Is there anything inherently wrong the R/TheRedPill



Nov 1, 2019
They preach pretty much everything about hypergamy and SoftMaxxing but the only thing that differs between this site and their ideology is they believe just hitting the gym and maintaining frame will make top 1% in men. What are your thoughts fellow BlackPillers
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Just lift and be confident bro
  • JFL
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R/redpill? More like r/bluepill
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They preach pretty much everything about hypergamy and SoftMaxxing but the only thing that differs between this site and their ideology is they believe just hitting the gym and maintaining frame will make top 1% in men. What are your thoughts fellow BlackPillers
Well that and all of their stuff about acting alpha and shit. Of course if you gym and act confident you will have a boost to your PSL. Water is wet.

However the blackpill mogs the redpill in the sense that in the face of looks your personality really does not matter. You could have the most autistic hobbies ever and act like a retard as long as you are attractive and women would still fall over themselves to be with you. The redpill is like inbetween the bluepill and blackpill in my own opinion.
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there are flaws in all ideologies but imo the blackpill is more developed than the red pill is. It's simply gaining a higher tier of knowledge and understanding what really maters
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redpill for the most part dont support surgery. when you ask them serious shit like what happens if you get mogged they tell you to become chad's friend(bitch)
  • JFL
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Those who follow the Redpill mindset doesnt understand individual women, they only understand macrosocietal patterns women follow. They dont know that the reason women follow a hypergamous and selective sexual romantic lifestyle is because of the biological urge to mate with the most genetically superior Male, or maybe they do.

The point is, they think that a subhuman can use effort alone to score with women, and maybe it might be true, but you will NEVER hold an ltr with any woman without getting cucked unless you are a natural top tier male.
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  • JFL
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Redpill is idealist, blackpill is materialist.
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No, there's nothing wrong with The Red Pill, both RP and BP intertwine with eachother and I see multiple posts daily here citing stuff like Status/Dom behaviour etc that is RP material and BP categories like gym/grooming is mentioned over there all the time. They both work towards the same goal, IE slaying women.
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The difference is people here are super insecure and beta to the very core and they do not know how to game and LEAD women. If you achieve your dream looks you may get laid but you will never take a woman's soul and make her worship you if you are an incel brained insecure cuck who spends time here. Both pills need more of the other. Most guys have never experienced the female-male dynamic where the girl looks up to you and does anything you want because you know how to handle and fuck her. Looks alone will never get you that. You have to be an alpha male to her for that.

Case in point, I saw a thread on asktrp by an incel who bragged how good he looks. He had gone on three dates with a model looking girl and had not escalated or touched her. Except for an awkward hand grab. The girl actually kissed him first to which to immediately said he loves her. He got ghosted after that and came crying to the forum. With some TRP knowledge he would have fucked her by the third date if not sooner. Good looks are essential but so is being a fucking man or at least faking it until you make it.
  • Ugh..
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They're copers

While they spend hours there writing essays about how "game" works Chad can just go up to girls and tell them how much he hates women and they'll suck his cock. Seriously just imagine a redpiller explaining to a male model how game works, the model would just think he's insane. Women have already decided if you're Worth their time once they've seen your face.

The biggest redpill cope is "shit testing", apparently it's when women try to insult you to test your "manliness" and if you're "alpha". Just fucking lol, as if a blatant insult means that she's into you. When women are into you they'll never play hard to get or insult you, they make it so easy for you and they'll throw themselves at you. Redpillers are just copers that can't accept that they're ugly so they come up with these absurd theories and do mental gymnastics to cope.
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i hate reddit redpillers. people are bragging in every sentence, everyone is perfect 6'2 8plus male..
They're copers

While they spend hours there writing essays about how "game" works Chad can just go up to girls and tell them how much he hates women and they'll suck his cock. Seriously just imagine a redpiller explaining to a male model how game works, the model would just think he's insane. Women have already decided if you're Worth their time once they've seen your face.

The biggest redpill cope is "shit testing", apparently it's when women try to insult you to test your "manliness" and if you're "alpha". Just fucking lol, as if a blatant insult means that she's into you. When women are into you they'll never play hard to get or insult you, they make it so easy for you and they'll throw themselves at you. Redpillers are just copers that can't accept that they're ugly so they come up with these absurd theories and do mental gymnastics to cope.

