I've been on antibiotics for 4 years straight


Deleted member 5927

Is my gut biome absolutely fucked? Is it destroying my hormone levels? I've been on minocycline and doxycline, cycled back and forth every 3 months by my dermatologist for acne, for a solid 4 years. I'm 19 now.
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Yes, you're completely fucked.

Why didn't you do acctuane? 6 months to a year on that shit and it gets rid of it.
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Yes, you're completely fucked.

Why didn't you do acctuane? 6 months to a year on that shit and it gets rid of it.
I did get on accutane as well. Should I stop taking minocycline right fucking now? I'm supposed to take it tonight. It stops my cystic acne. I'm just worried about my gut. What do I do man, what do i do?
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Holy shit 4 Years??? Jesus
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you're at a higher risk for getting a c-diff infection, and yellow teeth due to the doxy. If you start getting gut issues, tht's the time to worry, worst case scenario is a severe c -diff infection known as psuedomembranous colitis (your entire colon gets fkd = you need something called a stool transplant - they literally transplant shit from another person and put it in your colon to recolonize your colon).
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Holy shit 4 Years??? Jesus
Dude I didn't even want to be on antibiotics! I asked my fucking derm for accutane for a second round and he said it's not bad enough for accutane again! Wtf! So gay
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I did get on accutane as well. Should I stop taking minocycline right fucking now? I'm supposed to take it tonight. It stops my cystic acne. I'm just worried about my gut. What do I do man, what do i do?
idk, im no expert. Stop taking the antibiotics, start taking good probiotics/prebiotics. Foods like sourkraut, kimchi etc for healthy gut. Higher dose of accutane and a good skin care routine with retin-a and niacinamide will help.
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You must have like 0 bacteria in u
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I have a soruce for accutane bro if you need it.
idk, im no expert. Stop taking the antibiotics, start taking good probiotics/prebiotics. Foods like sourkraut, kimchi etc for healthy gut. Higher dose of accutane and a good skin care routine with retin-a and niacinamide will help.
Yeah, stop that and try aip diet (research this! It's a lot to get into but it's wort it) to identify what's causing your skin to be so oily

Use some probiotic supplements to restore your microbiome. Your dermatologist, like many doctors, is a wrongly educated fool
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idk, im no expert. Stop taking the antibiotics, start taking good probiotics/prebiotics. Foods like sourkraut, kimchi etc for healthy gut. Higher dose of accutane and a good skin care routine with retin-a and niacinamide will help.
My skin is hyper sensitive, I can barely use retinol it gets red. I have retinol on my face as I'm typing this though. I want you to see just how shit my skin is. The disgusting picture I'm about to show you is me before accutane, and after. WARNING YOU MAY THROW UP. I have to do a ton of shit or my face breaks out.


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Yeah, stop that and try aip diet (research this! It's a lot to get into but it's wort it) to identify what's causing your skin to be so oily
idk. Carnivore seems legit tho.
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I have a soruce for accutane bro if you need it.
Yeah bro what is it? I'll microdose accutane just for a few months and take niacin, that's what I had to take past time because it made my triglyceride levels go up. I have all my blood work records on paper from accutane.
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Are you overweight?
My skin is hyper sensitive, I can barely use retinol it gets red. I have retinol on my face as I'm typing this though. I want you to see just how shit my skin is. The disgusting picture I'm about to show you is me before accutane, and after. WARNING YOU MAY THROW UP. I have to do a ton of shit or my face breaks out.
Your skin looks good. I doubt you'll get cystic acne from hopping off the antibiotics. If it starts to happen again, I would do accutane at high dosages to nuke it. Cut dairy out of your diet, or try an elimination diet.


Try this guide, use the routine with Vit C, Niacinamide, Oils, BHAs etc. And pre/probiotics and sourcrawt and kimchi ASAP.
Yeah bro what is it? I'll microdose accutane just for a few months and take niacin, that's what I had to take past time because it made my triglyceride levels go up. I have all my blood work records on paper from accutane.
Yep niacin works fantastic for that. Fish oil too and sun exposure.

The top one is a more trustworthy site, I buy stuff from there. Bottom one is good too!

