Jack and stacked red-piller Loser mind set beware Bone-Chilling



Jun 17, 2019
Guys sadly into looksmaxing or into the redpil/black mindset and take on this defeatest loser mind-set, after watching videos like these. Thsi jacked-and stacked makes no sense. Wanting to suck and fuck women is almost a biological need, as studies say it has phsyical and mental effects on men who don't get sexual access and touch from women in a sexual manner and those experience PHYSICAL PAIN and MENTAL STRESS. This guy is acting wanting to fuck and suck women , even more so multiple women is a chad/tyrone thing, and something you just grow out of of. Thats like telling a man in a third world country he should just accept eating garbage off the streets and accept hes fate as being a garbage eater all hes life and wanting to get a better shitty job so he can get basic food in country isn;t worth it and a waste of time.

Clown show talk as he says you have to accept you will never be a chad/tyrone and suave with the women and attractive. He says men who do this as they get older are making up for lose-time, as if when your very young is the only time you will have those urges to fuck women let alone multiple women.Most men have already accepted they will never be chad/tyrone the goal is to be the best you can be and be suave to get the WOMEN you can get. He says your not that guy, well no duh. I feel people like this get upset because they belive you need to stay in your place, they see you as a loser and get upset your didn't just give up. Why would they be upset you say, its because they belive your going agaisnt social order and will somehow decline or distrupt society and mating dynamics in a way,

Thats why you get folks upset at the men they find as lowers or lower tier won't wife up single mothers and help raise all the children,they believe society is best if those men accept their roles that their losers in mating and accept this role.

Jack and stacked is basically red-pill/black pill babble talk and female babble talk. This talk about if you want sexual access to women or to bang multple women, it means your immature, the folks who say this are on BS talk 75-90 percent of the things humans do is drectly linked to sexual access.

go to 12:00 in the video

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Redpillers are out of touch with biology
Redpillers are out of touch with biology
these folks don't realize its chemical biological need to want to suck and fuck women let alone multple women. This jack and stacked even said on hes most recent videos when he was younger he didn't do well with women till he was age 23. So i guess why didn't he accept being a loser when he was 23 and just rot. Now he claims he does well with women now.

Like i said this is nothing more then red-pill babble talk and low key bragging. Basically hes saying he gets women now and does better then most men, and since your a loser and your getting older , sex shouldn't be that important and your number one priority to YOU and you should just accept being a loser.

NEVER ever trust a persons words but look at the actions and consistency. You doesn't even practice what he preaches aka the rules don't apply to me , but apply to you since your a LOSER.
he's right, he went through all the phases, blue red and recently has finally landed on black

Like i said this is nothing more then red-pill babble talk and low key bragging. Basically hes saying he gets women now and does better then most men, and since your a loser and your getting older , sex shouldn't be that important and your number one priority to YOU and you should just accept being a loser
you are not understanding the point - real chads and top men get as much sex as they want from when they are young teenagers, and by the time they are in their 20s, they start focusing on other goals

it has happened with all the chads I know IRL

chasing worthless hoes well into your adult life is incel behavior, you are just making up for missing out and being fundamentally deficient
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he's right, 90% of people won't make it. that guy eating garbage on the streets in calcutta has maybe a 0.001% chance of becoming middle class

everyone thinks they're he statistical outlier. it just doesn't work that way.
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he's right, he went through all the phases, blue red and recently has finally landed on black

you are not understanding the point - real chads and top men get as much sex as they want from when they are young teenagers, and by the time they are in their 20s, they start focusing on other goals

it has happened with all the chads I know IRL

chasing worthless hoes well into your adult life is incel behavior, you are just making up for missing out and being fundamentally deficient
bro this isnt rocket science, i never said i didn't understand what he was saying. What you said made no sense, as if magically ADULTS don't seek to have sex with members of the opposite sex even into old age. what your saying is babble talk. Blue-pill shit. I swear some on this forum are insane. Low iq talk making up for missed time talk.

brings up so called chad friends;) when i talking about men in general.
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he's right, he went through all the phases, blue red and recently has finally landed on black

you are not understanding the point - real chads and top men get as much sex as they want from when they are young teenagers, and by the time they are in their 20s, they start focusing on other goals

it has happened with all the chads I know IRL

chasing worthless hoes well into your adult life is incel behavior, you are just making up for missing out and being fundamentally deficient
go rot in your room, dont bring your loser mind set on me, wash your cheetos stained shirt. :ROFLMAO: INsane stright up losers given up on life and think everyone else is like them:ROFLMAO:

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