i've talked to my father, he said he'll pay me ticket to London

the BULL

the BULL

Looks mafia associate (accept the mog)
Oct 1, 2021
@Xangsane @FailedNormieManlet meet me and see if i'm only making things up and am crazy. come meet the lion.
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@Xangsane @FailedNormieManlet meet me and see if i'm only making things up and am crazy. come meet the lion.
What will we do?
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Bro I will actually meet you

Come and mog me then we go to Mcdonald's
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  • JFL
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i mog you, you tell me that i'm a mogger and you shut up.
step foot in the UK and I can take you to visit a therapist as my treat
  • JFL
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step foot in the UK and I can take you to visit a therapist as my treat
i don't need a therapist, both you and him are incels. you need a reality check and to get why you don't get same treatment as me
  • JFL
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i don't need a therapist, both you and him are incels. you need a reality check and to get why you don't get same treatment as me
when have I ever said we are treated the same?
I’d acc wanna meet ya bull but I’m not in London:feelswah:
when have I ever said we are treated the same?
you keep saying that i'm a schizo and that i larp. the only schizos here are you, him and other ppl who post incel content.
  • JFL
Reactions: FailedNormieManlet
you keep saying that i'm a schizo and that i larp. the only schizos here are you, him and other ppl who post incel content.
I had only said previously in PM that I thought you LARPed when you told me you got approached by some girls on the streets, other than that I have never called you a LARPer.

On the other hand, the stuff I post is never LARP and is true. You are mentally ill dude, take some time off this site
I had only said previously in PM that I thought you LARPed when you told me you got approached by some girls on the streets, other than that I have never called you a LARPer.

On the other hand, the stuff I post is never LARP and is true. You are mentally ill dude, take some time off this site
see, you keep going with your narrative. i mog you and him to shit, come meet me irl and see if i'm not approachable
see, you keep going with your narrative. i mog you and him to shit, come meet me irl and see if i'm not approachable
even if you mog, how does that invalidate anything I have said?
you are aware I don't fit under the technical definition of incel right
i don't give a shit about you or him. just stop posting incel content and you won't get reported
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  • JFL
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i don't give a shit about you or him. just stop posting incel content and you won't get reported
what are you even on about
what are you even on about
it's simple, ppl like you and @Xangsane say that only one certain type of guys can get laid, that women get treated better, if you have chad treatment despite not fitting your definition of chad you call them larpers, and you fuel hate and misoginy when nothing of this is needed and real life is perfectly functioning. if you keep going i report you to the police, is simple.
  • JFL
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@Xangsane @FailedNormieManlet meet me and see if i'm only making things up and am crazy. come meet the lion.
You guys going for a nandos or something?
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it's simple, ppl like you and @Xangsane say that only one certain type of guys can get laid, that women get treated better, if you have chad treatment despite not fitting your definition of chad you call them larpers, and you fuel hate and misoginy when nothing of this is needed and real life is perfectly functioning. if you keep going i report you to the police, is simple.
muh reporting to police is incel trait
idc, it's no use doing some crazy shit. i'll just go for the conventional route
fight him irl i agree macho stuff . but this is cucked . and rn you sound like thise sjw woke niggas . muh he offended me😸
fight him irl i agree macho stuff . but this is cucked . and rn you sound like thise sjw woke niggas . muh he offended me😸
you don't understand. ppl here post incel content that have 0 relation to how things work irl, they think that if you don't fit a certain stereotype you aren't desirable to women, and fuel hate and rage towards female gender. it's no use to fight those ppl, they need to be stopped.
you don't understand. ppl here post incel content that have 0 relation to how things work irl, they think that if you don't fit a certain stereotype you aren't desirable to women, and fuel hate and rage towards female gender. it's no use to fight those ppl, they need to be stopped.
i agree . psl is not real life . most people are fixated on blackpill . blackpill is debunked multiple times here . real life has different rules but looks matter but not like people think here. dont you see the atrocities against the males irl ????
it's simple, ppl like you and @Xangsane say that only one certain type of guys can get laid, that women get treated better, if you have chad treatment despite not fitting your definition of chad you call them larpers, and you fuel hate and misoginy when nothing of this is needed and real life is perfectly functioning. if you keep going i report you to the police, is simple.
Can you give an example? I think I have told people that being NT matters a lot and guys can get away with poor looks if they are NT enough. I just think you are painting a weird picture of me in your head lol.
the Bull i want u to mog me HARD irl will u come to India bro
Can you give an example? I think I have told people that being NT matters a lot and guys can get away with poor looks if they are NT enough. I just think you are painting a weird picture of me in your head lol.
it's no use talking about this stuff with you people. you always go by "yeah that dude is nt" when even autists and social rejectes can get laid. ppl with no money, everyone. you just don't even try, go to incel forums saying some bullshit trying to make it become a reality, like males can't get sex if they don't fit x and y, supported by the fact that better people have it easier (water). you try to display this image that chad's life is perfect and nothing can happen when drama is the foundation of everything, no one goes anywhere without drama but you can't relate because you have 0 life experience.
it's no use talking about this stuff with you people. you always go by "yeah that dude is nt" when even autists and social rejectes can get laid. ppl with no money, everyone. you just don't even try, go to incel forums saying some bullshit trying to make it become a reality, like males can't get sex if they don't fit x and y, supported by the fact that better people have it easier (water). you try to display this image that chad's life is perfect and nothing can happen when drama is the foundation of everything, no one goes anywhere without drama but you can't relate because you have 0 life experience.
>life experience