yes that's fucked up, antiboitics rape your microbiome.
start making sauerkraut and milk kefir right now, other-wise you're going to form some sort of bowel disease.
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How is your mental health and overall brain health?
Energy levels?
Have you checked for any underlying health issues?
Fasting will help your gut bacteria and obviously eating healthy will too but I would stop taking any of that shit unless you absolutely need it for good
yes that's fucked up, antiboitics rape your microbiome.
start making sauerkraut and milk kefir right now, other-wise you're going to form some sort of bowel disease.
surprised he isn't dead tbh. what a stupid derm.
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rest in peace ops serotonin synthesis.
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How is your mental health and overall brain health?
Energy levels?
Have you checked for any underlying health issues?
Fasting will help your gut bacteria and obviously eating healthy will too but I would stop taking any of that shit unless you absolutely need it for good
I've been on it for so long I don't remember what my normal levels are like. But I'm severely depressed right now. If I jack off, I get suicidal the next day. Today I wanted to kill myself all day. My energy levels are kinda shit tbh. I have no idea if it's just me being a lanky tall kid with a fast metabolism though. I eat very healthy, because my body has so many hormonal issues. I know I have/had high estrogen because I have gynocomastia, and I have obviously had cystic acne. I also bloat hard asf if I eat a small amount of carbs. I'm pretty much always full of water from water retention. My skin was SO fucking oily, like oily as a fucking pan to cook food on. And that was 2 hours after washing it. It was incredibly oily, so I probably had high test levels that were causing high estrogen levels. Accutane really saved me once before. I'll hop on it again if my acne starts coming back.
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Accutane causes suppression of your pituitary gland which produces FSH and LH which produces your testosterone along other hormones effecting things like thyroid as well
I would not touch that shit unless you want to fuck yourself

if your acne is that bad it sounds more like a symptom from some underlying issue rather than just shit skin
Go to the doctor and get blood work done
Check for allergies as well make sure you get D3 checked as well
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3 day fast with plenty of water and sunlight will help op.
start drinking kefir, tastes good and very good for your gut
I've been on it for so long I don't remember what my normal levels are like. But I'm severely depressed right now. If I jack off, I get suicidal the next day. Today I wanted to kill myself all day. My energy levels are kinda shit tbh. I have no idea if it's just me being a lanky tall kid with a fast metabolism though. I eat very healthy, because my body has so many hormonal issues. I know I have/had high estrogen because I have gynocomastia, and I have obviously had cystic acne. I also bloat hard asf if I eat a small amount of carbs. I'm pretty much always full of water from water retention. My skin was SO fucking oily, like oily as a fucking pan to cook food on. And that was 2 hours after washing it. It was incredibly oily, so I probably had high test levels that were causing high estrogen levels. Accutane really saved me once before. I'll hop on it again if my acne starts coming back.
Good to know I was almost at the same level as your because of like 15 antibiotic treamtments as a child, it basically destroyed my gut from an early age on so I could never really have access to nutrients etc so I looked like a legit zombie my whole life (to all you muuh environment has no influence muuh genetics predetermined bullshitters)
And yeah from a shit diet my whole life long it logically got worse and had almost the same level of acne as you, oily af skin all the time
Then, like a bit over a year ago I've read into all possible diet improvements for my issues, first got into plant based, which actually made everything A LOT FUCKING MORE WORSE, don't follow that jew shit kids
Then I found out about weston price and the GAPS diet, depends on how strong your will to change your current situation is I would recommend you GAPS for a slower yet more easy healing, if you want it to be more effective go with carnivore+ fasting but only if your bf levels are high enough
Personally I wouldn't touch kefir, even homemade, your gut is probably so fucked that it cannot digest ANY form of dairy, not even sheep or goat milk, learned it the hard way :/
It sadly works only for people with not as much fucked up guts
If you wanna go all the way do raw paleo with high meat etc, definetly helped me the most

Also one thing I can mention for EVERYONE with gastrointestinal problems and/or acne etc
Do a parasite cleanse. Basically when the body is sick and the bacteria cannot digest all the food properly cuz of antibiotics parasites can eaaasily settle in your gut and feast off of all that crap in your body causing for example acne, that is also a thing which made a significant difference in my acne
I recommend hulda clarks parasite cleanse with black walnut, cloves and absinthe
You can pm me for overall more detailed info regarding everything nutrition and health based
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just nuke your gut flora theory
Good to know I was almost at the same level as your because of like 15 antibiotic treamtments as a child, it basically destroyed my gut from an early age on so I could never really have access to nutrients etc so I looked like a legit zombie my whole life (to all you muuh environment has no influence muuh genetics predetermined bullshitters)
And yeah from a shit diet my whole life long it logically got worse and had almost the same level of acne as you, oily af skin all the time
Then, like a bit over a year ago I've read into all possible diet improvements for my issues, first got into plant based, which actually made everything A LOT FUCKING MORE WORSE, don't follow that jew shit kids
Then I found out about weston price and the GAPS diet, depends on how strong your will to change your current situation is I would recommend you GAPS for a slower yet more easy healing, if you want it to be more effective go with carnivore+ fasting but only if your bf levels are high enough
Personally I wouldn't touch kefir, even homemade, your gut is probably so fucked that it cannot digest ANY form of dairy, not even sheep or goat milk, learned it the hard way :/
It sadly works only for people with not as much fucked up guts
If you wanna go all the way do raw paleo with high meat etc, definetly helped me the most

