Is there any point in looksmaxxing after a certain age?



Aug 2, 2023
Imagine being KHHV your whole life, and you’re in your mid 20s. Is there any point to looksmaxxing after 25? Your prime years are 16-25; you get to experience teen love, don’t have to worry much about finances, and get to network and socialize with people your age. Being unattractive at that age range means you miss out on everything aforementioned, and if you do plan on ascending after a certain point, all you’ll get is a single mother or a roastie with a bodycount in the double digits. It’s genuinely over if you don’t looksmax as young as your highschool years. The blackpill will always take effect and the only work around is becoming attractive.

@Veganist @Michael Myers @_MVP_ @JohnDoe thoughts?
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Yes there is. Being married doesn't mean you stop looking attractive for your wife.
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Imagine being KHHV your whole life, and you’re in your mid 20s. Is there any point to looksmaxxing after 25? Your prime years are 16-25; you get to experience teen love, don’t have to worry much about finances, and get to network and socialize with people your age. Being unattractive at that age range means you miss out on everything aforementioned, and if you do plan on ascending after a certain point, all you’ll get is a single mother or a roastie with a bodycount in the double digits. It’s genuinely over if you don’t looksmax as young as your highschool years. The blackpill will always take effect and the only work around is becoming attractive.
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@Veganist @Michael Myers @_MVP_ @JohnDoe thoughts?
Not even age. It's a cope. Polished pile of shit is still a pile of shit and yes, applying tret on your disgusting forehead will not increase your wrist circumference.
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Yes there is. Being married doesn't mean you stop looking attractive for your wife.
I agree there but after your prime years, is there any point of joining the race?
Only if it's masculinity related maxxing since your collagen will be fucked
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If I'm still khhv by my mid 20s I'm giving up though
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I agree there but after your prime years, is there any point of joining the race?
Well after marriage you just maintain with softmaxxes tbh
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Yes there is. Being married doesn't mean you stop looking attractive for your wife.
yea you have to keep that going. your wife will lose attraction to you as you age, i see it happening with my parents and its absolutely brutal
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Good point. I don’t think it’s ever too late to looksmaxx, even if you’re 35 you can start. You’re as old as you think you are. I’m 28 but feel 82, and I never cared for looksmaxxing and it shows. But if another person is 42 and he starts looksmaxxing at that age, then that’s not bad. Perhaps it’s the attitude in English-speaking countries where you need to be a certain age when you can still do things like going to college or looksmaxxing in this case but where I am from in Europe, it doesn’t matter what your age is— if you want a high school diploma and you’re 68, then you can go to school and get your high school diploma. Or you can go to college at 79 if you want. It really doesn’t matter. To summarize: it’s never too late. Only thing that’s actually holding you back is yourself.
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when you reach 25 you'll stop caring about missing out and trying to make up for it so it's all good
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you're in your prime for as long as you look young. Thats why skincare is the GOAT

Only if it's masculinity related maxxing since your collagen will be fucked
cope, you should never masc max, only roasties like that shit. always prettymax

I'm staying away from stuff that makes you look older.
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you're in your prime for as long as you look young. Thats why skincare is the GOAT

cope, you should never masc max, only roasties like that shit. always prettymax

I'm staying away from stuff that makes you look older.
Edward Cullen skin color or death
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IMO there is point, and with age looking younger and fit matters more. Ofc one may say things about status and money, but from purely physical perspective, you see woman (openly and secretely) despise balding men with beer bellies, skin without tone, zero muscle and so on. With age, genetics ofc still plays a huge role but you will see pretty boys descending if they give up, turning into mass without form. If you look enough after yourself (not to overgroomed gay point tho), you will have an advantage over people of same age (and it's not just about getting woman, but also about social interaction and stuff).
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Imagine being KHHV your whole life, and you’re in your mid 20s. Is there any point to looksmaxxing after 25? Your prime years are 16-25; you get to experience teen love, don’t have to worry much about finances, and get to network and socialize with people your age. Being unattractive at that age range means you miss out on everything aforementioned, and if you do plan on ascending after a certain point, all you’ll get is a single mother or a roastie with a bodycount in the double digits. It’s genuinely over if you don’t looksmax as young as your highschool years. The blackpill will always take effect and the only work around is becoming attractive.
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@Veganist @Michael Myers @_MVP_ @JohnDoe thoughts?
Too brutal
Imagine being KHHV your whole life, and you’re in your mid 20s. Is there any point to looksmaxxing after 25? Your prime years are 16-25; you get to experience teen love, don’t have to worry much about finances, and get to network and socialize with people your age. Being unattractive at that age range means you miss out on everything aforementioned, and if you do plan on ascending after a certain point, all you’ll get is a single mother or a roastie with a bodycount in the double digits. It’s genuinely over if you don’t looksmax as young as your highschool years. The blackpill will always take effect and the only work around is becoming attractive.
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@Veganist @Michael Myers @_MVP_ @JohnDoe thoughts?
Good point ngl
Edward Cullen skin color or death
i already have that skin colour.

these days its griffith skin, hair and eye colour or death due to hoeflation
IMG 6182
Yes there is. Being married doesn't mean you stop looking attractive for your wife.
But this isn’t relevant if you are arrangedmarriagemaxxing. The girls parents don’t really care about your looks.
But this isn’t relevant if you are arrangedmarriagemaxxing. The girls parents don’t really care about your looks.
No but the foid cares, yes she won't leave you but sex is going to be shit, if you want to atleast have a good sex life then you need to be in shape and do all the normie softmaxxing.
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No but the foid cares, yes she won't leave you but sex is going to be shit, if you want to atleast have a good sex life then you need to be in shape and do all the normie softmaxxing.
Depends on your base tbh.

