It doesn't matter how "good" you are



Mentalcel Supreme™ with Cheese
Aug 10, 2018
It doesn't matter how "good" you are, It doesn't matter if you're above average, if you're in the top 30%, or the top 15%, what matters is that there is someone better which would render all of those things invalid and would yield the same result as you being in the bottom 10%.

This rule applies to all aspects of life, as long as there is someone better, your efforts don't matter if there is someone better.
You're either the best or you're nobody.
Yeah, the other 7.5 billion of us should just ldar cause we aren't the absolute best looking.
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retard mentality
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What's your point boyo? Yes. There is always someone bigger, stronger, smarter, BETTER. Better than you in every way. So what? The goal of life is to use what you have and get the most out of it. This is obviously different for everyone. Comparing yourself to the best may motivate you to push yourself harder in life, however, most of the time, that does more harm than good.
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This is useless
What's your point boyo? Yes. There is always someone bigger, stronger, smarter, BETTER. Better than you in every way. So what? The goal of life is to use what you have and get the most out of it. This is obviously different for everyone. Comparing yourself to the best may motivate you to push yourself harder in life, however, most of the time, that does more harm than good.
It's not about comparing yourself to others, it's about the results.

And if you put 100% effort into something, but there is still someone even slightly better, your efforts will yield the same result as being the bottom of the barrel.
user is just fishing for compliments here, should be put on ignore list by everyone
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Weak mentality
user is just fishing for compliments here, should be put on ignore list by everyone
How exactly am I fishing for compliments, silly?
It doesn't matter how "good" you are, It doesn't matter if you're above average, if you're in the top 30%, or the top 15%, what matters is that there is someone better which would render all of those things invalid and would yield the same result as you being in the bottom 10%.

This rule applies to all aspects of life, as long as there is someone better, your efforts don't matter if there is someone better.
You're either the best or you're nobody.
And yet, if there isn't anyone better than you readily available to the person you get together with, you are the best available. Why the fuck should I care that Gandy mogs me, when Gandy lives in another country?
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weak mentality 2
u should roid so ur t levels go up u talk like a low t pussy boy specimen
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Everyone saying "weak mentality" but this post is legit af. As soon as you are at risk of being mogged, its over.
Everyone saying "weak mentality" but this post is legit af. As soon as you are at risk of being mogged, its over.
Risk of being mogged in a western country lol. Anywhere else and women are restrained by society, religion, or the law. So while she might fancy fucking that 6'4 muscular chad, she won't, because there are repercussions for doing so.
Risk of being mogged in a western country lol. Anywhere else and women are restrained by society, religion, or the law. So while she might fancy fucking that 6'4 muscular chad, she won't, because there are repercussions for doing so.

This is enough. Intention is what counts.
This is enough. Intention is what counts.
How? Just to give an example, where I live people marry in their late teens- early 20s and remain together for life. Even if the wife feels ZERO sexual attraction towards her partner, she will commit and remain faithful for the sake of the children, her extended family, the husband's family, etc. So I don't understand how the intention is what counts. If I intend on murdering you tonight and eating you (lol), but never act on that intention, how does that count?
How? Just to give an example, where I live people marry in their late teens- early 20s and remain together for life. Even if the wife feels ZERO sexual attraction towards her partner, she will commit and remain faithful for the sake of the children, her extended family, the husband's family, etc. So I don't understand how the intention is what counts. If I intend on murdering you tonight and eating you (lol), but never act on that intention, how does that count?

I would prefer to be incel for life than experiencing that scenario. Attraction is ALL THAT COUNTS. Validation and genuine desire and love are ALL THAT COUNTS.

Anything other is just a bad cope, worse than being just a loner NEET.
Everyone saying "weak mentality" but this post is legit af. As soon as you are at risk of being mogged, its over.
Precisely, getting mogged even slightly is an instant -3 PSL decrease in the eyes of foids, rendering you no longer compatible with them.
I would prefer to be incel for life than experiencing that scenario. Attraction is ALL THAT COUNTS. Validation and genuine desire and love are ALL THAT COUNTS.

