Is looksmaxxing a joke?

Well those are the guys most women are dating :lul:
So what? Are you just into looksmaxxing because of women? Your observations are not anything novel. Plus how many of those women actually like their partners?
  • JFL
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So what? Are you just into looksmaxxing because of women? Your observations are not anything novel. Plus how many of those women actually like their partners?
Well those guys are still fucking their girlfriends bro
Dating apps in most western countries turbocharge hypergamy, if you go into real life for women, the time investment is much more rewarding
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Women "should"n't do anything. Stop expecting the world to hand you shit.

Women are WOMEN dude wtf is wrong with you? They have never been and will never be the aggressive sex. Yes some women will chat men up, but most wont. And there is not a thing wrong with that.

Just go up to them instead. It's not that hard. If you look good they'll be more likely to say yes
Blaming women is the most certain way to never get laid
If you aren't able to lead conversations you will get 0 lays
  • JFL
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Your IQ holy shit
I’ve tested male models on tinder and even then only 5-10% of women write first and they write boring openers like ”hi”, so wtf is the point of looksmaxxing when women still expect the man to do everything?
The point of looksmaxing is not to become a male woman

Most women I see outside are dating normies jfl
be NT, just be first theory, betabuxx

Women legit expect you to do everything as male even if you are goodlooking. They are legit retarded and passive and cant put in effort
As you should, it's your natural role as a man to be the initiator. She will put in efforts when she rly likes you (more than just your body & face)

It seems better to just personalitymax as a male and forget looksmaxxing :unsure:
You need to do both, ugly and nice isn't going to get you much
Chadlite and retarded/autistic is arguably worse

This htn-chadlite (but hes like 5ft11) asks 100 random women for sex and they all say no :lul:

Of course women will not agree to have sex with a man they just met, they have options, they aren't as desperate as you
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Blaming women is the most certain way to never get laid
If you aren't able to lead conversations you will get 0 lays
Yup. I mean I think some hypersexual girls may be okay having sex with a guy for JUST his looks. But that's rare and probably not the kinds of girls you'd wanna be associating with anyways
  • +1
  • JFL
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Yup. I mean I think some hypersexual girls may be okay having sex with a guy for JUST his looks. But that's rare and probably not the kinds of girls you'd wanna be associating with anyways
but indians on this forum say women will try to break into your appartment if ur chad just to get chad sperm :lul:
be NT, just be first theory, betabuxx

As you should, it's your natural role as a man to be the initiator. She will put in efforts when she rly likes you (more than just your body & face)
Ok so women will date normies just because they are NT

but muh looks theory
Imagine if this guy tried this social expiriment
I mean women are in a more vulnerable position so if they dont have any safety on who you sre they will not say yes, would the guy just have asked them for their socials first and added them then he probably would have had more say yes. Probably 5-10, even as a man i wouldnt say yes to a random women asking for sex even if good looking, i would assume something fishy is going down. This video is cope and the answers to this threads shows how copium people are, jumping snd cheering at every possibility that looks is bot so important after all and the truth is that women are just hard which is not true.
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I mean women are in a more vulnerable position so if they dont have any safety on who you sre they will not say yes, would the guy just have asked them for their socials first and added them then he probably would have had more say yes. Probably 5-10, even as a man i wouldnt say yes to a random women asking for sex even if good looking, i would assume something fishy is going down. This video is cope and the answers to this threads shows how copium people are, jumping snd cheering at every possibility that looks is bot so important after all and the truth is that women are just hard which is not true.
in that video, a fat asian girl rejected a white chadlite asking for sex :unsure:

But muh hypergamy
in that video, a fat asian girl rejected a white chadlite asking for sex :unsure:

But muh hypergamy
She has three chadlites in her dms and she is probably a size queen or sum and have bbc on call. Why would she just say yes to some random fag straight from the street even if htn. Like some kind of conversation is needed. And muh hypergamy is just proven more by this video, girls have so many option not even this fag boon htn csn get one to suck his dick because he is not a 6"2+ chadlite +
  • JFL
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She has three chadlites in her dms and she is probably a size queen or sum and have bbc on call. Why would she just say yes to some random fag straight from the street even if htn. Like some kind of conversation is needed. And muh hypergamy is just proven more by this video, girls have so many option not even this fag boon htn csn get one to suck his dick because he is not a 6"2+ chadlite +
Ye bro, every fat asian girl outside is walking with a 1% chadlite bro

