Its an absolute shame that europe is losing its culture

Europe is responsible for making lots of places shit holes, now yall taking responsibility. Sucks your blond daughters are getting gang cucked by south african BBC
Sebastian Kurz, Matteo Salvini, Victor Orban

Not over yet. Its just the beginning boyos
I predict another war of religion in Europe in 2090.
If this shit continues I mean
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I suppose the fact it’s gone from 99% white to 80% white in a few decades without signs of slowing is worrying enough.
Is it truly though when you take into account how much easier it is to immigrate to another country now than it was in 1950 and the sharp decrease of white birth rates? The number's actually 86%, at least according to that one study in 2011, might perhaps be 85% now.
I predict another war of religion in Europe in 2090
If this shit continues I mean
Not sure how it'll all work out. Lots of shit can happen in 70 years, look at the last century, lol. We might all be dead by then perhaps due to nuclear warfare. I doubt it but it's a possibility.
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It's white people fault tbqh don't blame the jews
whites are the cucks
How I wish we can go back in time...

Do you guys think 100-200 years later, another war will breakout where the white man prevails once again?




I love seeing Europe being destroyed. Brings me joy seeing you cucks get what you deserve. That's what you guys get for accepting such bum fuckery. You turned your backs on your Satanic Gentile roots. Choosing instead cuck thoughts, influenced by Judeo Catholic garbage.

Daily reminder that the future faces of Europe are already here:


Screenshot 2020 05 09 at 023642



Giphy 2

Over for Eurocels.
Do you guys think 100-200 years later, another war will breakout where the white man prevails once again?

No, it will never happen again. They don't have the IQ. They don't have the intellectual, nutritional, and development advantage they once had. Jews and asians will dominate.

There won’t be a white race to partake in a war a hundred years from now. Most European countries will be non white within 24-30 years.
London is only 44% white now for example.
Hispanic children vastly outnumber white children in America now as well.

No one did anything and no one does anything to stop it, that’s why it happened.

Yeh this is pretty true. The race-mixing element of it is actually vastly overstated. The main issue is mass immigration (with global warming you can probably expect more), and birth rates. Even in the US. Only 2-5% of white mothers give birth to a non-white baby (if I remember the stats correctly). It's not the highest, but it's also not the lowest. And ofc, over a really long period of time, it becomes really significant ,and whites get outbreed.

Most of europe is gonna non-white by 2050 continuing at this rate. You're absolutely right about that.

Idk about london, but I don't think whites can compete there either. That's why they're a minority. They import high ethnic talent. That said, I don't understand why anyone would wanna live in London though. It's not the powerhouse it once was, rent and housing is insanely overpriced (basically NYC level bad), only difference is that in London you make NO money. In NYC you at least make bank. London is so fucking dogshit. You have lower COL and make more money in germany, netherlands, switzerland, nordic countries, etc.

It’s not as bad yet as people make it out to be, and politics are rapidly shifting towards the right in order to stop it.

there is a literally party with neo nazi roots topping polls in Sweden, search on google if you don’t believe me.

most ethnics aren’t assimilated and live in their own shithole neighbourhoods/council apartments.

People said trump and brexit would never Happen.. a few years later and here we are in a different world.

white people are lenient until they’re not

Trump and Brexit etc is a bad thing for the white race though. Just makes them look pathetic tbh. Maybe I'm the only one, but I don't give a single fuck about the white race. I have no stake in this population and society. I'm literally incel. Why would I give a single fuck about anything? The only thing that matters to me is the name, reputation and status of white people. That's it. Because that directly benefits me. If they randomly starts being viewed badly, then that's bad for me.

they created, maintain, and have power over the debt-based fractional reserve banking system in white countries, which is a form of modern slavery.

In short, the person who can print some text saying 100 dollars on a price of paper and demand you work for a day to earn it, is the person who owns your country.

All central banks in white countries and the world were established by Jews.

Isn't this a lie though? That's the issue with a lot of these conspiracies. You can't prove and you can't disprove it. If someone could undoubtly prove that this was the case, I think people would get mad. But you can't, and a lot of people argue otherwise. Just google search "does jews control the fed". You'll have a decent amount of articles that comes up that argues quite well for the fact that they don't. Here's one such example:

In 1983, the charge that Rothschild banks and other international banking concerns, mostly with Jewish names, controlled the Federal Reserve was published (probably from earlier sources) in the newsletter of a local Pennsylvania chapter of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) — not an extremist group. The article stated that the Federal Reserve System "is not a Federal entity but a private corporation owned in part by the following: Rothschild banks of London and Berlin, Lazard Brothers bank of Paris, Israel Moses Seif banks of Italy, Warburg bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam, Lehman Bros. bank of New York, Chase Manhattan bank of New York, Kuhn, Loeb bank of New York, Goldman Sachs bank of New York."

In fact the Federal Reserve Bank of New York — the largest and most significant of the Fed’s 12 banks — lists the banks in the Second Federal Reserve District that are members and stockholders in the New York Federal Reserve Bank. With the exception of the Chase Manhattan Bank, the institutions cited by the NARFE newsletter as allegedly owning and controlling the Federal Reserve system ("Rothschild ... Lazard Brothers ... Israel Moses Seif... Warburg ... Lehman Brothers ... Kuhn, Loeb ... Goldman, Sachs") were not members of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Source: (You have to read every chapter on this source. When you scroll all the way down, you can go to the next chapter) & just googl around after myths and shit.

No fucking shit, modern technology has allowed immigration to become way easier, are you surprised immigrants became a lot more common? Especially with the change of view society had on other ethnicities? I’m not here to argue with some aspie. Like I said before, show me some evidence indicating whites (in the U.K.) will be a minority by 2050 like you claimed earlier. It’s not that hard you retarded Jew. The article you linked didn’t conclude the U.K. being mostly ethnic by 2050 either.

As technology is increasing, more globalization happens. More offsourcing happens. The elimination of borders are gonna happen earlier than we think imo. Just look how much technology has improved in the past 30 years). People will be doing all their work online. There wil lbe no need for borders.

I'll say this though, regardless of whether the jewish conspiracies are true or not (probably not tbh, or insanely overstated). It must be serious lifefuel to be born a jew. Because they do hold a lot of power and nepotism is really strong in their culture.If you have a solid jewish last name, you're basically set for life. You nearly achieve god status. Actually had a friend like that growing up. Now he's all of a sudden a millionaire out of nowhere. When you google his last name, it immediately comes up that it's a popular jewish last name. They're massively favored into ivy-league schools etc. Around 20-30% of the student body at Harvard is jewish. You're high IQ and you basically get affirmative action on steroids.
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No offense but it’s not just niggas, if you go to Milan all you will see are gooks. Who get with the white men. White people are being taken from every corner.
  • JFL
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No offense but it’s not just niggas, if you go to Milan all you will see are gooks. Who get with the white men. White people are being taken from every corner.

Feminism has driven white birth rates down to record lows. Maybe you should start blaming white males for letting this happen in the first place.
Feminism has driven white birth rates down to record lows. Maybe you should start blaming white males for letting this happen in the first place.
Exactly, I’m a high T gigachang Italian white male, and a lot of vanilla white males try to befriend me, and sometimes it’s shocking to me how much of pussies they are. Shout outs to the one blonde communist kid who tried to jump me in the hallway in 10th grade though.
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