Is repeat yearmaxxing a good thing?


Deleted member 33844

Aug 4, 2023
You're older than your peers which gives you an advantage in getting girls.
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Are you a fucking idiot...
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Súper senior maxxing
1 Guy is 14, 165cm with a babyface and the other guy is 15, 178cm with a more developed face. Who are the girls in their class going to choose?
i've been thinking about this and it's probably legit from an attraction standpoint

the reason why I was always a subhuman freak was probably because I was substantially younger than my peers in school. I skipped a grade in math and was put with people nearly two years older than me, not to mention I have an August birthday which means i was getting mogged by all the older jan/feb/marchcels

idk could be cope tho. Young chad can still fuck like crazy with no problems
i've been thinking about this and it's probably legit from an attraction standpoint

the reason why I was always a subhuman freak was probably because I was substantially younger than my peers in school. I skipped a grade in math and was put with people nearly two years older than me, not to mention I have an August birthday which means i was getting mogged by all the older jan/feb/marchcels

idk could be cope tho. Young chad can still fuck like crazy with no problems
2 year difference is crazy
2 year difference is crazy
it was so brootal man

being smart and skipping grades as an already tiny freak just made my life harder

i remember getting mogged so hard by this prettyboy in my math class, who was a year older than me

being a smartcel is not worth it
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absolutly if you can afford + won't ruin your uni outcome go for it , maybe spend 1 year all on looksmaxing and comeback to uni older and more beautiful and become a slayer.
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I did the reverse(skip 1 year because too high IQ) and was a death sentence, I was already not tall + asian so it ruin my dating life until uni.
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I did the reverse(skip 1 year because too high IQ) and was a dead sentence, I was already not tall + asian so it ruin my dating life until uni.

France seems like a nice place for an Asian compared to other European countries esp the UK
I did the reverse(skip 1 year because too high IQ) and was a dead sentence, I was already not tall + asian so it ruin my dating life until uni.
What's your IQ bhai, I am intrigued. @Jungcuck

@notcel @andy9432
France seems like a nice place for an Asian compared to other European countries esp the UK
It's okay but here we have the dominance of the BBC, but Nordic + East europe are more into Kpop/kdrama just look at the videos of Jinu
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  • JFL
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What's your IQ bhai, I am intrigued. @Jungcuck

@notcel @andy9432
high enough to skip the test (usually mandatory to skip 1 year) so maybe 120+
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absolutly if you can afford + won't ruin your uni outcome go for it , maybe spend 1 year all on looksmaxing and comeback to uni older and more beautiful and become a slayer.
i mostly mean before the age of 16
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gap year maxxing is useless post puberty
Before you just appear as a low IQ, but your idea is not bad in the US it was common for parents to repeat a year in young age for the children so they are more mature and bigger than classmates.

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