The thing is a natural Chad is NATURALLY redpilled because he had attention from women all his life. He knows how women function. He doesn't give a fuck about them. He has natural abundance mindset and passes tests naturally. Redpill is about emulating the same alpha behavior. The more alpha you seem the less they test you but when they sense betaness or fake alphas (like redpillers) they naturally do test if you are the real deal or a faggot who browses these forums and emulates chad's behavior to pretend he too has abundance of women and experience.

You are clearly young and probably a virgin and a good example why incels aren't liked very much. What good does it do to you to keep daydreaming about chads instead of trying to improve yourself? There are no chads here. Even if you went through surgeries and somehow fixed yourself and became better looking you would still be an incel on the inside and women would sniff that shit out in a heart beat.
  • JFL
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The thing is a natural Chad is NATURALLY redpilled because he had attention from women all his life. He knows how women function. He doesn't give a fuck about them. He has natural abundance mindset and passes tests naturally. Redpill is about emulating the same alpha behavior. The more alpha you seem the less they test you but when they sense betaness or fake alphas (like redpillers) they naturally do test if you are the real deal or a faggot who browses these forums and emulates chad's behavior to pretend he too has abundance of women and experience.

You are clearly young and probably a virgin and a good example why incels aren't liked very much. What good does it do to you to keep daydreaming about chads instead of trying to improve yourself? There are no chads here. Even if you went through surgeries and somehow fixed yourself and became better looking you would still be an incel on the inside and women would sniff that shit out in a heart beat.
Absolutely gold, "incel on the inside". As if my looks had nothing to do with how I ended up on a blackpilled forum. Maybe it's just one big coincidence that all the men who happen to be incels also happen to be ugly. Stop coping with "muh alpha behavior", women only care about your looks. It's not like she's fucking your behavior, she's fucking your physical body.
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They got some things wrong, just like this forum gets things wrong.

Not 8 but not 80 too.
Absolutely gold, "incel on the inside". As if my looks had nothing to do with how I ended up on a blackpilled forum. Maybe it's just one big coincidence that all the men who happen to be incels also happen to be ugly. Stop coping with "muh alpha behavior", women only care about your looks. It's not like she's fucking your behavior, she's fucking your physical body.

I said even if you ascend physically you would not be able to retain women with your looks alone. Looks are essential for attraction but you can't be a weak man if you want to make a woman worship you. I'm not saying an deformed ugly bald manlet can do that with alpha behavior although some do and without the game it would NEVER happen. Although that's the problem with redpill. They tell these guys to lift and you get banned over there when you suggest anything more drastic.
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Absolutely gold, "incel on the inside". As if my looks had nothing to do with how I ended up on a blackpilled forum. Maybe it's just one big coincidence that all the men who happen to be incels also happen to be ugly. Stop coping with "muh alpha behavior", women only care about your looks. It's not like she's fucking your behavior, she's fucking your physical body.
I agree, but men who are good looking will have alpha behavior which will attract women. Women are also attracted to behavior, which is why we sometimes hear about subhumans dating Stacys on this forum and other blackpill sites. But without looks there will be less opportunity for the opening to date women that good looking.
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110265 ad2ce18aceadeba8a6f87d926e27f65c 1
They're fucking retards
Once again, lifting would only work if you have a good base to begin with.
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I agree, but men who are good looking will have alpha behavior which will attract women. Women are also attracted to behavior, which is why we sometimes hear about subhumans dating Stacys on this forum and other blackpill sites. But without looks there will be less opportunity for the opening to date women that good looking.
Behavior only matters when there's some competition. Stacy will of course pick masculine Chad over a Chad who acts real beta, provided that they're equally attractive. If the beta Chad was even slightly more attractive than masculine Chad he would win but it won't matter if you're a 5'2 balding indian janitor jfl. Both the Chads I mentioned still slay all the time because they have the looks.
The Redpill:

"Everyone can be the Alpha male"

Short, ugly, etc.. Anyone can be an Apha male.

A false believes of "Alpha" Red Pillers (besides underestimating of looks):
* Alpha is in mind, size doesn't matter
* Looks Matter little. As well as grooming.
* Be cool, aggressive/dominant and serious (good for males, but not towards females overall)
* Never compliment a woman
Basically "Alpha" Red Pillers; think what works well to get higher up the ladder among males. Aka Male status from males. Also works for attracting females. But it's not like that 100%.

