Is the west designed to drive people insane?



Oct 4, 2019
If you look at the sheer number of mental illness related shootings, stabbings, murders, and suicides that are plaguing the west these days you will see what I mean. Its almost as if its rigged to cause people misery. When I go to other countries, although the people there are poor, they seem happy. They are getting laid despite being ugly and thats why the 3rd world has such high birthrates compared to the west. Everything in the west is fake and artificial, with no authenticity whatsoever. The people are fake, feelings are fake, marriages are fake, food is fake GMO processed shit, media is jew run fake bullshit, looks are fake because of makeup, houses are made from flimsy shit drywall and wood, everything is fucking fake around here! Who else thinks the same?
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idk life sucks everywhere tbh, im not sure you've been to a third world country before but let me assure you they are not as happy as you think lol
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Mental health in America is a fucking joke unless your rich and can afford those expensive therapy retreats
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If you look at the sheer number of mental illness related shootings, stabbings, murders, and suicides that are plaguing the west these days you will see what I mean. Its almost as if its rigged to cause people misery. When I go to other countries, although the people there are poor, they seem happy. They are getting laid despite being ugly and thats why the 3rd world has such high birthrates compared to the west. Everything in the west is fake and artificial, with no authenticity whatsoever. The people are fake, feelings are fake, marriages are fake, food is fake GMO processed shit, media is jew run fake bullshit, looks are fake because of makeup, houses are made from shit drywall and wood, everything is fucking fake around here! Who else thinks the same?
Live off the grid buddy boyo.
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Lmao typical westerner crying about living in a first world country. If you’re white just come to Asia, you’ll be a king here. Or at least better off than being the complete loser you are in your home country.
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This is why I’ll moneymaxx and get the fuck out of here tbh
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Lmao typical westerner crying about living in a first world country. If you’re white just come to Asia, you’ll be a king here. Or at least better off than being the complete loser you are in your home country.
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idk life sucks everywhere tbh, im not sure you've been to a third world country before but let me assure you they are not as happy as you think lol
I live in one can confirm "western" ways reached 3rd world countries
It’s all based on superficial image

Once you can’t keep up the facade or mask shit falls apart
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The west, is, the best
Yes you are correct is it to create discontent. The elite do not want a healthy (physically, mentally) population, they need a docile workforce that will not question the system they are in and wage slave/feed the system. They need the mind to be busy focussing on non existent problems. dividing each other instead of rebelling against them.

On top of that they pump the population with shit food, even little kids are being served chips for their school dinners. All to create a generation of sick people who hate themselves for the way they look, but fit enough to wage slave. Its all about keeping them in their pigeon hole some way or the other.
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After 30 the number of people who take antidepressants rise dramatically
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Yes you are correct is it to create discontent. The elite do not want a healthy (physically, mentally) population, they need a docile workforce that will not question the system they are in and wage slave/feed the system. They need the mind to be busy focussing on non existent problems. dividing each other instead of rebelling against them.

On top of that they pump the population with shit food, even little kids are being served chips for their school dinners. All to create a generation of sick people who hate themselves for the way they look, but fit enough to wage slave. Its all about keeping them in their pigeon hole some way or the other.
the (((elites)))
'The elites' is just a cope for deadbeats to rationalise their lifestyles. It's simply supplying a demand. Most people arnt as unhealthy as you suspect. Pure projection on your part, average young guy is in a social circle, getting sex and integrated into society in education or work

The reason you are mentally I'll is becasue you have too much isolated time . Without faux socialising online with your blackpilled buddies you are voluntarily living in solitary confinement
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Go look up how many violence killings and terrorism there is in the east lmao
There is even more violence go look uop east and africa killings al lday long
the (((elites)))
'The elites' is just a cope for deadbeats to rationalise their lifestyles. It's simply supplying a demand. Most people arnt as unhealthy as you suspect. Pure projection on your part, average young guy is in a social circle, getting sex and integrated into society in education or work

The reason you are mentally I'll is becasue you have too much isolated time . Without faux socialising online with your blackpilled buddies you are voluntarily living in solitary confinement

No. The elites consist of the class that control the means of production (capital) i.e. Landowners, Business owners/ banks etc. Who need a large pool of labour to service capital. i.e. people who pay rent to their landlord, who work for wages, who pay interest to the bank by mortgage, who pay taxes.

The system require people to be oblivious to their servitude otherwise they would rebel, who would want to go through life knowing they are essentially a worthless slave being milked.

The average guy is integrated into to society but as slave through work. Also indoctrinated into the system through 20 years of mindless "education". Most of them will spend the next 50 years feeding the system whatever is left will wind up trying to acquire and hold a female ( also feeding the system, as women protect the system).

@DarkHorizon You are just seeing things for what they are keep going.
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No. The elites consist of the class that control the means of production (capital) i.e. Landowners, Business owners/ banks etc. Who need a large pool of labour to service capital. i.e. people who pay rent to their landlord, who work for wages, who pay interest to the bank by mortgage, who pay taxes.

The system require people to be oblivious to their servitude otherwise they would rebel, who would want to go through life knowing they are essentially a worthless slave being milked.

The average guy is integrated into to society but as slave through work. Also indoctrinated into the system through 20 years of mindless "education". Most of them will spend the next 50 years feeding the system whatever is left will wind up trying to acquire and hold a female ( also feeding the system, as women protect the system).