Anything other is just a bad cope, worse than being just a loner NEET.
Do you see any other way to reign in female's hypergamous instincts other than the threat of force / societal ostracism ??
Because otherwise they're going to give that "validation and genuine desire" to the most attractive and high status males only and leave the rest with nothing. As is slowly transpiring in the west
Do you see any other way to reign in female's hypergamous instincts other than the threat of force / societal ostracism ??
Because otherwise they're going to give that "validation and genuine desire" to the most attractive and high status males only and leave the rest with nothing. As is slowly transpiring in the west

I dont care. THe only way that counts is trough valudation and genuine desire as I said. Good measures would be government subsidized plastic surgery and strong funding to body modification research. Any other things are copes which shouldn't even be bothered with.
Precisely, getting mogged even slightly is an instant -3 PSL decrease in the eyes of foids, rendering you no longer compatible with them.

You seem to be one of the few truly blackpilled users on this site. I see lots of PUA-like atmosphere here...
I dont care. THe only way that counts is trough valudation and genuine desire as I said. Good measures would be government subsidized plastic surgery and strong funding to body modification research. Any other things are copes which shouldn't even be bothered with.

You seem to be one of the few truly blackpilled users on this site. I see lots of PUA-like atmosphere here...
Government subsidized gene modification sounds great since plastic surgery is in the grand scheme of things just another cope. It won't solve anything since the offspring will have incel genetics obviously.

If it ain't CRISPR gene modification then it's cope
You seem to be one of the few truly blackpilled users on this site. I see lots of PUA-like atmosphere here.

Because most of the faggots here only dipped their toes in the blackpill. Thinking that "not being ugly" is good enough, lol.
Because most of the faggots here only dipped their toes in the blackpill. Thinking that "not being ugly" is good enough, lol.
Is it 80-20, 90-10, or 95-5?
Honest and no exaggerations
Government subsidized gene modification sounds great since plastic surgery is in the grand scheme of things just another cope. It won't solve anything since the offspring will have incel genetics obviously.

If it ain't CRISPR gene modification then it's cope

No, who cares about having offspring, caring about having kids is for cucks. What matters is YOUR ACTUAL CURRENT quality of life, and raising your looks, no matter trough which means, will give you a dramatic increase of quality of life. No, its not a cope at all.
Is it 80-20, 90-10, or 95-5?
Honest and no exaggerations

if you are 4/10 you can already get laid in clubs, but true desire and true quality of life is 90-10. Kinda grey area.
No, who cares about having offspring, caring about having kids is for cucks. What matters is YOUR ACTUAL CURRENT quality of life, and raising your looks, no matter trough which means, will give you a dramatic increase of quality of life. No, its not a cope at all.
Who cares about having offspring, it's not like that's our only subjective purpose on this earth amirite
Because most of the faggots here only dipped their toes in the blackpill. Thinking that "not being ugly" is good enough, lol.

Which is freaking surprising coming from a forum about looksmaxxing, in which half of the community comes from incel forums and the other half from PSL...
Who cares about having offspring, it's not like that's our only subjective purpose on this earth amirite

You can have a happy and fulfilling life as a 8/10 walking god on earth even if you don't cuck your life away raising offspring.

Anyways life has no meaning, existence has no meaning, biology has no meaning, nothing has meaning. The only meaning is your own.
95-5, maybe even 97-3
Maybe it's that bad in the UK and commonwealth * but I'd suspect it to be 85-15 throughout the rest of the western world

and 50-50 over here. Thanks to ISLAM
Maybe it's that bad in the UK NZ and the US but I'd suspect it to be 85-15 throughout the rest of the western world

and 50-50 over here. Thanks to ISLAM
patriarchy forced bullshit doesn't count. That law talks about real desire. Of course if you count the betabuxx in the west is clear 50-50 too.
Maybe it's that bad in the UK and commonwealth * but I'd suspect it to be 85-15 throughout the rest of the western world

and 50-50 over here. Thanks to ISLAM
Yeah, the UK is really fucking bad.
Girls here lose their virginities at 13-14 and most males are still virgins at 18. So those girls must be fucking an extremely tiny minority.