LOL @ this picture.
The "aplha crowd" always want to make men believe, we can all be alpha. But this picture accidentally tells the truth.

Alpha = handsome & tall.
Beta = short and not-handsome

Try on acting like a grumpy badass, when being a ugly-ish manlet.

This dude saying it doesn't matter to be short
. Can still be Aplha. Because of science.

Well reality, science says. Size matters. for being the Alpha. In nature, a small monkey can't be the alpha.
For the bar experiment jump to 55:45
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Attraction is way more complicated than looks alone. Don't be such a simple minded fool. Look at the caveman days. This shit is still in our brains. Observe how women fantasise over dark triad personalities, psychos, criminals, thugs, leaders, strong men etc. They crave dominance and abuse. Behavior, preselection and game has A LOT to do with attraction. You are a good example what's wrong with the blackpill community. Way too much emphasis on looks alone.

Just trying to prove a point why most people here will fail despite ascending physically. Even if you find a way to fraud your way to something remotely similar to chad's looks, your behavior and lack of game will blow your cover. It wont be congruent with your looks.
  • JFL
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Attraction is way more complicated than looks alone. Don't be such a simple minded fool. Look at the caveman days. This shit is still in our brains. Observe how women fantasise over dark triad personalities, psychos, criminals, thugs, leaders, strong men etc. They crave dominance and abuse. Behavior, preselection and game has A LOT to do with attraction. You are a good example what's wrong with the blackpill community. Way too much emphasis on looks alone.
I made a fake tinder account with a male model and I told women that I like eating shit and that I wanted to smear shit on their faces but they still tried to hit on me and stuff. I guess they liked my personality.

Also the user "getlooksordie" ascended hard with surgeries. He Went from ugly to Chad and he said that he got way more female attention after the surgeries but I guess the women could sense his better confidence after the surgeries.
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I made a fake tinder account with a male model and I told women that I like eating shit and that I wanted to smear shit on their faces but they still tried to hit on me and stuff. I guess they liked my personality.

Also the user "getlooksordie" ascended hard with surgeries. He Went from ugly to Chad and he said that he got way more female attention after the surgeries but I guess the women could sense his better confidence after the surgeries.

No point arguing with you since you lack real world experience and understanding. Tinder lol.

I was not talking about attention. I was talking about taking a woman's soul and making her your bitch. That takes more than surgeries.
  • JFL
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A mix of red/black pill is best imo to avoid going full retard either way.
Also, the red pill is probably more false than the blackpill objectively, but its probably best from a strategic point of view to believe the red pill rather than the black pill, which has a tendency to make people defeatist self-fulfilling prophets.
Also, ideally every man is redpilled for the best strategy for you. So redpill should be encouraged and spread.
In an ideal world every man would be redpilled, every woman bluepilled, and you and a few other high IQ people would be privately blackpilled.
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They're copers

While they spend hours there writing essays about how "game" works Chad can just go up to girls and tell them how much he hates women and they'll suck his cock. Seriously just imagine a redpiller explaining to a male model how game works, the model would just think he's insane. Women have already decided if you're Worth their time once they've seen your face.

The biggest redpill cope is "shit testing", apparently it's when women try to insult you to test your "manliness" and if you're "alpha". Just fucking lol, as if a blatant insult means that she's into you. When women are into you they'll never play hard to get or insult you, they make it so easy for you and they'll throw themselves at you. Redpillers are just copers that can't accept that they're ugly so they come up with these absurd theories and do mental gymnastics to cope.
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No point arguing with you since you lack real world experience and understanding. Tinder lol.

I was not talking about attention. I was talking about taking a woman's soul and making her your bitch. That takes more than surgeries.
Yeah I guess tinder is not reality, all the people on there are bots.

You cannot take a woman's "soul" jfl. She can only love you if you're 6'5, look like a model, have a 12 inch cock and make 100k a year.
Normies cant swallow too much of the truth
Attraction is way more complicated than looks alone. Don't be such a simple minded fool. Look at the caveman days. This shit is still in our brains. Observe how women fantasise over dark triad personalities, psychos, criminals, thugs, leaders, strong men etc. They crave dominance and abuse. Behavior, preselection and game has A LOT to do with attraction. You are a good example what's wrong with the blackpill community. Way too much emphasis on looks alone.

