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- Feb 4, 2025
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TL;DR: look, i'm a mid-20s virgin and honestly? i think it's over. i've tried *everything* – the apps, the "self-improvement" bullshit – and it's all just a waste of time. i'm not looking for a girlfriend, i just wanna lose my fucking virginity so i can feel *normal* for once, is that too much to ask? i feel like i'm rotting away, missing out on everything, and i can't even call myself a man at this point. i'm desperate for anyone who's actually *escaped* this hellhole to tell me how, because right now it feels like there's no way out and i'm seriously considering just…ending it. don't bother with the "just take a shower" bullshit, kys. i need *real* advice, not some normie platitudes. is it over? is there even a point anymore? (tl;dr generated by llm full post has more details)
is it over? is it really over? im a mid 20s virgin and i dunno if i can take this anymore, i don't feel like there is an out to this suffering and ive tried so much. ive tried dating apps, ive tried getting out there, looksmaxxing with mewing and my style, etc etc but nothing works. am i just that unattractive fundamentally? im not completely ugly (i am 5'6 though) but i get no attention from women and nothing i try works so i don't know whats going on, i think half of the reason is because i havent found any advice from someone in my position who has escaped this miserable hellhole of an existence bc everywhere is filled with sexhaving normies who do not understand the mental anguish being in this position at this age will do to you so im coming here for advice.
im going to try to be as descriptive as possible while i give advice to describe my mental state, then ill dump it into an llm for a summary later i just need to get this off of my chest first because i cant talk about this with anyone since admitting my position and especially at this age is social suicide and i will never live that down or be accepted.
i dont really care about a long term relationship rn id like to get rid of my virginity at any cost i dont even care if shes a 2, but i cant use hookers bc im broke and i don't even have a stable place, and i know people who also still get pussy like that and i'm wondering wtf are you doing but anyways. its almost like im completely invisible to women even though i try, ive even tried cold approach a few times but im convinced that shit is a scam. like wtf am i even supposed to say first off, and when i try to be direct i get a look like im a creep and i was bothering them, i did that like 3 times and never again i can see the writing on the wall there.
i read things like how you need confidence and congruence or something but how the hell are you supposed to get that from nothing??? its almost like i have to fake it and no one will accpet me for who i am unless i do, but i have a hard time faking it because ive never been truly confident in my life.
its a cycle. you need confidence in order to attract women and lose your virginity, but without experience with women or any experience that you can be proud of you dont have confidence. where does the confidence come from? instead you feel shame and because you feel shame you cope with video games and porn and browsing the internet and stuff to prevent yourself from roping on the spot, but those only make you feel more shame so you continue to cope to prevent the rope. another cycle. the only way out is to get lucky but you have to put yourself in a certain situation or position to get lucky, but because you dont even know if thats possible for you as you are since you are a mid 20s virgin, you dont get lucky at all and you keep coping until its time for roping.
can you see it now? this shit is impossible to escape and the normies just do NOT get it on a fundamental level bc ive talked to a few while pretending im a ltn and they just cannot even fathom this level of suffering let alone being without a woman for more than 6 months. i talked to family members who are successful htns and they do not understand my perspective from a fundamental level (never revealed that im a virgin though). and i do not understand them either.
i can pretend like im a normie fairly well even though i never generally bring up women but i try to pretend that i know what im talking about when it comes up and generally the bullshit i spew is not challenged and even agreed upon most of the time but its suicide fuel when im talking with them about it and i hate the conversations everytime. it makes me aware in a few short years i will be a 30 year old virgin, a real wizard, and that makes me want to kill myself while im ahead, i tried last year already but failed and havent worked up the guts to do it again but if its really over then im just gonna have to balls up and rope like a real man.
and on that note i really dont even view myself as a real man in my head im still like 15, not to say that i cant have mature conversations or that im childish but my life experience stops right there and i dont feel like a proper adult male, like even in my head i can hardly call myself a grown man i can only call myself a dude or a guy. can a virgin like myself even call themselves a man? i dont believe i can it just doesnt feel right. not like in a trans way but in a self confidence sorta way like i just missed out on critical milestones.
anyway i just want to be cured of this curse of virginity and i cant stop coping bc facing those emotions are just gonna make me want to rope and i dont know how to escape it anyway i dont have a plan. im gonna address some common stuff normies usually ask too so i dont get any normgroid filth lurking and looking down on me like im some idiot.
--what would losing your virginity prove to you? what will having sex with a woman fix?
it would prove that im not subhuman and i am normal and i dont have to keep asking if i am inherently attractive or worthy. where i am now is very dehumanizing and if any of you normgroid filth would be here right now youd understand exactly what i mean, but jsut because your well adjusted with normal human experiences means you are exempt from this fucking curse, fuck your presumptuousness you bitch. but i dont know if it would make a difference at this point bc ive been a virgin for so long but if i have a high body count itll overwrite this hell of an experience and i feel like a human being for the first time in my life. having sex with a woman would fix my confidence issues bc this is quite literally my only insecurity, even im okay with my height but being a virgin this late is hell. and then i dont have to see into the future and imagine myself as a 30 year old virgin having wasted my youth coping and now im old and i couldnt spend my youth in a way that was valuable to me due to lack of experience and/or self control, spent endlessly wondering what could have been and living the rest of my existence in pure regret.
--why is being a virgin bad?
are you retarded?
--what are your expectations of sex and intimacy? why are they important to you?
i wish i did have expectations of sex and intimacy, i dont know what to expect because im a khhv. i cant even imagine it i dunno what it feels like to be that close to a human being. i dont expect the girl to be a perfect 10/10 im not a standardcel, i dont care at this point anything is okay save a literal tumor, 2/10 is viable at this point i dont care i dont care i just want my virginity gone and a high body count so i can forget about this hell. its important bc its important, i want to use my youth in a way that i value and i cant do that right now, much less at all, i want plenty of stories about fucking virgins and milfs and stuff too like everyone else does but this suffering is eternal and endless and will not let me escape, and i waste my youth away unable to build happy experiences or memories that i can value for the rest of my life bc im not worthy.
--why dont you just take a shower? teehee!
literally kys
so i just need advice, is it over? is it not over? idk what to do, have you found yourself in a similar position? have you escaped this endless hell? what did you do? what would you do if you found yourself a 24 y/o virgin like me?