It's over ?

patriarchy forced bullshit doesn't count. That law talks about real desire. Of course if you count the betabuxx in the west is clear 50-50 too.
Dude. When a woman has no choice but to settle with a another man that her father has chosen for her, she will (generally) eventually come to develop love and affection for him. You can call this bluepilled BS as is easy for someone approaching this from your perspective but I have seen and heard of it IRL. Their biology isn't changed, but their instincts are tamed, and they can appreciate that man despite his flaws, since he is their lifeblood and their protector. Although in some instances this doesn't happen, and the women lead miserable, sexually repressed lives. But this is a win situation for men, and so being men it is the system which we should be striving towards since it serves our collective interests
Yeah, the UK is really fucking bad.
Girls here lose their virginities at 13-14 and most males are still virgins at 18. So those girls must be fucking an extremely tiny minority.
JFL even the sluttiest most skanky piece of shit cumdumpster doesn't lose her virginity (as in gets fucked in the pussy) until after 18. And 97% of guys are still virgins at 18 too, no exaggeration
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Dude. When a woman has no choice but to settle with a another man that her father has chosen for her, she will (generally) eventually come to develop love and affection for him. You can call this bluepilled BS as is easy for someone approaching this from your perspective but I have seen and heard of it IRL. Their biology isn't changed, but their instincts are tamed, and they can appreciate that man despite his flaws, since he is their lifeblood and their protector

To me the main enjoyment from sex comes from being sexually desired and having a girl turned on for me, craving my dick.

Also LOL if you think stockolm syndrome works with sexuality, JFL. There are tons of cases of arranged married women KILLING or trying to sabotage their husbands. Open your eyes.
To me the main enjoyment from sex comes from being sexually desired and having a girl turned on for me, craving my dick.

Also LOL if you think stockolm syndrome works with sexuality, JFL. There are tons of cases of arranged married women KILLING or trying to sabotage their husbands. Open your eyes.
I'm just providing you with the best feasible solution, some are going to win and some are going to lose, it's either that or revert to hunter-gatherer style hypergamy

Also, do you shouldermog me for real? I am 12 inches
I'm just providing you with the best feasible solution, some are going to win and some are going to lose, it's either that or revert to hunter-gatherer style hypergamy

Also, do you shouldermog me for real? I am 12 inches

Dunno, show a pic and ill tell you.

No, there are OTHER legit solutions. I would prefer to stay an incel that to have a wife trough arranged marriage or patriarchy, seriously. I say it seriously. Goverment subsidized plastic surgery and research on body modification is actually MORE feasible than returning to a patriarchy anyways.
Goverment subsidized plastic surgery and research on body modification is actually MORE feasible than returning to a patriarchy anyways
I want to believe...
Dunno, show a pic and ill tell you.

No, there are OTHER legit solutions. I would prefer to stay an incel that to have a wife trough arranged marriage or patriarchy, seriously. I say it seriously. Goverment subsidized plastic surgery and research on body modification is actually MORE feasible than returning to a patriarchy anyways.
Mass euthanasia would be much better, and it has been tried and tested.
This is cope, it helps you stay a loser because you believe there’s no point in trying. Have fun I guess
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It's not about comparing yourself to others, it's about the results.

And if you put 100% effort into something, but there is still someone even slightly better, your efforts will yield the same result as being the bottom of the barrel.
I'm sorry buddy boyo but that logic is quite retarded. Let me use looksmaxing as an example. If you're a 6 + PSL you can DEFINITELY attract more than 90% of all women and bang them, you will have no problems with women, however, if a certain women you're banging comes across a 6'6 260 lbs muscular dude, with a 26 inch bideltoid, hunter eyes, a jaw that could cut steel and God tier harmony, then yes, she will see you as a genetic trash and leave for him in a heartbeat.

They are people who will always be better than you in every aspect, but using that as an excuse to throw your life away is an extremely cucked mentality. If people thought across those lines, the world would cease to function and everything would go to shit.
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Yeah, the other 7.5 billion of us should just ldar cause we aren't the absolute best looking.
That’s stupid as fuck.

First you have to take into account the probability of actually running into someone who has all these qualities over you. Because I can guarantee you that they are not present at every corner of the street.

Second, grow a fucking pair of balls and enjoy what has been given to you.
Not even terminal stage cancer patient sound as depressed for fuck sake.

Edit : double negative
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Sub shoe size iq thread. So someone who makes 10 million in a year should just ldar because someone makes more?

I thought this going to be about GoodBoyMaxxing.

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