Is it possible to mouthbreath all your life and it having no effect on your facial development at all?

No one gonna have a good maxilla mouth breathing all their live, don't listen to lows iq here, their knowledge is just pandering their insecurities and bro science based on anecnotal evidence.

You can spot a mouth breathing kid in spot just looking at their facial devolopement.

The average iq of this forum is dropping quickly.
everyone ruined his looks through mouthbreathing, don't beat yourself up over it
Even from 3.5 - 4 PSL foids?

and lol I replied in the wrong thread.
back when i was 3.5-4psl fat cunt maxxed i still got iois and even approaches because i was 6'5" freshman year of highschool

height is legit for nichemaxxing
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Was a fat cunt
the result of a perfect diet.

The best answers don't always lie in paleo hippie nonsense.

"Ugh if only I had sucked on the raw liver and eaten broccoli and peas, like muh ancestors!!"

Big calories = Big body = Big personality
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Also nah, it depends on genetically determined bone density if anything.
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Or am I guaranteed to have been better looking than I am if I didn't mouthbreath all my life? I'm coping that it's all genetics and I have no control over it. It breaks my heart to think that I could've stunted my development simply because I didn't know how to breath properly.
i did and in my case i'm still well above average bone wise
I head sinus issues all my life and probably mouth breathed a lot. I have undone a lot of the damage but the fucking what if remains.
I mean I have all the symptoms that come along with mouth breathing and I’ve been mouth breathing all through puberty so I’d say it’s pretty accurate
Its nót cope, i see some indian whose ugly asf when iam walking through my small shit city and he always has his mouth open. Literally everything is recessed on him.

6 PSL to get IOI’s is ridiculous

I get flirty looks by Below average women and some of them are quite overt and Im dead average
IOIs are sometimes dependents on who is the biggest mogger in the room

If I’m in the gym and the only person above 6 foot in a gym full of curries and ricecels I get IOIs

yet I am 4.5 PSL or 4. Explain that
6 PSL to get IOI’s is ridiculous

I get flirty looks by Below average women and some of them are quite overt and Im dead average
IOIs are sometimes dependents on who is the biggest mogger in the room

If I’m in the gym and the only person above 6 foot in a gym full of curries and ricecels I get IOIs

yet I am 4.5 PSL or 4. Explain that
I never seen ioi when foid come to dude and say that hes hot and ask for his nubmer/snap/insta whatever. He said
By ioi I actually mean the foid comes up and tells you you're hot.
so you need to be 6psl to avove averge foid tell you that, especially if you dont know her
I never seen ioi when foid come to dude and say that hes hot and ask for his nubmer/snap/insta whatever. He said

so you need to be 6psl to avove averge foid tell you that, especially if you dont know her
wel that’s not an ioi that’s a cold approach
In my 21 years of life I have never seen it happen to anyone

anyway I agree with you for cold approach case, I’d make it 5.5PSL though
6 PSL to get IOI’s is ridiculous

I get flirty looks by Below average women and some of them are quite overt and Im dead average
IOIs are sometimes dependents on who is the biggest mogger in the room

If I’m in the gym and the only person above 6 foot in a gym full of curries and ricecels I get IOIs

yet I am 4.5 PSL or 4. Explain that

ioi = she goes up to you and tells you you're good looking or catcalls you.
ioi = she goes up to you and tells you you're good looking or catcalls you.

indication of intent... that doesn’t sound like an indication it sounds like a full effort for you to fuck them
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Mouthbreathing is ironically caused by genes, since the main reason for it is allergies

Causes of mouth breathing
Mouth breathing is characterized by inhalation and exhalation through the mouth and
when it is chronically practiced, it is considered as an abnormal respiratory function.
Different causes have been cited. The main are: chronic allergies, tonsil and adenoid
hypertrophy, nasal polyps, deviated nasal septum, constricted upper airways, thumb
sucking, excessive pacifier use or insufficient suckling as an infant.13
Some authors have considered that the two main causes of mouth breathing in
children are firstly allergic rhinitis and secondly adenoid hypertrophy.3
Allergic rhinitis
may play a key role in mouth breathing due to its high prevalence.
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Mewing works fir along ass time, dont worry about ppl telling you otherwise.

Its a matter of consistency and if youre doing it cirrectly.

I will just say this, Im above 25, had braces in last year for like 11months, during that time I hardmewed with autistic brutal force and with giga autistic consistency. I dont speak alot during work atm (office job) so basically 98% of the time when I wasnt sleeping, I hardmewed like a motherfucker, also utilizing correct pressure, mainly upwards with just like 10% forwards.

The result after 11 months bruteforcemewing is that my maxilla went upwards significantly + forwards.

I had wisdom teeth extracted, all 4, long time ago. Because the mouth was too crowded, there was barely any space for them.

Now I can actually go with my tongue behind the teeth like 1.5 cm where previously was no space at all.

mewing i snot a meme, even though some ppl like to claim it.
Im not asking u to post pics but do you have some so you yourself can see the change?
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Mouth breathing is a cope the true black pill is prenatal t this has less to do with genes and making sure you have the right hormones in the womb tbqh

nah mouth breathing is not cope, it's real. your face will adapt to the environment that it is put in, and hanging your mouth open for extended periods of time (especially before puberty) will drastically cause downswing of the mandible and molar extrusion, thereby increasing the facial length (horse face), and negatively affecting breathing.

its common sense if you think about it, and there are plently of studies to prove that mouth breathing makes you a soy boy ugly deformed looking mf. just take a look at this study done, where researchers plugged the noses of monkeys over extended periods of time and it caused them to mouth breathe. If you're too lazy to click and read, essentially, the monkeys that were mouth breathers were less jacked, less aggresive, started jacking off and becoming gay because they couldnt pull no monkey hoes.


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