@DarkHorizon You are just seeing things for what they are keep going.
Spoken like a true unemployed loser who didn't finish high school

So just because you were born into poverty you deserve a free pass in life jfl
Spoken like a true unemployed loser who didn't finish high school

So just because you were born into poverty you deserve a free pass in life jfl

Literally typing this, at my place of work (Forensic Engineering Consultancy in London). Graduate from the University of Leicester (Hons) 2.1 Business Management. Live and (part own) a house in London worth 7 figures, which I plan to release equity after the market collapses to start my company (age 26). Wrong person to try that on.

Here to help bro, not going to reduce myself to name calling like you, attack my argument not me.
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Spoken like a true unemployed loser who didn't finish high school

So just because you were born into poverty you deserve a free pass in life jfl
Sv3rige is a so called unemployed "loser" yet he has a more fulfilling life than anyone he
Literally typing this, at my place of work (Forensic Engineering Consultancy in London). Graduate from the University of Leicester (Hons) 2.1 Business Management. Live and (part own) a house in London worth 7 figures, which I plan to release equity after the market collapses to start my company (age 26). Wrong person to try that on.

Here to help bro, not going to reduce myself to name calling like you, attack my argument not me.

Spoken like a true unemployed loser who didn't finish high school

So just because you were born into poverty you deserve a free pass in life jfl
Sv3rige is a so called unemployed loser yet he has a more fulfilling life than anyone here, you're just a coping slave.
Literally typing this, at my place of work (Forensic Engineering Consultancy in London). Graduate from the University of Leicester (Hons) 2.1 Business Management. Live and (part own) a house in London worth 7 figures, which I plan to release equity after the market collapses to start my company (age 26). Wrong person to try that on.

Here to help bro, not going to reduce myself to name calling like you, attack my argument not me.
Boom you roasted him
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Literally typing this, at my place of work (Forensic Engineering Consultancy in London). Graduate from the University of Leicester (Hons) 2.1 Business Management. Live and (part own) a house in London worth 7 figures, which I plan to release equity after the market collapses to start my company (age 26). Wrong person to try that on.

Here to help bro, not going to reduce myself to name calling like you, attack my argument not me.
So you are a larper or a massive hypocrite .
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Literally typing this, at my place of work (Forensic Engineering Consultancy in London). Graduate from the University of Leicester (Hons) 2.1 Business Management. Live and (part own) a house in London worth 7 figures, which I plan to release equity after the market collapses to start my company (age 26). Wrong person to try that on.

Here to help bro, not going to reduce myself to name calling like you, attack my argument not me.
You're correct, don't let him get to you.
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fact is i don't want to die as a slavecuck.
fuck i would prefer so much more living a simple life, labor, having a garden, a wife, kids and evrything pious and kind and respectful far away from alienated modern civilization.

21th century is not for me.
Didn't refute his arguments

well he is shilling something with words while contradicting it with his actions

also just by choosing to live in London makes everything he says satire, literally the worst city in EU

and Sverige is simply a business, he (like tufano) realised there is huge niche potential of likeminded unhealthy, desperate failures and profited from it, show him to well adjusted healthy members of the community and they would see him for the mentally ill failure he is

working gives you structure, fufillment and something to bring to the dinner table, ofcourse working is terrible if the only jobs you can reach are cleaning toilets and factory work
Literally typing this, at my place of work (Forensic Engineering Consultancy in London). Graduate from the University of Leicester (Hons) 2.1 Business Management. Live and (part own) a house in London worth 7 figures, which I plan to release equity after the market collapses to start my company (age 26). Wrong person to try that on.

Here to help bro, not going to reduce myself to name calling like you, attack my argument not me.
That much success, and you are still here? Man, you curries need to spend that money you make on cosmetic surgery to make yourself as white as possible, its the only way to escape inceldom. Moneymaxxing is not enough to attract even a gold digger.
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That much success, and you are still here? Man, you curries need to spend that money you make on cosmetic surgery to make yourself as white as possible, its the only way to escape inceldom. Moneymaxxing is not enough to attract even a gold digger.
jfl at those obscessed by white foids.
btw i got a first class honours in a science, just to amogg you in that regard
it is but not in modern's condition
what do you mean? working is easier now
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the western world is a borderless economic zone, nothing more
You're told it's not raining when it's clearly raining, that's equivalent of west telling you looks don't matter while constantly showing you it does, you never see an ad with some balding manlet.

And the double standards with women are pure comedy, girl has sex with some guy who was drunk and didn't consent, nothing happens. Guy says hello to girl in public > 10 year in prison and sex offender status
what do you mean? working is easier now
it is, but the fact is that in most fields, especially highly qualified ones, you have no time left for yourself.
it is, but the fact is that in most fields, especially highly qualified ones, you have no time left for yourself.

you work as much as you want, i only work half days

when im not working my lifestyle goes to shit
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you work as much as you want, i only work half days

when im not working my lifestyle goes to shit
if only i could...
Law field is only about slavery.

but i defo agree : working is one of the best way to keep contact with humanity, fullfilment, and feeling good.
we need to socialisé, only aspie will focus only on "muh i need to ascend for people be all submited to my looks and foids suck my d without me even knowing it by walking on the street".
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