Is it possible to gain 4 kg in 1 month ?



Sep 16, 2018
I've gained 3-4 kg this month only jfl i was suprised
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I've gained 3-4 kg this month only jfl i was suprised

I've gained 3-4 kg this month only jfl i was suprised

It was mostly fat. You can't gain more than 1.5kg of muscle in a month as a natural. You probably gained 1.25kg muscle and 2.75Kgs fat.

Ur a framecel so maybe its a good thing
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It was mostly fat. You can't gain more than 1.5kg of muscle in a month as a natural. You probably gained 1.25kg muscle and 2.75Kgs fat.

Ur a framecel so maybe its a good thing
I only have a bit fat on my stomach so my lower abs dont show as the upper but no fat anywhere else
I only have a bit fat on my stomach so my lower abs dont show as the upper but no fat anywhere else

Lol. You can't tell how much fat you've gained just by looking. Its an odd, irregular shape viewed frome a weird angle that gets added on gradually. If you gained 2.75kgs of fat in a Month you wouldnt really be able to tell yourself. Only the scale can tell.

Besides, you couldnt have gained more than 1.25Kgs muscle, so what is the remaining 2.75Kgs? Fat.
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Lol. You can't tell how much fat you've gained just by looking. Its an odd, irregular shape viewed frome a weird angle that gets added on gradually. If you gained 2.75kgs of fat in a Month you wouldnt really be able to tell yourself. Only the scale can tell.

Besides, you couldnt have gained more than 1.25Kgs muscle, so what is the remaining 2.75Kgs? Fat.
I like whatever i have gained i've been eating more than usual and i feel better
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One kg per month of muscle for a beginner who just started working out is insane, anything more than that is fat, tbh, unless you roid of course.
One kg per month of muscle for a beginner who just started working out is insane, anything more than that is fat, tbh, unless you roid of course.
It was around 3 kg,i was underweight so i gained weight rapidly,eating 5 eggs per day and a pizza and other things.
It was around 3 kg,i was underweight so i gained weight rapidly,eating 5 eggs per day and a pizza and other things.
Damn dude, increasing your caloric intake very quickly results in fat gain. Iv made the same mistake.
It also depends on if he’s new to lifting. Newbie gains come fast, you usually gain a lot within the first year to year and a half then it slows down if you’re natty.
It also depends on if he’s new to lifting. Newbie gains come fast, you usually gain a lot within the first year to year and a half then it slows down if you’re natty.
3 kg of muscle in a month is still quite absurd though. Its most likely fat.
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3 kg of muscle in a month is still quite absurd though. Its most likely fat.
Yea man I highly doubt he put on that much muscle. But if he’s new I’m sure some of it is definitely muscle also depends on his genetics. I put on a lot within my first year of lifting and eating at a surplus.
Yea man I highly doubt he put on that much muscle. But if he’s new I’m sure some of it is definitely muscle also depends on his genetics. I put on a lot within my first year of lifting and eating at a surplus.
Same, i added alot of weight doing pushups, pullups, dips, basically all bodyweight, went from 60-75 kilos in 1.5 yrs, started lifting 4 months ago added 2.5 kilos more lol. What routine do you follow?
Same, i added alot of weight doing pushups, pullups, dips, basically all bodyweight, went from 60-75 kilos in 1.5 yrs, started lifting 4 months ago added 2.5 kilos more lol. What routine do you follow?
I do 3-4 month block routines so that means I switch my routine. Right now I’m doing a bro split routine but I think upper/lower or full bodies are the best if you’re natural. Just came off of a upper/lower and I gained a good amount of strength.

Went from a 335-360 1rm on bench at under 170 lbs and my deadlift went up from 480-510 but I don’t do dead’s that much. I focus more on weighted pull ups or row variations for back. Can do sets of 5 with two plates and a 25 now. Finished off doing 5 by 5 on pendlay rows with 290.
Same, i added alot of weight doing pushups, pullups, dips, basically all bodyweight, went from 60-75 kilos in 1.5 yrs, started lifting 4 months ago added 2.5 kilos more lol. What routine do you follow?
If you’re on gear I’d stick to bro splits though man.
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I do 3-4 month block routines so that means I switch my routine. Right now I’m doing a bro split routine but I think upper/lower or full bodies are the best if you’re natural. Just came off of a upper/lower and I gained a good amount of strength.

Went from a 335-360 1rm on bench at under 170 lbs and my deadlift went up from 480-510 but I don’t do dead’s that much. I focus more on weighted pull ups or row variations for back. Can do sets of 5 with two plates and a 25 now. Finished off doing 5 by 5 on pendlay rows with 290.

If you’re on gear I’d stick to bro splits though man.
i follow a upper/lower 4 day routine, meaning i do both upper and lower body twice a week, upper body days i do: lat pulldowns 5 sets 8-12 reps, cable rows 5x8-12, bench press 10 x 8-12reps followed by seated calf raises 6 sets, 8-10 reps.
Lower body days i do: squats 7 sets 6-8 reps, lying leg curl 8-10 reps 4 sets, and finally i finish off with side laterals 8-10 reps 10 sets.
I do abs twice a week at home too. Is this a good routine? If not, what would you have me change? Im natty btw.
Same, i added alot of weight doing pushups, pullups, dips, basically all bodyweight, went from 60-75 kilos in 1.5 yrs, started lifting 4 months ago added 2.5 kilos more lol. What routine do you follow?
If you’re on gear I’d stick to bro splits though man. You’re right in doing each upper and lower twice a week but you need better movements for back. Do a row variation and weighted pull-ups or dead’s. One day for upper and lower do an intensity day where you’re lifting for strength and the next do a volume day.
As a natty you need continuous progressive overload so either increase the weight or volume. On intensity days do either 5 by 5 or 5 by 3. This is what I do make sure you’re getting 15-18 sets for big muscle groups each week, so back chest and legs. Shoulders and arms you don’t need as many sets.
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