I've come to agree with muslims on the virginity question



Sep 6, 2023
telegony is real.when sperm enters a woman's orifice,that sperm not only becomes one with her dna but also exerts lasting effects in the brain.the genetic material of the man is passed on to the woman's offspring,even the offspring she has with another man.

I find this utterly disgusting,and after reading the buried science on this from naturalnews.com I can never marry a woman that is not a virgin.


This limits my choice of women to india(arranged marriage with a virgin christian girl),indonesia(where virginity is common)or a tribe of amerindians that practice such things in central-south america(In contrast to promiscuous 'latinas'amerindian women in those areas are matchmade to a partner and also practice severe modesty laws where they don't even take photos).And Anabaptist women.

Honestely,I would recommend going for a virgin thru a matchmaking arrangement for all of you,it beats the 'dating'and courtship process that USA has imposed on the world.

I don't want to fornicate and I don't like approaching women in either a cold or warm manner due to the high risk of rejection.

My source of happiness and pleasure without sex are digital drugs from I-doser(yes,they work just as good as drugs,I've gotten high a few times off them).

I also recommend the lesser evil of getting a electronic male masturbator and just watching porn over fornicating,the masturbators these days have heat and thrust just like a mouth or vagina,just add lube.

of course,if you can remain without such things and have a extremely strong mind then do that,but this is just a lesser evil I recommend than fornicating.

Everytime you fornicate,you are having sex with all the people she had sex with thru the exchange of energies and even demons(if she did fornication which is the case in 99% of women in the west).

if I could have made any choice as a youth,I would have never fornicated and I would have gotten a Education so I could find a matchmade marriage overseas.I had a dying mom and severe ocd which made that impossible but I think avoiding promiscuous women is a good thing.

There is also the Transfer of demons thru sex with non repentant fornicatresses and engaging in fornication with them.
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F241521643d9591b78cf1a9480ef08c6  rainforest people big oil

I would like to go to the amazon and find a virgin girl that is similar to these by paying them a high price to matchmake me.
Zahy guajajara a336640
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telegony is real.when sperm enters a woman's orifice,that sperm not only becomes one with her dna but also exerts lasting effects in the brain.the genetic material of the man is passed on to the woman's offspring,even the offspring she has with another man.

I find this utterly disgusting,and after reading the buried science on this from naturalnews.com I can never marry a woman that is not a virgin.


This limits my choice of women to india(arranged marriage with a virgin christian girl),indonesia(where virginity is common)or a tribe of amerindians that practice such things in central-south america(In contrast to promiscuous 'latinas'amerindian women in those areas are matchmade to a partner and also practice severe modesty laws where they don't even take photos).And Anabaptist women.

Honestely,I would recommend going for a virgin thru a matchmaking arrangement for all of you,it beats the 'dating'and courtship process that USA has imposed on the world.

I don't want to fornicate and I don't like approaching women in either a cold or warm manner due to the high risk of rejection.

My source of happiness and pleasure without sex are digital drugs from I-doser(yes,they work just as good as drugs,I've gotten high a few times off them).

I also recommend the lesser evil of getting a electronic male masturbator and just watching porn over fornicating,the masturbators these days have heat and thrust just like a mouth or vagina,just add lube.

of course,if you can remain without such things and have a extremely strong mind then do that,but this is just a lesser evil I recommend than fornicating.

Everytime you fornicate,you are having sex with all the people she had sex with thru the exchange of energies and even demons(if she did fornication which is the case in 99% of women in the west).

if I could have made any choice as a youth,I would have never fornicated and I would have gotten a Education so I could find a matchmade marriage overseas.I had a dying mom and severe ocd which made that impossible but I think avoiding promiscuous women is a good thing.

There is also the Transfer of demons thru sex with non repentant fornicatresses and engaging in fornication with them.
Christianity also hates fornicatoon…. So does Judaism

Christianity however unlike Islam is against divorce so a woman can’t remarry to fuck other men like in Islam which happens a lot where I live
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Christianity also hates fornicatoon…. So does Judaism

Christianity however unlike Islam is against divorce so a woman can’t remarry to fuck other men like in Islam which happens a lot where I live
I thought muslimas could only divorce with their husband's permission ?
I thought muslimas could only divorce with their husband's permission ?
Nope the women can issue for divorce if they want. I read up an event 200 years ago of a Muslim woman requesting divorce because her husbands cock was too big in Baghdad. So possibly Shia?

So it’s possible but either way where u live Muslims marry for sexual pleasure a lot then divorce and then get a new spouse. Kinda fucked up tbh, when in Christianity marriage means “till death do us part” only time you can divorce is if your spouse cheats on you.
telegony is real.when sperm enters a woman's orifice,that sperm not only becomes one with her dna but also exerts lasting effects in the brain.the genetic material of the man is passed on to the woman's offspring,even the offspring she has with another man.

I find this utterly disgusting,and after reading the buried science on this from naturalnews.com I can never marry a woman that is not a virgin.


This limits my choice of women to india(arranged marriage with a virgin christian girl),indonesia(where virginity is common)or a tribe of amerindians that practice such things in central-south america(In contrast to promiscuous 'latinas'amerindian women in those areas are matchmade to a partner and also practice severe modesty laws where they don't even take photos).And Anabaptist women.

Honestely,I would recommend going for a virgin thru a matchmaking arrangement for all of you,it beats the 'dating'and courtship process that USA has imposed on the world.

I don't want to fornicate and I don't like approaching women in either a cold or warm manner due to the high risk of rejection.

My source of happiness and pleasure without sex are digital drugs from I-doser(yes,they work just as good as drugs,I've gotten high a few times off them).

I also recommend the lesser evil of getting a electronic male masturbator and just watching porn over fornicating,the masturbators these days have heat and thrust just like a mouth or vagina,just add lube.

of course,if you can remain without such things and have a extremely strong mind then do that,but this is just a lesser evil I recommend than fornicating.

Everytime you fornicate,you are having sex with all the people she had sex with thru the exchange of energies and even demons(if she did fornication which is the case in 99% of women in the west).

if I could have made any choice as a youth,I would have never fornicated and I would have gotten a Education so I could find a matchmade marriage overseas.I had a dying mom and severe ocd which made that impossible but I think avoiding promiscuous women is a good thing.

There is also the Transfer of demons thru sex with non repentant fornicatresses and engaging in fornication with them.
Just marry an Arab they're the best looking virgins
Marrying a curry is death tier

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