Are u retarded :lul:
I see top 1% chadlites outside with fat asian girls every day bro

Are u retarded :lul:
Yea like ltr has ever been a measure pf anything, hypergamy is hook up culture mostly even tho its becoming more common for ltr for new gens aswell. Its what you not see that is hypegamy, the booty calls at night from some tinder slut. Thats hypergamy not what you see on clear daylight fag idiot, wake up
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Yea like ltr has ever been a measure pf anything, hypergamy is hook up culture mostly even tho its becoming more common for ltr for new gens aswell. Its what you not see that is hypegamy, the booty calls at night from some tinder slut. Thats hypergamy not what you see on clear daylight fag idiot, wake up
I wish this was true but it seems most girls just settle for normies
I wish this was true but it seems most girls just settle for normies
It is true, just look at dating apps data snd everything. Thats whats happening, but sure be blind to it my friend. I dont care if you sre a bluepilled fag lord thinking girls settling for normies and is giving them any worthy treatment for the effort they put in meanwhile chad is get harams
It is true, just look at dating apps data snd everything. Thats whats happening, but sure be blind to it my friend. I dont care if you sre a bluepilled fag lord thinking girls settling for normies and is giving them any worthy treatment for the effort they put in meanwhile chad is get harams
Yes but every girl I see outside is walking with a normie :unsure:
Yes but every girl I see outside is walking with a normie :unsure:
Yea in broad daylight, time to watch more carefully. And at night when people usually have sex, at daytime you only see virtue signalling mature betabux couples
  • JFL
Reactions: Johanjohan
Always said that Betabuxxx moggs anything else

Women love money more than looks

Only gays want Chadlites + only
  • +1
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Always said that Betabuxxx moggs anything else

Women love money more than looks

Only gays want Chadlites + only
most normies arent even rich bro

Its not these guys working as carpenters have a rolex and porsche
  • +1
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most normies arent even rich bro

Its not these guys working as carpenters have a rolex and porsche
They are probably 'just be first' NT Normies in their social circle .

They ooffie doofiemaxxed. Saying NT shit with energy jestermaxx clowns.

But I can guarantee these LTR end 90% of time between 23-29 when woman realize her value and options .

Then she goes for a rich Betabuxxx or a good looking man , but HTNs+ are rare as fuck like 5-8% of population max
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  • +1
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They are probably 'just be first' NT Normies in their social circle .

They ooffie doofiemaxxed. Saying NT shit with energy jestermaxx clowns.

But I can guarantee these LTR end 90% of time between 23-29 when woman realize he value and options .

Then she goes for a rich Betabuxxx or a good looking man , but HTNs+ are rare as fuck like 5-8% of population max
But muh hypergamy bro

Yet most women are dating normies :lul:
  • +1
Reactions: FrenchareMedCucks
But muh hypergamy bro

Yet most women are dating normies :lul:
I hate Normies

And they hate me too

Hard to explain but always befriend LTNs/ incels or slayers

Normies are always ready to betray you for a crumb of pussy, always had the same bullshit mainstream vibe, always submissive to females and are orbiters cucks
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I hate Normies

And they hate me too

Hard to explain but always befriend LTNs/ incels or slayers

Normies are always ready to betray you for a crumb of pussy, always had the same bullshit mainstream vibe, always submissive to females and are orbiters cucks
Ye you are right but women are dating these normies :unsure:
rich Betabuxxx
I think one doesn't have to be quite rich, but it often means "stable income, predictable behavior and obedience of the guy". "Good father, poor lover".
Also, many relationships start with legit affection but later survive purely on habits (people getting used to each other even if they are mutually disliked), legal (custodity and splitting property) and social pressure. But that doesn't seem to hold things up nowadays, as divorce rates are huge.
People of both sexes often tend to give up on their looks after marriage, and especially after having kids, thinking they "have secured" now, but then get surprised by dead bedrooms or think that having sex once per month at 40yo is a norm.
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I think one doesn't have to be quite rich, but it often means "stable income, predictable behavior and obedience of the guy". "Good father, poor lover".
Also, many relationships start with legit affection but later survive purely on habits (people getting used to each other even if they are mutually disliked), legal (custodity and splitting property) and social pressure. But that doesn't seem to hold things up nowadays, as divorce rates are huge.
People of both sexes often tend to give up on their looks after marriage, and especially after having kids, thinking they "have secured" now, but then get surprised by dead bedrooms or think that having sex once per month at 40yo is a norm.
But why do so many girls date skinnyfat normies?
Jestermaxxxers are over represented for people age 14-21 so they think blackpill is cope because a this age a 17 girl would rather open her pussy to one of her orbiters than an unknown guy

this site is full of teenagers due to TikTok invasion and that schyzo James Sapphire wave

they don't realize Ooffiee Dooffieee Normies' SMV is short lived and decline very fast after 20

