I’ve IQ Mogged Everyone I’ve Met In Real Life

Never Get Up

Never Get Up

Keep grindin, keep hustlin, shoot for your dreams
Dec 13, 2023
I’m tired of not having a friend that’s on my level.

Everyone I know is so slow, mentally unstable, and relies on drugs to cope.

I’m constantly thinking about theories on nature.

I’m an extreme clean freak, over doer, and a non procrastinator.

It feels like everyone’s just a retard that I meet.

No one ever debates me in real life because they know they will lose.

My skull is extremely large and my entire life people always bullied me for it.

Being extremely high IQ is draining my enjoyment out of life more than not.

Another theory on why I believe I’m so high IQ is because I’m so skinny.

I’ve never been able to gain weight.

I believe my ancestors where simply not compatible to partake in physical combat, so they had 2 options: either die or expand the brain.

I’ve always wondered why Asians tend to be higher IQ on average.

It’s due to their framework.

In this life of survival, you have to have some redeeming genetic quality to make it.

If not, you die.

Therefor, skinny, small framed people on average tend to have larger thinking capacities because our bodies don’t have the muscle mass and frame to hunt without weapons.

Our ancestors were the ones drawing out the blueprints and formulating ways on crafting weapons for the tall, wide framed chads to dominate the animals.

Obviously there are outliers like Adolph Lundgren.

Anyone want to start coming up with theories with me? It feels like I am in a world of my own most of the time. I can’t relate to anyone in real life.
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  • JFL
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Joined Dec 13, 2023
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Not how it works. This pattern literally only applies to East Asians, just look at the Netherlands lmao. Germanic whites have generally large frames and tend to be taller than average yet still have some of the highest IQs on Earth. How old are you OP? If you're this narcy I would've expected at least a modicum of something to back it up
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Joined Dec 13, 2023
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You have a negative post to rep ratio, therefor your “colored name” holds no value you subhuman.
iq mog is ueless nigga
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Not how it works. This pattern literally only applies to East Asians, just look at the Netherlands lmao. Germanic whites have generally large frames and tend to be taller than average yet still have some of the highest IQs on Earth. How old are you OP? If you're this narcy I would've expected at least a modicum of something to back it up
All I know is, eveyrone I’ve met that’s considered well intellectually have always been small framed, skinny people. Not necessarily short though. Just anecdotal evidence from my area.
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My skull is extremely large and my entire life people always bullied me for it.
IMG 0491

The skull in question
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  • JFL
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Not how it works. This pattern literally only applies to East Asians, just look at the Netherlands lmao. Germanic whites have generally large frames and tend to be taller than average yet still have some of the highest IQs on Earth. How old are you OP? If you're this narcy I would've expected at least a modicum of something to back it up
memorizing books because of abusive parents = iq jfl at all these fucking retards
  • JFL
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All I know is, eveyrone I’ve met that’s considered well intellectually have always been small framed, skinny people. Not necessarily short though. Just anecdotal evidence from my area.
Probably because incel tier men are simply more likely to cope with their subhumanity by pursuing academics. If you haven't taken an actual IQ test conducted by a psychologist you just sound like a narcy coping teencel really
  • +1
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Probably because incel tier men are simply more likely to cope with their subhumanity by pursuing academics. If you haven't taken an actual IQ test conducted by a psychologist you just sound like a narcy coping teencel really
I’m 21 and what you said is somewhat true. However, I started playing games and competing for real money at only the age of 5 back in 2007. I’ve always been a gamer even before my sub humanity manifested.
I’m 21 and what you said is somewhat true. However, I started playing games and competing for real money at only the age of 5 back in 2007. I’ve always been a gamer even before my sub humanity manifested.
Brutal ngl. Are you an aspie
Being extremely high IQ is draining my enjoyment out of life more than not.
same its genuinely not good to have iq past a certain level.......same with muscles, if i had to make an on the spot comparison....
You have a negative post to rep ratio, therefor your “colored name” holds no value you subhuman.
negative, huh? you sure you don't mean >1 ratio? low IQ confirmed.
My IQ is 80 and I'm an artist.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 55314, Deleted member 8758, Harry from mogwarts and 2 others
So how old are you?
high iq but doesn't know u need to eat in a caloric surplus to gain weight

  • JFL
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  • JFL
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what have you done with your life. Tell me some of your accomplishments. Man oh man you must be so bright.
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Harry from mogwarts and funkyflamingo
I am the single most retarded person I've ever met.
  • JFL
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Do you live in Africa?
  • JFL
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Dunning-Kruger effect, in psychology, a cognitive bias whereby people with limited knowledge or competence in a given intellectual or social domain greatly overestimate their own knowledge or competence in that domain relative to objective criteria or to the performance of their peers or of people in general. According to the researchers for whom it is named, psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger, the effect is explained by the fact that the metacognitive ability to recognize deficiencies in one’s own knowledge or competence requires that one possess at least a minimum level of the same kind of knowledge or competence, which those who exhibit the effect have not attained. Because they are unaware of their deficiencies, such people generally assume that they are not deficient, in keeping with the tendency of most people to “choose what they think is the most reasonable and optimal option.” Although not scientifically explored until the late 20th century, the phenomenon is familiar from ordinary life, and it has long been attested in common sayings—e.g., “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”—and in observations by writers and wits through the ages—e.g., “Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge” (Charles Darwin).

In the studies reported on in their paper “Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One’s Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments” (1999), Dunning and Kruger tested the abilities of four groups of young adults in three domains: humour, logic (reasoning), and grammar. The results supported their predictions that, as compared with their more competent peers, “incompetent individuals…will dramatically overestimate their ability and performance relative to objective criteria”; that they “will be less able…to recognize competence when they see it” (whether their own or someone else’s); that they “will be less able…to gain insight into their true level of performance” by comparing their own performance with that of others; and, paradoxically, that they can improve their ability to recognize their own incompetence by becoming more competent, “thus providing them[selves] the metacognitive skills necessary to be able to realize that they have performed poorly.”
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I’m tired of not having a friend that’s on my level.