Also one thing I can mention for EVERYONE with gastrointestinal problems and/or acne etc
Do a parasite cleanse. Basically when the body is sick and the bacteria cannot digest all the food properly cuz of antibiotics parasites can eaaasily settle in your gut and feast off of all that crap in your body causing for example acne, that is also a thing which made a significant difference in my acne
I recommend hulda clarks parasite cleanse with black walnut, cloves and absinthe
You can pm me for overall more detailed info regarding everything nutrition and health based
I'll try it out. I can barely eat greasy food or dairy at all though, it makes me break out. And I'm like 15% body fat I'm not sure if I could do carnivore. I stopped the antibiotics yesterday I'm just worried I'm gonna break out really bad tbh.
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4 years ??!! holy fuck you are fucked man
You should take probiotics

Not antibiotics JFL at you OP ngl
Antibiotics for 4 years for acne is fucking insanity. Go to a different dermatologist.
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Probiotics are mostly a meme and I wouldn't recommend it to someone with a healthy gut but it might be worth looking into in your case OP.
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Holy fucking shit your gut is full of literaly super resistent bugs and bacteria we need to launch you to fucking space and away from earth
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tbh, holy shit. Your acne was so severe it persisted after a round of accutane? Did you try multiple rounds of accutane? People with very severe acne can sometimes need 2-3 rounds of accutane for it to be completely gone, but it's usually like they get 1 round, then 5 year it resurfaces and they get another
Probiotics are mostly a meme and I wouldn't recommend it to someone with a healthy gut but it might be worth looking into in your case OP.
I actually agree. The only probiotic that helped me was the megaspore probiotic.
My skin is hyper sensitive, I can barely use retinol it gets red. I have retinol on my face as I'm typing this though. I want you to see just how shit my skin is. The disgusting picture I'm about to show you is me before accutane, and after. WARNING YOU MAY THROW UP. I have to do a ton of shit or my face breaks out.
pizza truecel to mid tier normie, kinda great transformation tbh
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tbh, holy shit. Your acne was so severe it persisted after a round of accutane? Did you try multiple rounds of accutane? People with very severe acne can sometimes need 2-3 rounds of accutane for it to be completely gone, but it's usually like they get 1 round, then 5 year it resurfaces and they get another
Yeah it was that severe. I break out but not NEARLY as bad as before. It was so gross, that teachers and shit would grimace in person looking at me. Imagine the embarassment of being in high school around girls with a face like that dude. It was so humiliating. My dermatologist would not give me a second round of accutane, he just gives me endless cycles of antibiotics. I stopped taking them last night, I'm praying my healthy eating is enough to stop my acne, but I doubt it. I don't want to fuck my intestines any more than they are.
Minocycline and doxycline won't do anything to your hormones and natural bacteries.
God damn, people in this forum are really low IQ, they should shut up instead of talking shit they don't know about.
Minocycline and doxycline won't do anything to your hormones and natural bacteries.
God damn, people in this forum are really low IQ, they should shut up instead of talking shit they don't know about.
Are you sure? Wait minocycline doesn't fuck up the internal gut?
Stop taking antibiotics. Saccharomyces boulardii and raw sheep/goat colostrum for a couple of weeks, then VSL#3 or a similarly concentrated probiotic, zinc and lots fruits daily. Your gut will recover no problem.
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Stop taking antibiotics. Saccharomyces boulardii and raw sheep/goat colostrum for a couple of weeks, then VSL#3 or a similarly concentrated probiotic, zinc and lots fruits daily. Your gut will recover no problem.
Hey man. I always trust your advice when I see it tbh. I also cover my shit in potassium based off your advice. I'm just a little confused, because somebody said that Mino and doxy don't kill gut bacteria? Really confusing tbh
Are you sure? Wait minocycline doesn't fuck up the internal gut?
Minocycline is the best antibiotics for acne because of the lack of side effects and it doesn't change a lot of the gut, making it the most safe to use long term.
Also, don't take acutane if you are below 25, that shit fucks up your hormones, most importantly HGH.
Dermatologists who prescribe that to teens are evil.
Hey man. I always trust your advice when I see it tbh. I also cover my shit in potassium based off your advice. I'm just a little confused, because somebody said that Mino and doxy don't kill gut bacteria? Really confusing tbh
Studies are controversial, some say doxy does reduce the number of certain strains of beneficial bacteria, some say, it doesn't.

Doxycycline causes endocrine disruption in developing mice. Better be safe than sorry imo.
Studies are controversial, some say it does reduce the number of certain strains of beneficial bacteria, some say, it doesn't.

It causes endocrine disruption in developing mice. Better be safe than sorry imo.
I'm just afraid it will cause me to break out horribly again.
I'm just afraid it will cause me to break out horribly again.
Try to sort out the root cause then. Can't help with that though. You might have to fix your digestive system completely for that. The skin eliminates toxins too. Especially when your liver, kidneys and colon don't work properly.
There are so many diseases and conditions related to gut health... Don't you develope ab resistance being on them for too long?
genetic scum

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