Just trying to prove a point why most people here will fail despite ascending physically. Even if you find a way to fraud your way to something remotely similar to chad's looks, your behavior and lack of game will blow your cover. It wont be congruent with your looks.
The things that make you a criminal or thug is testosterone which if you had during puberty means you had proper growth with a robust frame and skull. Behaving like thing won't get you laid if you don't look like one.
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A mix of red/black pill is best imo to avoid going full retard either way.
Also, the red pill is probably more false than the blackpill objectively, but its probably best from a strategic point of view to believe the red pill rather than the black pill, which has a tendency to make people defeatist self-fulfilling prophets.
Also, ideally every man is redpilled for the best strategy for you. So redpill should be encouraged and spread.
In an ideal world every man would be redpilled, every woman bluepilled, and you and a few other high IQ people would be privately blackpilled.
No, an ideal world would be every normie man and woman bluepilled, and like you said a few high incels privately blackpilled and redpilled. If every man was redpilled to much competition. I don't give a shit about other men.
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A mix of red/black pill is best imo to avoid going full retard either way.
Also, the red pill is probably more false than the blackpill objectively, but its probably best from a strategic point of view to believe the red pill rather than the black pill, which has a tendency to make people defeatist self-fulfilling prophets.
Also, ideally every man is redpilled for the best strategy for you. So redpill should be encouraged and spread.
In an ideal world every man would be redpilled, every woman bluepilled, and you and a few other high IQ people would be privately blackpilled.
I hope that the blackpill never becomes mainstream, I hope that more men will become redpilled and stay that way. They can be Confident, hold frame, work on their game and go on a bulk to looksmin all they want, just means less competition. Also society would collapse if every man was blackpilled.

No point arguing with you since you lack real world experience and understanding. Tinder lol.

I was not talking about attention. I was talking about taking a woman's soul and making her your bitch. That takes more than surgeries.
Never mind, you're absolutely right brother. Go out there and be alpha, spin plates, hold frame, bulk up and become fat and shave your hair once you go bald. Women love bald men, it's a sign of dominance and you'll look like Jason Statham or the rock with a shaved skull. Go out and slay king, women love a confident man :cool:💪💸
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You can't talk a woman into fucking you but you can talk her out of it.
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Add that to the fact that a naturally "redpilled" or alpha man is just a 9 or 10/10 that always had female attention all his life
Absolute LOL if you go on reddit voluntarily
No, an ideal world would be every normie man and woman bluepilled, and like you said a few high incels privately blackpilled and redpilled. If every man was redpilled to much competition. I don't give a shit about other men.
The competition is balanced out by how much power is taken away from women when men are not bluepilled. The reason why women have so much power is because men are largely bluepilled today. In a traditional society, most men were redpilled and women had far less power. Those are the societies where nearly every man married, etc.
I hope that the blackpill never becomes mainstream, I hope that more men will become redpilled and stay that way. They can be Confident, hold frame, work on their game and go on a bulk to looksmin all they want, just means less competition. Also society would collapse if every man was blackpilled.
Yeah we should be actively trying to conceal the blackpill. I hate it when people try to spread it.
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The competition is balanced out by how much power is taken away from women when men are not bluepilled. The reason why women have so much power is because men are largely bluepilled today. In a traditional society, most men were redpilled and women had far less power. Those are the societies where nearly every man married, etc.

Yeah we should be actively trying to conceal the blackpill. I hate it when people try to spread it.
Your actually right tbh, you changed my mind. Cheers buddy boyo, I might tell guys I will know in the future about the redpill. I need some disciples.
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Your actually right tbh, you changed my mind. Cheers buddy boyo, I might tell guys I will know in the future about the redpill. I need some disciples.
Damn right on
cheers bro
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Came across a video. That says what I tried to say also.

The RedPill. Is all about being Aplha.

You can only be full Alpha, imo. If both men and women recognise you in that way:

  • So Sad
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Came across a video. That says what I tried to say also.

The RedPill. Is all about being Aplha.

You can only be full Alpha, imo. If both men and women recognise you in that way:

personality is downstream from looks

The things you said on the thread (that personality matters even if someone ascends to chad tier) might be relevant if you are talking about getting long term relationships or slaying high tier stacies (that has no shortage of chads), but this is still extremely irrelevant if we are talking about casual dates/hookups or fucking beckies.
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