A lot of the truecels who tried to force my sister to marry her had craniofacial issues. They probably had undiagnosed medical conditions which need surgery to fix.

How common is it for people to post their faces on here complaining about their recession and they get scans and sleep studies and they realise they have functional problems? Happens all the time.
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Depends on your base tbh.

A lot of the truecels who tried to force my sister to marry her had craniofacial issues. They probably had undiagnosed medical conditions which need surgery to fix.

How common is it for people to post their faces on here complaining about their recession and they get scans and sleep studies and they realise they have functional problems? Happens all the time.
if you're ltn which most curries are then just softmaxx is enough to satisfy wife.
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if you're ltn which most curries are then just softmaxx is enough to satisfy wife.
Uh. I’d say most curries are 2.5-3 PSL. Not LTN. Average arrangedmarriagemaxxer is 2 PSL. Many would benefit from surgery. The ones with unfixable failos should just escortcel. If they are still not happy, they should seek assisted suicide.
  • Hmm...
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Uh. I’d say most curries are 2.5-3 PSL. Not LTN. Average arrangedmarriagemaxxer is 2 PSL. Many would benefit from surgery. The ones with unfixable failos should just escortcel. If they are still not happy, they should seek assisted suicide.
ehh most curries in 20s i see IRL are LTN. 3 PSL can be LTN maybe on lower end? Even the ones who aren't they still arrangedmarriage instead of rot, a LTB is better than nothing tbh, fuck being lonely escortcel.
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old chads looksmaxx a lot so its legit
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I agree there but after your prime years, is there any point of joining the race?
You will force yourself to join the race eventually because we're biologically starved for love.
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Jfl where exactly?
There needs to be a large enough movement pushing for the legalisation of assisted suicide. Then the floodgates will open. Imagine if millions of people asked for the rope and were even willing to pay for it?
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There needs to be a large enough movement pushing for the legalisation of assisted suicide. Then the floodgates will open. Imagine if millions of people asked for the rope and were even willing to pay for it?
You said they should seek assisted suicide which sounds like they just need to go to a clinic and pay for it. But actually what you’re saying is they should spend their time campaigning for the government to change the law to allow assisted suicide for anyone who wants it, which is never going to happen as most of the public will always be against it. And when someone just wants to die they are not going to spend their time campaigning for something which is a pipe dream
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You said they should seek assisted suicide which sounds like they just need to go to a clinic and pay for it. But actually what you’re saying is they should spend their time campaigning for the government to change the law to allow assisted suicide for anyone who wants it, which is never going to happen as most of the public will always be against it. And when someone just wants to die they are not going to spend their time campaigning for something which is a pipe dream
Idk maybe there are shady doctors in shithole countries who might be willing to help them rope.
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Idk maybe there are shady doctors in shithole countries who might be willing to help them rope.
It must be a real shithole if the doctor is willing to kill a patient and not worried about legal consequences. Probably wouldn’t be the most reliable method either
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It must be a real shithole if the doctor is willing to kill a patient and not worried about legal consequences. Probably wouldn’t be the most reliable method either
It’s one of the reasons why we should push for assisted suicide. People with objectively poor life circumstances shouldn’t have to feel like they must continue living because it’s difficult for them to rope.
It’s one of the reasons why we should push for assisted suicide. People with objectively poor life circumstances shouldn’t have to feel like they must continue living because it’s difficult for them to rope.

We will have this once there’s a way to replace their labours - soon with AI and robotics. Until then, these suffering masses are needed.
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We will have this once there’s a way to replace their labours - soon with AI and robotics. Until then, these suffering masses are needed.
Yup. Plus people will become more blackpilled. Roping so t be seen negatively anymore. Those with poor life circumstances will be encouraged to rope.
Imagine being KHHV your whole life, and you’re in your mid 20s. Is there any point to looksmaxxing after 25? Your prime years are 16-25; you get to experience teen love, don’t have to worry much about finances, and get to network and socialize with people your age. Being unattractive at that age range means you miss out on everything aforementioned, and if you do plan on ascending after a certain point, all you’ll get is a single mother or a roastie with a bodycount in the double digits. It’s genuinely over if you don’t looksmax as young as your highschool years. The blackpill will always take effect and the only work around is becoming attractive.
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@Veganist @Michael Myers @_MVP_ @JohnDoe thoughts?
omg i saw this video and it made me so depressed iam 16 and iam so scared of missing out :trepidation:
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Imagine being KHHV your whole life, and you’re in your mid 20s. Is there any point to looksmaxxing after 25? Your prime years are 16-25; you get to experience teen love, don’t have to worry much about finances, and get to network and socialize with people your age. Being unattractive at that age range means you miss out on everything aforementioned, and if you do plan on ascending after a certain point, all you’ll get is a single mother or a roastie with a bodycount in the double digits. It’s genuinely over if you don’t looksmax as young as your highschool years. The blackpill will always take effect and the only work around is becoming attractive.
View attachment 3022297
@Veganist @Michael Myers @_MVP_ @JohnDoe thoughts?
holy shit you fucked my whole day with that video
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omg i saw this video and it made me so depressed iam 16 and iam so scared of missing out :trepidation:
You're not missing out on anything lul. @optimisticzoomer
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Yes, because life doesn’t actually end at 25. Far from it.
Seriously, tell me how it affects your physical health. How does it change your bone structure?
iam talking about missing out on teenage love
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The real blackpill is relationships and frequent sex are a psyop
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iam talking about missing out on teenage love
Yeah so how does it affect your personally? Does it make your wrists smaller, shrink your brain, or anything in that regard?
Yeah so how does it affect your personally? Does it make your wrists smaller, shrink your brain, or anything in that regard?
yes it feels like that 😞
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Just become asexual theory
But abstinence doesn't mean you're asexual, you still gotta rub one out every now and then
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being better looking is always better

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