' Just be first ' is very legit for girls under 18-19

try the same girl hat 24-25 you will see she only uses dating apps and became picky among her 5k + matches on Tinder
  • +1
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But why do so many girls date skinnyfat normies?
Define "date". If you mean ltn starting dating htbh from the start, it's rarer nowadays. If people are together for some time, like I said above, they get used to each other, and one may descend/ascend in looks and it would look strange match from the the outsiders perspective. But it doesn't mean people get immediately divorce or whatever, you don't know how much of common property or stuff they have, how hard for them it's to split. Costs (money and mental, physical) of rapidly changing their lives. So, many normies end up being cheated on or cheating themselves, yet staying together and putting a play of a "happy family/couple" for their social media and "keeping up with Jhones" due to social pressure and NT brain function which tells them to do so.
  • +1
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Jestermaxxxers are over represented for people age 14-21 so they think blackpill is cope because a this age a 17 girl would rather open her pussy to one of her orbiters than an unknown guy

this site is full of teenagers due to TikTok invasion and that schyzo James Sapphire wave

they don't realize Ooffiee Dooffieee Normies' SMV is short lived and decline very fast after 20

' Just be first ' is very legit for girls under 18-19

try the same girl hat 24-25 you will see she only uses dating apps and became picky among her 5k + matches on Tinder
Nice cope rofl

More teen guys are tiktokmaxxed with nice haircuts and clothes

Guys 25+ are balding and bloated
Nice cope rofl

More teen guys are tiktokmaxxed with nice haircuts and clothes

Guys 25+ are balding and bloated
and 80% of them look shit recessed with brocoli haircut or fringe

hair and clothes are the biggest cope it doesn't bring any SMV for a male

male's SMV is entirely linked to bones , forward growth and soft features

a Fashionmaxxxed LTN get mogged hard by a buzzcut tuition uniform HTN

see 865 WEEKS vs one MEEK
  • JFL
Reactions: Johanjohan
But people on this forum say women are obsessed with goodlooking men

Yet they all reject him and go back to their normie boyfriend :lul:
Bro your logic is insanely stupid

If you like a dish you prefer it served in a proper place and time rather than thrown in your face at random

Being chadlite makes life easier, it doesn't make you some sort of demi god that people obey without questioning
  • JFL
Reactions: Johanjohan
Bro your logic is insanely stupid

If you like a dish you prefer it served in a proper place and time rather than thrown in your face at random

Being chadlite makes life easier, it doesn't make you some sort of demi god that people obey without questioning
Muh dish

Most women are dating normies yet cant put in effort to hit on a chadlite :lul:
Muh dish

Most women are dating normies yet cant put in effort to hit on a chadlite :lul:
Yeah dating, most people aren't stupid enough to ditch a stable partner they probably still like to be a random dude's pump and dump

Of course there are whores but most women are atleast smart enough to know where benefits are
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Yeah dating, most people aren't stupid enough to ditch a stable partner they probably still like to be a random dude's pump and dump

Of course there are whores but most women are atleast smart enough to know where benefits are
Most girls dont write first even to a male model on tinder, they expect the guy to do everything even if hes 10x hotter than her boyfriend :feelsuhh:
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My theory is simply that beauty is partially subjective meaning even if you're on average 4/10 a girl might find you 6/10, so if you spam talk to girls you will inevitably stumble across that girl that like your pheno or whatever

thats exactly why NT is the most important
Because the level of looks u have to be at where u can get sex from any girl instantly is 1 in a million, and even the majority of models do not have it.
Always said that Betabuxxx moggs anything else

Women love money more than looks

Only gays want Chadlites + only
Yes women loving money more than looks is a fact. :blackpill::redpill: Looks get a man laid from horny sluts.

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