What are you on about you basement dweller? You're making no sense, you are literally a butthurt narcy.
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>life experience

What are you on about you basement dweller? You're making no sense, you are literally a butthurt narcy.
yeah because before lockdown i never went out according to you. keep posting your incel content, women only wanting chads etc. and see what happens. i don't want to be associated with people like you, you have 0 understanding of how normal ppl behave.
  • JFL
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yeah because before lockdown i never went out according to you. keep posting your incel content, women only wanting chads etc. and see what happens. i don't want to be associated with people like you, you have 0 understanding of how normal ppl behave.
I'm so confused dude
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I'm so confused dude
you fuel misoginy and rage by saying this shit online. remember that everyone can come here and read your stuff and make some opinion based on something he read here because he didn't have the opportunity to have some real life experience. everyone can get sex every shit in the world, females' life is not easier, hypergamy doesn't exist.
  • JFL
Reactions: EverythingMattersCel, Deleted member 15827 and FailedNormieManlet
you fuel misoginy and rage by saying this shit online. remember that everyone can come here and read your stuff and make some opinion based on something he read here because he didn't have the opportunity to have some real life experience. everyone can get sex every shit in the world, females' life is not easier, hypergamy doesn't exist.
So I fuel misogyny because I decided to tell a few stories on how dating/clubbing was for me and a few other users agreed?

I think you are projecting here dude, my posts literally live rent free in your head
So I fuel misogyny because I decided to tell a few stories on how dating/clubbing was for me and a few other users agreed?

I think you are projecting here dude, my posts literally live rent free in your head
you're full of shit, you don't even try or try with stacies who mog you, and then come here to spill bullshit reinforcing this false view in which females live better lifes, males are sexless etc. etc. all a pile of bullshit to foment hate
  • JFL
Reactions: FailedNormieManlet
you're full of shit, you don't even try or try with stacies who mog you, and then come here to spill bullshit reinforcing this false view in which females live better lifes, males are sexless etc. etc. all a pile of bullshit to foment hate
Wdym I don't try? I'm not a virgin, I have dated girls and have had some success with women lol. Some of my posts are satirical at times. I think you lack life experience and upon reading my posts you end up feeling depressed
Wdym I don't try? I'm not a virgin, I have dated girls and have had some success with women lol. Some of my posts are satirical at times. I think you lack life experience and upon reading my posts you end up feeling depressed
this is not about me curry. you just fuel hate on the internet, i couldn't give a shit about your past experience, you always generalise at the end.
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Wow an easy jet flight from Italy to london so expensive
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this is not about me curry. you just fuel hate on the internet, i couldn't give a shit about your past experience, you always generalise at the end.
I doubt it
  • JFL
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what you doubt?? your post history is right here, so is xangsane's, so is everyone's else who post incel content.
your theory that my posts fuel any sort of hate.

The people who have found this site and bothered to actually read my posts are already lost causes
your theory that my posts fuel any sort of hate.

The people who have found this site and bothered to actually read my posts are already lost causes
cope, many people come here and read this shit. someone reads it and posts it somewhere else, and so on. in the end it reaches mainstream media and ppl start acting like it is true and so some shit.
  • JFL
Reactions: FailedNormieManlet
cope, many people come here and read this shit. someone reads it and posts it somewhere else, and so on. in the end in reaches mainstream media and ppl start acting like it is true and so some shit.
so me writing stories about what happens to me in clubs and whatnot is enough for people to go insane? Go stick your SJW stuff somewhere else
i would not like to meet up with someone so aggressive who only looks for conflict
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so me writing stories about what happens to me in clubs and whatnot is enough for people to go insane? Go stick your SJW stuff somewhere else
it's all bullshit bro, one day you say girls approach you, the day after all males are incels. you just want to sow anger like many ppl here
  • JFL
Reactions: FailedNormieManlet
it's all bullshit bro, one day you say girls approach you, the day after all males are incels. you just want to sow anger like many ppl here
mirin your low iq and lack of understanding of hyperbole

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