Is my sideways face really ugly? Be honest

Okay, let me re-phrase it.
I am envious of your low inhibition, and would like to be tagged when you post your pictures after you ascend (improve your looks to a notable degree).
Oh ok bro i tag you thanks for helping me
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I'm really sad because I can't find any girl for myself. I think I'm very ugly. I can't look at a girl because I immediately think she's making fun of me.
I'm really sad because I can't find any girl for myself. I think I'm very ugly. I can't look at a girl because I immediately think she's making fun of me.
you’re recessed but not ugly i would say average
U don't look bad
Everyone is trolling you. You’re good looking and it’s clear you have body dysmorphia + anxiety and you need to see a therapist if u can afford.

You actually look better than most here. So stop getting trolled by people who don’t wanna see u succeed
do you have an overbite by any chance? ur philtrum is a bit weird, anyways your side looks decent imo
I'm really sad because I can't find any girl for myself. I think I'm very ugly. I can't look at a girl because I immediately think she's making fun of me.
Nah bro ur good. Most of the haters here are just virgincells. Definitely a low htn maximum.
No bro, I'm ugly and I just accept that. Can you tell me if you think I'm that ugly or if I'm normal?
youre definitely not ugly youre normal bro dont worry. If your not autistic and have good socialskills youre good bro
you dont look bad bro. dont take too seriously the things some people on here say, they are trolling.
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I'm really sad because I can't find any girl for myself. I think I'm very ugly. I can't look at a girl because I immediately think she's making fun of me.
Still jb slayer
these jealous retards are trolling so hard, your side mogs 80% of people here. you look okay, just leave this place, this shit is a fuel for mental illness. no girl in the world would joke about your side profile, normies dont see shit about this. coming from a guy who had the biggest side profile ascension here.

you look fine
want some dick op?
I'm really sad because I can't find any girl for myself. I think I'm very ugly. I can't look at a girl because I immediately think she's making fun of me.
You look fine gain more weight
Nah you’re a high mtn. Just lose the fucking earrings bro please
I'm really sad because I can't find any girl for myself. I think I'm very ugly. I can't look at a girl because I immediately think she's making fun of me.
U aren’t ugly u just looks like every other stable “boyfriend” who gonna ltr some slut who had multiples ons, same case as me tbh, but not to be able to be in any ltr requires u to be either really short or deformed meanwhile u are just average on streets
T50 its over
these jealous retards are trolling so hard, your side mogs 80% of people here. you look okay, just leave this place, this shit is a fuel for mental illness. no girl in the world would joke about your side profile, normies dont see shit about this. coming from a guy who had the biggest side profile ascension here.

you look fine
Thanks bro for being honest with me
really really ugly
Thnaks for being honest bro... I know im ugly
you are not ugly and recessed, just a not a chad. you will find a girl if your frond profile is ok
nigga no? go slay
nice side profile .....dont do any surgery!
tongue posture
body posture will help!

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