Is LL worth it at 6’1 3/4?



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Mar 2, 2024
My growth plates are still open, and I ordered 4 vials of CJC-1295 5mg because I plan to take 5mg weekly. My aromasin is arriving on Sunday, and I will take 12.5mg three times a week. I still need to order MK-677 from Chemyo, and I plan to take around 25mg daily. Hopefully, I can grow an inch, as I have always wanted to be 6'6". Is limb lengthening (LL) worth it?
  • JFL
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Dumb question. At 6’1 you’re not safe. Get 3/4 inches of LLand stop worrying about your height.
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Reactions: GabachoCopium, murdah, arabcelxxx and 1 other person
This guy asked women how tall their ideal man would be, and they said 6'5"-6'6". It's just the truth: you need a 6 PSL+ to try and compensate, and even that's not even enough in 2024.
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This guy asked women how tall their ideal man would be, and they said 6'5"-6'6". It's just the truth: you need a 6 PSL+ to try and compensate, and even that's not even enough in 2024.
True 6'5-6'6 is top 1% of males, the "6'5-6'6" they are thinking of is just 6'1-6'3 barefoot
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  • JFL
Reactions: reek, Francefag, framemoggerr and 7 others
This guy asked women how tall their ideal man would be, and they said 6'5"-6'6". It's just the truth: you need a 6 PSL+ to try and compensate, and even that's not even enough in 2024.
You have sub 105 IQ. Why are you crippling yourself over the words of a few internet sluts? Follow what they do, not the vomit they shit out of their mouths. Face is still king
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No dude just get lifts
You're already quite tall
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Pretty average. Around 6’4 you’re tall.
What a retard
In what world in 6'1.75 avg
I'm 6'1 and taller than the majority of people I meet
Just use lifts to get to 6'3-6'4
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  • JFL
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Frauding doesn’t count. It will be pretty much the same when 6’3-6’5 guys wear lifts.
No shit Sherlock
But most people don't use lifts
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Peak autism
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Reactions: cannotbeasked and Nick.Harte
My growth plates are still open, and I ordered 4 vials of CJC-1295 5mg because I plan to take 5mg weekly. My aromasin is arriving on Sunday, and I will take 12.5mg three times a week. I still need to order MK-677 from Chemyo, and I plan to take around 25mg daily. Hopefully, I can grow an inch, as I have always wanted to be 6'6". Is limb lengthening (LL) worth it?
Stupid as shit
You're delusional
Where do you live
Why am I delusional? You’re overrating everything man as if 6’3-6’5 guys are giants. Lol
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If you don't attract women now, you wont attract women after gaining a few inches.
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Why am I delusional? You’re overrating everything man as if 6’3-6’5 guys are giants. Lol
Nah I'm speaking from experience
I'm 6'1
Taller than everyone in the room most of the time
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  • Hmm...
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Most athletes are taller than you.(6’3-6’7) Muh 6’1 tall. Lol.
Yea of course most athletes are taller than me
But there's like 400 NBA players on this planet
8 billion people
LeBron James is tall
But shaq is taller
Does that make LeBron a manlet
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Yea of course most athletes are taller than me
But there's like 400 NBA players on this planet
8 billion people
LeBron James is tall
But shaq is taller
Does that make LeBron a manlet
I’ve seen people of your height irl and it’s not even that tall.They don’t mog shit lol and 6’5 black guys and 6’3 pretty boys mog them. No offence but it ain’t that tall. You’re probably taller than 6’1 if you height mog everyone in the room.
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I’ve seen people of your height irl and it’s not even that tall.They don’t mog shit lol and 6’5 black guys and 6’3 pretty boys mog them. No offence but it ain’t that tall. You’re probably taller than 6’1 if you height mog everyone in the room.
Yea dude 6'5 guys mog 6'1 guys
But most people aren't 6'5
Being 6'5 is very rare
I seldom come across people that tall
Where do u live btw
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It’s above average but not very rare man. Very rare begins at 6’6+.
Maybe not in the Netherlands or something
But whenever I go to Walmart or something I'd only see one or two 6'5ish guys
And they're always ugly
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This guy asked women how tall their ideal man would be, and they said 6'5"-6'6". It's just the truth: you need a 6 PSL+ to try and compensate, and even that's not even enough in 2024.
Im 6’3 wide framed big boned (being skinny makes you look taller) and women think im 6’5
Alright fair enough
Still rare tho
I was also thinking like that before and I’ve seen 6’5 French guys in college. The German boys were around 6’3-6’4. Blacks around 6’5 and 6’6. Tall ass niggas.One Dutch guy was easily around 6’4. I mean 6’3 is the new 6ft nowadays.
I had to readjust my scale after I found out I that I was lied to. Internet stars are bs. Muh average height is 5’9. Fucking shitty stats.
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I was also thinking like that before and I’ve seen 6’5 French guys in college. The German boys were around 6’3-6’4. Blacks around 6’5 and 6’6. Tall ass niggas.One Dutch guy was easily around 6’4. I mean 6’3 is the new 6ft nowadays.
I had to readjust my scale after I found out I that I was lied to. Internet stars are bs. Muh average height is 5’9. Fucking shitty stats.
Wtf lmao I've never experienced anything like that
I feel like the stats are pretty accurate as the avg man does seem like they are 5'8-5'10
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  • JFL
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And they're always ugly
I’ve seen tall ( around 6’4 ig)German pretty boys with blonde hairs, blue eyes and deep voices. No homo but moggers are born and 6’3 is the new 6ft.
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I’ve seen tall ( around 6’4 ig)German pretty boys with blonde hairs, blue eyes and deep voices. No homo but moggers are born and 6’3 is the new 6ft.
Yea of course there are 6'4 moggers
I'm not denying that they exist
But the average man is nowhere close to those guys
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Reactions: cannotbeasked and Nick.Harte
Wtf lmao I've never experienced anything like that
I feel like the stats are pretty accurate as the avg man does seem like they are 5'8-5'10
Stats have disappointed me.
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