga who slays, but I live in Brazil where height is not very important on a cultural level, maybe its different on murica/europe
Yet that theory has been proven wrong countless times womanlets end up creating subhuman children at 5'4 case and point all the desperate white fags that go to sea with 6'2 height and get 5'0 pinoy girls and then create 5'4 happas which will be incels for the rest of their life.

Height is random as fuck as well, I'm 5'10 not even done growing, my dad is 5'4-5'5 and mom is 5'0, my older brother is 5'7-5'8, my younger brother may end up even taller than me possibly.
mailman 6 ft?
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Height is ONLY a noticeable halo if you have the muscle mass and frame to go with it, speaking from experience here.

There is something very primal about how a wide and tall guy is able to command respect instantly, it's one of the most dimorphic traits. A skinny 160 lbs tallfag is not gonna get respected, so if you are tall you NEED to gymcel, your life will completely turn around
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I noticed that females only talk about height online, and care about it primarily in locations like Tinder
IRL I see all kind of sub 5'9 manlets who have a good face that get attention from females

also in male friend groups, its unironically the personality and face+voice that matters the most
one of the most respected people I know is like a legit 5'6 (maybe shorter) with a masculine face who is in a social circle with a bunch of 6'1+ athletic orges
since he knows how to talk well and is actually a very good fighter

ffs. you better look like a fckin god with that iq
5’9 is ideal height. Sylvester stallone was biggest slayer in history of mankind and was 5’9. @


@OldVirgin blackpilled me about the ideal height, first i also thought the taller the better. But being tall has disadvantages like you have to bend to kiss girlfriend, knock your head when ceiling is too low, decreased lifespan, getting mogged in mma by “manlets”, people expect you to have big dick but when you havent its over, people making jokes about you saying “how is the wheater there above?”

Nope. The main reason why i have female attention is my height. All the incels in my collegue are under 6 feet. :blackpill:

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