Its actually fucking over if your 5’10

stats and me walking around campus, I'm taller than 80% maybe same height as 10% at 5'8
which city? kek i don't believe you, i know for a fact young american foids not 10% are same height as you, get the fuck outta here bhai. Tons of 5'7-5'9 girls over there.
which city? kek i don't believe you, i know for a fact young american foids not 10% are same height as you, get the fuck outta here bhai. Tons of 5'7-5'9 girls over there.
san diego, but I live in Canada now and this is a rough guess I'm usually never heightmogged by women at school and the only time I am is when I see the girls volleyball or basketball team
san diego, but I live in Canada now and this is a rough guess I'm usually never heightmogged by women at school and the only time I am is when I see the girls volleyball or basketball team
san diego is full of ethnics JFL, latinos/etc. Go to a different city and see the young girls, brutal heightmog for you
san diego is full of ethnics JFL, latinos/etc. Go to a different city and see the young girls, brutal heightmog for you
my school was mostly white but ok :lul:

you talk too much when you don't even live here
my school was mostly white but ok :lul:

you talk too much when you don't even live here
because you are telling lies, i know for a fact young white foids in america new gen z are tall as fuck.
because you are telling lies, i know for a fact young white foids in america new gen z are tall as fuck.
your a retard who dosent live here, littarly nobody else will tell you zoomer girls are 5'7-5'9 on average stop coping cause your a manlet
san diego is full of ethnics
and like I said before I moved to Canada where the average height is reportedly taller and yet most zoomer girls are 5'3-5'7 on average
White women in rich areas are 5’6 on average in the west (seriously). Encountering white women that are 5’10 is not that uncommon.
That’s why I say I’m a manlet at 5’10” because the women here are tall as frick.
If you were anywhere but the Netherlands it would be fine
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5’10-5’11 women are literally 6’5-6’7 men that weren’t born men, jfl if you think that’s common
Depends on the area + race, white women are very tall on avg (5’6)
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If you were anywhere but the Netherlands it would be fine
Retard moved to chad central :lul:, imagine going outside and having to walk past 6’2 6’3 blue eyed chads as a manlet and shitskin, my cortisol would fly through the roof anytime I stepped outside.
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Retard moved to chad central :lul:, imagine going outside and having to walk past 6’2 6’3 blue eyed chads as a manlet and shitskin, my cortisol would fly through the roof anytime I stepped outside.
Literally the tallest and best looking country in the world LOL
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Retard moved to chad central :lul:, imagine going outside and having to walk past 6’2 6’3 blue eyed chads as a manlet and shitskin, my cortisol would fly through the roof anytime I stepped outside.
What’s the US equivalent of being 5’10 and Indian in the Netherlands
You arent 5’10. Dont bullshit yourself
yeah it’s common knowledge most men below 5’10 larp to 5’10 tbh
The dude is 5’7” thinking hr’s 5’10”. What a larper
Im a genuine 5’10.5 and luckily my proportions are good so i look even taller. On my online profiles i get guessed as being 6’3+ most often which is why i may attract tall girls. I have measured myself and had many different people measure me multiple times over the last 3 years since i stopped growing, everytime my height was between 5’10-5’11
yeah but u live in fucking japan or so

come to germany, at 5'8 u will be dwarfed by half the foids
location matters a lot. Im in a massively predominantly white/eastern european area in the uk, almost all the girls that have height mogged me were white.
nope UK, and honestly even if i was, i wouldnt care at all. I'm not gonna cry about something i couldn't change at all. Atleast with your face there is alot of looksmaxx but with height there is none, either ur tall or u aren't, keep coping
Which part of the uk are u from, is it ethnically diverse?
i was 5'7 not too long ago as well, still same issue most girls are at best 5'4-5'6, thats why i say its over below 5'7 but ofc there are some exceptions like being really good looking in the face lol
I know the average is still shorter than me but im saying that i still get height mogged more often than expected at 5’10, i get height mogged at least once a day
im 6 foot barefoot and have only been noticabley height mogged by a women once
The difference between 5’10 and 6 foot is substantial, most girls that height mog me are 5’10-5’11, i say they height mog me because they are the same height as me but female so i look like a manlet. I still see 6 foot women taller than me at least once a week, theres no way youve only seen one
Exactly, it's a common misconception that tall girls are ugly, those days are long gone, back in 2000s where the super tall girl was an ugly freak. These days the girls aren't just freakishly tall and ugly, they have good genetics and are tall and good looking with good bone structure all around. They have a good face and good body, it's insane really, truly over for manlets but at the same time i've noticed shorter girls are more heightist than taller girls, they're insecure while taller girls like 5'6 5'7 5'8 don't mind sometimes if the guy is same height or just an inch or two taller.
yep, thats why tall girls mog unless your insecure about height, which i kind of am now. The 5’11 girl im talking to told me she doesn’t care about height as long as the guy isnt super short like 5 foot, the 5’10 girl’s only ever boyfriend was shorter than her at 5’9
Yh 5'4-5'8 very common, 5'6-5'9 more common than people think
yep i still am taller than the majority of women, but then i also get height kogged enough for me to say that women can definitely be tall and its not uncommon
stats and me walking around campus, I'm taller than 80% maybe same height as 10% at 5'8
where do u live? India?
I see 5'4-5'8 the most often in public rarely above 5'9
yes same, but i see enough people to get height mogged often by 5’10+ women
5'10 - 5'11 is not common obvious but i regularly see girls in the 5'6-5'9 range. Womanlets are nowhere to be seen these days.

where do u live? India?
are you retarded? In the same thread you replied too I said California and Canada were the areas. And I fraud to 5'9 in shoes so 80-90% of women being shorter makes sense

I doubt you guys are measuring well or remembering that eye level matters cause me seeing a women that heightmogs me is rare
are you retarded? In the same thread you replied too I said California and Canada were the areas. And I fraud to 5'9 in shoes so 80-90% of women being shorter makes sense

I doubt you guys are measuring well or remembering that eye level matters cause me seeing a women that heightmogs me is rare
Over for you

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