It's so obvious ethnics will die out in the West

I agree it's full of paradoxes. There are extremes. You will see ethnics with 5+ children and ethnics with 0 children and ending their bloodline. Maybe they will balance each other out.

Yesterday I was at an iftar with my childhood friends. All of us 30+. Various ethnicity. 7/10 of us were unmarried. I'm sure all of the 7 except me were virgins.

Even if they have 20 kids, their kids will be childless or have at most 1 kid.

I had an afghan co worker, youngest of 6 kids. She only had one child at age 32 and her siblings have zero.

In the 1960s Turkey and Iran had birth rates of 6.0, today its less than 2 for both.

People don't realise how fast things change
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SFcels need to stop worrying about ethnics invading their country. This 'great replacement' thesis is totally blown out of proportion and short sighted, focusing on current trends.

It's no coincidence the biggest incels on this website are ethnics. Every fucking day I come across another ethnic struggling to attract someone and they are always in the West. I look at places like r/hingeapp on Reddit and there is a disproportionate amount of Indians and complaining. Just look at this forum and many oldcel who are single are almost always ethnics living in the West. Me, my sister and brother, all three of us are 30+ now, and realistically all three of us will end our bloodline. I guarantee you, the incel rate amongst ethnics is anywhere between 3-10x worse than whites (depending on your ethnicity). If you're Indian you most likely are 10x worse than a white guy.

This idea of ethnics replacing whites is totally overblown. Ethnics won't even replace themselves. They will have kids who no one will want to fuck. This is the biggest flaw of the great replacement theory. It's the fact that they will be rejected by whites, and ethnics will imbibe the same mentality of secular liberalism and reject their own men. Unlike white women they will charge ethnic men with both low SMV and low levels of being a traditional man (something white women don't ask for but ethnic women do).
Just send them to ukraine
Even if they have 20 kids, their kids will be childless or have at most 1 kid.

I had an afghan co worker, youngest of 6 kids. She only had one child at age 32 and her siblings have zero.

In the 1960s Turkey and Iran had birth rates of 6.0, today its less than 2 for both.

People don't realise how fast things change
Exactly. That drop in birth rates is brutal and Idk if western countries were that bad - sounds like it might have been more steady decline, even though they are below 2.1 replacement levels

I think Globalisation will affect ethnics far more than whites. Especially when it comes to beauty standards. South Asians will suffer the most because the entire continent does not match the same SMV as a white HTN except Salludon.
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Disagree. White people don’t breed so they will be replaced. Average birth rates in Europe are abysmal.

View attachment 3520308

The only way to fill the gaps in birth rates is mass immigration or else the economy collapses.

These immigrants only kick the can down the road its not solving the issue
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Exactly. That drop in birth rates is brutal and Idk if western countries were that bad - sounds like it might have been more steady decline, even though they are below 2.1 replacement levels

I think Globalisation will affect ethnics far more than whites. Especially when it comes to beauty standards. South Asians will suffer the most because the entire continent does match the same SMV as a white HTN except Salludon.

I read that in the 1900s Europe used to be like 45% of the world population and today it's like 8% which is a gigantic drop.

For context i have 6 older sisters, they all have at most 2 kids with most of them only having one. I'm thr only outlier since I've donated sperm.

Well Even india has a low birth rate and so does the entire middle east
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This is what I always found funny about white nationalists talking about “Muh ethnic takeover”

Do they seriously think that western culture has no influence on us or that our birth rates won’t crash down to their levels after one generation?

Ethnics seem to have lots of kids because the first generation always has +3 kids minimum. However those kids born and raised in the west would have no incentive to have lots of children, in fact it is often a burden

Trust me, ethnics aren’t taking anything over
  • +1
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I read that in the 1900s Europe used to be like 45% of the world population and today it's like 8% which is a gigantic drop.

For context i have 6 older sisters, they all have at most 2 kids with most of them only having one. I'm thr only outlier since I've donated sperm.

Well Even india has a low birth rate and so does the entire middle east
It will all come crashing down if current trends continue. I posted this thread after listening to this podcast by this dinosaur 🦕

It's a good talk from 12 mins to 30 mins. He touches upon on it but he massively underestimates the 'cultural changes' - he mentions female education, hypergamy but can't quite put his finger on why women and men are having less sex. An 85 year old who grew up without social media wouldn't understand anyway...
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