Is it possible to grow taller after the age of 18?

Im not thinlipped, im slavic i have nice full lips.

Dude I never ever have anything against you personally cuz your indian. I dont give a fuck what race you are as long as your a cool person. Its when you start coping and saying indian men are desirable to foids is when I need to tell you to the shut the fuck up. Its for your own good.

We dont make a racist image of india, u guys make it yourselves. Blame other indian men for ruining your reputation. Through sites like omegle people have seen a bunch of indians jerking their dick off, a lot of women are flooded with indian men begging in their dms, and of course that they dont have good colouring doesnt help too.

No one decided to make an anti indian agenda one day bro. It is what it is. I dont make the rules.
You’re definitely a thin lipped mutant, lmfao, bro said “I’m Slavic”, lol! You’re not even a Western European, you’re a fucking subhuman, pink skinned, Neanderthal, abomination. You Slavs are so fucking hideous lol, you have no right to call Indian men “undesirable”, lmfao. You’re a silly little pink cave creature, that’s what you’re and what you’ll always be, go back to the Caucasus mountains you fucking mutant.
You’re definitely a thin lipped mutant, lmfao, bro said “I’m Slavic”, lol! You’re not even a Western European, you’re a fucking subhuman, pink skinned, Neanderthal, abomination. You Slavs are so fucking hideous lol, you have no right to call Indian men “undesirable”, lmfao. You’re a silly little pink cave creature, that’s what you’re and what you’ll always be, go back to the Caucasus mountains you fucking mutant.
Slavs arent thin lipped. I am a mix of a nordic and slav. Im sorry but this pink subhuman neanderthal, mogs you just cuz of his ethnicity. Its a cruel life bhai :lul::lul:
In my home country? Brother I can go on the dating app of my home country in Russia and show u foids messaging me how Im so handsome and shit. Your right I will NEVER post my face cuz national news literally showed this forum and its members faces. My friends mom even saw it :lul::lul:

View attachment 3566913

афигеть ты красивый, сашка😭 = Holy shit, you're so handsome, Sasha😭

You willl never ever have this in your dms cuz your fucking ugly as fuck. Go rope indian
I’m not your “brother” you fucking deformed, grafted, recessive, depressive, Mutanoid, Caucasoid ape, you don’t dare call me your brother ever again you fucking pink cave beast. Oh my God, you’re Russian? Your fucking slutty ass women are so beautiful and sexy, I won’t deny that, Russian men on the other hand, are freakishly ugly and unattractive, they’re all fat, have wrinkled faces, prey eyes and horrible hygiene! I’m going to continue to cuck the inbred White Russian cave men and fuck their girlfriends.
I’m not your “brother” you fucking deformed, grafted, recessive, depressive, Mutanoid, Caucasoid ape, you don’t dare call me your brother ever again you fucking pink cave beast. Oh my God, you’re Russian? Your fucking slutty ass women are so beautiful and sexy, I won’t deny that, Russian men on the other hand, are freakishly ugly and unattractive, they’re all fat, have wrinkled faces, prey eyes and horrible hygiene! I’m going to continue to cuck the inbred White Russian cave men and fuck their girlfriends.
Slavs arent thin lipped. I am a mix of a nordic and slav. Im sorry but this pink subhuman neanderthal, mogs you just cuz of his ethnicity. Its a cruel life bhai :lul::lul:
“Uh duh duh, I had duh Nordic genes and shieeet”, Shut your bitch ass up pink faggot, I’m literally dying with laughter right now because of how much of a joke you’re. You’re such a faliure. Lmfao! So you’re admitting that youre ugly? You just said you mog me solely because of your ethnicity? Lmfao! You’re definitely an ugly, inbred loser, lol. A handsome white Chad wouldn’t have to bank on his “ethnicity” as a means to display his superior attractiveness over others, only incel white losers like yourself would hide behind your “white race” to compensate for your deformed face, lack of social skills and accomplishments in life.
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“Uh duh duh, I had duh Nordic genes and shieeet”, Shut your bitch ass up pink faggot, I’m literally dying with laughter right now because of how much of a joke you’re. You’re such a faliure. Lmfao! So you’re admitting that youre ugly? You just said you mog me solely because of your ethnicity? Lmfao! You’re never an ugly, inbred loser, lol. A handsome white Chad wouldn’t have to bank on his “ethnicity” as a means to display his superior attractiveness over others, only incel white losers like yourself would hide your “white race” to compensate for your deformed face, lack of social skills and accomplishments in life.
bro okay brother how are u calling me racist u literally just didnt a blaccent u racist ass nigga :lul::lul: lets just call it a quits and admit we both racist.

Slavs arent thin lipped. I am a mix of a nordic and slav. Im sorry but this pink subhuman neanderthal, mogs you just cuz of his ethnicity. Its a cruel life bhai :lul::lul:
Stop coping pink boy, you already admitted you only mog me in terms of ethnicity, nothing else, notice how you’ve yet to point out any “unattractive” features about my face? You know damn well that I mog you facially lol, too much of a salty cracker to admit it? Hehe. I know you’re jealous white boy and yes, I’ll make sure to only date white women just to infuriate and cause mental stress upon unloveable pink incels like yourself.
bro okay brother how are u calling me racist u literally just didnt a blaccent u racist ass nigga :lul::lul: lets just call it a quits and admit we both r

bro okay brother how are u calling me racist u literally just didnt a blaccent u racist ass nigga :lul::lul: lets just call it a quits and admit we both racist.
Why are you upset about being called a “racist”? Why does it hurt you so much? Is it becuase maybe deep down you have internalised hatred towards Indians but are too ashamed to admit it? I suspect that you’re feeling guilt. Looks man. Although you a piece of shit, I do think you’re relatively hilarious so..I do appreciate you for giving me a good laugh today.
The fucking JBW deniers cope. Whats it to do with fucking racism when you acknowledge indians are one of the most undesired races in the fucking world. Use your fucking brain. Im not the women deciding which men to date. The women are. If anything call the women "racist" for their raical preferences.

You niggas fr bring this hate to yourself when you cope and think u can pull snowbunnies or that ur HTN saarr
I agree with you cock sucker, JBW is real, you can be the ugliest, most subhuman looking white boy and still fuck the baddest BLK, Indian and yellow women, whereas, a handsome Indian guy with a good physique may not be able to date a 10/10 Stacy simply due to his ethnicity. And no, the whores are not to be blamed for the anti-Indian sentiments they have within them, it’s the European Anglo Caucasoid Cave men that have depicted and portrayed Indians as “primitive” “dirty” “savages” via their media outlets. But if you’re an extremely good looking Indian man, the ethnic tax doesn’t apply to them.

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