Everyone I know is so slow, mentally unstable, and relies on drugs to cope.

I’m constantly thinking about theories on nature.

I’m an extreme clean freak, over doer, and a non procrastinator.

It feels like everyone’s just a retard that I meet.

No one ever debates me in real life because they know they will lose.

My skull is extremely large and my entire life people always bullied me for it.

Being extremely high IQ is draining my enjoyment out of life more than not.

Another theory on why I believe I’m so high IQ is because I’m so skinny.

I’ve never been able to gain weight.

I believe my ancestors where simply not compatible to partake in physical combat, so they had 2 options: either die or expand the brain.

I’ve always wondered why Asians tend to be higher IQ on average.

It’s due to their framework.

In this life of survival, you have to have some redeeming genetic quality to make it.

If not, you die.

Therefor, skinny, small framed people on average tend to have larger thinking capacities because our bodies don’t have the muscle mass and frame to hunt without weapons.

Our ancestors were the ones drawing out the blueprints and formulating ways on crafting weapons for the tall, wide framed chads to dominate the animals.

Obviously there are outliers like Adolph Lundgren.

Anyone want to start coming up with theories with me? It feels like I am in a world of my own most of the time. I can’t relate to anyone in real life.

how bro felt after saying that
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 55314
@moggedlol whats funny lil nigga, u wanna get mogged little boy?
  • JFL
Reactions: User28823
for OP:

2, 12, 45, 112, 275, ?
I’ve known about mewing since 2018 so why is that hard to believe?
dude... so did i dumbass.
the while benefit of knowing something is do you can act on that information
you don't post on an incel subforum about how you were the first
dude... so did i dumbass.
the while benefit of knowing something is do you can act on that information
you don't post on an incel subforum about how you were the first
This isn’t an incel forum
That's still happening. Nerds designing weapons for Chads to dominate world. Nerds get high salary in return and use it to maybe get Chad's leftovers.
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Reactions: Nick.Harte
They were probably higher in than you and avoided you because you weren’t on the same level as them.
  • JFL
Reactions: Never Get Up
let me guess ... academic accomplishments - 0, knowledge/skills - 0, interests - internet bullshit, income - 0, would die within 3 weeks without mom taking care of you
  • JFL
Reactions: looksmaxxerrr, Deleted member 55314, mogstars and 1 other person
we wuz high iq and shiieett
I’m tired of not having a friend that’s on my level.

Everyone I know is so slow, mentally unstable, and relies on drugs to cope.

I’m constantly thinking about theories on nature.

I’m an extreme clean freak, over doer, and a non procrastinator.

It feels like everyone’s just a retard that I meet.

No one ever debates me in real life because they know they will lose.

My skull is extremely large and my entire life people always bullied me for it.

Being extremely high IQ is draining my enjoyment out of life more than not.

Another theory on why I believe I’m so high IQ is because I’m so skinny.

I’ve never been able to gain weight.

I believe my ancestors where simply not compatible to partake in physical combat, so they had 2 options: either die or expand the brain.

I’ve always wondered why Asians tend to be higher IQ on average.

It’s due to their framework.

In this life of survival, you have to have some redeeming genetic quality to make it.

If not, you die.

Therefor, skinny, small framed people on average tend to have larger thinking capacities because our bodies don’t have the muscle mass and frame to hunt without weapons.

Our ancestors were the ones drawing out the blueprints and formulating ways on crafting weapons for the tall, wide framed chads to dominate the animals.

Obviously there are outliers like Adolph Lundgren.

Anyone want to start coming up with theories with me? It feels like I am in a world of my own most of the time. I can’t relate to anyone in real life.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 55314 and Primalsplit
Lol. This is always what happens with low class iqlets. A guy claims he is intelligent and everyone instantly jumps into pathetic attempts to beat him down for no reason, calls him a liar, wondering why he's not making 6 figures at age 15 (jfl :lul:)... All the meanwhile the guys trying to belittle him are inbreds with extremely shit lives.

Only guys like Dolph Lundgren who have brains and brawns seem to get their cock sucked by the general public.

This is the reason why guys like @MoggerGaston are lonely and perma depressed btw.
I’m tired of not having a friend that’s on my level.

Everyone I know is so slow, mentally unstable, and relies on drugs to cope.

I’m constantly thinking about theories on nature.

I’m an extreme clean freak, over doer, and a non procrastinator.

It feels like everyone’s just a retard that I meet.

No one ever debates me in real life because they know they will lose.

My skull is extremely large and my entire life people always bullied me for it.

Being extremely high IQ is draining my enjoyment out of life more than not.

Another theory on why I believe I’m so high IQ is because I’m so skinny.

I’ve never been able to gain weight.

I believe my ancestors where simply not compatible to partake in physical combat, so they had 2 options: either die or expand the brain.

I’ve always wondered why Asians tend to be higher IQ on average.

It’s due to their framework.

In this life of survival, you have to have some redeeming genetic quality to make it.

If not, you die.

Therefor, skinny, small framed people on average tend to have larger thinking capacities because our bodies don’t have the muscle mass and frame to hunt without weapons.

Our ancestors were the ones drawing out the blueprints and formulating ways on crafting weapons for the tall, wide framed chads to dominate the animals.

Obviously there are outliers like Adolph Lundgren.

Anyone want to start coming up with theories with me? It feels like I am in a world of my own most of the time. I can’t relate to anyone in real life.
If everyone seems low IQ, you’re the low IQ
  • JFL
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