Is the dickpill real.

I don’t think I deserve this fate tbh. Getting mogged brutally in a shithole. It’s not only depressing but traumatising as well. Standing in front of the mirror gives me trauma. Going outside gives me massive anxiety from the mogs and seeing couples out there. Social media makes me wanna rope asap. I’ve lost and was forced to accept defeat. Got laughed out by foids multiple times when I’ve put myself out there.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Gengar
I don’t think I deserve this fate tbh. Getting mogged brutally in a shithole. It’s not only depressing but traumatising as well. Standing in front of the mirror gives me trauma. Going outside gives me massive anxiety from the mogs and seeing couples out there. Social media makes me wanna rope asap. I’ve lost and was forced to accept defeat. Got laughed out by foids multiple times when I’ve put myself out there.
Your experiences are just like mine. You are truecel confirmed if all you say here is true. :feelswah:
  • +1
Reactions: Nick.Harte
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you missed out on the part of one's dick that's by far the most important and the bringer of pleasure to a woman AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:lul::lul::lul:
Eh i don't mind that much, i'm a realist, and i just wasn't born with a big dick. Maybe it's important for you to have 8x6, but i'm convinced alot of these dick size standards are complete BS. On average like 6.3x5.1ish is like ideal range. Bigger one is good mostly for visual aspect
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  • JFL
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Your experiences are just like mine. You are truecel confirmed if all you say here is true. :feelswah:
We are both truecels then. I see no reason to keep living tbh.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Gengar
We are both truecels then. I see no reason to keep living tbh.
Me neither. It’s going to be nothing but suffering. It has been this way for almost a decade now. In my experience.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Nick.Harte
Me neither. It’s going to be nothing but suffering. It has been this way for almost a decade now. In my experience.
You’re older than me and it shows that nothing gets better for the genetically inferior. No such thing as improvement
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar
I was talking about girth, did you think I was talking about length? 4.5 is definitely below average but I’d rather have 4.5 x 4.25 than what I have now. :feelscry:
what do you have? youve made me curious now
  • +1
Reactions: Gengar
You’re older than me and it shows that nothing gets better for the genetically inferior. No such thing as improvement
My genetics are okay, I just got the wrong genetic recombination. :feelswhy:
  • So Sad
Reactions: Nick.Harte
what do you have? youve made me curious now
I’m not huge or anything but I’m 6.5 x 5.75, reason why I want smaller is because it would cause less problems during sex. Not that I have ever had sex or will have sex in the future, but you get my point. Lengthwise it’s going to hit the cervix which is a failo and girthwise it’s past the ideal girth even for experienced women. For them, 5.5” girth is ideal and anything after comes with diminishing returns. I don’t have it as bad as guys with 6+” girth though, but it’s still worrisome. Then again, I don’t even know why I’m worried as a permanent KHHV.
I’m not huge or anything but I’m 6.5 x 5.75, reason why I want smaller is because it would cause less problems during sex. Not that I have ever had sex or will have sex in the future, but you get my point. Lengthwise it’s going to hit the cervix which is a failo and girthwise it’s past the ideal girth even for experienced women. For them, 5.5” girth is ideal and anything after comes with diminishing returns. I don’t have it as bad as guys with 6+” girth though, but it’s still worrisome. Then again, I don’t even know why I’m worried as a permanent KHHV.
Lmao you are retarded
It’s legit horrible if you’re a truecel in your own third world shithole. :feelswhy:
Can't accept this man, and I'm still paralyzed. I want to fucking rope tbh because it's hard to swallow this shit ngl

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